Chapter one

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Kokichi sat on the train as he swung his legs back & forth. He had already been on the train for what felt like hours. He let out a loud & somewhat dramatic sigh as the conductor stated they were still two stops away from his destination.

He was on his way to meet his friend Rantaro which had become a routine at this point. He was always at Rantaro's house every weekend, probably annoying him. After Rantaro moved schools, he decided he had the need to visit him as much as he could.

He was snapped out of his thoughts as a man towered over him, holding a small machine in one hand. "Where's your parents?" He asked bluntly.

Kokichi wanted to snap back at him & reveal that he was 18 but instead, he decided to work with the question. He hadn't bought a ticket so he may as well lie his way out of his problem.

"I think mommy is in the bathroom" he replied, putting on a sweet tone along with a smile. "She has my ticket".

The man nodded before moving on to the other passengers.

Kokichi rolled his eyes, how gullible. He decided to play an app on his phone as he waited for his stop. The conductor announced the location, meaning the next stop was where Kokichi got off.

After a short while, the man returned with one hand on his hip. "There was no one in the bathroom" he explained, annoyance clear in his tone.

Kokichi held back his sarcastic comments & shoved his phone back into his pocket. He looked up to stare at the light in order to fake tears. "She just messaged me, she got off at the last stop to take a smoke & she couldn't get back on" he replied, lacing his sentence with a few sniffles.

The man seemed to give in. "I guess you can do what your mother says about the situation" he mumbled, unsure of what to do.

The short boy nodded slightly, rubbing one eye with his sleeve. "She said to wait at the next stop for her" he replied.

As if on cue, the train came to a stop, announcing the town. Kokichi smiled, jumping onto his feet as he slung before sprinting out without another word.

He managed to dodge multiple people while also bumping into many. He didn't bother to apologise, he knew he had to get to the security checks as quickly as he could. He waited for a short while until he spotted a family of 3 children & a father.

Kokichi walked behind them as they passed through the barrier. Due to his height, he managed to pass as one of the children. Once he got past, he began to walk quickly toward the exit of the train station.

He was too excited to see Rantaro again. He wanted to show him the new app game he had became amused with recently. He wanted to show how much taller he had gotten, even if it was just an inch. He wanted to see his pretty face again. Kokichi froze momentarily in his walk as the thought popped into his head.

Bad-ump bad-ump

There it was, his heart disobeying him once again. He growled to himself & continued to walk. Not that he would admit it but he somehow managed to gain a crush on the green haired boy. He could ramble on about how great Rantaro was for hours on end. However, Rantaro was straight, right? He had never shown interest in males so telling him how he felt was out of the question.

Kokichi had tried to hide his feelings, hoping it was just a rush in the moment or infatuation. Infatuation. That had to be it.

Kokichi slapped his palm against one cheek, attempting to break his train of thought. He noticed he was on Rantaro's street & a smile formed on his lips. Since he wasn't far, he began to run toward Rantaro's house. He stopped at the doorstep, panting as he caught his breath but a smile remained on his face. He knocked the door several times as he clicked the doorbell with the other.

Seconds later, the door flew open to Rantaro bearing an annoyed expression. Kokichi paid no attention to his facial expression & ran into him, wrapping his arms around the taller boy's waist. "Hey Hey Amami-chan!" He greeted happily along with a small giggle.

Rantaro let out a small sigh, giving in & putting his arms around the shorter male in return. "Nice to see you again, Kokichi" he commented, lightly resting his head on top of Kokichi's.

Bad-ump bad-ump

Kokichi pulled away from the hug as he felt his cheeks flare up. He managed to play it off as his signature childlike grin spread across his face. "I wanna show you something!" He declared happily.

Rantaro nodded in response as he leaned over to close the door. "I need to finish some homework & then you can show me. Let's go up to my room" he gave a short explanation as he watched Kokichi take his shoes off, kicking them to one side.

Once Kokichi was done, he grabbed Rantaro's hand & dragged him upstairs. He kicked open the door to Rantaro's room & jumped onto the grey bed as he threw his backpack to the floor. Kokichi stretched, making a moaning sound as he did.

Rantaro rolled his eyes & sat down at his table, trying to ignore the shorter boy. He sat cross legged on the floor since his table was low.

Kokichi roller over to watch Rantaro, pouting due to being ignored. "What're you doing?" He quizzed, tilting his head to the side slightly.

Rantaro scribbled something down with his pencil, not looking up as he answered Kokichi's question. "Chemistry work".

Kokichi hummed in response. He rolled over so he was laying on his stomach, resting his chin on his crossed arms. He continued to watch Rantaro work. He wondered how he managed to always look pretty from any angle he looked at him from.


He noticed how Rantaro would make subtle facial expressions when he was confused by an answer.


He could see the slightly smudged eyeliner around his eyes which brought his attention to his long eye lashes.


"God, you're pretty" Kokichi mumbled under his breath. He thought Rantaro hadn't heard him until the green haired boy glanced over to him.

"What?" He quizzed.

Kokichi froze up, he hoped his face hadn't turned red at the sudden confrontation. He forced a smirk. "I said when are you gonna be done with that shit?" He sang.

Rantaro shrugged before looking back to his work. "There's only two more questions, so soon?" He replied, letting out a small chuckle. "If you're bored, you can pick a video game for us to play later".

Kokichi nodded eagerly, rolling off the bed & landing on his feet. He walked over to the shelf near the TV, a small skip in his step. He stood on his tip toes in order to read the covers near the top. He glanced over to Rantaro every so often, he found him attractive when he was focused.

Rantaro felt as if he was being stared at & looked up, meeting Kokichi's gaze.


Kokichi froze up before looking back to the shelf. "Why is your shelf so tall? Geez" he complained before reaching a hand up & taking a random game off the top shelf. He presented it to Rantaro, outstretching his arm. "Let's do this one!"

Rantaro squinted his eyes to read the writing. "Left 4 dead 2? I thought you hated shooting games" he pointed out, fiddling with the papers in front of him.

Kokichi hated himself for not paying more attention to what he was doing, he hated shooting games. Not because of their themes but because his accuracy was terrible. He decided to nod in reply. "Duh, I need more practice. You like them, right?"

Rantaro tilted his head slightly. "Yeah, they're fun" he commented.

Kokichi smiled & put his free hand on his hip. "Then you better be ready for the day you get owned by the ultimate supreme leader" he declared before walking toward the other & placing the disc box on the table.

Rantaro looked at the disc for a moment before looking back up to Kokichi. "Didn't you wanna show me something?" He quizzed, recalling what he had said earlier.

Kokichi clenched his fists & nodded. "Yeah!" Was all he said before rushing over to his large backpack. He rummaged through it before pulling out a large bottle of cola, presenting it to the other with a childlike smile. "I bought you this. Drink it!"

Rantaro furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before taking the drink, shrugging to himself. He opened the bottle, causing it to release a fizzing sound. He put it to his lips & took a sip, only to spit it out moments later as the short boy erupted with laughter.

Rantaro wiped his mouth in discuss, before sending a glare to Kokichi. "What was that?" He should've known not to trust him.

"Soy sauce & sparkling water" Kokichi announced proudly after he stopped laughing.

Rantaro stood up with a sigh as he left the room to dispose of the liquid. He poured it down the sink drain in his bathroom before returning to Kokichi rummaging through his bag again.

The green haired boy watched him for a moment before deciding he really didn't want to go through another one of Kokichi's pranks. "Hey, how about we go for a walk? I'll buy you energy juice" he suggested. He knew Kokichi couldn't turn down his offer after always getting turned away from the cashier since he looked 12.

Kokichi zipped up his back before jumping up & spinning to face Rantaro. "Okay but it's on you" he giggled.

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