Chapter 3: Meeting the Ultrabrides

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Here we see June Moone watching the news about Ultramind until we see her tv change to a commercial about a tour specifically for fans of Ultramind.

TV: *Abomination on screen**"Hello everyone, I am Emil Blonksy or Abomination and I'm here to tell you about the tour around Ultramind's secret evil lair and all of its inner workings. But to keep the location of the lair, we'll be teleporting you all over to the lair thanks to our teleporters. We'll send you over your tourist wristbands so you can be teleported to our Evil Lair. By the time the tour is over, you will be teleported safely back to your homes."

June then screamed in excitement and she hugged a body pillow of Ultramind and hugged it tight. Several days later, we see June go to her mailbox and she got the tourist wristband for the tour around your evil lair.

June: "Yes!"

She then puts on the wrist band and she gets teleported into a hovercraft for the tour around the evil lair and she sees Abomination giving out the tour.

Abomination: "Hello everyone, I am the Abomination, bodyguard and worker for Ultramind. And I'll be your tour guide."

We see the hovercraft going through your evil lair as we see the Ultrabrides taking pictures.

Abomination: "We are state of the art when it comes to doing all kinds of villainy and protection against heroes."

The Ultrabrides then see a weapons testing area, a science lab, and a mess hall that serves 5 star meals.

Abomination: "Our science labs have been working on numerous weapons and chemicals and other science that defies the laws of nature and physics. We've been working on a prototype of super fighting robotic maids that look very human to the point that you have to look at their blood cells just to find out if they're human or not."

The Ultrabrides sees a squad of robot maids folding laundry and then take down a whole squad of soldiers all at once.

June: "Woah..."

Abomination: "Taking down entire nations and getting a place nice and tidy is essential. And if you turn to your left, you can see our best singers, the Dazzlings practicing their singing."

The Ultrabrides then turn to see the Dazzlings practicing their singing while hypnotized minions were serving their needs.

Sonata: *Sees an empty plate* "Hey can one of you get me more tacos?"*sees a minion hold up a taco*"Yay!"

Adagio: "Can one of you massage my feet?"*feels the minions massaging her feet*"Mmm, oh yes this is nice."

Abomination: "As we continue our tour, we'll come by and head to Ultramind's mini golf course."

By the time the hovercraft got to your mini golf course the Ultrabrides saw all of the real famous and national landmarks from all over the world including the real moon as they all gasped in shock.

June: "All the famous landmarks!"

Ultrabride 1: "Here!?!!"

Ultrabride 3: "How did he manage to fit all of those in here?"

Abomination: "He built a machine that warps dimensions to fit all of this stuff in there."

June: "Soo... a shrink ray?"

Abomination: "No, it's a dimensional barrier to make the place on the inside look bigger than the outside."

Ultrabride 2: "What's the difference?"

Abomination: "Well before construction we didn't want to alter the size of the real landmarks and the moon so we developed a machine to make the topography of our facility bigger on the inside while the outside is the same size. Think of it like a balloon, it starts out small but when you blow into it, it will get bigger."

Ultrabride 10: *sees you*"There's Ultramind! And he's playing mini golf!"

We then see all the Ultrabrides get out of the hovercraft as they then surround you as you were about to make a hole in one at the Great Pyramids of Giza.

(Y/N): "Uhh... hi?"

Ultrabirde 5: "We're your biggest fans! I love you Ultramind! Marry me!"

Ultrabride 9: "No he's gonna marry me!"

We then see the ultra brides wrestle each other as you then make a hole in one.

(Y/N): "Girls calm down, I need to focus on my game. Right now I'm going against Roger from Human Resources."

Ultrabride 4: "Who's Roger?"

(Y/N): *Points to a zombie*"He's Roger."

The girls then see a zombie holding a putter and a golf ball and he places it on the spot and makes the shot.

(Y/N): "Not bad Roge, what's the score?"

Roger: *Groans*

(Y/N): "Dang it, we're still tied."

June: "You understand what he said?"

(Y/N): "It's all in the throat. Plus our HR department is composed of only zombies and other assorted monsters, since most monsters eat humans they make great employees for the Human Resources Department. Plus it's great to diversify our staff. We even have human cannibals."

Roger: *groans and points at June's head*

(Y/N): "Woah, easy buddy, what did we talk about?"

June: "What did he say?"

(Y/N): "He said: Are you gonna eat that?"

June: "But I don't have any food." *Realizes* "Ohh he was talking about my brain wasn't he?"

(Y/N): "Yeah."*to Roger*"Roger, they're serving dead men's brains in the mess hall. Plus her brain might not be ripe."

June: "Uh....? Ripe how?"

Sometime later, we see Abomination leading the tour group to the mess hall and June sees 2 female cannibals sharing a meal like a couple.

June: "Um is that human flesh?"

Cannibal Girl 1: "It's cloned human flesh, we didn't kill anyone. Just clones of some people."

Cannibal Girl 2: "We're on our second lunch date."

June: "Date? You two are dating?"

Cannibal 1: "Yeah, we came from an old tradition of cannibalism. Once we get hitched and we get a bun in the oven. I'll devour my wife, trust me she is delicious."

Cannibal 2: *giggles*"Babe stop, save your appetite for our honeymoon."

Cannibal 1: "I might drizzle you with honey, honey bun."

Then the cannibals laughed and then they held hands and kissed each other.

June: "So long have you two been together?"

Cannibal 2: "A few months but we're taking our relationship slowly."

June: "So what does a traditional cannibal wedding like?"

Cannibal 1: "Any other wedding of course, but when we get down and get busy on our honeymoon. One of us has to carry our child and the other has to provide nutrition for our child."

June: "Wait you mean?"

Cannibal 1: "Yes, why do you think my girlfriend smells like she's covered in cajun spices?"

Cannibal 2: "I marinate myself in cajun spices every morning, she couldn't resist the spice on myself."

June: "Oh good for you. I think...."

June then follows the rest of the tour group and she sees a lamia talking to a vampire at the water cooler.

Lamia: "And then she said, " know him? I ate him."

Both the vampire and lamia laughed at the water cooler as the tour group left the area. Sometime later, we see the entire tour group at the teleporter after their tour.

Abomination: "Hope you all enjoyed the tour and our gift shop. Have a nice day."

We then see Abomination teleport the Ultrabrides back to their homes as we see June hugging a body pillow of Ultramind. Back to you, we see you heading back to your office after a whole game of golf.

(Y/N): "After every hole in one in my Mini Golf course I am still tied to Roger from HR."

We then see the enchantress teleport into the room and see you.

(Y/N): "The Enchantress? What are you doing here?"

Enchantress: "June wants to see you."

(Y/N): "Well where is she?"

We then see the Enchantress transform back into June Moone.

(Y/N): "Ohh I get it, two beings sharing the same body."

June: "I am your biggest fan! Can I have your autograph!? Can we get married on Mars!?! No wait Pluto! Do you want 10 kids and can one of them be Ultramind the second?!"

(Y/N): "Uh whoa, take it easy, teach."

June: "Sorry. Wait, teach?"

(Y/N): "I sent spy drones to watch your lectures in art class."

June: "Wait how did..." *realizes* "Your..."

(Y/N): "Stalker, I wasn't stalking, I was just watching your lectures. I was making my own coffee mug."

June: "Oh right, for a second there I thought you were one of my students."*nervously laughing*"Me asking my own student for his hand in marriage on the spot, that's ridiculous."

(Y/N): "Yeah I saw a comedy movie about a father having relations with his math teacher and then they had a kid and weird stuff was happening in the rest of the movie like the kid referred to his dad as a friend."

June: "Just to hide the fact that he was a child from a couple who committed adultery. I like that movie."

(Y/N): "Yeah me too."

June: "Can you sign my face?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

You then fired a beam at her forehead and it had your signature.

June: "I will never wash this forehead ever again!"

(Y/N): "So how long has the Enchantress been with you sharing 1 body?"

June: "About 5 years."

(Y/N): "You and her must be like sisters when it comes to sharing a body."

June: "Yeah kind of, she is really possessive but sometimes I don't mind."

(Y/N): "You need to set up ground rules for her. Your body, your rules."

June: "I know, but sometimes she is really controlling, it's hard to keep her held back sometimes."

(Y/N): "Well you should show her who's boss, what does she do on her down time?"

June: "She likes to binge watch the show Friends on Netflix when I'm asleep. I get tired in the morning like that."

(Y/N): "Then how about you show her who's boss by threatening her."

June: "Right."*holds up a mirror and talk to the Enchantress*"Enchantress, we need to talk."

Enchantress: "What?"

June: "I...I had this body longer than you have and I am setting up some ground rules. And you're gonna follow them or else."

Enchantress: "Pftt, or else what?"

June: "I'll delete my netflix account."

Enchantress: "What!?! NO! I'm not done binge watching Friends!"

June: "Well then, let's make things clear. I'm the owner of this body and you're just my roommate. I'll have some sleep and you will have a 3 hour time limit on watching netflix."

Enchantress: *Pouts* "... Fine."

June: "Thank you."*puts away the mirror*"Woo, that felt good."

(Y/N): "And now you're the boss of your own body."

June: "Thank you for the advice on being the boss."

(Y/N): "No problem."

June: "Hey um, can you keep a secret?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

June: "Enchantress has a crush on a student in my class."

(Y/N): "Is it Doris Zeul? Because most lesbians like the muscle bound types of women. I have a chart to prove it."

June: "Uhh well, it's not a girl it's a boy."

(Y/N): "Ohh, so who's the guy?"

June: "(Y/N) Blastwiz."

(Y/N): "What!?! I mean what?"

June: "Well since me and the Enchantress share the same body, we share fantasies."*shivers in disgust*"I can still see them, why would she put something that big in her body?"

(Y/N): "I'm not gonna question what that is, and I'm guessing you both share the same dreams too?"

June: "Yes, last night we had a double dream date. I keep a dream journal just in case. Usually we have a romantic dinner with you and (Y/N)."*blushes bright red and covers her face with her hand*"Why did I say that out loud?!"

(Y/N): "Yeah that sounds so weird."

June: "Welp anyways, see ya."

We then see June get magically teleported out of the room.

(Y/N): "That was so weird."

Sometime later, you are in your civilian disguise and you are eating lunch and we see June at a table behind yours and then we see the Enchantress looking at you from June's eyes.

Enchantress: "Someday (Y/N), someday you'll be mine."

We then see a montage of you doing your normal school stuff and we see June walk by you and she feels the same feelings as the Enchantress about you and this has been going on for days and you were minding your own business doing your work. We then see you reading a book in the library and we see June walk by.

(Y/N): "Nothing like reading a good book."*closes the book*"And done."*sees June's legs a bit shaky*"Ms. Moone are you okay? Why are your legs shaking?"

June: *blushes and exhales*"I just needed to use the restroom, that's all."

(Y/N): "Um, alright. Are you sure your ok? Should I get the nurse?"

June: "No, No, I am perfectly fine."

Later in the bathroom, we see June talking to the Enchantress in the mirror.

June: "Enchantress, this is a school day! I am trying to do my job as a teacher and you're distracting me by being horny for one of my students!"

Enchantress: "The heart what the heart wants June."

June: "But did you really have to make fantasies of my own student doing it with you in my head!"*shivers*"So....unnatural....."

Enchantress: "I can't help it, I'm in love!"

June: "Well keep your love kid friendly! We're in highschool, I'm supposed to set an example for the kids."

Enchantress: "Fine...."

We then see June leave the restroom as we see Zee bump into her.

Zee: "Oh sorry Ms. Moone."*sees the state June is in*"Um...are you okay?"

June: "I'm fine."

Zee: "Let me guess, the Enchantress has a crush on someone and you are getting weird fantasies."

June: "H-how did-"

Zee: "I know that you and the Enchantress are sharing a body."

June: "Right cause you were trying to get me with your father and then the whole thing happened."

Zee: "Again I am so sorry that happened, I thought that my dad was lonely after my mom left and-"

June: "Don't worry, it's all water under the bridge."

Zee: "Thanks, but in all seriousness, are you sure you're okay? Is Enchantress bothering you or something?"

June: "Well she has a crush on one of my students, but my heart belongs to Ultramind."*starts imagining Ultramind*"The rock hard biceps, the chiseled jawline, the dreamy voice-"

Zee: "But he's a supervillain and you're an art teacher."

June: "Those are details, but back to the topic. She has a crush on (Y/N) Blastwiz."

Zee's eyes widened in shock and her jaw dropped and then her head exploded and then we see the entire galaxy explode and then the explosion reversed and went back to Zee's head.

Zee: "...What?!"

June: "Shhh, shush."

Zee: "Sorry, sorry, but what? Why does an evil villain with powerful magic nearly killed me and my dad have the hots for a highschool student like (Y/N)?"

June: "You had a crush on Aquaman."

Zee: "Touche. But that was a phase because I am his girlfriend."

When June heard what Zee said, the camera then went into June's mind and we see the enchantress and then she felt her heart was shattered into a million pieces.


Meanwhile, outside of June's mind, we see June start crying tears of sadness and it was not her tears.

June: "I... think her heart might be shattered into a million pieces."

Zee: "Ohh... uh, sorry? But hey maybe we'll share. I mean I am already sharing him with my friends."

June: "Oh...uh...that's nice..."

Then suddenly, we see June transform into the Enchantress.

Enchantress: "I am coming, my love!"

Enchantress then starts flying around the school as Zee was standing in one place in shock.

Zee: "That's......not good."

Meanwhile, we see you putting the toothpick on a toothpick replica of the eiffel tower.

(Y/N): "There."

We then see you float into the air and then the Enchantress teleports behind you and hugged you tightly.

(Y/N): "Gah! What the...?!"

Enchantress: "I have seen you every day in my life through the eyes of June Moone! And now I can't resist anymore, I love you so much! I am willing to join your harem!"

The Enchantress then kisses you all over as her hand then accidentally presses a button on your disguise watch as we then see the hero girls step into the room in their hero outfits as they see you transform into Ultramind when the Disguise watch was deactivated.

Hero Girls: "Ultramind!?!"

(Y/N): "Oh crud."

When Enchantress sees your real appearance and then we see both you and Enchantress scream at the same time.

Enchantress: "Wait, why are you screaming?"

(Y/N): "I'm screaming cause you're screaming."

Enchantress: "Wait, (Y/N) Blastwiz is Ultramind!?!!"

Meanwhile, in the Enchantress' head, we see June's eyes widen and jaw dropped in shock.

June: "I didn't see that coming. Wait, all of that erotica fanfiction about me and Ultramind I made myself and (Y/N) is Ultramind?!!"*realizes*"I was thinking of having sex with my own student....."

Back outside, we see Enchantress drop you ot the ground and she changes back into June as she looks at you and then she starts shivering in disgust.

June: "I am so ashamed of myself...."

(Y/N): "I understand, I'll leave Metropolis and move to a different planet, I hear Pluto is good this time of year. Not the first time this happened anyways, do you have any idea what it's like not to be seen as a villain."

The girls actually felt sorry for you.

Jessica: "We are so sorry."

(Y/N): "Oh don't worry, I made myself look like this cause I was going for the mishmash villain look for my career as a Super Villain."

Zee: "Well it looks pretty unique."

(Y/N): "Welp I'm gonna move in with those guys on the Malfunctioning Destroyer in Jupiter."

June: "Now hang on, just because you look different doesn't mean you are a bad person."

(Y/N): "I rob every bank on the planet 3 times a year, I broke every law in the book including loitering, I even killed a lama cause he knew too much."

Babs: "That was you?"

(Y/N): "Yep. He knew too much of the next lottery ticket number and the next Star Trek movie."

Jessica: "I... I don't even know how to respond to that."

Kara: "Me neither, but dude you can't just leave."

Zee: "Yeah, you done so much good when you took over the world."

(Y/N): "Well when you take over the world the least you can do is take care of it. But do you all still like me? Even if I'm a super villain."

Babs: "My best friend from Gotham was a supervillain and I still liked her. So I like you (Y/N), no matter what you look like."

(Y/N): "Again with the looks, I have a plan to destroy the world economy, a plan to control all of Japan through hypnotizing people by making an anime and giving them a command to come up with a solution for their population problem, I even have a plan to make the world go through a panic by tweeting posts about the world ending."

Jessica: "That... actually doesn't sound so bad."

Babs: "Wait, you were going to put the world into a panic by making tweets about the world ending?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, people look at the internet all the time and believe anything that's on the Internet. Plus all kinds of bad stuff happens on Twitter."

Zee: "Well that does sound evil."

(Y/N): "Exactly."*pulls out a suitcase*"Now to pack my things and move to Neptune. See ya."

You then teleport out of the room and the girls look at each other.

Jessica: "I think we just let a supervillain get away."

Kara: "Yeah we did."

Next: Chapter 4: Moving Out

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