Chapter 2: World Domination For A Day

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Here we see you placing your name plate on a desk that has your anime and job description as ruler of the planet and then the camera zooms out and sees that you're in the white house.

(Y/N): "Man, running a whole planet will be no problem." *Remembers* "Oh and having a relationship with girls as a villain and a civilian. And this will mark my day of being ruler of the world."

Meanwhile, with all the heroes on Earth, we see all of them in cages made specifically for them as we see the hero girls sitting in their cell in defeat.

Kara: "This stinks!"*punches the wall and hurts her hand*"Ow!"

Babs: "How did this happen?"

Zee: *muffling noises*

Diana: *while tied up in her lasso of truth*"We failed as heroes."

Babs: "I can't believe all the heroes in the world were defeated and placed in cages."

Karen: "Look on the brightside, at least the food here is good."

The girls then turn to see an entire feast that is fit for 40 kings.

Babs: "True, but we need to get out of here."

Jessica: *while tied up in yellow tape*"Can someone feed me some of the tofurky?"

We then see Kara shove some tofurky into Jessica's mouth.

Kara: "Babs did you come up with a way to bust us out of here?"

Babs: "..............Nope......."

Jessica: *swallows her food*"Wait, wait, you mean to tell us that you had a plan and you have no idea how to get us out of here?!"

Babs: "This prison is made specifically for us, I tried getting help from the smartest heroes on the planet but they're stumped."

Kara: "Why didn't you tell us earlier?!"

Babs: "Hey give me a break, I'm doing my best."

Karen: "We all tried punching our way out but...."

Everyone turned to Superman as his hands were covered in bandages.

Superman: "Ow..."

Karen: "Nothing."

Babs: "That's because these prisons were designed to contain us, including our powers and weapons."

Kara: "So in other words, we can't use our powers on each other's cages?"

Everyone: "Nope."

Jessica: "What's Ultramind doing right now with the world?"

Sometime later, we see robots cleaning up trash and pollution from the environment and cleaning up all of Gotham City.

(Y/N): "That should do it." *Sighs* "People these days need to care more about the environment."

Later, we see you head to your office and you start watching TV as Inque and Shego come into the room holding stolen art and bags of money.

Inque: "Another day, another... piece of art."

Shego: "Yeah."*to you*"Hey boss, what's next in your rule over the planet? Enslave the people into labor by making a giant statue of yourself?"

(Y/N): "Actually, yes I did but it's not slavery if they're getting paid."

Inque: "So what is it?"

(Y/N): "A day of honest work. They're getting paid 10 dollars an hour."

Shego: "That's it?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, plus a statue of myself? While it is a good idea, it is kind of cliche don't you think?"

Shego: "Eh fair enough."

(Y/N): "That's why I downsized the statue to be a tiny statue in a snowglobe. And to save money, we made 1 snowglobe and used a replicator to make enough of them for everyone on the planet."

Inque: "That's... actually kind of cool."

(Y/N): *places a snowglobe on your desk*"Pretty neat huh?"

Shego: "Huh so you hired one guy to make a statue of yourself and put it into a snowglobe?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Inque: "So you cleaned up the planet from all sorts of pollution including environmental damage caused by the industrial revolution, made snowglobes of yourself, what's next you steal all of the precious landmarks of the world and replace them with fake ones at the end of the day?"

(Y/N): "Bingo, I always want to make a golf course with the actual national landmarks in it."

Shego: "Hmm well alright, so what's the update on the prisoners?"

(Y/N): "Actually Stormfront is sending me a text about it."*got a text from Stormfront*"Still stuck in cages."

Inque: "I still can't believe Superman of all people gave you the idea of taking over the world."


Here we see the Superhero girls and the Justice League defeated by you and your crew while you were stealing art.

(Y/N): "You know stealing the Mona Lisa is great and all, but I really need a challenge."

Superman: "Why don't you take over the world?"

(Y/N): "Good idea! Thanks Superman."

Kara: *to Superman* "Seriously dude!"

(Y/N): "Good thing I made cages for all the heroes on the planet."

You then send out drones out to the world as they deploy cages specifically made to contain all of the heroes in the world.

Titania: "When did you have time to make these?"

(Y/N): "I was bored and had nothing to do so I made cages for all the heroes in the world."

Titania: "Amazing work babe."

End of flashback

Shego: "Not bad, but uh, what about your girlfriends, the hero ones?"

(Y/N): "They still get phone calls from me."

Inque: "What about your uh, other life?"

(Y/N): "Hey I'm ruler of the world for 1 day and then I'm off the clock. I got this figured out."

Shego: "So you took over the world and you're gonna rule it with an iron fist for a day?"

(Y/N): "Eh yeah, plus running it forever seems like a lot of work, so just for a day, why?"

Shego: "Well I really want to have Kim Possible to be my servant for all the beatings she gave me."

Inque: "What, like a maid?"

Shego: "Yeah something like that."

(Y/N): "Glad I keep this for such an occasion."

You then place a compliance collar on the table as Shego sees it.

(Y/N): "It's a compliance collar, put it on someone and they will follow every command. I'll show you how it works, Inque put this on."

Inque then puts on the collar and then it activates.

(Y/N): "Now give her a command."

Shego: "Okay, kiss me."

We then see Inque kissing Shego on the lips and then she pulls away.

Shego: "......It works..."*gets the collar off of Inque*"Thanks boss."

Inque: "Did I just kiss Shego just now?"

(Y/N): "Yes, yes you did."

Shego: "Compliance collar."

Sometime later, we see Kim Possible wearing the compliance collar and a maid outfit and she's giving Shego a foot rub.

Shego: "Since Ultramind is gonna be ruler of the world for a day, might as well enjoy it while it lasts. Hey princess, how about you give me a back massage while you're at it."

Kim: "Yes ma'am."

We then see Shego get a back massage from Kim and we see Shego feels relaxed from the massage.

Shego: "Man this is good. Hey can your mom join in on this?"

We then see Ann Possible, Kim's mother, come into the room with a compliance collar on and she helps Kim with Shego's back massage.

Ann: "Are you enjoying this Mistress Shego?"

Shego: "Yeah, yeah I am."

We then see a montage of Shego getting pampered and treated like royalty thanks to Kim and Ann Possible. After some time Shego eventually got bored of it until she heard the sound of a whistle.

Shego: "Huh?"*gets a group text from Stormfront*"Huh, the day is over."

Shego then takes the collars off of Kim and her mom as they return to normal.

Kim: "Why are we in maid outfits?"

Ann: *looks at her reflection*"And I got to say I look good in this, who knew?"

Kim: "Wait I'm out of my cage that means-"

Shego: "My boss is clocking out as ruler of the world. He just wants to rule the world for a day."

Kim: "Wait what?"

Shego: "Yeah I know, I'm just as shocked as you are."

Ann: "Wait, he just wanted to rule the world for a day?"

Shego: "Yeah he cleaned up all of the pollution in the world, stole a bunch of money and art, and you have to figure out what he did to all of the national landmarks on your own."

Kim and Ann were surprised to hear this.

Kim: *to Ann* "Is it wrong that I want to dump Ron and date Ultramind?"

Ann: "I was about the say the same thing to you."

Shego: "I'd say you two have the right idea. His girlfriend Titania said she's okay to share."

Kim: *to Ann*"Seriously mom?"

Ann: "What?"

Sometime later, we see you in your civilian disguise and you lay on the bed as we see Erotica come into the room and see you.

Erotica: "Crazy day, first Ultramind was ruling the world and then the next day he just clocked out."

(Y/N): "Yeah crazy day, but hey at least he cleaned up Gotham."

Meanwhile at Gotham, we see Harleen and Babs hugging and crying cause their home city was cleaned up as we see Pam and Jessica smiling with joy.

Babs and Harleen: "Worst day ever!"

Jessica and Pam: "Best day ever!"

Back to you.

Erotica: "I don't get Ultramind, one minute he's a bad guy, then the next he's a saint, there's no rhyme or reason to what he does."

(Y/N): "Maybe he likes being a villain for fun like robbing banks, stealing art, or making his own golf course out of priceless national landmarks."

Erotica: "Well he's a villain and he needs to be stopped."

(Y/N): "Well most bad guys aren't really bad guys... I mean have you ever thought about why he... does this?"

Erotica: "Maybe just for the fun of it? Who knows what's going on in his twisted head?"

(Y/N): "Well he may be screwy in the noggin, but he's no psychopath."

Erotica: "True, well guess I'll figure him out later, right now I'm glad he's no longer in charge of the world."

(Y/N): "Hey he cleaned Gotham, is that something a bad guy would do?"

Erotica: "Not really, if a villain tries to take over the world again I want that villain to be Ultramind. He's the only person who actually takes care of our planet. If you're gonna take over the world you have to take care of it."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Erotica: *lays in bed with you*"Well now I have the whole day to myself."*pulls your head into her breasts and pats your head*"And you by my side."

(Y/N): *Muffled* "I'm glad to be by your side."

We then see you and Erotica snuggle and cuddle in bed for a while. Later, at school, we see you walk down the halls and you overhear conversations from the students in the hall.

Student 1: "I can't believe he took over the world for one day and then just clock out."

Student 2: "I know right."

Girl: "He really cleaned up the pollution in the world, even Gotham."

Girl 2: "Yeah, guess he isn't really a bad-bad guy."

Girl 3: "I wish I could take his hand in marriage."

You then walk to your locker and you see Babs and Harleen crying over the fact that Ultramind cleaned up Gotham.

(Y/N): "What's going on here?"

Babs and Harleen: "Gotham has been cleaned!!!!"

(Y/N): "How is that bad?"

Harleen: "It was our home! It was where we grew up together!"

(Y/N): "Sorry to hear that. Welp, see ya."

You then head down the halls and you head to class where you sit next to Lois as you see her writing a column for the school paper.

(Y/N): "Whatcha writing boss?"

Lois: "Just another column for the new paper."

(Y/N): "Good for you. What's it about?"

Lois: "It's about Ultramind, Bad Guy but not Bad Guy."

(Y/N): "Wait what?"

Lois: "He may be a villain but in a good way, if anything he's a hero."

(Y/N): "I am? I-I mean he is?"

Lois: "Yeah, and after publishing the last article about Ultramind, the newspaper was flying off the shelves cause apparently most of the students here are Ultrabrides."

You turn to see girls wearing official Ultrabride clothing and merchandise.

(Y/N): "Wow, for a supervillain he gets a lot more fangirls than heroes do."*sees one of them wearing a wedding dress*"Is that a wedding dress?"

Lois: "Yyyyeah... they're really desperate to meet Ultramind and marry him, even the teachers are into him."

(Y/N): "Like Ms. Moone?"

Lois: "Yeah right, like she would fall for-"

(Y/N): "No I mean Ms. Moone, look."

You then point at June Moone walking into the room wearing a shirt with a heart that says I Heart Ultramind.

Lois: "And I stand corrected..."

(Y/N): "So uh, how come everyone thinks he's a hero when he broke every law in the legal system, including loitering and tax evasion?"

Lois: " Because he's doing it for fun."

(Y/N): "That makes sense."*to June*"Uh Ms. Moone, why are you wearing that shirt?"*gets no response*"Uh Ms. Moone?"

You and Lois see June daydreaming about Ultramind.

Fantasy sequence

Here we see June at home sharing a romantic dinner for Ultramind, then we see them get married, then we see June moon pregnant with Ultramind's child as they share a kiss, and then we see them grow old together until...

End of fantasy sequence

We see you spit a spitwad at June's face as she was snapped back into reality.

June: "Wha? Oh uh sorry about that class. I was daydreaming a bit."*laughs nervously*

(Y/N): "Are you gonna teach us about the lesson you went on yesterday about quadratic equations?"

June: "Ah yes, thank you Mr. Blastwiz."

(Y/N): "Um Ms. Moone, why are you making one of those hearts that has an X between the names of a couple on the board?"

June then sees she was writing a heart with her name x Ultramind on the board and she quickly erases it and laughs nervously.

June: "Sorry again. Now let's get to the lesson."

Later, at lunch, we see you and Lois eating lunch and you were a bit weirded out about the sample quadratic equation.

(Y/N): "I can't believe our substitute math teacher is an Ultrabride."

Lois: "I know right."

(Y/N): "But hey at least you aren't obsessed with him at all right?"

Lois: "Pfft no of course not."*quietly talks on her phone*"Cancel the order!"*puts her phone away*"Yeah I'm not obsessed with him."

(Y/N): "Do you think Ultramind would meet these Ultrabrides?"

Lois: "Who knows."

(Y/N): "I bet he would do something crazy."

You and Lois then sees a news report on the school's TV.

TV: "Breaking news everyone, all of the world's national landmarks have been stolen including the moon! Heroes are baffled on how the super villain Ultramind stole them, let's see what the heroes have to say."

Camera cuts to Egypt with Superman.

Superman: "The great pyramids are made out of plastic."

Camera cuts to the Moon with Omni-man.

Omni-man: "It's all just a giant machine that replicates the gravity of the moon covered in a solid hologram."

Camera cuts to Paris with Ladybug.

Ladybug: "The eiffel tower is made out of beef jerky."

Camera cuts to the great wall of china with Kim Possible.

Kim: "This is literally a bunch of legos."

Back to the news station.

TV: "Where are the national landmarks of the world? Will anyone stop the chaos made by Ultramind? And where will he strike next?"

Lois: "Wow....."

(Y/N): "I know right."

Next: Chapter 3: Meeting the Ultrabrides

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