The Second Son

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I walked through the streets of the city known as Las Vegas. I had a green hoodie in with jeans and black shoes.

"Updates on the current Bio-Terrorist from California states that he is suspected to be either in Nevada or Arizona. If you see any strange individuals notify the DUP as soon as possible. Authorities are trying to get a picture of the suspected conduit." A news report announced.

I glanced at a screen that popped up in front of me.


Current Objective:

Stay off the radar for the day.

Remaining time 8:34:56

Rewards: $50 and 30 xp

These notifications have been apart of me since I was born. I could even see the levels of people.

Mike Smith Lv: 8

Samantha Owens Lv: 5

"Stats." I mumbled and a window popped up.

F/N L/N Lv:25
Waste of Skin
No benefits, completely useless job.

Race: Human

Class: Mortal

Species: Conduit

Exp: 40/260

Hp: 360/360

Charge: 350/350

Alignment: Neutral

Power: ?????

Str: 1/25 C class
Class Bonus: Can easily lift your own body weight without any difficulty.

Dex: 1/25 C class
Class Bonus: Can run without getting winded.

Wis: 9/10 D class

Int: 10/10 D class

Lck: 6/10 D class

Gamer Mind Lv: Max
Immune to all mental attacks.

Gamer Body Lv: Max
Live the world as if it were a video game.

Conduit Gene Lv: Max
Fuck listing these on their own so here we go. Super strength, enhanced durability, fuck fall damage, enhanced speed, enhanced healing, what is pain?, Goodbye broken limbs, spider monkey, and enhanced agility.

Observe Lv: Max
Can scan all available information on anyone as long as they are not above an entire class of the gamer.

Hand to Hand Lv: 25
You can handle yourself in a fight against normal people and low level thugs.

Driving Lv: 47
Your skills with driving a vehicle is average.

Dance Lv: 63
You are above average in dancing. Nobody will be embarrassed being near you on the dance floor. You can impress anyone with a dancing skill no higher than 10 levels of your own.

Speech Lv: 67
You are comfortable with your words and can determine what is appropriate to speak about. You can recover from dying conversations steering them towards a more beneficial conversation. Your also slightly persuasive. Prices are 30% better.

Appeal Lv: Max
The opposing gender finds you attractive. Seducing and convincing women is better. Women tend to sympathize with you and relax easily the more they stay around you. Being around you naturally increases affection slowly. Bonus affection gained from key actions.

Libido Lv: 6
Slight sexual experience. Go for individuals of low "experience" level to not underperform.

Since I ran away from home I have been focusing on anything to help me go on the run. I originally didn't think anything of these notifications until I was found to be a conduit. Had to go on the run and leave my mother and siblings behind. My father didn't hesitate to turn me in, my mother helped me escape by driving me out of the city.

"Hope she's okay." I mumbled and walked away from the TV's, "Wait Libido is at 6?" Though libido being at level 6... I never found out why it was at level 6, never had sex.

I walked towards the end of the road seeing the city limits of Las Vegas. I looked up and noticed a DUP drone flying above.

"Damn they are here." I mumbled lowering my head. I moved through the streets normally avoiding any unwanted attention.

A notification appeared.

You have 25 unused skill points.

Now since my stats were right on me being a conduit the. These skill points are useful, but...


Error. Must activate conduit ability before skill tree is available.

"What does that even mean?" I asked myself as I clenched my fist. I take a deep breath and relax, "Can't stay here. The DUP might start to get wind I'm here and implement Martial Law."

I glanced at my quests again.

Main Quest:

Unlock your conduit ability.

Rewards: Skill Tree, Powers, Jobs, DLC.

"This is annoying." I said and continued to walk, but the drone was following me, "Shit... Need to hide." I mumbled and walked towards a club.

"ID." The bouncer demanded.

"Yeah here. I'm 18." I said offering my ID.

"You can't buy alcohol." He said and let me through.

"Yeah yeah. Don't plan on messing with that shit. Can't really afford to be stupid." I mumbled to myself.

I walked through the club and glanced around the people. I kept my hood up as my face is still unknown. Seems my mother was successful in burning and deleting all my pictures.

I walked up to the bar, "ID." The bartender asked.

"No I just want water." I said. He placed a glass of ice cold water and I left him a five dollar tip. I walked through the crowd and drank my water. I noticed some people dancing together and I decided to squeeze in.

I began to dance with the group to fit in and my skill increased.

Dance Lv: 7
You draw people to you with your dance skills.

Though something caught my attention.

Luck check!





"Nice moves." A girl spoke. I turned my head and saw a girl with long light blue hair with a bit if it covering her left eye. The tips were purple and her eyes were green. She wore a white shirt and a leather jacket over it. Her stomach was exposed and she wore shorts with thigh high black socks and white shoes.

"Thanks. Wanna join?" I asked her.

"Lose the hood and maybe." She said. I lowered my hood and she smiled.

"Alright let's have some fun." She said. I smiled and we began to dance together. Though something definitely caught my attention with her. No it wasn't her breasts size, though they were thick. No it was her stats.

Emma Noir Lv: 30


Level is very high for a singer. I used my observe skill which I maxed out weeks ago.


Emma Noir Lv: 30

Race: Human

Class: Mortal

Species: Conduit

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Power: Music


What abilities does she have.



Conduit gene Lv: Max
Same shit as yours.

Hand to Hand Lv: 15
Her combat skills are entirely composed of moves she's seen in anime.

Singing Lv: 68
She has a lovely voice and is trying to promote herself to be a professional singer. Though due to being in the run she cannot fully commit to this career.

Dance Lv: 84
She enjoys raves and constantly goes out dancing.

Appeal Lv: Max
Pretty face and amazing assets.

"Experience" Lv: 0
Has no "experience". How? I have no fucking clue.

Speaker Warp Lv: 5
Warp using the power of music and teleport to any working speaker within 20 feet. 0 Energy cost.

Music Drain Lv: 3
Drains the sound of music into her body at an increased rate of 60%.

Beat Lv: Max
Can fire a burst of drum beats from her hands causing 10 dmg to targets with each hit. Potential dmg, 30. 5 charge cost.

Base Drop Lv: 2
Drop from an extended high and send an ear shattering sound of music outward by 10 feet causing 25 dmg and knocking enemies back. No charge cost.

Dub Blast Lv: 4
Send a shockwave of bone shattering dubstep at her targets causing them to be stunned and unable to move. 40 dmg to targets. 30 charge cost.

Solo Bomb Lv: 3
Toss a ball of disorienting music that will stun targets while causing 50 dmg. 20 charge cost.

Heavy Rock-et Lv: 4
Send a rocket of condensed bone shattering heavy metal causing 175 dmg to targets. 50 charge cost.


Judging by her abilities she prefers to fight from a distance as she isn't comfortable with her fighting style.

Your analysis of your current target is logical.

Wisdom increased by 1!

So she's a conduit, but what do I do with this information. She's a higher level than me.


Befriend or antagonize fellow conduit.

Rewards: ?????

Yeah let's piss off the girl who can kill me in six different ways.

"So what's your name?" I asked her.

"Who's asking?" She said smiling.

"Sorry... I seem to have misplaced my manners. Names F/N." I said to her.

"Emma." She replied.

"That's a lovely name. So... know to play any instruments?" I asked. I was trying not to laugh.



Air Guitar Lv: 79
Wants to learn how to play the guitar, but cannot get one to practice with. So she opted for the air Guitar in private.


"I really wanna learn the guitar. Such a lovely instrument that is in nearly every song. This band is so amazing." She said. I glanced at the screens and noticed some rising band is playing.

"I expected you to be a fan of some mainstream band." I said.

"I am, but gotta support the little people. Especially when they were the first band you heard." She said.

"Touché." I replied, "I mean they do have potential. This crowd seems to like them and it's growing on me." I said.

"You know what... I heard this album. Wanna... Get something to drink?"

"A total stranger like me? You sure?" I asked.

"What can I say. You are easy to talk to." She said.

"I mean. How can I say no to a girl like you." I replied. She grabbed my wrist and dragged me away and out if the club.

Huh quest isn't complete. So do I still have to do more? I mean I don't mind spending time with this girl.

"So where are we going?" I asked her.

"My little place." She said and moved me towards a rather shady looking building.

"I'm not about to get mugged am I?" I asked.

"No of course not. What do I look like some sort of maniac?" She said.

"I'll trust you, I better not get ambushed." I said to her.

"Trust me. I ain't gonna do anything... Maybe." She said.



Get laid.

Rewards: Ally


Eh? What are the odds of me sleeping with her?


About 80%. 90% if you don't laugh.


Oh boy.

"Come on let's go!" She said dragging me away.


"So this is my place." She said showing me a very rundown room. A worn mattress on the floor and a bit of folded clothes laid about.

"How do you shower and use the restroom?" I asked.

"Only place I can afford with my job. Besides pluming works well." She said pointing towards the restroom.

"I could use a bath." I said.

"My my... Use my bathroom to bathe? Are you hoping for something?" She asked.

"Uhhh... Pass." I said.

"I'll let it slide. I'll let you borrow it, but first." She said grabbing some CD's, "Let's listen to some music. You like jazz?"

"I listen to anything as long as it catches my interest."

"So that a yes?" She asked.

"Better be good." I said.

"I only listen to good music, gotta return this tomorrow." She said and began to play it in a CD player. She attached headphones and handed me one end.

I sat down and grabbed the end placing it in my ear. The music began to play and we just sat in silence listening to music.

When the guitar solo began she began to strum the air. I snickered a bit, but quickly composed myself and closed my eyes. To keep me from laughing.


Don't know how it happened, but I was currently eating her out. She grasped my hair and pulled me deeper into her. Our rock music was playing as she moaned. I pulled away and began to insert my fingers in her as she let out a heavy moan. She grabbed my hand and pulled it away as she sat up.

"Come on let me get the full experience." She said smiling at me. I pulled out my cock and rubbed it against her entrance as she laid down.

"You sure you wanna skip the foreplay?" I asked.

"Foreplay is for the weak." She said and I couldn't help but chuckle. I rammed my member into her and her walls grasped tightly around me.

I began to thrust in and out of her as she began to remove her jacket. She raised her shirt exposing her breasts. I reached over and grabbed her chest. She grasped her shirt and began to bite it. She reached over and pulled me into a kiss as I pinched her nipples. Our tongues danced against one another as I fucked her. She reached over and grabbed my hands.

Though that's when something happened. Bright purple and green lights began to be absorbed into my hands. Though she seemed to not notice, instead her walls tightened and we both came.


My father was strict. You can't do this, that kid is bad news, get straight A's, and go to church.

I got the A's. I went to his church, but I still couldn't go out with friends or even experience good TV. He was also all for keeping Bio-Terrorists locked up. I have seen some of them on the news. Some looked no older than eight and he called them terrorists and monsters.

Mom was useless. Loved alcohol more than her family. At least my father tried to ensure my future when he wasn't yelling at me for doing something god wouldn't approve. A little discipline here and there. Nothing made him happy. Guess that's why mom was sleeping with our next door neighbors. Saw her through our window getting rammed by three guys. Disgusting whore.

God... Sometimes I wonder if there is one. I'd like to believe there is one, so I can ask him why life is awful sometimes.

Music was the thing that kept me going. Church at least had some okay instruments, but when I got my first CD from a friend. Man the music was just... It spoke to me. I was alone at the time and I was able to sing. I wanted to listen to more, so I stole some CD's. I returned them about three days later cause I don't really want to go to hell.

Heh. Look at me, hating dad yet I still believe in his god. Best part was when I was found to be a conduit he didn't hesitate to disown me and call the DUP's. Mom didn't care she was "at work" fucking our neighbors.

What's up with people. We didn't ask to be born with powers. We didn't make the choices the conduits of the past made. We were just brought into this world where bad people got their hands on powers and you people make it worse. I'm not a monster, I'm not bad... I killed people because they were going to kill me! I killed my dad because he aimed a gun to my head...

Dad... Why... I did everything you wanted and in the end. You wanted to kill me, I'm not a murderer... I just didn't want to die. Music... I need some music. It can help me.


I woke up next to Emma and a notification appeared.


Quest Complete!

New Ally!

Relationship Systems unlocked!
Get certain benefits to having relationships with others.

Emma Noir: Girlfriend: Lv: 2

Rank bonus: Resting with Emma gives you a bonus 5 points to Speech for 24 hours. Bonus 10% xp when grouped up with Emma.

Nina Smith: Friend Lv: Max

Rank Bonus:Bonus 5% XP when grouped with Nina.

Mira Smith: Friend Lv: 95

Rank Bonus: Bonus 5% XP when grouped with Mira.

Amanda L/N: Confidant Lv: 87

Rank Bonus: Bonus 20% attraction to Mature Women. 50% increase seduction to women. Female attracted to you are resistant to your attacks. Milfs are now able to be seduced.

Enemies: Edgar Smith: Loathe Lv 87
Can sense when Edgar Smith is nearby. Can sense Edgar's intentions.


Quest Complete!

New Permanent title: Harem Newbie
Any female with romantic interest to you are willing to share you with others.

New Job: Rising Star
Gain 5% increased Xp on any completed quests and Defeated enemies.

"Huh... Alright I ain't even mad about that. Wait... Milfs can be seduced... I don't wanna bang my mom... I think I'm gonna be sick."

New element!

Music Manipulation Lv: 0
Use music to attack your enemies. Abilities get stronger after certain level thresholds, but also cost more Mana to use. Level up abilities to increase their strength, their nature, and lower their charge cost.

Skill tree unlocked!


Seriously it took this long to get a skill tree?

I glanced at Emma and she was completely asleep. I looked at my stats.

F/N L/N Lv:25
Waste of Skin

Race: Human

Class: Mortal

Species: Conduit

Exp: 70/260

Hp: 290/290

Mana: 350/350

Alignment: Neutral

Power: Ability Drain Lv: 1
Absorb the powers of other CONDUITS, but must train each power individually.

Str: 1/25 C class

Dex: 1/25 C class

Wis: 10/10 D class

Int: 10/10 D class

Lck: 6/10 D class

Gamer Mind Lv: Max

Gamer Body Lv: Max

Conduit Gene Lv: Max

Observe Lv: Max

Hand to Hand Lv: 25

Dance Lv: 6

Speech Lv: 67

Appeal Lv: Max

Libido Lv: 7

Music Manipulation Lv: 0


"Skill tree." I said and I fell down into a dark void. I looked around and saw three dim orbs. Notifications appeared in front of me.


Body: Build your skills around enhancing your body turning it into a living weapon.

Mind: Build around your ability to use your powers in creative ways becoming a walking arsenal.

Catalyst: Build around other objects attuning your abilities to use catalysts and weapons.


My current stats are more towards intellect and wisdom. Guess Mind is the way to go.

I activated the orb and I shined like a star sending a wave of light across the void. I glanced around and saw a few more orbs but unlike before one was dim the rest was pitch black.

I see the notifications.


Music manipulation:










So many orbs and all unknown. Well if my power is ability absorption then these orbs are other abilities. Might as well get music set up.

I activated music and is shined a bright green light.

Skill points remaining: 23

Let's see...


Music absorption: gain the power to absorb music. Restores Energy relevant to the source of music.


"So I have to get the drain." I mumbled.

I got the skill and it led to multiple other orbs, and most were non combative.


Drum pad: Leap into the air as though you bounced from a drum.

Sound Waves: Teleport a short distance using antennas.

Silence: Create a small area where sound cannot be made.


The rest were completely dark and unknown.

Skill points remaining: 20

"Fuck. Guess that's all for now." I said and woke up in the room.

I got dressed and Emma began to wake up, "What's up?" She asked.

"Just going outside for a bit." I said to her.

"Why?" She asked. I pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

"You wanna smell this?" I asked holding them out.

"Yeah don't smoke in my place. I don't wanna work twice as hard to keep the smell tolerable." She said.

"I'll be outside." I said exiting the room.

Outside I began to smoke a cigarette staring at the night sky. I see another drone in the air but it flies past me.

Warning vast amount of smoke entering lungs. Lungs getting damaged.

Conduit Gene activated. Lung cells regenerating.

Warning substance hindering mental health slightly.

Conduit Gene activated. Nullifying mental instability.

"Hey." Emma spoke.

"Sup." I asked.

"So about... earlier." She began.

"Having regrets?" I asked.

"N-no... It was nice. My first time actually... Did you feel anything different?" She asked.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"I felt like something was in my head. Looking at my thoughts... I'm not really experienced with sex but I'm sure that is not normal." She said.

"Emma..." I began flicking the cigarette away, "Let's talk inside."


Inside her room again she shifted through her CD'S, "Okay so what you wanna talk about?"

"I'm a conduit." I said.

"What?" She questioned as she dropped her CD's. She looked around the room and ran past me to the door. She locked it and glanced at me, "Prove it." She said.

"Uhhh... Play some music." I said. She walked over to her phone and began to play something from it. I walked up to her and extended my hand to her phone. My hand glowed green, purple, and orange as I absorbed the sound.

"No way..." She giggled, "I thought I was the only one left... You have the same power as me."

"Actually I might have absorbed it from you." I said.

"Huh?" She asked.

"When we... When you grabbed my hand I began to drain your power." I said. She looked at me and at her phone. She began to drain the music as well and took a deep breath.

"Well I still have my powers." She said, "So can you get other powers or was mine it?" She asked.

"Maybe... I'm not sure. Guess I'll find out if I meet another conduit." I said.

"So can you fight with them?" She asked.

"Ah... No... Maybe you can help me." I said.

"Yeah sure sounds fun, but..." She began looking towards the window, "DUPs are really scouting the place." She said. A knock on the door is heard and we both stepped back. She stepped in front of me as she flexed her hands causing her powers to activate.

"Hey Emma it's me." A male voice rang.

"Oh... It's Wyatt." She said walking to the door. She opened it and a guy with long black hair, jeans and a coat walked in, "Hey what's up?" She asked.

"Hey you disappeared at the club. Everything..." He noticed me.

"Sup." I said.

"Who's he?" He asked. She looked at me and took a deep breath.

"He's uhh... My boyfriend I guess. We kind of hit it off at the club." She said.

"Boyfriend..." He mumbled. I just waved at him.

"He's like me." She said.

"You mean..." He began.

"F/N this is Wyatt. He's a coworker of mine and a friend." She said.

"How's it going." I said.

"Sup." He said coldly.



Wyatt Hill Lv: 8


"I learned that the average non Conduit highest stats are at about 5. Emma is actually a whole class above me."


Emma Noir

Str: 8/25 C class

Dex: 1/25 C class

Int: 5/25 C class

Wis: 2/25 C class

Lck: 10/10 D class


"Though I'm interested in something about him."


In love with Emma Noir. Jealous of the Gamer for gaining her affection.


"How troublesome."

"Hey Wyatt you know a place I can train him?" Emma asked.

"Huh?" He asked.

"He needs help learning his powers and they are the same as mine. I have to help him." She said.

"No you don't. He's a stranger you just met. Why do you have to help him?" He asked.

"Listen if you aren't here to help me then why are you here?" She asked crossing her arms.

"I wanted to make sure you are okay." He said.

"Well I'm fine. You can go. I ha e to teach him some things." She said pushing him away.

"Emma I really think this isn't a good idea."

"Listen I have been alone for years. He is the only one who can understand me. So let me have this moment." She said.

"Emma Bio-Terrorists are bad news." He said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked.

"I mean... Emma..." He began.

"Have a good day Wyatt." She said closing the door behind him.

"Awkward...." I mumbled.

"It's fine... He's just having a bad day. He'll cool off. Let's find a place to train." She said.

"So... Boyfriend?" I asked.

"Oh... Uhh... I mean... Wanna start of as friends?" She asked.

"After what happened earlier, and that declaration... it would feel odd to downgrade to friends." I said.

"Yeah... My thoughts exactly." She said.

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