chapter 1: confused

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"Mr.young would you like to join us" mr.frazier yells

I lift my head up and look up at him.

"No I would not , that's why my head is down" I say  then i smile at him and put my head back down.

Everyone in the class starts laughing.

"Okay how about you answer this question and I'll leave you alone if you get it right"

"Fine dude whatever ask away"I say and I lifted my head up again.

"Who was the fifth president of the united states of America?" He asked.

"James monroe" someone said from across the room.

I turn to look at them. It was some guy I had never seen before.

"Thank you mr.Hernandez" mr.frazier  walked back up to the front of the class.

I look at the guy and he looks at me and I shoot him a smile and he looks away.

The class came to an end quick and I put my hood on and grabbed my bag and headed to my locker.

Sophia hall came up to me while I was walking to my locker.

"You coming to my party tonight joey?" She says.

"I wouldn't miss it"

She kisses me on the cheek and skips away.

I think I might be the only guy she hasn't had sex with yet in the school and that will continue to be the case because Im a virgin and hopefully I will be for the rest of my life.

I came to my locker and I opened it and I pulled out an edible and ate the whole thing. Edibles help me get through everyday without being a buzz kill or some sad case.

The edible should last me the rest of the day.

I put in my earbuds and went to next period math.

i was totally spaced out in the rest of my classes , I had no idea what was going on or where I was , it was pretty cool.

By the time it Was time to go home the edible's wore off so I drove home and took a nap so I could be rested for the party later.

The alarm I set had went off at 9:34 and the party started at 7 but I always gotta make an entrance.

So I got up out my bed and changed real fast and opened my top drawer and ate another edible and then I called my friend aubrey to come get me and take me to the party.

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling waiting for her.

She calls me to tell me shes here and I run down to her car and get in.

"Are you stoned already?" She asks.

I laugh.

"How did you know?"

"Dude really , your not even at the party yet"

"well I gotta get pre-stoned so I can get fully drunk duh"

" dude you know that makes no sense at all"

"Just drive"

She then starts the engine and drives to the party , i turn on the radio and blast the music that was playing and then we pulled up to the party.

You coming in?" I ask.

"yeah I have to keep an eye on you"

"Alright come on then" I open the car door and get out and heads towards the party.

I open the door revealing a bunch of drunk kids.


everyone says aye and people come up to me and slap me up.

"Joey your here" sophia says.

"Told you I'd be here"

She hands me a cup and i sniff it and then chug it.

She grabs my hand and leads me through a crowd of people and into a room at the end of the hall.She closes the door and pushes me onto the bed and gets on top of me.

"Joey why don't you wanna sleep with me?" She asks.

"Well because your very special to me"

"I am? "

"Yeah very"

"Yay I am" she grabs my face and kisses me.

We start to make out and then someone bust into the room and I push her off of me.

"Sorry ,looking for the bathroom"He says.

"Hey aren't you -" before I could finish he walks away and I chase after him.

"Hey wait" I say , still running after him. I eventually lose him in the crowd.

So I go and get a drink and I ran into aubrey.

"Hey where you been?" She asked.

"Around" I stuff some chips in my mouth.

"Around stuffing your tongue down everyone's throat" she laughs.

"Ha funny"

We just continue talking and I continue stuffing my face with chips and then someone bumps into me.

"Watch where you are going jerk" I yell.

"I'm sorry dude " he turns towards me and says.

"Hey your that guy"

He looks at me and then walks away fast.

"Hey wait , dude come back" I chase after him.

He goes into a room and I follow him.

"Dude why are you following me?" He asks.

"I just wanted to say thanks for earlier in school" I say while sitting down on the bed.

"Your the stoned guy?" He says while walking slowly over to me.

"Yep that's me, who are you referred as? I laugh.

"I'm logan " he comes and sits next to me.

"Nice to meet you logan , im Joseph but my friends call me joey" I hold out my hand so he can shake and he looks at it and then shakes it.

"You have a nice grip Joey" he says.

"Thank you "

We just look at each other for a while and then he leans in and kisses me and I push him away fast.

"Dude what the fuck , I'm not gay " I get up from the bed , wipe my mouth and head for the door.

I got out into the party to find aubrey so she could take me home.

She was nowhere to be found so I went outside and started walking home.

I couldn't stop thinking about logan kissing me.

I kinda liked the kiss and I wanted it to last longer but why did I push him off if I wanted it to last longer.

I was so confused.

A guy kissed me and I liked it. Now that is confusing.

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