Chapter two

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Rantaro walked slowly, trying to walk beside Kokichi. He normally walked fast but since Kokichi has short legs, he preferred to walk slower for him. Kokichi hummed as he walked, his arms crossed behind his head.

Kokichi was about to talk when a female called out. The two stopped in their tracks & turned around as a blonde girl collided with Rantaro, bringing him into a hug.

At first, Rantaro was surprised but he began to laugh as he realised who it was. "Ah, good afternoon Kaede" he greeted, hugging her back.

Kaede let out a small laugh before replying, looking up to Rantaro. "Good afternoon! You too, Kokichi". She tilted her head back slightly as she looked to the shorter boy.

Kokichi shrugged, letting his arms fall to his sides. "Morning" he replied.

The girl scrunched up her nose as he shot him a confused look. "Morning?" She repeated as a question.

Kokichi nodded. "It's morning somewhere" he stared, a smirk forming on his lips.

Kaede rolled her eyes before leaning into Rantaro's chest once again & looking up to him. "It was nice seeing you" she told him before pulling away from the hug. "We should hang out some time".

Kokichi sent a glare to the girl before realising what he was doing. He asked himself why he was glaring. He wasn't jealous, right? Why would he be jealous?

Rantaro nodded, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, that sounds great" he replied.

Kaede grinned sweetly in return, putting her hands behind her back as she nodded. "See you later then! Bye!" She waved to the two before continuing to walk, taking the path on the right.

The boys began to walk again. Kokichi glanced up to Rantaro, trying to hold himself back from interrogating him.


"Are you guys fucking or something?" He asked, regretting his question structure.

Rantaro's eyes widened slightly before he began to laugh, raising one hand in a defensive manner. "No, I don't think she likes me in that way" he chuckled.

"Ohhh okay!" Kokichi replied happily.

Rantaro groaned as he was woken up by creaking & tapping noises around his room. He rolled over as he reluctantly opened his heavy eyes to notice Kokichi pacing around. He sat up & rubbed his eyes with his palm before speaking up. "Kokichi, what are you doing?"

Kokichi flinched at the sound of Rantaro's voice. The taller boy expected a joke of an answer but instead he got not no reply. It was silence.

"Kokichi.." he repeated.

"I cant sleep" Kokichi sighed, sitting down on the mattress that had earlier been laid out for him.

Rantaro bit his lip as he thought about what to do. He ended up throwing his covers off his body & sitting down next to Kokichi. "Is there something up".

The shorter boy was silent for a moment before nodding. "Y-yeah" he replied. Rantaro could here a sniffle after his response. Was he crying? Rantaro squinted his eyes slightly before finally noticing tears trickling down Kokichi's face, illuminated by the moonlight shining through the window.

"You know, you can talk about it" Rantaro commented, stretching his legs.

"I..." Kokichi began, trailing off. He could feel guilt build up but he decided to vent anyway. "I have a crush on a boy but I think he likes Kaede" he mumbled, loud enough for Rantaro to here.

The other nodded, Shuichi coming to mind. "I don't think he likes Kaede that way" he replied in attempts to comfort the supreme leader. "If anything, I don't think he even likes girls all that much".

Kokichi looked up to him as he spoke. "R-really?"

Rantaro nodded, a small smile daring to form. "Yeah, besides I think he likes you too!"

There was silence for a moment. Rantaro grew concerned by the silence as Kokichi stared at him. Before he could speak to break the silence, he was stopped. He could feel warm, chapped lips pressed against his own. He sat still, unsure of what to do.

"So you like me back?" Kokichi asked once he had pulled away.

Rantaro was still stunned by what had happened. He rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes searching for anything that wouldn't bring him to make eye contact with the other male. "Well.." he trailed off.

Honestly, he hadn't even considered being in a relationship. Especially with someone like Kokichi. He felt his cheeks heat up at the kiss but he was sure he was asexual & aromantic.

Rantaro took a deep breath as he looked back to Kokichi. He could feel pity build up in his heart as he looked into the hopeful purple orbs. He put on a smile. "Sure" he muttered back.

Kokichi stared at him for a moment, processing the answer before a grin grew on his face. He tackled Rantaro into a hug, causing him to fall back into the mattress. "I knew you couldn't resist the ultimate supreme leader" Kokichi sang cockily.

Rantaro let stifled a chuckle. Maybe he could develop feelings for Kokichi over time. The two ended up falling asleep.

Kokichi wished he could've seen the look on Rantaro's face more clearly. He must've looked so pretty while being flustered. He couldn't deny his feelings any longer. He had to admit to himself that what he felt for Rantaro was more than infatuation.

He let himself break down & he was thankful he did. Although, he hadn't considered what would happen once he was really in a relationship. He was too tired to worry about that now however & contently fell asleep on Rantaro's chest.

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