[19] - Can I Have This Dance?

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[19] – Can I Have This Dance?


He’s hardly said the words since then.

Ever since Jeremy and Rory had made up about two months ago, Rory rarely ever said those beautiful three words to him and it was making Jeremy feel extremely insecure and confused. There were still many times he felt like backing off, felt like just ending things with Rory and going on the easy life by himself in his little cocoon where he wouldn’t get hurt but Rory’s words from that faithful night that he’d finally taken one step forward to love instead of back, those heartfelt words of love and passionate kisses were what made him take more steps forward, daring into deeper waters with Rory.

Sometimes he felt like he was suffocating. Sometimes he wanted to just leave without saying anything. But something kept holding him back. He couldn’t leave Rory; he couldn’t make himself do it.

Was this what true love felt like?

Even now, looking at Rory, there was this hot, burning feeling in his chest. His breath would hitch, his heart would skip and he would feel like he couldn’t breathe. But God, loving him felt so good, especially now that he knew that Rory loved him just as much.

Except now, he wasn’t so sure anymore because Rory hardly ever said the words to him. He knew he was probably being slightly childish and conceited to want Rory to keep reassuring him of his love but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t want his insecurities to get the best of him but that didn’t change the fact that he wanted Rory to keep telling him he loved him every minute of every day.

Was that really a bad thing?

“Your tie is crooked,” Rory said with a soft smile and Jeremy smiled back, licking his lips and tilting his head up a bit for Rory to adjust said tie.

The wedding was starting in about thirty minutes. Jeremy and Rory had been booked one of the penthouse suites of the nearest hotel to the beach venue – the hotel was literally a ten minute walk to the beach but Jeremy wanted to use his car anyway, using the sand getting in their shoes as his excuse to avoid walking.

His parents weren’t going to be in the same hotel of course, they were immediately going to disappear for their second honeymoon and the location was kept discreet as they’d always wanted but couldn’t afford the first time they’d gotten married.

The triplets and their husbands were busy getting the place ready and they’d shooed Jeremy and Rory away, telling them to have fun and not stress because they had everything under control which Jeremy didn’t doubt one bit. He and Rory had originally helped with the planning and arrangement of the venue until all that was left was the reserved seating and the reception which was when the triplets had shooed them away.

The girls loved Rory and vice versa. Just the way Jeremy clicked with Andrew was the same way Rory clicked with Reina, Amanda and Octavia. It was like he was the long lost little brother that they never had and it made Jeremy only slightly jealous. When Rory had been busy helping out, the triplets had cooed over him to Jeremy telling him that he’d made a nice choice and making him blush.

Rory hadn’t met his parents yet. The parents – Shauna and Josh – hadn’t seen each other since the week of the wedding began, wanting that day to be even more special. They hadn’t seen family or friends either and Jeremy really didn’t understand why they were practically isolating themselves until the wedding but he didn’t question it.

Jeremy had used the opportunity to take Rory around town when his sisters had shooed them away, buying him expensive gifts and treating him like a prince. It was all worth it for the blush on Rory’s cheeks and his pleased and truly happy smiles.

But still, none of that got Rory to tell Jeremy what he’d been aching to hear.

He came out of it to the feel of Rory patting his tie and smiling softly up at him, “You look so handsome.”

Jeremy had the grace to blush as he pulled Rory into his arms to kiss him soundly on the lips before whispering against his mouth, “So do you.”

Members of the Walker family were supposed to wear a dash of red – either a scarf or tie or handkerchief or the like while their respective partners and family wore a dash of blue which was why Jeremy had a red handkerchief elegantly folded and poking out of his suit pocket, Rory’s kerchief blue. 

“Are you ready?” Rory asked with a smile.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Jeremy smiled back and they left the hotel room, making their way to the elevators.

God, Rory really did look yummy in his suit. The dark blue suit was form fitting, flattering his tall yet elegant frame and Jeremy felt like taking him in his suit, flushing a bit at the kinky thought.

They chatted about random nonsense as Jeremy drove to the venue, getting there in less than five minutes and God, it was breath-taking.

The chairs were located underneath a big white canopy, the chairs arranged in four columns and covered in purple and peach flowery designs. The beach floor was sprinkled with pure white petals and the slightly raised platform where Shauna and Josh were going to redo their vows was taken right out of a book. The purple and peach sashes were entwined beautifully to make a heart so that when the couple were standing on the platform, they would be surrounded by the heart.

On top of the heart in beautiful cursive were the words; Shauna and Josh take fifty! With heart-shaped balloons floating around the text.

It was lovely. Soft music drifted from the speakers on all four corners of the canopy and Rory felt his heart thump in his chest when Jeremy held his elbow out and Rory slid his hand through, holding him and feeling like a blushing bride as they greeted some of the guests and Jeremy’s extended family and then they made their way to their seats, Octavia winking at them at the entrance as she marked their names on the list, an usher dressed in a lovely purple dress, hair adorned with peach flowers leading them to their assigned seats.

They had a small service before the wedding began.

Jeremy’s father was already standing by the platform as he waited for his wife. Jeremy was so happy for him.

Josh’s almost white hair was styled elegantly to frame his angular face and he was wearing a dark purple suit with a peach tie, his right hand holding his left wrist as he looked to the entrance, awaiting the wedding march and waiting for his wife.

Rory laughed a little giddily when Bruno Mars’ ‘Marry You’ suddenly started playing from the speakers and everyone in the congregation turned to face the entrance, grinning hard as the bridal train began to make their way through, couple by couple.

They danced and twirled, throwing more white petals into the congregation and into the sand, their teeth wide in happy grins. Jeremy’s niece and nephew – his cousin’s children – where the ring bearers and they were holding hands, the boy five and the girl six, dancing and laughing as they made their way to the front.

And then the bride was suddenly at the entrance of the canopy, holding her father’s hand, dressed in a lovely peach wedding dress that flared out to the floor and holding a bouquet of pretty purple and peach flowers.

Jeremy bit his lip, feeling his eyes smart with tears. His mother looked gorgeous. Her slightly greying blonde hair was styled in an up-do that let curls frame her egg-shaped face beautifully and she had only light make-up on to enhance her natural beauty. Her father looked as happy as she did and everyone stood up as she walked down the aisle as the song was coming to an end.

When Jeremy looked back at his father, he had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from tearing up because his dad was crying himself. He had both hands cupped over his mouth, eyes wide like it was the first time he was seeing Shauna and it was so freaking precious.

Behind her veil, Jeremy was sure that his mother was also tearing up and his grandfather gave Shauna a kiss on her cheek and on her small gloved hands before helping her up the little platform to stand opposite her husband.

Everyone resumed their seats and the song came to an end, the same soft music of before replacing in its wake.

Thus the wedding began. Throughout, the couple wouldn’t stop grinning at each other and didn’t for one second take their eyes off of the other.

When they read their self-written vows and gave their rings, the triplets burst into tears and even Jeremy’s grandparents looked choked up and when they kissed, Rory felt like his heart stopped. The kiss was brief, didn’t last more than a second or two but he could see the raw passion and love in that one single action and he bit his lip, suddenly wanting that for him and Jeremy – wanting them to be that madly in love in fifty years.

There was another short prayer before the priest presented them to the congregation as a renewed couple. Jeremy couldn’t help laughing in amusement, even the congregation gave a standing ovation when Jason Derulo’s ‘It Girl’ began to play from the speakers as the recession began. He knew ‘Marry You’ was probably his mother’s idea and ‘It Girl’ was his father’s. He wasn’t even surprised, knowing the type of music his parents loved.

God, they were perfect and Jeremy couldn’t help glancing at Rory, watching his flushed cheeks and bright smile as the bridal train made their way out of the tent the same way they came in, dancing and laughing and throwing petals.

He couldn’t help but imagine this wedding as his and Rory’s and the thought made his heart clench hard in his chest. He felt a brief spark of fear – it’s been two months since they made up but Jeremy still felt that occasional pang of fear – before it disappeared, leaving him feeling warm and bubbly inside. The thought of getting married to Rory made him breathless and lightheaded.

The congregation had been told to remain seated and most people gasped when the canopy was suddenly sliding off its holdings and elegantly dropping to the sides of the chairs, revealing the startling breathtakingly beautiful view of the beach and the sunset.

“Perfect,” Rory whispered from beside him and Jeremy unconsciously slid his hand down to grasp Rory’s in his, squeezing affectionately.

The music suddenly increased in volume and according to the program, it was time for the couple to take pictures before give the opening dance. Ushers rushed to remove the platform, leaving behind the heart and balloons and just moving it backwards so that was enough space for a dance floor.

Pictures were a quick affair, done according to the wedding party and then the couple disappeared to get ready for the dance while the congregation became noisy as they talked about the wedding.

Rory’s eyes nearly shot up into his scalp at the sound of the next song that came from the speakers when it was time for the dance.

He turned to look at Jeremy, laughing a little, “You’re kidding me. Is that really ‘Can I Have This Dance’ from High School Musical?”

Jeremy laughed and said with a shrug, “What can I say, my mum and dad just adore that song and it’s been a dream of my mother’s to dance to it on her wedding day.”

“I think I’m in love with your parents already.”

Jeremy laughed again and kissed Rory quickly on the lips just as the couple made their way through the congregation to the middle of the floor. His mother had changed her dress and was now in a short satin purple gown that hugged her still flattering slender figure, her hair now falling to her face and shoulders in beautiful waves.

His dad had also changed his suit from purple to peach and Jeremy rolled his eyes a little because he knew it was a sort of ying-yang thing his parents were obsessed with which was why they’d obviously switched colours for the reception.

They slow danced on the dance floor, eyes locked on the other and the people were swaying lightly to the music in the congregation. After that, Shauna’s dad moved up to dance with her while Josh started to dance with Shauna’s mum.

That was the congregations’ cue and everyone began piling to the dance floor to dance and congratulate the couple. The song was coming to an end but it was immediately replayed and Jeremy stood up and turned to look at Rory, grinning devilishly and holding his hand out, “Can I have this dance?”

The sunset bathed Jeremy’s dark blonde hair left in messy tufts on his head like a halo and looking up at him; he looked like a bloody angel sent from heaven. Rory’s heart pounded hard and he nodded, unable to speak because he was afraid he would start crying if he did.

He slipped his hand in Jeremy’s and Jeremy led him to the dance floor, immediately pulling him close for the dance.

As Rory listened to the lyrics of the song, he couldn’t help but feel choked up with love, his gaze locked with Jeremy.

He blinked when Jeremy leaned down to suddenly sing lowly in his ear along with the song, “Won’t you promise me, we’ll keep dancing wherever we go next?”

Rory’s breath hitched and he buried his face in Jeremy’s neck, feeling like he was drowning in his own emotions, his hands clutching the back of Jeremy’s suit like a lifeline.

The next verse started and Rory’s voice was slightly choked when he sang back, “Don’t be afraid, afraid to fall; you know I’ll catch you through it all.”

Jeremy pulled back to look at him and something hot and intense passed between them before Reina was suddenly in their faces yelling teasingly, “Aren’t you going to congratulate your future mother and father-in-law?”

They jumped lightly and Rory blushed furiously at Reina’s words before Jeremy nodded at Rory and they made their way to the couple. When the people saw them approaching, noticing the red and blue kerchiefs, they knew they were family and left them to it.

“Jeremy!” Shauna whispered tearfully, pulling him into a brief hug, “you look so handsome!”

“Congratulations mum, dad.”

“Hey son,” Josh said with a smile, hugging Jeremy in turn and patting his back, “glad you could make it.”

“You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Jeremy said, looking only slightly affronted and his father laughed as Jeremy licked his lips and pulled Rory closer to his side, “mum, dad, this is my partner, Rory. Rory, this is my mum and dad.”

Rory felt his chest warm at the word ‘partner.’ The word shouldn’t mean much but coming from Jeremy’s lips, it did because ‘partner’ meant he was more than a ‘boyfriend’ but still less than a ‘husband’ and that made Rory feel light-headed with love and happiness.

“Oh look at you, you’re just gorgeous,” Shauna said with a grin, cupping Rory’s cheeks in her hands like he was a child before she was suddenly dragging him away and towards the dance floor.

Mum,” Jeremy whined but his mother shushed him with a stern but playful look and Josh only rolled his eyes like the behaviour was typical for his wife and turned to Jeremy, leaving Shauna to dance with Rory, who’s face had turned the shade of a ripe tomato.

“The girls have told me all about you,” Shauna began cheerfully as Rory swung her around on the dance floor, “you’ve done quite the number on Jeremy.”

Rory only blushed as he replied, “Well, I hope whatever they said made me look good.”

Shauna threw her head back and laughed, a full bellied out laugh which made Rory grin in response before he started laughing softly too as he realized that the woman’s laughter was contagious.

“That’s just precious,” she said when she was done laughing and sobered up to say; “I’m surprised Jeremy brought you as his partner for a family event and one as big as this – he’s never done that with his past girlfriends and boyfriends. You don’t know how happy that makes me. You must be truly amazing.”

Rory was aware of Jeremy’s fear of commitment but still, those words filled him up with more warm feelings of love and pride and he blushed harder, unable to meet the woman’s eyes.

“He’s the amazing one,” Rory said bashfully and Shauna giggled.

“Ah you’re the one, I can tell, gonna give me lots of grandkids since my daughters have failed,” she said with a teasing grin.

Lots of grandkids?” Rory laughed, his heart growing warm at the thought of him and Jeremy adopting children in the future, “Well, I don’t know about that. I was thinking of having just three maximum.”

“Three’s the magic number they say,” Shauna said with a wink and Rory laughed despite himself as Shauna led him back to where Jeremy was still talking with his dad, “take care of my son, you hear? You keep that leash on good and tight.”

Rory blushed, laughing again.

“You can have your partner back, Jer.”

“And I’ll be stealing you away,” Josh said to Shauna, immediately dragging her away. They’d barely danced a twirl when more people were coming up to them to congratulate them on making fifty years together.

Rory beamed as Jeremy pulled him back into his embrace, “I hope my mother hasn’t traumatized you somehow.”

Rory laughed and wrapped his arms around Jeremy’s waist, “of course not! We were just talking about the number of grandkids we’re going to give them,” he said with a teasing wag of his eyebrows.

“Yeah?” Jeremy asked with a raised eyebrow, “Well, just so you know, I’m not having more than three.”

Rory beamed, his cheeks flushing happily, “that’s what I said! Your mum did say three’s the magic number,” he said with a wink and Jeremy laughed, pulling him close for a more intimate embrace.

It took a second for what they’d just said to click.

Rory had talked to his mother about having kids.

He’d talked to his mother about having children with him.

Jeremy’s heart locked in his chest and he blurted passionately, “God, I fucking love you.”

Rory pulled back to stare at Jeremy with surprise, his cheeks flushed, heart pounding, wondering what suddenly made Jeremy say those words. God, the words hardly ever left Jeremy’s lips since they’d made up and Rory hadn’t said them either for fear of pushing Jeremy away, too aware of the fact that Jeremy was still trying to let go of his fears. He didn’t want to push him away or make him feel like he was suffocating by telling him he loved him every second even though that was what he wanted to do.

But now, he couldn’t help it as he whispered just as passionately, “I love you,” he licked his lips, “I fucking love you too.”

Jeremy’s lips parted on a soft laugh, eyes widening at the sound of the curse and then he was suddenly pulling Rory away from the congregation and towards the parking lot.

“Jeremy,” Rory whispered as they neared the jeep, heart pounding and blood simmering with just the beginning wisps of lust, “where are we going? Aren’t we being rude by leaving early?”

After the wedding dance, everyone was going to go back home to get refreshed for the wedding dinner, also taking place on the beach later in the night. While they were gone, Jeremy knew that the beach was going to be reconstructed to fit the dinner theme so he knew that him and Rory had time to cut out. Jeremy spun Rory around to push him against the side of his jeep, crushing their lips together in a kiss filled with raw love and passion.

When he pulled away, Rory’s lips where swollen in a lovely strawberry red pout and Jeremy leaned down to whisper sexily in his ear, “I’m going to make you come so fucking hard while you scream your love for me at the top of your lungs.”

Rory felt his legs turn to jelly and his stomach clench with arousal as he whimpered, “oh my God, Jeremy.”

They kissed again and Jeremy ground his hips against Rory’s, a pleased moan slipping past his lips as he felt just how fast Rory’s cock was swelling beneath his pants. They quickly got into the car and where in the hotel in record time, stumbling to get up the stairs.

When they got into the room, Jeremy instantly pushed Rory against the door, fumbling to get his pants open before his hand was shoving into his briefs and wrapping around Rory’s shaft and stroking quickly. His other hand held both of Rory’s wrists in a tight grip above his head and against the door to keep the bleached blonde from touching him just yet because Jeremy wanted to watch him come apart.

God, he was wet and leaking, throbbing hotly in Jeremy’s palm and the sound of his breathless moans and the way his hips were pumping sensually into Jeremy’s fist made Jeremy’s cock pulse painfully against his zipper.

“Jeremy, Jesus,” Rory gasped, eyes getting hot with tears of pleasure, “wait, w-wait, Jesus Christ…Jeremy, please, God, wait a s-second –”

“Come on baby,” Jeremy whispered huskily, “Come for me.”

“Want to come with you,” Rory mewled, eyes fluttering and toes curling in his shoes as his hips arched.

“Fuck,” Jeremy groaned, pressing his forehead against Rory’s and ignoring the flare of need that shot up in him at Rory’s soft words, “later,” he promised huskily, “Want to see you come for me right now, Rory.”

Love you,” Rory gasped and then he was coming, shuddering and shaking as he pulsed in Jeremy’s hand, soaking the entire front of Jeremy’s suit, even managing to hit his chin.

“Holy fuck, holy shit,” Jeremy whispered before capturing Rory’s lips in a hungry kiss.

They stumbled to the bed, taking their clothes off on the way and managing to be naked when they finally landed in the middle of the California king bed, kissing hard and rubbing up against each other.

The kiss slowed down after a while and they slowly, thoroughly explored each other’s mouths with their tongues, their fast breaths mingling hotly. They made love to each other, worshiping with hands and lips and skin until they were both trembling from the pleasure and passion and raw, aching need.  Jeremy took his time preparing Rory for his entry, swallowing down his moans and loving the way his sexy pale thighs wouldn’t stop trembling. God, he loved how sensitive Rory was to prostate simulation; just rubbing up against the bundle of nerves made Rory nearly shriek with pleasure, nails digging hard into Jeremy’s skin, hips lifting and thighs shaking while he leaked all over his stomach.

And then Jeremy was sheathed and finally inside him, rolling his hips just the way Rory loved it, his arousal only heightening at the sounds of Rory’s soft cries of desire.

“Oh God, Jeremy, don’t stop,” Rory gasped in-between hitched cries of pleasure, his hips writhing sensually in time with the pleasurable burn of Jeremy’s thrusts, hands fisted tightly in his hair, “oh Jeremy, Jeremy, God, please, don’t you dare stop. Love you, love you, love you…”

“Jesus Christ,” Jeremy hissed through his teeth, hands curling in the sheets beneath Rory. Fuck, it was taking every single ounce of self-control he had left to keep from coming too soon.

He was close, so close when Rory suddenly begged, “wait, w-wait, stop, please…”

Unable to go against the pleading, Jeremy stopped with difficulty, grinding his teeth against the need to move as he asked gently, “Are you okay?”

“I want to ride you,” Rory said in a rush and Jeremy groaned under his breath, biting the inside of his cheek hard to keep himself from coming on the spot.

“Rory,” he whispered hoarsely as the urge to come subsided, “fucking hell.”

His hands slid down to cup Rory’s hips, keeping them locked together as he rolled over to his back. Just the sight of Rory on top of him, hands braced on his chest and bleached hair falling all over his face pushed Jeremy right back to the edge.

It got even harder to hold back when Rory gently began riding him, rolling and rocking his hips, constantly changing the way he was positioned to look for the best angle.

Jeremy’s toes curled and his nails bit into Rory’s hips, soft grunts escaping his lips as Rory began rocking his hips faster, literally impaling himself on Jeremy’s shaft and driving Jeremy out of his fucking mind.

God, fucking hell, Jeremy needed to come so fucking badly.

Rory suddenly collapsed on his chest, pressing their foreheads together and that angle seemed to be the best for both of them because they cried out simultaneously and Jeremy’s hips snapped up with such force that Rory slid up a bit, his head knocking lightly against the headboard.

They panted into each other’s faces, gasping and grunting and moaning. Rory ground his hips in tight little circles because Jeremy was so out of it he couldn’t even control the uncoordinated movement of his hips.

“Oh God,” Rory whimpered, “Oh God, oh Jeremy…”

And Jeremy instantly knew that Rory was close so he encouraged huskily, “Yeah, yeah, come on, I’m so close baby, come on.”

And then they were there, shuddering and gasping their love into each other’s mouths, bodies shaking and grinding as they rode out their orgasms.

“F-fuck,” Jeremy whispered shakily as he collapsed back into the sheets, Rory falling on top of him.

“Oh my gosh,” Rory whispered back, “wow.”

Jeremy couldn’t help laughing until Rory was laughing with him and they shifted so that Rory was curled up in his arms, face buried into his chest.

Jeremy tilted Rory’s face up to kiss him softly and whisper, “I love you.”

He could see the surprise in Rory’s eyes because he’d said the words so many times today without prompt. Normally, Rory would say them first before Jeremy responded but it was probably the feel of the wedding and the love and romance in the air that made Jeremy feel extremely bold today.

Rory smiled and pecked his lips, “I love you too, so much.”


“Fifty years,” Jeremy’s grandfather began about three hours later when the wedding dinner was over and it was time for well-wishing and goodbyes, “I hate to sound like the typical MC but can we please have a round of applause for Josh and Shauna making it into fifty years of marriage.”

The couple blushed as the entire tent burst to life in thunderous applause with the triplets hooting and cat-calling to the amusement of the other guests until Grandpa Walker held up his hand to silence them.

“Not many couples can make it this far due to some cause or another and really, do you know what it means for Shauna to bear Josh’s awful snoring at night for fifty years?”

The people laughed heartily at that and the old man continued, “Fifty years of arguments, fifty years of love, fifty goddamn years of basically standing each other and here they are once again, looking still young and in love just like they’d first met and I have to say, they really are blessed. We thank God for their everlasting love and their four wonderful children who are going to give me some great-grand kids very soon – ” everyone laughed, “ – so a toast to the happy couple,” Grandpa Walker said as he raised his wine glass, “to long life, prosperity and as the banner above the couple’s head says; fifty more years!”

“Fifty more years!” the congregation echoed, raising their glasses before taking sips.

Jeremy and Rory’s gazes locked and Jeremy felt his breath lock in his chest, heart swelling almost painfully underneath his ribcage as he thought, God, one day I’m going to marry him.

Once again, he felt like he was falling and he couldn’t breathe, suddenly terrified of just how deep his feelings ran for Rory, scared that Rory was going to leave him but then just like he did so many times before, Rory was catching him and his hand was covering his as he entwined their fingers together, his dark eyes boring their love into him.

Rory could read the fear easily on Jeremy’s face and his heart thumped as he murmured softly, loud enough for only Jeremy to hear, “You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” he leaned up to whisper in Jeremy’s ear, “a toast for us? Fifty more years?”

The toast came out sounding like a question and Jeremy smiled, rubbing his thumb reassuringly over the soft skin on the back of Rory’s palm, “Now, you’re not getting rid of me that easily,” he teased and gently clinked their glasses together, his voice thick as he said, “for the rest of our lives.”

Rory’s eyes grew wide and his grip on Jeremy’s hand tightened as he blurted, “Gosh, I love you.”

Yeah, he was definitely going to marry him.


A/N: WOW GUYS. With 102,836 words (according to MS Word), this is officially the longest story I have ever written!  

I really enjoyed writing this you have no idea. The pure love and passion between Rory and Jeremy is something I've always wanted to depict and I really hope you all felt it as much as I did because holy hell xD 

Thank you to everyone who read, voted and commented along the way, your support meant loads to me! 

I hope you keep reading my works because I hope to have a new boyxboy full-length novel out soon along with a couple oneshots. 

Thank you once again. I love you all ^^<3

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