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I didn't sleep at all last night. When Mira was satisfied the sun was already rising so I decided to get some air. I was outside having a quick smoke as the sun was rising. I leaned against the metal railings as I took another puff, though as the door opened and I quickly flicked the cigarette away, "Morning." Weiss spoke.

"Sleep well?" I asked.

"S-sorta." She responded sheepishly. She leaned against the metal railings with me.

"Really? What was wrong last night?" I asked. She began to play with her hair as she began to struggle with her words.

"Uhhhh. Well..." But then she paused, "What's that smell?" She asked.

"Don't worry about it." I replied as I began to scratch my neck, "What brings you out here?"

"What happens after you take us home?" She asked as she pushed her hair back.

"Well that conduit is still out there. So I gotta deal with him don't I?" I said.

"Yeah... Right. So you are gonna stay there for a bit, right?" She asked.

"Well yeah. I have to make sure you are safe after you make it back." I replied.

"You know... I never thanked you for saving my life..."

"Yes you d..."

"No. I mean... before we came to your world. If you didn't shield me..."

"I mean, you helped me that time too remember." I replied.

"Also pulling me to your world... What would have happened if we were left behind with him." She mumbled, "You saved my life three times... and I have done nothing but made your life more difficult."

"It's not a big deal." I said, "I'd do it again."

"Anyways thanks for everything. If there is anything you need... I'll do whatever I can to help."

"Saria." I said cutting her off.

"What about her?"

"Is there any possibility she can stay with you?" I asked.

"You seem to do fine with..."

"I'd rather she be around better people. You and Velvet are the best role models I can think of." I said.

"The school isn't fit for someone as young as her... She's what ten?" She asked, "Besides you're a good role model."

"I killed people Weiss. I don't want her to be like me, I want her to be better." I said, "Can she be a better person in your world?"

"I don't think I can help you with that." She replied.

"It's fine... I'll think of something else." I sighed as I looked out into the city. I can see Weiss reaching for my arm from my peripheral, but she quickly snapped back as the door opened a bit. I looked back at the door as she looked away from me.

"Big bro... Big sis... Every... Everything okay?" Saria asked as she peeked though a small crack at the door.

"Everything is fine kiddo. We were just talking." I said.

"Big sis shouldn't be outside... It's scary." She mumbled.

"I'll be heading in right now." Weiss replied, "Just wanted some fresh air."

"We should head in." I said as I brushed her hair back with my hand. She smiles with a blush before nodding her head. We entered the building with Saria smiling with relief. I gently pat her head causing her to giggle.

"Master why not take her to UA? A world where saving lives is an actual profession."

"Aida you're a genius. Though we'll need to ease her into it. She doesn't do to well with people."

"So how does this new power of yours work?" Weiss asked.

"I am not sure, haven't really had time to test it." I replied, "I can test it before I send you all home."

"You're all leaving?" Saria whimpered.

"If you want to visit them you can ask me anytime." I said.

"You mean it?" Saria asked excitedly.

"Of course." I smiled at her, "So want me to-"

"I wanna visit them." Saria announced.

"Now?" I asked.

"Right meow." She ordered. I glanced back at everyone who just gave me a shrug and a look of that told me it was my decision.

"Alright... Get ready then." I said.

"Kay!" She said running off with.

"So... I guess you can test it...." Velvet began.

"I'm ready!" Saria shouted as she had a backpack strapped to her.

"That was quick." I mumbled.

"My momma says to always have an emergence backpack ready." She smiled.

"She was a smart woman." Weiss said.

"The biggest of smarts." She replied, "Lets go." She jumped.

"I guess we can just go then." I sighed, "You girls okay being on your own for a bit?" I asked.

"We'll be fine." Mila said.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. Take your time." Mira said, "Just remember we got to deal with those transfer forms."

"Right... I'll have to figure that out." I sighed.

"We got it... You worry about the whole conduits in other worlds issue." Nina said.

"Alright, but if anything happens let me know and I'll come right back." I replied.

"Yes dad..." Mira scoffed.


"Yes?" She jumped.

"They are quite stubborn so call me if you all need anything."

"Sure." She replied. I opened a rift in the living room and felt my arm tense up.

"That... Kinda hurt..." I mumbled as I rubbed my wrist, "I don't know how it works so..." I said reaching my hand to Saria. She grasped it happily, "We should hold on to one another to be safe." It took no time at all for Neo to grasp my other hand. I was somewhat surprised that she grabbed it instead of Velvet. I felt some envy emanate from most of the girls in the room.

"Bunny..." Saria called out reaching towards Velvet. She smiled and grabbed her hand which made Saria giggle in delight.

"Now Weiss grab-" I stopped after I felt a tug on my shirt. Weiss grabbed my shirt as she looked away from everyone, "Let's just go..." I sighed as I believe Mira, Nina, and Mila were starting to get annoyed with this. I walked forward into the portal and when we crossed I instantly fell to my knees.

"Big bro..." Saria whimpered.

"I'm fine... Just exhausted..." I gasped.

"F/N... Who is..." Weiss began as I looked up and saw a familiar white suit. He stood with his back to us looking out towards a dark abyss.

"Interesting." Eidolon spoke, "You seemed to master that ability very quickly." I forced myself to stand and pulled Saria behind me, "Calm down. I have no interest in harming you or your companions."

"What did..."

"I gave you that power. I was curious to see if I could interfere with your destination choice. I can." He said as he continues to gaze at the darkness beyond.

"How..." I mumbled.

"I have had a lot of practice, enough to recognize something in you. Do you have a brother?"

"No. I was an only child before my mom married a worthless man." I replied as I noticed Neo and Weiss getting their weapons ready while Velvet pulled Saria further behind.

"I see..." He replied as he glanced over to the side, "Wonder who that is then."

I glanced over to see a massive skull laying in the distance, "What does a body have to do with me having siblings?" I asked.

"Because I want to know who that is. Your DNA is similar to his and he must have been a very powerful being. Look even in death this realm has yet to fall." He said as I glanced about the dark void surrounding us. It had a small red hue surrounding it as I glanced back at the corpse.

"You going to play with a dead body now?" I asked.

"No of course not. I just grew curious when I found it and I want to know what happened. Why is he dead, it's just curious isn't it?" He asked.

"Why did you bring us here? To ask me to join you again?" I asked. He began to laugh.

"I'm not an idiot. It's been a day, nobody would change their minds after such a short time." He replied.

"Why are you doing all this?" Weiss questioned.

"You're seriously asking me that Miss Schnee?" He questioned, "You saw what Conduits go through. Imagine what they would have done to you after they got you to Curden Cay."

"Coming from a guy that created them." I said.

"I never said I created them. I merely allow them to persist. They may imprison conduits but at least they are alive. If I wiped out the DUP the military takes control and I am sure you remember what happened seven years ago." He glared at me.

"So when you offered to get Emma out it was just Bull... Lies?" I said as I remembered Saria was with us. He said nothing as he continues to look at me. He turns his back and opened multiple portals in one I saw Emma sitting in a prison wearing a orange suit her hands bound by some concrete.

"I can easily pluck them out. So no I wasn't lying." He said.

"So why don't you just free them then?" Weiss shouted.

"This is why I don't like people who don't understand..." He sighed, "Because child. If I break them out the DUP lose their trust in the government, they lose funding, and when they disband over a massive breakout... Who takes control? Imagine checkpoints littered not just in Seattle but all over the country? Breaking one out is easier to coverup than every caged up conduit. Now do you get it? The DUP are necessary for now. Once I am ready they will be wiped out and the conduits will be freed."

"At the cost of innocent lives." I replied.

"Don't act like you actually care. I see you for the hypocrite you are. You don't care about these worlds, you care about them." He pointed at Neo and Weiss, "If you never met them or Saria you probably wouldn't give a single iota of a care for these worlds. You care because they are there and their friends are there. Velvet and her team CFVY, Weiss and her team RWBY. You don't really care about the collateral. If you did your powers would have evolved into such a volatile nature."

"Enough! I have had enough of your messiah complex!" I shouted.

"Oh if I have a messiah complex, what does that make you, the one person who opposes me?" He asked. He then let out a disappointed sigh before raising his hand and held Neo who was next to him, "You seriously thought I wouldn't notice Neo?" He asked as he stared at her with such animosity it terrified Saria.

"Big sis!" She screamed as I ran at him and sent a blast of heat at him, but it stayed there frozen in the air.

"Quantum Conduit remember." He said, "I don't like hurting other conduits, But the three of them aren't conduits." He then sent the flames at Weiss. I ran at her but it moved faster than I could even move. Weiss moved but she was still hit with my own flames on her arms and legs. Saria screamed in terror as she saw the flames hit Weiss.

"Don't hurt my big sisters!" Saria shouted as a shadow manifested from Neo and went to attack Eidolon. He tossed her towards the corpse as he shifted to the side avoiding the shadow's attack. He blasts some energy at it vaporizing the shadow. I glanced at Neo and saw she was having a seizure.

"What did you do!?" I shouted as I ran towards her.

"Interesting." Was all he said as I stood over her.

"Big sis..." Saria called as she ran towards us, but stopped as she began to feel sick. Saria fall to her knees and grabbed her head before letting out a terrified scream.

"Its the corpse, getting near it causes discomfort to everyone... Everyone but you." Eidolon said as Velvet ran to Saria and pulled her away.

"Stay away from them!" Weiss shouted as I struggled to carry Neo away from the body. I glanced over and saw he was approaching Velvet and Saria, who was in tears as she curled up on the floor. Velvet stood between them trying to look strong but was obviously terrified of him. He didn't hesitate to open several wounds on Velvet with a simple wave of his hand. Velvet falls to the ground her body covered in numerous lacerations.

"I'll kill you for that!" I said as I got Neo away from the corpse enough to stop the seizures.

"Just wanted to erase the girls memories of what happened here." He said as he placed two fingers on her head causing her to fall unconscious, "If you want to oppose me, get stronger. Cause right now you have no hope of helping conduits. If I wasn't here, Saria would have massive post traumatic stress disorder. For someone who wants to help conduits you failed to protect a child. I hope you do better next time." He said as he opened a portal, "I caused her pain... I need to reflect on this. Better hope those three don't see me again. I won't be merciful next time." He then walked through the portal leaving me with the four girls.

"F/N I'm sorry..." Velvet mumbled as she began as she struggled to stay conscious.

"Don't worry. Just relax and let me help." I said as I laid Neo down beside her. I looked over her wounds and tried to think of a way to help her.

"Saria?" Velvet called out.

"She's fine..." Weiss said as her burns weren't as bad as I expected. I'm glad my powers do less damage to them.

"You don't have any healing abilities due to your nature. Even to gain them you must meet some requirements."

"No time for that then. She needs medical help."

"Weiss can you walk?" I asked.

"Yeah... But it hurts." She said as she grabbed Saria in her arms.

"Velvet. I need you to get on my back, I need to carry Neo in my arms." I said as grabbed Neo.

"You sure you can carry them?" Weiss asked.

"I'll be fine. We just need to get out of here." I said as Weiss grabbed onto me. I opened a portal and walked through it. Like before I fell to my knees and barely held Neo up.

I looked up to see some sort of castle looking building. Velvet fell off my back and onto the ground, "Velvet." I said turning to her. I placed Neo down and pressed two fingers on her neck, "Shit her pulse is weak..." I hear someone running up to us.

"Velvet..." Coco shouted.

"Coco." Weiss said as she got close.

"F/N?...What happened?" She asked after returning to Velvet.

"That's not important she needs medical attention now." I said as I tried to stand.

"F/N..." Weiss called as I looked to see Saria awakening.

"Big sis... What happened?" She asked Weiss before she noticed Velvet, "Big sis..." She said escaping Weiss's arms and running to her, "What happened big bro?" She looked at me terrified.

"Hey... If she has any remaining skill points. She might be able to get a healing ability."

"Saria. You might be able to heal her." I said.

"I can help?" She asked looking at Velvet and Weiss noticing their wounds.

"Can she really help?" Coco asked.

"Saria. You want to be a good witch right?" I asked. She nodded and looked back at Velvet. She closed her eyes as her arms were consumed by shadows.

"I'll make mama and papa proud." She mumbled and gently touched Velvet's hand. The shadows shifted off her arms and onto Velvet. As I witnessed this ability slowly move through her body I noticed the blood around her vanishing.

"Is it..." Weiss began, but I raised my hand to stop her.

"Let her focus." I said as the shadows began to return to Saria. To our relief Velvet's wounds have vanished.

"Big sis?" Saria called out as Velvet began to awaken.

"What..." She began but was silenced when Saria embraced her.

"I did it!" She cheered, "I saved big sis."

"You saved me?" Velvet asked as I stood up and moved towards Weiss.

"Saria, Can you heal Weiss as well?" I asked.

"Yes big bro!" She replied with a smile as she skipped over to us.

"Where have you guys been? Everyone was looking for you two for days." Coco said as I let Saria heal Weiss while I checked on Neo.

"Long story." I sighed as I felt her pulse, "She's just unconscious." I sighed.

"Hope you don't mind me asking, but why are you with a criminal?" Coco asked as she recognized Neo.

"She's helped me and Saria out. So what she did in the past matters little to me. Is that a problem?" I asked meeting her gaze.

"I owe you for bringing my teammate and friend back safely so I'll tell you this. She's not safe being here." She replied.

"Well I can't leave until you tell me what you did with the Ray Sphere." I said picking Neo up.

"I handed it over to the headmaster." She replied.

"Okay... Take me to him." I said as Saria tugged at my shirt, "Yes?"

"Castle." She said.

"Uh yeah... That a school?" I asked.

"Yes it's Beacon." Weiss replied.

"Can I learn to be a witch there?" Saria asked excitedly.

"Weiss care to watch over Saria for a bit?" I asked.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, she'll have more fun exploring the school than being with me talking about some technology."

"My brain is still small." Saria mumbled.

"You'll get there. Now Coco take me to the headmaster." I said.

"You sure you wanna carry her around?" She asked pointing at Neo.

"Yeah, that's probably the safest option I have right now." I said.

"Alright follow me." She said as I trailed behind her.


Eidolon sat alone in a room where he awaited for someone, "You called sir?" A woman asked.

"Yes. I have need of you." He said.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I hurt a conduit mentally. I erased her memories of the event but I still need to pay for such actions. So I need you to attack me." He said.

"Eidolon are you sure..." She began.

"She was a hopeful child... Just like my daughter was." He mumbled. The woman sighed as water flowed between her fingers.

"You sure about this?" She asked.

"Just imagine I broke one of your nie...ces." He said as water pierced his chest and arms. The water retracts and he felt water slash about his back. He took every hit with no intention to make her stop. As his blood dripped from his back he took a deep breath as the attacks ceased, "Don't mention my nieces."

"Had to. I messed up and needed to pay the price." He said, "You should know. You joined me to keep them safe."

"Yeah. Is that all you needed from me?" She asked.

"No. I have two tasks for you, complete them however you see fit. One, take the third sphere and I want to know how much power you'll get from immortal beings."

"What's my second?" She asked.

"There are conduits in Seattle. Keep an eye on them."

"I joined you for my nieces, that's it. I don't really care for anything else." She said.

"Yes I know, that's why I believe you will do the second one." He said.

"What?" She asked.

"Their address in on the note with the Ray Sphere. Just tell me where to send you first, I'll be here creating the fourth Ray Sphere." He said.

"This better not be a joke..." She began.

"Why would I lie to you? I have been nothing but truthful to all of you. Why would I start now? You wanted power and I offered you the opportunity. It's about time I fulfill my promise, now go I will be here working." He said as she turned to leave.

"Alright. I'll get ready. We'll speak again soon, be sure to change your clothes. I hate the sight of blood." She said.

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