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I walked around with Emma. The Las Vegas lights illuminating our path. I had a cigarette in my mouth as we walked. She wore a hoodie, shorts and stockings with boots.

"So your outfit makes sense now." She said, "Though aren't you worried it will draw attention?"

"It has work for me for the week so no." I said.

"Where you from?" She asked.

"You see the news?" I asked.

"Yeah, but what does that... Wait your the California Conduit. The one they wanna find." She asked.

"Yeah... My mom was able to buy me some time. My father... He was a cunt." I said exhaling.

"Well at least you had a mom that gave a damn." She said.

"Yeah when I took your symptoms I saw... Your memories." I said.

"How much?" She asked.

"Enough." I said.

"Yeah... Well I made some friends who don't care." She said, "Oh can we stop here?" She asked standing next to a music store.

"What for?" I asked.

"Return these." She said holding a few CD's.

"Need help?" I asked.

"No I'll be fine, just wait here." She said and looked around. She put up her hood and tied a scarf around her mouth, then turned into music and moved to a speaker inside. She appeared inside the store and vanished in the dark.

"Woah... I gotta learn that." I said. I decided to take this time to check my quests.



Train with Emma and advance your music abilities.

Rewards: Free abilities, $50, Jazz CD.

Gain a second power!

Find another Prime Conduit and absorb their powers.

Rewards: 1000 Xp and $1000.


"Interesting quests, What's this?" I questioned glancing a menu.


DLC Downloaded:
Remnant: 10%
Kuoh Academy: 5%
Empire: 2.5%


"So these are the DLC? Seems I have to wait for them to download... Guess I can use this time to get my powers stronger."

I heard Emma appear next to me, "So... What was that?" I asked.

"Oh so apparently I can turn into music and use anything that can generate sound to teleport." She said.

"That's awesome." I said. So that's music warp.

"Right! Oh I got some new CD's." She said.

"New or..." I began.

"No I get them used. Don't wanna make them lose money cause of my theft." She said.

"I see."

We walked a few minutes in silence enjoying each other's company.

"So you in a band?" I asked.

"Oh right... I'm the singer. Wyatt is the drummer and I have a few friends. We play Jazz." She said.

"Jazz huh... Interesting." I said exhaling.

"Oh here we are." She said, "A nice secluded area where we can practice." She said pointing to a freeway underpass.

"Sounds good." I said flicking the cigarette bud away.


Emma set up a few dummies and began to instruct me.

"Alright so... You have to focus your powers. Though something that helps me is music. Just imagine it vibrates through your body and into your desired area." She said as music began to manifest from her hand. She aimed her hand to a dummy, "Then push the music out." She said firing a burst of sound at the dummy pushing it to the floor. It gave off a drum beat with every pulse, I counted three beats per pulse.

"Alright give it a try." She said motioning me to the dummies. I raised my hand and tried to focus the sound of music. I felt my bones vibrate as though I had a drum sound play throughout my body. I felt my hand give off such a strong beat that my bones shook violently. I fired one beat and hit the dummy causing it to shake.


Ability unlocked!

Beat Lv: 1
Fire one beat from your hands causing 10 dmg. 20 energy cost.


"You did it! That's great. I started with one beat at first so if you practice enough you'll get more beats per pulse." Emma said.

"Yeah... Thanks coach." I said to her.

"Now let's see if we can get you to learn any new skills." She said looking around.


I laid on the ground exhausted. I learned a few new skills thanks to Emma.


Beat Lv: 1

Dub Blast Lv: 1
Send a shockwave of bone shattering dubstep at her targets causing them to be stunned and unable to move. 20 dmg to targets. 100 charge cost.

Solo Bomb Lv: 1
Toss a ball of disorienting music that will stun targets while causing 20 dmg. 50 charge cost.

Heavy Rock-et Lv: 1
Send a rocket of condensed bone shattering heavy metal causing 50 dmg to targets. 200 charge cost.


"God it takes so much out of me to support these abilities." I sighed.

"Yeah... It sucks. Just train and you should get better." Emma said sitting beside me. Silence over took the two of us as I tried to catch my breath, "Wanna have sex?"

"Training can wait." I said sitting up as Emma got on her feet.

"Let's head back to my place for some privacy."


I sat outside, smoking a cigarette, glancing at the sun as it rose up.


Quest Complete!

Stay off the radar.

Rewards:$50 and 30 XP.


Dailies refreshed;


Raise one skill by one level.

Rewards: $50, 100 XP, Pack of Cigarettes.

Stay off the radar!

23:01:52 remaining.

Rewards: $50 and 30 XP


Buff activated!

Bonus 10% XP if grouped with Emma. Bonus 5 speech for 23:01:44


"Hey." Emma said walking outside.

"Sleep well?" I asked.

"Yeah. I slept really well. Haven't had that great sleep in a while." She said stretching.

I learned one thing when we went another round. My libido raises a level per orgasm. I'm currently at Level 3. Not sure what benefits there are to each scale. I mean skills that have more than ten levels have a bonus every ten levels.

"Hey?" She called.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Wanna come to my performance? You can hear my band and we can have some fun. Maybe a little backstage fun." She winked.

"You are one kinky woman... I would have said yes even without the promise of sex." I said.

"So you coming?" She asked.

"Want me to pull out?" I asked.

"Nah I think I'm good for some... Raw kinky sex." She smiled.

"Okay... Where have you been all my life?" I asked.

"I don't know, but if we keep this talk going I'm seriously gonna need a quickie before tonight." She said.

"Shall we stop?" I asked.

"... Yeah let's save it for later." She winked, "Oh we should get you some better clothes. You have money?"

"Let me see..." I said and pulled out my wallet, but really was reading my inventory.

Cash: $75,621

"Yep." I said.

"Cool let's get you a suit." She said walked away.

"Cool. I'll get a new set of clothes as well." I said.


Quest start!

Get new clothes!

Rewards: 100 XP


I sat with Emma in a park I bought a suit and some new clothes. She played some music from her phone and we sat together having a light snack from a nearby store. The view was great as the trees flowed with the breeze.

The DUP was patrolling more and more of the city. Some Cruisers rode around the streets, the letters DUP painted yellow on them.

"Say. I have a friend who plays the piano in our band, Milandra. She's a bit... Reserved when it comes to conduits. So be... Gentle."

"Emma... I am gentle... You should know that." I said.

"Okay... I'm getting aroused... Let's keep the innuendos out of the conversations till tonight." She giggled.

"No promises." I said.

"Attention: All citizens of the United States are required to report all Conduit activity to the DUP. Conduits are dangerous and the DUP are trained to handle them."

"Glad I left Kansas. The southern part of the US... Conduits get lynched. I don't like the DUP but at least they arrest us than just execute us." She mumbled.

"Yeah... But I don't plan to lose my freedom." I said.

"Yeah. Me neither. My band is planning to move out of Las Vegas and move to Seattle." She said.

"Not a bad plan..." I said.

"Wanna come with us?" She asked.

"I mean... If your band doesn't mind." I said.

"It would be nice to stick around together. You know conduit to conduit." She said, "So... How did your family handle the news?"

"My step father called the DUP the moment I was found to be a conduit. My step sisters and mother helped me escape the city." I said.

"Really? Your mom and sisters... Nice to have someone who cares." she said.

"Yeah... Twin step sisters. Basically have a night and day personality. Nina is Nihilistic and Mira is very shy. We had a good relationship. Mira always asked me to show up during her gymnastics and cheer competitions, Nina says I'm the only person she can talk to." I said.

"They in California?" She asked.

"Should be. I keep in touch telling them I'm fine." I said as I pulled out my phone and glanced at it, "Haven't heard from them in a while. Maybe I'll visit them before I head to Seattle." I said putting my phone away.

Quest Start!

Visit your sisters and Mother!

Rewards: Affection gained from allies, $4k, 1k XP.

"Can I meet them?" She asked.

"Sure. If you don't mind a detour. I doubt the DUP will expect me to go back to California." I said.

"We'll see." She said leaning back, "Wanna train your powers?"

"Sounds good to me." I said standing up.


I wore the suit I bought and glanced at the time. Emma had left early to get ready and I was about to head out.

Quest start!

Attend Emma's performance!

Rewards: New Ally, Bonus affection with Emma.

I was able to complete one of my daily quests. Still haven't leveled up yet. I left Emma's place and headed to the address she gave me.

The DUP seem to lower their patrols as they haven't found any sign of conduits. Though I do see a few cruisers drive about and drones fly around. When I arrived at the place I was pulled to the side by Emma. She wore a very nice red dress.

"Hey aren't you supposed to..."

"Shut up and come with me." She said dragging me away to the back. She lead me to an unoccupied closet and pushed me in closing it behind her.

"Okay..." I mumbled.

"Alright so Mila is a bit stressed and... You're good at easing up tension." She said.

"Okay... Why are we in a closet?" I asked. There was a knock but it was in three beats then a long pause then another three beats. Emma opened the door and let a girl with short brown hair enter. She wore a shorter red dress and was about an inch shorter than Emma.

"Alright Mila this is my friend F/N." Emma said.

"H-hi." She mumbled.

"Sup. Okay what do you need my help with?" I asked, "And why in this closet?"

"Wyatt is being an ass and it's making her nervous. Hell I'm even getting a bit stressed." Emma said.

"Okay... How am I supposed to..." I began.

"Drop your pants."

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Emma you sure?" Mila asked.

"Trust me this is a huge stress relief... F/N why are your pants still on?" She asked.

"Are we..." I began then noticed Mila was removing her dress.

"Okay... Not that I'm against this, but... Isn't there a better way to relax? I mean I just met the girl." I asked.

"Didn't stop you with me. You got any better ideas?" Emma asked.

"I probably could think of something... If I wasn't in this situation." I said.

"Then shut up and drop your pants."


After easing the tension for the two of them I found an empty table and sat down. I glanced at my abilities to see if anything changed. I got Mila's number after doing her that favor.

Libido Lv: 13
Your hands soothe women and they feel relaxed when touched by you.

"Well that happened. So... Threesomes double the level increase... Good to know. Though I'm still curious as to why I started with a Libido level of 6..."

I thought to myself and glanced at the time. Emma came up and her band began to play. Her singing is... Something. Honestly how is she not a professional already...

The people seem to enjoy it and I noticed one person in the crowd. She was always in the news speaking for the DUP.

"Brooke Augustine." I mumbled and glanced away. Though her presence didn't unnerve me. What unnerved me was her level.

Brooke Augustine: Lv ???
DUP Commander

Class: Beast

"She's the first person I met with a different class."

Relax she's just here to pass the time. She doesn't know me or Emma are conduits. I hope... Wait... If I can just, no... That will ruin Emma's night.

Emma sang three songs and man they were great. I even forgot the DUP's commander was here for a moment.

Emma got off the stage and move towards me along with Mila.

"So what did you think?" She asked.

"How are you not famous yet?" I asked.

"See I told you. Your voice is great." Mila said to her, "You haven't even sang for him?"

"Good to see you relaxed." I said.

"Oh... Um... Thanks for the help." She mumbled.

"Anytime." I said.


New Ally!

Milandra "Mila" Grant: Girlfriend Lv: 3

Rank Bonus: sleeping with Emma boost Dex by 5 for 24 hours. Young women are 5% easier to persuade.

Emma Noir: Girlfriend Lv: 47


"See he isn't so scary." Emma said.

"That was a lovely voice." Augustine said as she stood next to us.


"Thanks. Music is a huge passion of mine and I can't help but sing." Emma said calmly.


Emma is anxious.

Milandra is anxious.


"I came here due to a report on a Bio-Terrorist. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that right?" Augustine said.

"Um... No... It's been very quiet here and I just like to sing so I don't really pay attention." Emma said.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I scan you with this?" She asked holding a tablet in her hands. I glanced over at Mila and saw her shaking.

"Mila go see the rest of the band and help them pack up." I said to her.

"Y-yes sure." She said walking away. I expected Augustine to call and scan her, but she didn't. She was focused on Emma, meaning someone ratted her out. Emma glanced at me for help and I could see her eyes were full of fear.

Quest start!

Save Emma!

Rewards: 5000 XP, $20000, Mutation.

"Augustine... It's a pleasure to meet you and might I add I'm grateful for your work." I said standing up trying to shake her hand.

"I'm a bit busy here sir. So can you please let me do my job." She said coldly.

"Come on. Ever heard of Approval ratings? I just wanna make sure the DUP looks good greeting someone they are protecting." I said holding my hand to her.

"Well... I'm glad to have the support of the people." She said and grabbed my hand. That's when I began to drain her power.

"Emma... Run!" I shouted as I began to read Augustine's thoughts.


"Hi, you have reached the D.U.P. help line, do you have a bio-terrorist incident to report?"

"Yeah I have knowledge of a Bio-Terrorist showing up at this club. She's a singer and I believe she plans to do something."

"This is Brooke Augustine. Can you confirm she is a Bio-Terrorist?"

"Yes. I have seen her use her powers. She seems to be using music. She might be brainwashing those she sings to."

"I'll investigate the matter myself. Thank you for your assistance."


Level Up! Skill point awarded!
Level Up! Skill point awarded!
Level Up! Skill point awarded!
Level Up! Skill point awarded!

I woke up and found myself in an alley. That voice. Son of a Bitch I'm going to bash your head in.

"F/N..." Emma said kneeling beside me.

"Hey what happened?" I asked.

"DUP everywhere. My band was gonna and I had to run... Shit this is so fucked..." She said. Her dress was full of tears, she was probably shot at though she didn't have any wounds. Man fast healing is really useful.


Emma is now fearful.


"Hey hey hey. Emma. We will get out of this. I promise." I said.

"Promise?" She asked.

"Yes I won't leave you behind. Just give me a second." I said and glanced nearby seeing a drone on the ground, "What happened to that?" I asked.

"I shot it down before it saw us. I was scared." She said. I got up and approached the drone and held my hand to it. The energy in the drone began to drain and move to my hand.


Skill point earned!


"What did you..." She began.

"I... I think I can drain these to get stronger." I said.

"Okay... Anything new?" She asked.

"One sec..."

"Skill tree"


I glanced at the green void and saw another orb and activated.

Concrete Manipulation: Gain the ability to manipulate at alter concrete. Must drain a source of concrete to use this ability, but must sacrifice the use of other abilities.

Skill points available: 25

Time to see if I can use these skills. Wait I can only use one?

I glanced at music and noticed all my abilities listed.

Beat Lv: 2

Use skill point to level ability up?

Hell yeah let's max all my abilities.

Beat Lv: Max
Cost reduced to 5. Beats per pulse increased to three.

So five levels per ability. Let's see what I have for concrete.

Drain Concrete: Drain Concrete to restore health and energy instantly.

Concrete Shrapnel: fire a burst of high damaging shrapnel at enemies. 20 energy cost.

Concrete Barrage: Fire five disk-like projectiles in an arc at enemies. 100 energy cost.

Boulder dash: encase your body in concrete and dash forward. No energy cost.

Concrete Thrusters: glide through the air using concrete. No energy cost.

Shit I can fly? Wait what's this...

Transmutation: Use any source of energy of any powers you have acquired to charge all your abilities. Can now use any power without needing to sacrifice others.

Imma get that.

Warning! Ability costs 10 skill points.

Yeah worth it.

Transmutation Lv: 1
Bind two abilities to transmute.

So I'll have to level it up... Makes sense, but I only have two powers so I'm good for now.

Skill point remaining 12

Okay what next... Unlock concrete abilities.

Skill points remaining 7

Hello what's this?

Concert: expend all energy to send a wave of music out disorienting all enemies. Levels up based on Morality.

Cost 5 skill points.


Skills points remaining 2

Alright let's level up these.

Heavy Rock-et Lv: 3
Cost reduced to 100. Damage increased to 100.

Alright I'm done here.

I looked around and saw Emma waiting, "What now?"

"We run." I said as cruisers began to arrive.

"Shit." She cried out.

"I got this." I said and fired a barrage of concrete at them, "Let's go." I said grabbing her hand and pulling her away.

Energy: 330/430

Quest Start!


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