:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 25] //A Vampire Romance//

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The months passed and soon it was the indecisive season of spring, in the month of March. It was hot or cold, warm or chilly, rainy or clear, and so on. The weather changed every day.

To my utter surprise, and amazement, Reilly soon became a popular figure at our school. Dustin and Reilly were really close; to the point that they seemed to spend every wakening moment in each other's presence. It was a rare sight to see either one without the other. Even Damian had made friends with him. And a numerous amount of girls had asked him out as well. Did no one see what I saw?

It was now April vacation and, what a surprise, I was sitting home alone because both Damian and Dustin were busy. Damian had a family thing and to nobody's surprise Dustin was with Reilly. I ground my teeth together. What that maniac vampire was trying to do, I had no idea, but whatever it was, surely it wouldn't take this long to do.

My cell phone rang and I jumped, pausing iTunes. I pushed my computer chair back, rolling across the room to my bed and put it to my ear.


"Hi Maddie, it's Ayden."

"Hey," I responded, rolling myself back to my laptop.

"Are you busy?"

"Not really."

"Do you want to come over and meet some of my family?"

My mouth dropped open and I stared at the phone in my hand. "Me? Meet your family?"

"That's what I said, is it not?" he asked and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Well yeah," I muttered, closing Photoshop and shutting down my laptop. "When should I come over?"

"Well, I'm here to pick you up now."

I jumped up and looked out the window. Sure enough Ayden was standing there, looking up at me with a grin.

"You know that's beyond creepy..."

I saw him shrug.

"Okay, I'll be down in a few seconds."

I hurried to the bathroom to fix my hair and my make-up, making sure I looked presentable. I pulled on my converse and grabbed a jacket, shutting off my light and heading downstairs.

"I'm going to Damian's!" I called to my brother, who I could hear was watching the football game.

"Okay! Don't stay out to late!" he responded, nearly yelling over the T.V.


I opened the door to find Ayden waiting on the porch. He gestured for me to follow him and I slung my jacket over my shoulder. The temperature was perfect for once.

"So who's there?" I asked to start up a conversation.

"Well technically they aren't quote-unquote family, just some people we've known for a very long time," Ayden explained as we took the dark road to his house.


"But anyways, there's two of my old friends, Edmund and Vincent-"

"Edmund? Vincent?" I snorted. "Those sound like names used in vampire love novels."

Ayden grinned. "Like Damian, Ayden and Kale don't."

I pursed my lips.

Ayden chuckle. "Anyways, there is those two, and there's also two ladies who travel with them. Kale and Damian's old friends."

I frowned slightly. It was only naturally Damian would have girl friends in the past. Maybe even girlfriends. Ayden chuckled again and ruffled my hair.

"Friends, Madison, friends."

I shrugged away from his hand. "I know."


We arrived at the house and I entered, immediately running into someone. I rubbed my nose, backing up. "Sorry."

Kale rolled his eyes at me. "Clumsy human."

I frowned. "Still as anti-social as ever, I see."

Kale glared at me and continued on his way. I shrugged after him. He could still be his anti-social self. I rarely ever saw him anyways.

"Damian is hiding in his room, why don't you go see him?" Ayden suggested, hanging up his coat. "I need to attend to my guests."

"Why didn't you have him come get me in the first place?" I asked.

"Because, he wouldn't have come back," Ayden said with a sigh. "Even though I said old friends, he doesn't seem to like them as much anymore."


There was an awkward moment where neither of us said anything. Ayden shrugged and walked off towards the living room and I headed towards the stairs to go to Damian's room.

Damian's door was almost fully closed, so I debated knocking or not. I decided not to so I could surprise him and pushed the door open. The scene that was displayed before me was not something I would have ever expected.

Some girl I didn't know was in a lip lock with Damian.

My mouth dropped and I stood at the door for a few seconds, trying to get my voice to work. After a second or two I cleared my throat and the girl slightly turned her head to glare at me. "What?"

"Maddie!" Damian cried, pushing the girl away.

"Hey!" she protested.

"I'll just leave," I nearly whispered, quickly shutting the door.

"Maddie, wait!"

I spun on my heel, running down the hallway, ignoring Damian calling after me. It was only a matter of seconds before he had caught up to me. I fell forwards as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Maddie, it wasn't what it looked like."

"So you weren't making out with some other girl?" I demanded, sounding more sarcastic than I meant to.

Damian held me tighter as I attempted to escape his grasp. "I was not, I promise."

Why did Damian always sound so convincing? I hesitated a moment. "What were you doing then?"

"I was in my room alone, and she appeared out of nowhere and kissed me-"

"Damian," a woman's voice whined from behind me.

Damian's grip loosened and I shimmied out of his arms and turned around to look at the woman who was kissing Damian before. The first word that ran through my mind was "vampire".

Extremely pale. Extremely beautiful. She appraised me with her eyes as I did the same for her. Perfect figure, perfect hair, and perfect face. I rolled my eyes. These vampires were so clichéd. But then again, Damian did look good clichéd.

"Who is she?" we both demanded at the same time.

Damian sighed. "Jacky, this is Maddie, Maddie, Jacky."

The vampire named Jacky raised an eyebrow. "She's human."

"She's Damian's girlfriend!" I told her, crossing my arm.

Jacky laughed. "Girlfriend? You? How can that be? Damian's already promised to marry me!"

Shock passed Damian's face and he growled something low that I couldn't hear. I was in shock. Marriage? Was this girl crazy or did Damian fail to tell me something? It was impossible. I've never heard of this girl before, so he wouldn't all of a sudden have a fiancé.

"Why are you still standing here? Aren't you going to cry? Whatever lies he told you aren't true," Jacky told me with an eyebrow raised.

"Jacky!" Damian scolded. He turned to me. "Listen Maddie, I promise-"

I glared at him. "I don't want to hear the word 'promise' from your mouth, Damian. I didn't know you were a liar."

"Maddie," Damian protested, reaching out and grabbing my hand.

Before he could tighten his grasp I ripped my hand out of his grasp and started running again. I expected him to come after me so when he didn't I looked behind me to see what he was doing. Jacky was all over him again. I clenched my teeth and ran down the stairs.

Ayden was at the bottom steps. He grabbed me as I passed him.

"Maddie? What happened?"

The scene flashed through my head and Ayden sighed.

"Maddie, she's not Damian's fiancé," Ayden told me.

"Let me go," I ordered, frowning at him. "I just want to go home."

"Just let him explain-"

"Let. Go!" I cried, yanking my arm from his grasp. "Sorry, Ayden. I need time to think."

Ayden frowned at me. "Want me to walk you home?"

"Thank you, but I'm okay. I'm going before Damian comes after me. That is if he leaves Jacky."

Ayden ruffled my hair. "Be careful then."

"Bye," I said, heading towards the door.

"Aw, is she leaving? She just got here!" a familiar voice asked.

"Yeah, she isn't feeling well," Ayden told Callie.

"Feel better, Maddie!" Callie called after me.

I waved my hand in response and headed outside. It was raining, but at the moment I was glad. It would hide the tears I was bound to shed once far enough from the house.

Oh. My. Pickle. My home computer is so difficult to work this! I'd never thought I'd say this, but my Mac is ten times better than this POS. The enter bar doesn't even work, so to space this chapter I had to keep hitting the space bar -_- it took almost an hour, literally. For you guys, I've been going on the computer at 2AM to write a chapter. I'm not allowed on during the day because my dad runs his own business and he needs the phone line free, and with dial-up, the phone line gets blocked so yeah. Yay for sleepless nights! I don't particularly mind though... the days I went without writing I got really sick lol. I think I might actually have an addiction or something. Because I got /really/ sick. Maybe just coincidence, who knows?

Oh, and another thing. My home computer doesn't have spell check or the red squiggly that tells you when a word is spelled wrong, so excuse my mistakes. I'm actually not a good speller lol. It's all spell check and the dictionary on my laptop... but I have neither ):

I WANT MY LAPTOP!!!! Bah. To make things worse, I dropped my glasses and the lens fell down a hole in my bathroom floor. So it's like. Not my week lol.

Anyways... join my FB page if you haven't... you can also add me as a friend, the links there. Open external link at the right... and, of course, VOTE! :D Vote for my horrible week to become better! lol

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