Chapter 1: Home Sweet Prison

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Here we see you and your crew in a prison transport and we see you all in chains and cuffs.

Shego: "How did we even get here in the first place?"

Mini flashback

Here we see you and the others fighting the Guardians of the Globe and they defeated you all.

End of flashback

Inque: "We had an off day."

Shego: "Great."

(Y/N): "But this is the best part of being a super villain, going to prison."

Shego: "You make it sound like you like it there."

Sometime later, we see you and the others in a shared jail cell and Shego sees that it's a lot more luxurious than the rest of the prison.

Shego: "Woah..."

(Y/N): "Welcome home everyone."

Inque: "I think I'd rather be in an actual home than here."

Abomination: "But this place has a bowling alley, a food dispenser that makes food fit for 10 kings, a fully staffed spa, and an olympic sized swimming pool with a custom made hot tub for all of us."

(Y/N): "And we got neighbors."

You then stick your head out of your cell and turn to the neighboring cells.

(Y/N): "Hey Slasher Suzie, how's it going?"

S. Suzie: *offscreen* "Oh the usual, slashing people and making art out of their corpses the usual."

Inque: *Slightly disturbed* "..."

(Y/N): "Keep up the good work."*to Inque*"Don't worry about her, she usually does that to guys who break up with her in the worst ways possible. Like breaking up with her over text or telling someone to tell her that they're breaking up with her."

Shego: "Hate to be that guy."

Sometime later, we see some masseuses giving Shego, Inque, and Jessie a back massage.

Shego: "Man, this place is not that bad."

Inque: "It's fine I guess."*feels the masseuse massaging her back with rubber gloves*"Mmm, they're good."

Shego: "Hey Jasper, come try this?"

The girls then turn to Jasper who is lifting some weights.

Jasper: "I will not subject to-"

Several hours later, we see Jasper relaxed after some massages.

Jasper: "How can those weak hands make me feel relaxed and pampered!?! It felt......amazing....."

Shego: "Yeah it's called a massage."

Later, we see you in the hot tub with your swim trunks on with the Dazzlings.

Aria: "I still can't believe you've been treated like royalty here."

(Y/N): "The secret is treating prison like it's your home."

Sonata: "But isn't prison supposed to be a bad place?"

Aria: "For once she's right."

(Y/N): "Yeah but some prisons actually treat prisoners like royalty, and I treat my fellow inmates like they're family."

Adagio: "This place is for bad people, how can they be family?"

(Y/N): "Well they have good reasons why they're in prison. Slasher Suzie was in prison because her ex boyfriend dumped her over text so she went crazy and killed him."

Aria: "Yeah glad we're not gonna do that over text."

Sonata: "Or get killed."

Adagio: "I agree, but you tell us everything even what you ate for lunch."

(Y/N): "A skull shaped vegan pizza."

Adagio: "Exactly, it's like you grew up in prison."

(Y/N): "I did grow up in prison, actually I was born in prison."

Sirens: "Huh?"

Sonata: "Oh like Bane."

(Y/N): "Yeah but I was born in a women's penitentiary."

Sonata: "Uh, wha?"

Aria: "Girl's only prison."

Sona: "Ohhhh..."

(Y/N): "My mom was arrested for a rape crime that she didn't commit and actually she's the victim of the rape crime. When I was born my mother did her best to raise me until she got wrongly executed so the other inmates of the women's penitentiary raised me and taught me what's right from wrong."

Adagio: "That explains why you're always the villain and you treat people like a good boss and treat your fellow prisoners like they're family."

(Y/N): "Yeah and I have Abomination doing group therapies here."

Aria: "Huh, neat."

Sonata: "Do you think we'll make friends here?"

(Y/N): "If you ask me, yeah."

Aria: "I dunno, after what we did back when we were in CHS, I doubt we'll make any friends."

Later, at lunch, we see you all getting your food and when you and your crew get your lunch it was a balanced meal with a turkey leg, tater tots, and a turkey burger with a mustard smiley face.

Adagio: "Smiley mustard face?"

(Y/N): "A well balanced meal for everyone."

Aria: "Since when do they do... all this?"

(Y/N): "Ever since I became a supervillain."*to the lunch lady*"Hey why don't you give this to everyone, it's on me?"

Everyone in the prison then cheered as they got the same lunch as you and your crew.

Adagio: "How can this place be called a prison?"

Aria: "Yeah this is more like a hotel than prison."

Abomination: "(Y/N) is like a celebrity to criminals across the world, any prison would be lucky to have him here."

You and the others then find a table and we see a tall woman named Titania walk up to you all.

(Y/N): "Hey Titania."

Titania: "Hey, mind if I sit with you?"

(Y/N): "Sure, take a seat."

We see Titania take a seat and we see Stormfront take a selfie with her.

Shego: "You still have your phone?"

(Y/N): "I asked the warden if she can have her phone back cause she's my social media manager and publicist."

Shego: "Huh, neat."

Titania: "So (Y/N) how has it been?"

(Y/N): "Pretty good actually, how are things with you?"

Titania: "La Brava and I are friends now, thank you for that. I felt so alone after I broke up with Absorbing Man but you helped me be friends with La Brava and now I have a girl group in prison."

Shego: "La Brava? That midget villainess from Japan?"

Inque: "Shego come on, they prefer the term, little people."

Titania: "Yeah and also I made friends with Psykos too. She needs someone to talk to since she predicted an apocalyptic future and she sided with the bad guys but we were there to listen."

(Y/N): "Good for you Titania."

Titana: "Thanks (Y/N)."

Abomination: "Yeah good for Psykos, she needed some friends."

Shego: "How long have you two met?"

Titania: "Oh we used to be cellmates back at the Vault when (Y/N) was a rookie villain."

(Y/N): "Ah those were the days."

Adagio: "How come you're not in the crew yet?"

(Y/N): "She went through a break up with Absorbing Man so I don't want her to trouble her so I recruited Abomination instead."

Titania: "Yeah I was going through some stuff so Abomination helped me out."

Jessie: "Have you thought of getting back out there?"

Titania: "I don't know, who would want to date a girl who can crush cinder blocks with her biceps?"

(Y/N): "I would, there's nothing wrong with having muscle. Being a strong and independent woman is good for you."

Titania: "Thank you, you really know how to cheer a girl up."

(Y/N): "I did grow up in a women's penitentiary."

Adagio: "It's true."

Titania: *one arm hugs you*"Then it's settled, I guess you would be my new boyfriend."

Girls: *In their heads* "Darn it!"

Titania: "Man, I knew you were the right guy for me. Brains and brawn are a good match right girls?"

Girls: *strained* "Yeah...."

Later on, we see Titania and you at the hot tub as the girls are jealous of Titania.

Shego: "Man I can't believe someone who is outside of the crew gets to date (Y/N)."

Stormfront: "Yeah sure she has gigantic muscles, sure she can bench press mountains, and sure she has nice hair."

Meanwhile with you and Titania.

Titania: "Man, this hot tub feels nice."

(Y/N): "And it comes with a tv."

You then press a button as we see a TV come up from the tub and it turns on as it plays a horror movie.

(Y/N): "Oh man I love this movie."

Titania: "I always wanted to watch this movie."

Then a jumpscare shows up on screen as Titania then hugs you in fear.

Titania: "Ah!"

(Y/N): *gasping for air*"I need air!"

Titania: "Oh."*lets go of you*"Sorry babe."

(Y/N): "It's cool."

Titania: "Well I really like your cell, it's nice that the prison makes a cell like this for you and your crew."

(Y/N): "Yeah, who knew being a villain can get you all of this."

Titania: "Usually prison sucks but you made it better here."

We then see you and Titania kiss each other as the girls then turn green with envy.

Shego: "Lucky..."

Inque: "You know I just remembered something, polyamory marriages are legal in my time."

Shego: "In the future?"

Inque: "Yeah, but it was part of the Free Love Act where men and women are free to choose as many wives and or husbands they want as long as they love each other for themselves."

Shego: "Man crazy stuff happens in the future."

Adagio: "Let's hope Titania shares."

Sonata: "Yeah, we all love him too, even that green lantern girl does too."

Aria: "Oh great not again."

Shego: "What?"

Aria: "Sonata has this crazy theory that some of the hero girls might have a thing for our boss."

Adagio: "How?"

Aria: "You might not believe it, but (Y/N) actually goes to school."

Adagio: "What?? And how come we don't?" *Sees Sonata and Aria giving her the "are you serious?" Look* "Oh yeah, we're banned from all the schools on the planet."

Inque: "Jeez isn't that a bit harsh? You three are kids."

Adagio: "We're a lot older than we look lady."

Inque: "Well anyways, he told me he uses his disguise watch to go to school."

Sonata: "So people don't see him like a monster?"

Inque: "Yeah he custom made his teenager disguise based on what teens like these days."

Shego: "Well at least he's not getting caught, or talking like a stereotypical teen."

Inque: "Well he does but not too much."

Shego: "Oh boy."

Inque: "But no one notices he's in disguise."

Shego: "But what I don't get is why he does go to school, he's a super genius."

Inque: "Well he does have a double life as an average teen cause he wants to socialize."

Shego: "Like he doesn't want to talk to us?"

Inque: "I think it's more like taking some time off from being a villain."

Shego: "Eh makes sense, gotta take some time off from work."

Inque: "What's weird that he has a stripper as a roommate since he has an apartment of his own when he's taking time off as a villain."

Shego: "Really?"

Inque: "He didn't tell me about the stripper but I heard about it when Abomination and Jessie were at the water cooler."

Shego: "How come everyone goes to a water cooler and talk to each other?"

Adagio: "How come you find our conversations boring when we talk at the water cooler?"

Inque: "You talked about gas prices."

Adagio: "Well excuse me if I didn't have anything interesting to talk about."

Sometime later, we see you enter your apartment and you activate your disguise watch and you grab your school supplies as we see a woman in a bathrobe come into the room and she's the spitting image of Pam Anderson.

(Y/N): "Welp I'm off to school Erotica, tell your coworkers I'd said hi."

Erotica: "I will."

You then head out of the apartment and head to school. Later at school, we see you head to class and you at your desk that is next to Carol and Jessica.

Jessica: "Hey (Y/N) it's good to see you again."

(Y/N): "Hey Jessica."

Jessica: "It's good to see you here, I can't believe you're a transfer student here."

(Y/N): "Neither can I, well I mean I believe it since I'm sitting here."

Jessica: *Chuckles* "You're funny."

(Y/N): *Blushes a bit* "Um, thanks. So you heard what happened to Ultramind and his crew?"

Jessica: "Yeah he was defeated by the Guardians of the Globe. I did hear some rumors that he isn't that bad of a bad guy though."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Jessica: "Well, he treats his crew and minions like a good boss and a family."

(Y/N): "Well yeah, he was born in a women's penitentiary. He lost his mother there."

Jessica: "Yikes, I never knew that, I feel so sorry for him. How did you know that?"

(Y/N): "The Internet chat room was talking about superheroes and supervillains, it was on the dark web."

Jessica: "Ohh, but his mom wasn't evil, right?"

(Y/N): "No, she was wrongly accused, and she was... well..." *does a slit throat gesture*

Jessica: *Gasps in realization* "Ohh..."

You and Jessica hear Carol crying because she overheard your conversation.

Carol: "That is so sad!"*cries in streams of tears*

Jessica: "Okay, there, there, Carol come on, you're gonna flood the room."

(Y/N): "Well anyways, let's get this class started."

Later on, we see you at gym class and we see Doris throw a dodgeball at your face and you get a black eye from it.

Jessica: "(Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "I'm okay!"

Jessica goes over to you as she examines you.

Jessica: "Come on, let's get you to the nurse's office."

(Y/N): "I'm fine, it's just a black eye. I'll live."

Jessica: "You need to see the nurse!"

(Y/N): "It's just a shiner, I'll be fine." *sees Jessica determined look* "But uh, I could grab an ice pack from the nurse's office, and you walk me to the office."

Jessica: "Thank you."

We then see Jessica walk you to the nurse's office as the girls saw this.

Kara: "Dude, anyone can live with a shiner on their faces."

Karen: "Come on Kara, he's new around here."

Zee: "Jessica took the opportunity to take an injured hottie to the nurse's office to keep him to herself."

Babs: "What do you mean?"

Zee: "I read enough romance novels to know you're all crushing on him, including you Diana."

Diana: *Blushes* "I do not know what you are talking about Zee."

Zee: "I saw you smooching a picture of him in the locker room."

Diana: "That is a falsehood!"

Zee: "You're literally smooching a picture of him right now."

The girls then see Diana kissing a picture of you.

Diana: *Tosses the picture off screen* "What picture?"

Kara: "Diana you're not the most subtle person when it comes to crushing on a guy."

Karen: "I wonder what Jessica and (Y/N) are doing right now."

Kara: "Probably at the nurse's office by now."

Babs: "Hmm..."

Zee: "Babs, what's wrong?"

Babs: "There's something off about-"

Kara: "Dude let it go, you snooping around and solving mysteries is the reason why we no longer have Taco Tuesday."

Babs: "Come on just hear me out, isn't it a little odd that we got a new student and that Ultramind was imprisoned?"

Kara: "Ultramind was imprisoned 3 weeks ago, but that doesn't mean that it's suspicious that we got a new student just now."

Diana: "It does sound kind of peculiar."

Zee: "Diana don't you start, we lost taco tuesday thanks to Babs."

Diana: "I am not agreeing with Barbra, but all I am saying is that it is odd."

Kara: "Can't we just let it go please?"

Babs: "But-"

Kara: "No Babs."

Babs: "Alright fine, I'll let it go."

Meanwhile with you and Jessica, we see Jessica treating your black eye.

(Y/N): "I don't understand, why are you doing this? Helping someone you barely know. Is it because you're in heat?"

Jessica: *Blushes and stammers* "N-no I- uh... I'm doing this because... it's what good people do, guessing you had a bad huh?"

(Y/N): "You know people in heat do weird things, you know that?"

Jessica: *blushes harder and stammers*"I'm not in heat right now!"

(Y/N): "Are you sure? I can tell what the signs are-"

Jessica: *Blushes* "Look I'm just doing something nice for you just don't make it weird."

(Y/N): "Okay, welp thanks for the treatment. See ya."

You then get up and leave the nurse's office as Jessica sees you leave and feels like opportunity just escaped her.

Jessica: *In her head* "Darn it!"

Later, at the gym, we see you reading a book and you were sitting on Doris and she was doing push ups.

(Y/N): "Man this is a good read, right Doris?"

Doris: *while doing push ups*" What is?"

(Y/N): "This book is about the ocean. Who knew a lobster could lay that many eggs."

Doris: *while doing pushups*"How many?"

(Y/N): "100,000 eggs."

Doris: *while doing push ups*"Huh."

(Y/N): "That's a lot of babies."

Doris: *while doing push ups*"Yeah..."

(Y/N): "It sure is, so why did you want me sitting you?"

Doris: *while doing push ups*"Need some weight on my back."

(Y/N): "While I'm reading a book? Good plan."*pulls out another book*"Good thing I got this scary book too."

Doris: "Pfft, yeah right it can't be that scary."

Frenchie: "A few pages later."

Doris was sweating out of fear rather than out of the exercise as she then continued to do push ups.

(Y/N): "Um... do you want me to stop?"

Doris: *while doing push ups*"No..."

(Y/N): "Well I read somewhere that fear is a great motivator. Keep it up Doris."

Doris: "Yeah, yeah..."

(Y/N): "Now onto chapter 2."

Sometime later, we see Doris breathing into a paper bag at lunch.

(Y/N): *Concerned* "Doris, are you sure you don't wanna stop? There's no shame in stopping."

Doris: "Yeah I'm done exercising for the day."

We then see the villain girls sit with you at the lunch table.

Harleen: "What's with meat head?"

(Y/N): "I thought reading a scary book would motivate her to work out more."

The villian girls all winced when they heard this.

(Y/N): "What? I read somewhere that fear is a great motivator, heck there's a tv show about a guy scaring people into exercising."

Carol: "Doris hates anything horror related."

Selina: "Plus she's terrified of a lot of what's in those books."

(Y/N): "Which is why it makes a great motivator."

Harleen: "Yeah at giving her nightmares."

(Y/N): "Well in that case."*pulls out a book and hands it to Doris*"Here's a romance book about 2 princesses who thought they found their prince but they will soon find out that they love each other more than the prince."

Selina: "There's no way a sappy love story would help her-"

The girls then see Doris reading the book and she was crying out of happiness.

Doris: *cries in happiness*"They deserve each other!"

Carol: "Or... it actually worked..."

Selina then takes the book and reads it.

Selina: "The 2 princesses married each other because the Prince is not their lover. That is why the love for each other is stronger than the love between a prince and a princess."

Harleen: "Huh, neat."

Pam: "So they're gay princesses the whole time?"

Carol: "Yeah it was pretty obvious."

Selina: "Have you met any other Star Sapphires that are gay themselves?"

Carol: "Well I sometimes talk to some Star Sapphires, mostly about how Hal Jordan dumped me twice on Valentine's day."

Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

Selina: "Why am I not surprised."

Carol: "He broke up with me over text the first time and then broke up with me in person the second time."

(Y/N): "I'm sure you can find someone even better than Hal or if guys don't work out with you then you can date girls."

Carol: "Uh...yeah... I don't think I could date girls, it would be weird for me."

(Y/N): "Well there's always using a dating app. Welp gotta go, see ya girls."

You then left the area and left the villain girls as Carol thought for a second and realized something.

Carol: "I just got a weird realization."

Harleen: "What is it?"

Carol: "I think (Y/N) is my soulmate."

Meanwhile, we see you sorting through your locker and we see Jessica walk up to you.

Jessica: "Hey (Y/N), what's up?"

(Y/N): "Hey Jessica."

Jessica: "Well ever since we met, I've gotten a bit of a liking to you and I want to say...I love you."

???: "Uh...."

Jessica sees that you just left and Lois was looking through her locker which is next to yours.

Lois: "Um... Jess I'm flattered but uh... you're not my type."

Jessica: "Where's (Y/N)?"

Lois: "He just left."

Jessica: "What? How?! When?"

Lois: "He's good at making silent exits."

Jessica: "Dang it! Where did he go?"

Lois: "Don't know."

We then see a montage of the hero girls trying to confess their feelings to you but accidentally tells them to Lois. We see Karen holding a box of chocolates and then when she opens her eyes she sees Lois, Zee tries to give a bouquet of flowers to you but gave it to Lois by mistake.

Lois: "Uhh..."

We later see Diana use a banana peel as a trap to make you fall on your butt so that she can catch you and kiss you in the face and when Diana hears a slip she then catches you and when she goes in for the kiss she was kissing Lois and not you. Babs then try to send a romantic email with a poem in it to you but accidentally sends it to Lois by accident. By the time she reads the email she was weirded out on the detail that Babs put in the romantic poem.

Lois: "Uhhhh....."

Sometime later, we see Lois on edge in her office and was prepared if the girls tried to do something as we see the girls come into the room.

Lois: "No more! Please no more! I am not into girls! Period! And I'll even put the envirobeat column back! Please no more!"

Jessica: "Wait really?"

Kara: "Jess!"

Babs: "Lois we're so sorry, none of that is for you. It's for (Y/N)."

Lois: "Wait seriously?"

Kara: "Yes, he keeps getting away somehow."

???(Y/N): "Hey girls."

The girls then turn to see you in the room holding a box of donuts and they scream in surprise.

(Y/N): "I brought donuts."

Kara: "Wha- how?? When..."

(Y/N): "Lois was feeling on edge so I brought her some donuts."

The girls all looked at Lois with a "Are you serious?" Look.

Lois: "Donuts calm me down."

(Y/N): "By the way is it okay if I publish the story about the girls having the hots on you Lois since I took the pictures. I mean I got the paper ready so I'm just waiting for your approval."

You then hand the paper to Lois and she reads the title which says Gay Love For 1.

Lois: "This is a story about the girls all confessing their love to me by accident?"

(Y/N): "Wait, I thought they were all on purpose?"

Lois: "No they were all for you."

(Y/N): "Oh that's nice of you girls, I love you too."

The hero girls then hug you and you hug them back.

(Y/N): *In his head* "I feel like I should tell them who I really am, nah."

Later, at prison, we see you come back through a teleporter and you head to the couch to sit with Titania.

Titania: "Hey babe. How's school?"

(Y/N): "It was good, 6 girls confessed their feelings to a girl named Lois by accident since they're confessing their love to me. And I published an article about it called Gay Love For 1. Are you okay with sharing?"

Titania: "Sure who are they?"

(Y/N): "Diana, Zee, Babs, Karen, Kara, and Jessica. Also I've been living in an apartment in my double life with a stripper who looks like Pam Anderson for a while and I feel kinda awkward since I'm bunking with Stripperella."

Titania: "Wait seriously? How did you find out?"

(Y/N): "I dropped a quarter and it rolled into her closet and I found her uniform in her closet in her room. Is it a bad thing to have a superhero as a roommate?"

Titania: "Well... if you tell them who you are I'm sure they'll understand."

(Y/N): "But I got a good thing going here, I'm a great villain with a secret identity. It's okay if heroes reveal their secret identity to their moms or their roommates but a super villain, I don't want her to think I've been secretly watching her every move to figure out a way to destroy her. That would hurt her feelings."

Titania: "Well sooner or later you're gonna have to tell them, just because you're a bad guy doesn't mean that you're a bad guy. You know what I mean?"

(Y/N): "I know sweetie, maybe I should tell them. Maybe.......sort of.......kind of....."

Titania: "Kind of?"

(Y/N): "Well if you had a double life as a villain would you tell your friends about it?"

Titania: "Well not really cause that might attract the boys in blue."

(Y/N): "Exactly."

Titania: "Okay I see your point."

(Y/N): "Yeah, which is why I have to keep my secret identity a secret."

Titania: "Gotcha."

Later on, we see you doing homework at your apartment while in your disguise as we see Erotica Jones come into the room.

Erotica: "Hey roomy, how have you been? Whatcha doing?"

(Y/N): "Homework."

Erotica: "Oh that's nice, is it okay to invite some of my work friends over?"

(Y/N): "Sure as long as they don't disturb me while I'm doing homework."

Erotica: "Awesome!"

(Y/N): "And I'm working on a Science Fair Project as well."

Erotica: "But the Science Fair is one month away."

(Y/N): "It's good to be prepared."

Erotica: "Hmm well okay then."

Sometime later, we see you working on some math homework while Erotica and her co-workers are hanging out.

Giselle: "I can't believe he's hitting hard at the books and I can't believe you have a high school student as your roommate."

Erotica: "I know it's surprising, but he's not that bad of a roommate."

Persephone: "Has he ever peeked into your dresser or closet to look at your clothing?"

Erotica: "Only one time, he dropped a quarter and it rolled into my closet."

Giselle: "On purpose or by accident?"

Erotica: "Accident."

Persephone: "Hmm...well okay then."

Catt: "How did you meet this guy?"

Erotica: " Well it all started when I got off from work when I headed home."


We see Erotica watching a show by herself as we see her looking around that she is the only person in the apartment.

Erotica: "I should get a roommate."

We see Erotica make a series of fliers and put them up around town as people either ignored it or just came to Erotica just to look at her. After sometime, we see you walk by in your disguise and look at the flier and read it.

(Y/N): "Someone is looking for a roommate to bunk with her in her apartment, sweet."

Meanwhile with Erotica we see her losing hope.

Erotica: "Why is it so hard to get a decent roommate?"

Erotica then hears a knock at the door and she sees you.

(Y/N): "Hey I'm here to be your roommate, I found your flier and I came to this address."*looks at Erotica's face*"Wow, you look like Pam Anderson."

Erotica: "Oh heh, thanks I get that a lot, and if you're here to gawk at me then you have to leave."

(Y/N): "Uh, actually I just came here to be your roommate, I respect your boundaries."

Erotica: *Surprised* "Really? Wait, you're not just saying that, are you?"

(Y/N): "Nope, I'm not. You have your own space and I have mine cause unlike most men, I respect women like they're people. Now where should I put my stuff?"

Erotica: "Oh you can put your stuff down over here."

End of flashback

Erotica: "And that's how he became my roommate."

Persephone: "Is he gay?"

Erotica: "No he just respects women."

Giselle: "That's nice of him."

Persephone: "You don't meet a lot of guys like him."

Catt: "I bet he's huge downstairs."

Persephone: "Catt!"

Catt: "Hey you were thinking too."

Erotica: "He's my roommate and he's doing his homework so we can't disturb him. Plus he has 6 girlfriends at his school."

Catt: "Darn, wait 6?"

Erotica: "Yeah they were trying to confess their feelings to him but they accidentally confessed to a girl named Lois. It took him a while for him to actually find out that those confessions of love are for him and not for Lois."

Catt: "That does explain why that reporter girl was getting looks from girls."

Persephone: "How would you know that?"


We see Catt eating lunch until she sees Lois getting some lunch as a group of lesbians were eying her.

End of flashback

Catt: "I was eating lunch when I saw her with a bunch of girls eying her."

Giselle: "Huh, weird."

(Y/N): "Done with the Long Division Homework."

Catt: "Not as long as-"

Persephone: "Catt!"

(Y/N): "Not as long as what? The Nile river?"

Giselle: "She actually means not as long as you are downstairs."

(Y/N): "But our apartment doesn't have a downstairs."

Persephone: *whispers to Erotica*"Is he dense?"

Erotica: *whispers*"Maybe."

Giselle: "We... knew that."

(Y/N): "Well since I got no other school work to do for the night, whatcha doing?"

Giselle: "Just talking that's all."

(Y/N): "Wanna watch a horror movie tonight?"

Erotica: "I was about to choose a horror movie, sure."

Sometime later, we see you and the girls watching a horror movie and we see Giselle holding your arm.

Giselle: "Man, this movie is scary."

(Y/N): "You know they make these special effects look very realistic with a big enough budget nowadays."

Giselle "How realistic are we talking?"

Giselle then sees a very realistic scene of gore in the movie and then she hugs you very tightly.

Erotica: "Very, very, realistic."

Catt: "Yeah no kidding."

(Y/N): "You girls wanna watch something else? If it's too intense."

Persephone: "How about a romantic comedy?"

Sometime later, we see you and the girls watching a rom com and you don't get it.

(Y/N): "I don't get it."

Giselle: "Me neither, why wait at the last second to tell a girl you love her when she's at the altar of her wedding day?"

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Erotica: "Well it's what they do, in a rom com the guy always shows up at the last minute to tell the girl he loves her at the last second."

(Y/N): "Yeah, you girls are nice people for a bunch of strippers. Once you actually get to know girls like you, you can be great friends."

Girls: "Awww."

Giselle: "Thanks."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

Later on, we see you eating pizza with the girls.

Persephone: "How long have you two been roommates."

Erotica: "About for a while, he and I became good friends."

(Y/N): "Yeah, and I respect boundaries."

Giselle: "Man you're lucky to have a roommate Erotica, if I had a roomie like you I would be happier than a dancer in heat."

(Y/N): "Like during summer?"

Giselle: "No it means that I wanna-"

Persephone: "Giselle!"

Giselle: "What? You know all you want a roommate like (Y/N) too."

Persephone: "I... okay, true."

(Y/N): "You mean a guy who pays the bills on time and does the chores while Erotica is at work?"

Persephone: "Yeah, someone reliable and not there to jack off every time we're in the room."

Giselle: "Does that happen a lot?"

Persephone: "Eh sometimes, the last time I tried getting a roommate I had to change my floors from carpet to hardwood because the carpet was too sticky and its a pain in the butt to clean."

Giselle: "Won't the floors get cold when it's winter?"

Persephone: "Yeah, so I wear slippers."

Erotica: "Glad I got a good roommate."

Giselle: "Wish I did, the last roommate I had he won't stop groping by bosom."

Persephone: "That's exactly what my last roommate did, only he touched my butt too."

Erotica: "What about you Catt?"

Catt: "My last roommate moved in just to be a friend with benefits with me, so I kicked him out, but not before I got his money."

(Y/N): "Well you have me, I don't want to have sex right off the bat before knowing you girls."

Giselle: "Hm that seems fair."

Persephone: "Yeah I wish we can have you as a roommate."

(Y/N): "Yeah me too, welp it's getting late I'll get ready for bed."

You then leave the room as the girls talk to each other.

Persephone: "You're lucky girl, not only you found a roommate you found a nice guy."

Giselle: "And he respects boundaries, wonder what he'd do if I was in my birthday suit?"

Catt: "I bet he would get you a towel to cover yourself up."

Erotica: "That's what he did when I was getting a towel after my bath. He didn't even flinch when he saw me naked."

Catt: "Really?"

Erotica: "Yeah he looked at my face the whole time and never looked down at my naked body. Treating me with respect by not looking at my naked body and only looking at my face."

Giselle: "Wow..."

Catt: "That's impossible, you have to have tunnel vision to do that."

Giselle: "What's that?"

Catt: "It's when you see one thing and nothing else."

Giselle: "Like a guy looking at my boobies and not my face?"

Persephone: "Yeah like that."

Giselle: "Oh."

Erotica: "Hey girls, is it okay to have a crush on a roommate?"

Persephone: "Of course, we've been there but let's face it, most guys only go for these." *Bounces her boobs*

Giselle: "Not (Y/N)."

Erotica: "Exactly, he's the perfect guy for me."

Persephone: "It's not just you, we all like him too."

Erotica: "You all have a thing for him too?"

Giselle: "Duh, he's a sweetheart."

Catt: "He cares about girls like us."

Persephone: "And a real gentleman."

Erotica: "Well how about we all share him?"

Giselle: "Sounds good to me."

Catt: "Eh why not?"

Persephone: "I'm down."

We then see you come into the room with your pjs on which is printed with Stripperella on it.

Erotica: "(Y/N) we've been talking and-"*sees what you're wearing*"Where did you get that?"

(Y/N): "What? I'm a fan of her work."

Erotica: "Nice, anyways, we've been talking and we love you and we want to share you."

(Y/N): "Oh that's sweet girls."*sees the girls hugging you and you hug back*

Giselle: "Yay!"

Catt: "Thanks, you lucky guy."

Erotica: "I'm glad to have a roommate like you."

Later at night, we see you and the girls sleep in bed at night.

Persephone: "Goodnight sweetie."

(Y/N): "Good night girls."

Next: Chapter 2: World Domination For A Day

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