chapter 2: talking

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When I got home I jumped straight into the shower.

I closed my eyes and put my head under the water and image of logan kissing me came back. I don't why but I didn't open my eyes I didn't want the image and the feeling of logan lips on mines to go away.

Someone then knocks on my bathroom open my eyes.



"It is aubrey , is it okay if I stay over?"

I turn off the shower and grab my towel on the sink and I wrap it around my waist and opened the door.

"Yeah its fine , where were you?"

I walk out the bathroom and go to my dresser and put on a white shirt and some boxers and then I jump into my bed.

"Oh I was with that new kid logan, do you know him?"

I sit up quickly and put my back against the head of my bed and I look at her.

"No , I didn't even know we had a new kid, what were y'all doing?"

She then crawls up next to me.

"We made out , he is a great kisser by the way" she laughs.

"I bet "

She then puts her head on my shoulder.

"Why did u leave so early? , sophia was looking for you"

"Oh um the party got boring , so I just walked home"

"Oh I could've dropped you off" she said as she yawned.

"I couldn't find you"

All of a sudden I hear snoring and so I lay her in the bed properly and I grab my phone and go sit in my closet.

I start looking up logan on facebook to see if I can find anything on him. Like where he came from and stuff like that but he didn't have a page.

I mean that's really weird for someone to show up and not have a social life or anything.

I put in my headphones so I could listen to music and before I knew it I was asleep in the closet.

I had a dream about logan and me kissing , it was so weird but vaguely satisfying . the dream felt so real, he felt so real , his lips his hair.

I tried to get him out my head but it wouldn't work he was stuck in there.

I was then woken up by aubrey yelling my name like shes dying.

"Joey , joey ,joey JOEYYY"

"quiet down bre , I have a huge hangover okay "

She then swings open the door of the closet and just looks at me.

"What are you doing in the closet?"

"What does it look like?"

"You know what come on just get up and get dressed were gonna be late for school"

"When did you go home?" I say while getting up from out the closet.

"I didn't "

"Then who's clothes are you wearing?"

"Your mom's she gave me some clothes this morning"

"She was here?"



I go to my drawer and slide on some jeans and then I put on a white shirt and I grab a hoodie off the door.

"Earlier "

"That's weird she's never here but let's go I'm ready"

I grab my bag from the floor and I head downstairs and Aubrey follows before we go out to the car I grab 2 apples from the kitchen and go out to the car and hand one to Aubrey and i take a bite out the other.

We then turn on the radio and drive to school , we jam to the music the whole way there and when we get there aubrey stops the car in front of the school so I could get out and she could park the car.

"See you in there " she says before pulling off.

I put on my hoodie and put in my headphones and then I started walking up the stairs to the door.

I walk in and sophia runs up to me and jumps on me and I catch her.

"Hey sugar bear"She says.

"Hey sophia "

I put her down.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"You know sophia, i think we need to take a break"

"Joey you can't break up with me"she said.

"I think I just did" I walk away from her .

she then yells ," your gonna regret you that joseph reid McKinley"

I throw my thumbs up in the air and walk to my locker.

When I get to my locker , someone comes up to me but i can't see who it is because there behind my locker door.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"For us to talk" he said.

I close my locker shut fast because I recognize that voice.


"Yeah we can talk ,but no kissing" I laugh softly.

He just stares at me.

"Come I know a private place where we can talk" I say and then I start walking towards the stairs .

He follows me and we head up the school stairs and to a empty room at the end of the hall. When we get into the room I stand up against the door and logan faces toward me.

"I wanna apologize for yesterday night when I kissed you" he says.

"Its fine logan"

"No its not fine , because I'm not gay either and I have a girlfriend "

"Logan its fine"

He looks down at his feet.

"I don't know what came over me when I kissed you , but.....but" he looked up at me in my eyes.

"I kinda liked it"

I took a deep breath and then I grabbed logans face and kissed him and he wrapped his arms on my back and pulled me into him. i didn't wanna let him go , so I didn't.

But he pushed me away.

"We can't" he says.

"Why not?"

"Because of my girlfriend, I can't do that to her"

"Okay" I move away from the door so he could leave .

He opens the door and then looks back at me and then walks out leaving me alone so I turned off the light and sat against the door.

Should I do another chapter??

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