:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 24] //A Vampire Romance//

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I walked into lunch and my heart nearly stopped. There was Reilly at my table, sitting with Dustin and Emmett. I nearly dropped my tray. I stumbled towards them, panicking slightly. When I reached the table, I became utterly confused.

Dustin and Emmett were laughing.

So was Reilly.

I stared curiously between the two, setting down my tray next to Dustin. Reilly grinned at me, a hint of evil behind it. I twitched my lip in return.

"Maddie, have you met Reilly?" Dustin asked me, pointing at him.

"Yes," I muttered, looking at my food.

"This guy is hilarious! He had me laughing the moment he talked to me!"

"He talked to you?"

Reilly smirked when I sent him a questioning look. I clenched my fist. I didn't understand him. Didn't he hate Dustin? Why was he trying to make friends with him?

"Hello," a smooth voice greeted me and I felt Damian sit next to me.

"Hi," I responded, tearing my gaze away from Reilly.

Damian was frowning slightly, but he smiled when we made eye contact.

"Maddie, I forgot to tell you, but we are having company over today after school," he started, shooting a look at Dustin. "That goes for you as well."

"Of your kind?" Dustin muttered, rolling his eyes. "Great."

I kicked him under the table. "Shut up, Dustin!"

"Your kind?" Reilly asked innocently, staring curious between Dustin and Damian.

I glared at him while sending a nervous glance towards Emmett.

"Dustin is just jealous of Damian's good looks so he thinks Damian is of a different... species," I made up on the spot, sounding like an idiot.

Reilly grinned. "I see."

"I do not think Damian is good looking," Dustin responded the same time Damian said, "You think I'm good looking?"

I sighed to myself and shook my head. Reilly stood up with his tray.

"I'm going to go put this away... Maddie, will you show me where everything goes?"

I stared at him. "I'm not done eating."

"Oh, just go Maddie!" Dustin responded. "What's wrong with you? Usually you're really nice to new people."

I clenched my jaw and threw down my apple. "Fine, Dustin."

"That a girl," he responded with a grin.

"Oh, you don't have to," Reilly said with a fake smile. "I can figure it out."

"I can show you," Damian offered, making to stand.

Reilly's face sagged slightly, but he still nodded. "Sure."

"No," Dustin interrupted, "Maddie will do it. She's being rude to the new kid."

"It's okay," Reilly replied with a shrug. "Not everyone has to be nice."

"I'll do it! I'm done anyways," I said loudly, grabbing my tray.

"She's PMS-ing," Dustin whispered.

I stomped on his foot as hard as I could. Reilly smiled at me and I motioned for him to follow me.

"What are you getting at?" I demanded Reilly when we far enough from the table to not be heard.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean," I responded, slightly narrowing my eyes.

"I can't make friends?" Reilly asked innocently.

"Not with Dustin! Since apparently you want to kill him!"

Reilly glanced around, frowning slightly. "Would you talk a little more quieter?"

I frowned back. I wanted to say some smart-ass response, but I held it in. He was right anyways; I couldn't talk about that kind of stuff out loud.

"You should chill though, it's not like I'm going to do anything yet," Reilly continued with a shrug, dumping his food into the waste bin.

"Yet?" I repeated, rolling my eyes. "I'm not going to let you do anything."

Reilly scoffed. "Like a human could do much."

Maybe not a human, but a Damian would be able to, I thought to myself, smiling slightly. He'd kill this guy before he got a chance to kill Dustin. I would just have to wait until the last possible second before I told Damian, so Reilly wouldn't do anything.

"There's also a chance," Reilly started, breaking my thoughts, "that I might end up liking him, and letting him live."

I stared disbelievingly at him. "Yeah, right."

"I'm serious," Reilly told me with a shrug, giving the lunch lady his tray. I copied him.

"I don't get you," I told him, crossing my arms over my chest. "Before you were mean, and pretty much tried to kill me."

"That's because I didn't have a plan back then," he told me with a wink.

"Why are you so calm about this?" I demanded, growing annoyed.

"Because I know you won't tell anybody who, or rather what, I am and what I'm planning to do."

"What if I do?"

"Well, Dustin goes like this." He drew his finger across his neck and made a slicing sound.

I glared at him and he simpered.

"Oh, do I love blackmail."

"This shouldn't even be considered blackmail," I told him with a glare. "This is just... sick."

"Yes," Reilly said, "but killing people's brothers is sick too."

"Yeah totally! Especially when they are trying to kill you and drink-"

Reilly slapped a hand over my mouth and looked around, scowling at me.

"Now whose voice is too loud?"

I pulled at his hand for a moment, trying to get it off so I could breathe. I struggled for a few moments until I realized it wasn't impossible. It didn't even look like he was trying in the slightest bit, and I still couldn't pull his hand off.

In a flash his hand was away from my mouth and I took a deep breath of air. Damian frowned at Reilly and dropped his hand.

"Is there a problem here?" Damian asked politely.

"Nope, she was just talking a bit too much," Reilly lied, grinning. "I'll see you later, Madison."

I didn't reply as he walked away. I just frowned at the ground. This was stupid. Why was he even at my school? What was his plan, anyways? And why was this ticking me off so much? I got so irritated by just looking at him.

"Is there something wrong, Maddie?" Damian asked, bending over slightly so we could see face to face.


I couldn't lie to Damian. This was a serious problem. Besides, how would Reilly know if I told Damian? It's not like Reilly could read minds or anything.

I opened my mouth to tell Damian when I saw Reilly shoot me a death glare from the table. I automatically shut my mouth, my eyes widening. He could read minds? I stared at Damian, who looked worried at my expression.


"Oh, um..."

I couldn't tell him after all. But I didn't want to lie. It could have perhaps been a coincidence, but I didn't want to take any chances.

"It's nothing."

Alright people, listen up. I'm sick, so this is a short chapter. However, I've got a deal to make with you all. Lately, the votes have been slacking ): It makes me really sad. So, if you guys can get the vote count up to 100, I will post the next chapter as soon as it hits 100. If not, well... you'll just have to wait the four usual days. But I still do expect you guys to vote. It's seriously not that hard. All you have to do is press the word vote up top ): so please, please, please, just click it! Thank you to those who do

Click 'open external link' to the right to join my facebook page :D you can see banners people have made me there! They are really awesome.

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