:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 29] //A Vampire Romance//

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I knew what was coming before the thought probably even registered in Dustin's head. I twisted on my heel, making a break for the door. I heard the slightest creak of board and something hard crashed into my back.

"Dustin, no!" I shrieked, falling to the wooden floor with a loud thunk.

I struggled under his new superhuman strength as his hands dug into my back. I winced in pain, clawing at the floor, trying to escape from him. My fingernails tore and I had to stop from the pain that was now being inflicted onto my fingertips. After a few more seconds the weight was gone and I was able to scramble to my feet. This time I turned my front towards him so I could keep an eye on him.

Reilly was holding Dustin by the collar of his shirt. Dustin's fangs were bared at me still, and he was hissing and growling in my direction. I took a few steps back in utter horror, my hand shaking. This was horrible.

Why was this happening?

"It wouldn't be as fun if you killed her right away," Reilly commented, addressing Dustin, a smile spreading on his face. "It's more fun to play with food, Dustin."

There was no sign that Reilly's words had registered in Dustin's head. He was still trying his best to get out of Reilly's grasp and over to me. I slowly inched my way towards the door. I had to get out of here as fast as I could. Reilly seemed to know that I was trying to make an escape.

"You can have a five second head start I suppose," Reilly offered, shrugging. "It won't make a difference."

"Five seconds?" I repeated, dumbfounded.

"Four," Reilly responded with a wink.

I made a break for it, winging open the door and bolting down my hallway. I slid around the corner, my feet almost slipping out from under me on the rug. As I made it to the stairs, I was tackled to the side. I cried out as I was slammed into the wall above the stairs.

With my back to the wall I could stare Dustin in the face. His face was contorted with rage and he growled at me, his hands digging into my arms with an extremely painful force. I stared at him wide-eyed.

"Dustin! It's me Maddie, don't you recognize me?" I cried, trying to break free from his grasp. "It's your best friend! Dustin!"

I was pulled away from the wall, only to be bashed into it again with more force. I winced from the impact and dug my hands into Dustin's arms.

"Dustin! Wake up! It's Maddie!" I cried, trying to see the slightest hint of recognition in his eyes. There wasn't one.

Dustin growled again, and in a swift movement I was sent flying down the stairs. I hit the floor at the bottom with a sickening thud. The wind was knocked out of me and I gasped on the floor, trying my best to breathe. Suddenly Dustin was above me, stepping and crushing my splayed arm. I screamed in pain.

I groaned, turning my head to look at my arm, Dustin's foot still crushing it. I tried to raise it and gasped as pain shot from my fingertips throughout my whole body.

Dustin now kicked me in the side, sending me into a table. The corner got my back and I nearly lost consciousness from the pain. I slid to the ground my head reeling.

I coughed, making weird noises as I gasped for breath. When I got a little air in me, I scrambled to my feet, ignoring the horrible throbbing in my arm. I quickly grabbed a vase from the table I had crashed into.

"Dustin, don't come any nearer," I warned, holing the vase threatening.

He disregarded me entirely, and continued to close in on me. When Dustin got close enough to me I threw it in his face with my good arm and bolted for the door.

I struggled with the handle for a few seconds, my right arm useless and in my panicked state my shaking good hand didn't help. Eventually I opened and burst out into the cool night air. I made it across the porch with one leap, but was only two steps down the porch stairs before I was falling again.

"No!" I screamed before my head ricocheted off the hard cement.

I saw stars for a moment, my vision blurring. I felt something warm ooze down my forehead and into my eye. I squeezed my eye shut as it burned with the invasion of the warm liquid. I groaned and rolled onto my back, waiting for my head to clear in the cool air.

My eyes widened as Dustin appeared before me once more, his hand over my throat, pressing hard and deep. I choked as my airway was blocked, my trachea being slowly crushed. I gripped Dustin's arms, trying to pull them away from my neck as tears clouded my eyes. Was I going to die here? By the hands of my best friend?

Air rushed into my airway as Dustin suddenly backed off. I stayed on the ground, my hand rubbing my sore throat. I panted heavily trying to gulp as much air as I could in before Dustin came back.

"Hmm, having a rough time, Maddie?" Reilly asked, appearing above me. He offered a hand."

"Go to hell," I told him, my voice barely coming out in a whisper.

"That's not very nice," Reilly frowned, stepping on my injured arm.

I hissed in pain, but refused to give him the satisfaction of a scream. He grinned down at me, grinding his heel into my arm. I bit my lip, screwing my eyes shut from pain.

"What did I ever do to you?" I panted, the pain slowly wearing me away. Tears flooded my vision. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"You didn't do anything," Reilly responded, squatting down next to me and stroking my cheek. "You just got mixed up in the mess for being the closest person to Dustin."

"You really are sick," I whispered, glaring at him. "I hope you die."

Reilly laughed. "Yeah? And who will kill me? There's no one around, Maddie. There will be no evidence of a murderer if you are killed right now. Dustin and I will be long gone- or I might just kill Dustin and leave his dead body here along with you."

My chest heaved and I felt like I was going to throw up. I turned my head but nothing came out. I began to cough and I raised my good arm to my mouth, covering it. When I pulled my arm away, I noticed it was covered in red.

"Hm," Reilly started, looking at my arm. "Could it be perhaps you are dying already? Coughing up blood surely is not a good thing."

I stared at him with wide eyes. Was he kidding? He had to be. I didn't feel close to death- well okay. That was a lie. I felt like I was dying. Pain was coursing through my veins, and every inch of me was sore. My broken arm screamed in protest if I tried to move even my pinky the slightest bit.

"Well, I guess I'll let Dustin finish you off... the vampire way."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see," Reilly responded in a singsong voice with a wink. "Let me go get Dustin."

Reilly disappeared and reappeared a few seconds later, this time with Dustin in tow. With one hand, Reilly grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me to my feet. I gasped in pain and staggered forward, falling against his chest.

"I'm flattered," he told me, "but I'm not that into you."

I did my best to push away from him, but felt to weak to even do that. Reilly pushed me towards Dustin, who grabbed my shoulders right away, holding me up.

"Please stop this," I begged, turning to Reilly. "This should be enough! Just stop!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Maddie," Reilly responded, a fake sad smile on his face. "I'm actually enjoying this."

"When Damian gets here-"

Reilly snorted. "Damian? He's at a party right now. You're all alone Maddie, no one is going to come save you."

I glared at Reilly with all the strength I could muster- and that wasn't even much. "I hope he kills you."

Reilly smirked. "He might try. Especially when he sees your dead body on the ground. The blood sucked out of you by whom of all people? Dustin. I'm sure Dustin will be just as dead as you if he shows up."

"No," I shook my head. "Damian would never kill Dustin. He knows how much Dustin means to me."

"Even though he's about to kill you?"

I was getting tired. I was fighting to keep my eyes open now. "Dustin isn't himself."

"Whatever," Reilly responded, shrugging. "Think what you want."

"I will," I told him, my voice coming out barely as a whisper.

"Okay Dustin, she's all yours," Reilly told Dustin, winking. "I hope your hungry."

Hungry? Dustin bore his fangs at me and in one swift motion I was looking at the sky. The cool air whipped at my neck as it was exposed. My eyes widened when I finally realized what Reilly meant. Dustin was going to drink my blood. I began to struggle against him, but it my weakened state; I was no match for him.

"Dustin, please," I begged as he tugged off my jacket. "Stop it!"

He didn't listen to me as he tossed my jacket aside, tearing at the top of my shirt, revealing the base of my neck. I tried to pull away from him once more, but I knew it was useless. I felt his cool breath at my neck.

I let out one last, high-pitched, piercing horror movie shriek before I felt his fangs sink into me. My scream was cut off into a gurgle and my mind blanked. I stood limply in Dustin's arms as he drained the blood out of me.

I guess this was it. I was going to die here. And there was nothing I could do.

The last thing I saw before fading into the black was Reilly's amused face, his laughter still echoing in my ears.


Bet you didn't see that coming.

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