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I walked through the school with Neo tightly in my arms. She still hasn't woken up and I was getting a few stares. I didn't really care as I was confident I could protect her from anyone that tried anything, "Seriously..." Coco sighed, "Wasn't there a place you could have put her in?" She asked.

"Not really." I replied.

"So what happened? How did Velvet and Weiss get those injuries. What lead to you three working with her." She pointed at Neo.

"Long story." Velvet sighed.

"How much danger were you in?" She asked. Though Velvet seemed distracted, "Vel."

"Huh? Oh F/N kept me safe." Velvet said.

"Well I'm glad to hear that, but what was bad that you needed him to protect you. You're a huntress." She asked.

"I... Don't wanna talk about it..." Velvet mumbled though she seemed to be focused on the right side of the hall.

"Anyone can get snuck up on. They just need to get comfortable enough." I said.

"Vel you alright?" Coco asked her a concerning glance aimed at her.

"Yeah... Glad I'm back. Really." She smiled.

"Glad you are okay." Coco replied, "Alright into the elevator." She motioned at doors that began to open. I entered as they followed behind me. After the elevator began to rise Neo finally began to wake up.

"Hey. You alright?" I asked as she began to scan her surroundings, "Can you stand?" She shrugged as I began to set her down. When her legs touched the ground they nearly gave out and I quickly held her up. Velvet actually made a move though stopped after I was able to keep her from falling, "Easy. If you can't I don't mind carrying you."

"We are almost there... Listen I owe you for helping Velvet and Weiss I can hide her in my room if you'd like." Coco spoke.

"No offense but I need to keep her close, I have no idea what her state of mind will be like." I replied as I heard Aida speak to me.

"I sense something in her thoughts. She might be a danger to herself."

"Can you be more specific?"

"If I could I would tell you. I might be able to figure it out but you need to keep an eye on her. Now word of advice be respectful. It's easier to get something out of the headmaster if you don't act like a dick."

"Noted." I replied as the elevator opened. Velvet and Coco exited first as I helped Neo walk as she seemed to not have recovered completely. I saw there were three people in this room. The one behind the desk gazed at Velvet.

"Miss Scarlatina. I'm glad you are safe, though Miss Schnee..." A male spoke.

"She's fine. She's watching over a young girl we met." Velvet spoke, "She's in the school as we speak."

"Good... Now. Who is our guest?" He asked.

"He's the man I told you about sir. The one who had that device and told me to run with it." Coco spoke.

"So he knows what it is?" The blonde woman asked.

"I do. It's a device that enhances specific individuals at the cost of innocent lives." I replied.

"What else can you tell us about it?" The white haired man asked.

"Not much. Don't know how it works or anything like that. I just know what it does and who made it." I said.

"You know who made that thing?" The black haired man spoke.

"Sorta. We didn't have a very friendly conversation." I replied as I noticed they all stared at Neo though she seemed distracted at something to notice, "Let's discuss the big issue in the room..." I said as I pulled her behind me.

"With all due respect that girl has committed many crimes." The black haired man said.

"She also helped two of your students return safely." I replied.

"While that does sound noble those don't excuse her past crimes, which include-" The blonde woman began.

"I don't care about that. She aided in saving my life and buying Coco time to escape with the Ray Sphere and took some mental attack before we arrived." I replied.

"Listen Oz. As much as it sounds bad to have her here we have more important issues." The black haired man spoke, "You called it a Ray Sphere?"

"I said I know a bit about as it really set where I'm from into chaos." I replied.

"That Ray Sphere leveled five city blocks in Vale." Oz spoke.

"I'm aware. I was trying to get it out before it went off. They set a timer on it and I just ran out of time. I came to know where you put it."

"It's in a safe place for now." Oz replied.

"That's a bit unfair. I got the sphere to your hands yet I can't know where it is?" I asked.

"With all due respect your relationship with Neo is a bit concerning." Oz replied. I glanced at Neo who didn't seem concerned with anything we were discussing. She was looking around the room a lot.

"Fair point..." I replied, "Though I need to know that it's secure. After all the man after it can manipulate, generate, and absorb metal. He might be stronger than last time as he was in the explosion." I replied.

"Metal?" The woman asked.

"Yeah. I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you don't have an ounce of metal near you." I replied, "Though I have a feeling that is impossible." I said gazing up at the metallic gears rotating above us.

"Professor if what he says is true then we can't keep it safe." The woman spoke.

"Tell them about Eidolon. There is no way they can keep the sphere safe with his abilities."

"The man I mentioned isn't even the one who made it. If he gets involved you will never be able to keep it from his hands." I replied.

"Eidolon." Velvet mumbled, "He can open portals anywhere he wishes."

"That's just one ability. Who knows what other abilities he has..." I froze for a moment as I remembered something Ferrum said when I met him, "He can also sense it's location if it's charged..." I mumbled as I realized something, If Eidolon created the spheres then he could have...

"Qrow I need you to go see if that sphere is still in the vault." Oz spoke.

"Take me to it as well. I need to see it." I said.

"One condition she cannot see it's location." Oz spoke pointing at Neo.

"Velvet watch her for me." I said as Velvet grabbed her. Neo seemed reluctant to let go of me but I looked at her, "I'll be right back."

She nodded and let go as I ran with Qrow to the elevator. When the doors closed we began to descend for a long while.

"Damn how far is this?" I asked.

"Pretty far down." Qrow replied, "What's your name kid?"

"F/N." I replied.

"Qrow." He replied as the Elevator stopped. The door opened revealing a room where the sphere sat alone in a case on the table, "Alright it's here..." Qrow sighed. Though what I saw made me nervous.

Ray Sphere

Charging: 25% complete.

"We have a problem." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"The guy I took this from could sense it when it's charged..." I spoke.

"Don't tell me..." Qrow sighed looking at the sphere.

"It's 25% charged." I replied.

"Shit..." He mumbled.

"Velvet and Weiss were missing for two days right?" I asked.

"It will be fully charged in about 6 days." Qrow mumbled. Though our thoughts were interrupted when I began to receive a call from Velvet.

"Wha-" I was cut off from Velvet's frantically shouting.

"Get back quickly, Neo is, hey calm down. It's okay." Velvet spoke as I began to hear screaming from the phone.

"Let's go back." I said as I hung up.

"Yeah." Qrow mumbled as the elevator closed as we ascend upwards. As we approach the top I began to hear shouting from behind the doors, "What the..." He mumbled as the doors opened with Neo on knees. Her hands grasping her head as she let out a loud scream. I ran up to her as Velvet began to speak.

"I don't know what happened. She just..."

"It's fine. Neo..." I called out to her as she began to whimper.

"They are everywhere... Please make them go away..." She spoke into my head. I was confused as there was no way she would be afraid of the people in this room, unless she saw something else in the room.

"They won't hurt you as long as I'm here. I promise." I said holding her hand as she began to calm down.

"I didn't expect her to be afraid of us..." Qrow spoke.

"No it's not anyone in this room. She might be seeing things that we don't." I replied.

"I see them." Velvet spoke.

"What?" The blonde woman asked as we all looked at her.

"Though I don't think they see me. They seemed focused on her." She pointed at Neo.

"What do you see?" I asked.

"A lot of shadows, but... For some reason they stay away from you." She said looking at me.

"They aren't shadows..." Neo whimpered.

"F/N... What happened?" Qrow asked.

"I honestly haven't the slightest idea. They just were exposed to something I cannot even explain." I replied.

"Was miss Schnee exposed to this something as well?" The blonde woman asked.

"Guess I'll have to ask her if she sees anything out of the ordinary. Velvet what were the shadows doing to Neo?" I asked.

"Getting closer to her, but when you arrived they quickly backed away." She responded.

"Alright so Neo stays with me at all times." I said.

"You sure about this? If it's just shadows-" Coco began.

"To Velvet they are just shadows. The question is what are they to Neo? What does she see that she completely breaks down in fear?" I asked as she clung to me.

"Starting to understand her issue. I'll have to observe her thoughts to get a clear diagnosis. We'll talk about that later." Aida spoke.

"Anyways onto something you will care about more." I said looking at Oz, "The sphere is there, but it's also charging. The man I took it from can sense it when it's charged. Once the sphere is fully charged he'll know where it is."

"How long?" Oz asked.

"Six days." Qrow replied.

"Glynda can you assign a room for these two. He knows more about the sphere than we do and the threat we face. He needs to stay close." Oz spoke.

"The both of them? Are you sure?" Glynda asked.

"Yes as he is correct. Neo seems to be calm around him so we need the two to stay together." He replied.

"I hope you don't expect me to enroll here. I already went through 13 years of school I'm not about to sit through another day." I said.

"No I'd say you're more of a member of our staff. You will aid in finding a solution to the sphere and protect my school." He said.

"Alright I can accept that. Though there is one more. We have a little girl, she wants to use her powers to save people, I have an idea of where to send her but that is unavailable at this time." I replied.

"How old is this girl?" Glynda asked.

"Eight to ten." Velvet replied.

"We can't house her in the same room as Neo." Glynda spoke.

"They get along." I said.

"That's the problem. She's a criminal." Oz spoke.

"I see your point. Though she hasn't taught her anything bad... I think." I said realizing I shouldn't have said that last part.

"She can stay with my team. She really enjoys being with me." Velvet added.

"Velvet. You know she doesn't do well with strangers." I said.

"But she is fine as long as she's around someone she knows." She smiled.

"Do you even have room?" I asked.

"We can figure something out." Coco added.

"I should at least make sure she'll be fine." I said.

"I have an idea that can appease you. There is a vacant room across team CFVY's dorm. You two can stay there." Glynda spoke.

"Guess that's fine." I sighed as I stood up with Neo holding onto my arm.

"Alright we'll talk about this another time. I'll see if I can figure something out for the time being." Oz spoke.

"Follow me." Glynda spoke as I turned to Neo.

"Keep your eyes closed, I'll guide you." I said to her. She nodded and began to walk my pace as I guided her towards the elevator.


We arrived to our assigned dorm and notified Weiss to bring Saria to us, "You two will rest here as the young girl will be in this room." Glynda spoke.

"Will there be any issue with your team?" I asked.

"Nah. It'll be fine." Coco spoke.

"Your scroll will work as a key for the room." Glynda added.

"Yes about that where can I get a scroll? Saria doesn't have one." I asked.

"How do you not know when you got one?" Coco asked.

"Did you not see the portal we came out of? I'm not from Remnant." I said, "Neither is Saria."

"Huh?" Glynda and Coco mumbled together.

"You sure you should..." Velvet began.

"The sphere is going to charge in 6 days. I ain't got time for secrets." I said as I opened the door, "Neo will you be okay if you sit in the room with the door open? I'll be right in front of it." I said. She began to shake her head as her grip tightened.

"Thought you said you wanted to stay close?" Velvet asked.

"You all said it yourselves she's a criminal and Weiss is coming with who knows what company. Explaining everything again will waste time." I said.

"Seems you got no choice." Coco added looking at Neo her eyes tightly shut.

"Guess not..." I sighed as I heard a familiar voice shout from the hallway.

"Big brother!!!" Saria shouted as she quickly latched onto my chest, "This castle is amazing." She smiled.

"It's a school Saria..." I mumbled.

"Castle." She argued.

"Sorry she saw you and just ran off." Weiss said running up to me along with one other person. A blonde girl with a very nice figure.

"She's fast." She exhaled, "You a new stud-" she noticed Neo.

"Miss Xiao Long. Neo will be under the watchful eye of our guest here." Glynda spoke as she pointed at me.

"Sup." I said, "Also God no. I went through 13 years of school already why would I go through another few years."

"Big brother has big brain." Saria mumbled.

"I mean sure, but not that big." I replied, "3.5 GPA isn't that impressive."

"GPA?" Nearly everyone mumbled.

"Nevermind." I sighed.

"He big brain." Saria added as she got down.

"Weiss have you been seeing anything strange?" I asked.

"What kind of question-" She began.

"Shadows?" Velvet asked.

"Big sister tends to look around a lot." Saria added.

"I see movement in the corner of my eye, but it's just paranoia." She replied, "Probably some stress from being almost... Arrested." She sighed.

"Woah. Weiss getting arrested that's a story I want to hear." The girl chuckled.

"I didn't do anything!" Weiss shouted.

"DUP?" Saria asked.

"Y-yes..." Weiss mumbled.

"We're off track. So you see movement?" I asked.


"So you're affected as well." Velvet added.

"What do..." She paused and looked at Velvet and Neo.

"Seems Velvet can see the shadows while Neo sees them for what they are. I need to figure out a way to cure it for you three." I said.

"Big sis sees ghosts? Why?" Saria asked.

"Seems to be from that dimension we were pulled in. Weiss didn't move due to injuries, Velvet got close enough to pull Saria away, but Neo was thrown the closest to the corpse." I mumbled.

"But wouldn't Saria also see these shadows?" Velvet asked.

"Eidolon healed her." Weiss spoke.

"Exactly. So he was able to cure her but you three will have to find an alternate method."

"Why not ask this ei-"

"No! I... I don't want to meet him again." Velvet shouted as she began to shake.

"Woah..." The blonde girl said raising her hands.

"He was terrible..." Weiss added, "Why is everyone from your world so messed up?"

"I'm not..." Saria began to mumble.

"Oh not you Saria you're a good witch." Weiss quickly added.

"Yes. I'll be the bestest witch and protect everyone. Magic won't be feared anymore."

"You guys are really making no sense." The blonde girl spoke.

"Yang shut up." Weiss said.

"Saria you will be staying with Velvet during our time here." I said pointing at Velvet.

"Bunny!" She clapped excitedly.

"What about you?" Weiss asked.

"I'm sticking with Neo in this room." I said.

"Alone?" She asked.

"Neo sees the shadows for what they really are and they seem to move towards her when I'm not around. I'm not taking a chance to leave her alone." I said.

"She seems pretty scared." Yang spoke.

"You see any shadows?" I asked Velvet.

"Over there." She pointed at the end of the hall.

"They seem scared of me for some reason." I said looking at her direction but seeing nothing.

"Do I..." Saria began.

"No. Glynda here says you shouldn't associate with Neo."

"Why? She nice." Saria added.

"She has committed crimes." Glynda spoke.

"Yeah she's a bad person." Yang added.

"No. The bad people are the ones that took my mommy and daddy away. Neo saved me from bad people that wanted to hurt me. She's a nice person!" She yelled.

"What?" Yang mumbled as Velvet and Weiss looked away.

"Velvet can you take Saria into your room please." I said.

"No! They need to know Neo is good." Saria argued.

"I know Saria just... Give me a moment and go with the bunny." I said.

"Okay..." She mumbled as she followed Velvet into her room.

"Saria's parents were murdered. We saw her hanging from a tree..." Weiss said.

"People with powers are feared in my world. I heard faunus are oppressed here, where I'm from if you have power you'll either be killed or arrested." I said.

"Even if all you did was save a family from getting ran over." Weiss added.

"Anyways I need to learn all I can about Neo's condition." I said.

"Still think you two alone is a bad idea." Weiss added.

"Why?" I asked.

"Nevermind." She mumbled, "She gonna let go?"

"She's scared." I added.

"Sure." She grumbled.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Think she likes you." Yang mumbled.

"Shut up!" She shouted, "And no I don't!"

"She saw you fuck Velvet."

"I see... Well I have things to do so when you are ready to talk I'll be in this room." I said pushing Neo in, "Glynda, Yang nice meeting you."

"Ms. Goodwitch." Glynda said.

"Good witch?!" Saria shouted as she exited the room, "Teach me magic."

"I can't..." Glynda began.

"I have magic look!" She yelled as she summoned a small rabbit made of pure darkness, "I call him fluffy and he's the fluffiest."

"Mr..." Glynda began.

"Have fun Glynda." I said entering the room and closing the door behind me.

"It's Goodwitch!" She shouted.


"Alright now that that's over..." I said sitting Neo on a bed as I sat on the other across from her, "You see them?" I asked. She finally begins to open her eyes and instantly began to scan the room. She began to tremble in fear as she began to move herself closer to the wall, "Take that as a yes. Neo I'm here they won't hurt youuuu!" I groaned as she leaped towards me as though she avoided an attack.

"It's that bad." I said as she nodded her head.

"I see. Well let me see if I can figure out a way to hel-" I mumbled.

"I can do a diagnosis but you'll have to fuck her." Aida spoke.

"Excuse me?" I questioned.

"I'm a demon what did you expect?" She shrugged.

"Yeah not doing that. Feel like I'm taking advantage of her." I said as I pushed off of my body and sat her beside me.

"Oh you still have a conscious. Let's see what she thinks."

"You wouldn't..." I mumbled as I noticed a notification pop up in front of her. She read it and then glanced at me.

"You don't..." I began.

"It's fine if it's you. Just wish it wasn't like this." She replied.

"You sure?" I asked as she began to remove her jacket, "I need you to say it."

"Fuck me." She replied.


Weiss and Yang walked back to their dorms, "You alright Weiss?" Yang asked.

"Why? You still think I'd be bothered with him being alone with her?" She snapped.

"That save a family from being run over was pretty specific." Yang replied not fazed by her comment.

"Oh that..." She mumbled.

"You got arrested for that?" Yang questioned.


"That's unacceptable! How can that even..." Yang began to seethe with rage.

"Yang that world is messed up for people like us. Saria's mother... I still see it in my dreams and I imagine everyone going through that... I even saw the prison they were going to send me." She replied as she began to hug herself.

"You're back home so you won't have to worry about it any-" She began.

"What about F/N? Saria? His sisters? That's their world Yang and they have to live in hiding for the rest of their lives. Saria wants to help people but... What if she..." She began to think of a horrific scene.

"They can just..." Yang began.

"They don't have any identities here. They don't exist. They can't live here." She mumbled.

"So what you're going to help them change a world?" Yang asked, "We have our own problems here. The Grimm did you forget about that?"

"What if helping him also helps us?" She asked.

"If it does then why not involve the rest of the team? We are stronger together." Yang added, "Though how will it help?"

"Let's speak with Blake and Ruby, then I'll have him explain. I barely understand what's happening as well. All I know is in his world some people with powers became desperate."

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