:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 30] //A Vampire Romance//

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~*~ Damian's Point Of View ~*~

As soon as Maddie left my sight, a sense of foreboding covered my senses. I frowned at the door for a moment, wondering if I should go after her. Would she get angry if I did? No, that was a vacuous thought. Maddie wasn't the kind of person who would get mad at someone for worrying about her. Just as I made my decision to follow her, Callie appeared at my side.

"Damian, will you be the DJ for a little while? I kind of want to go dance on the dance floor with everyone else," she requested, putting on her best puppy-dog expression. "Please?"

I debated for a minute. If I DJ-ed for a little while it would take my mind off of Maddie. She seemed to really want to go alone for some reason. But the sense of foreboding was still present. Presage was practically screaming in my ear, but I chose to ignore it.

"Of course," I told Callie.

"Yay!" she cried, hugging me. "I promise it won't be for long!"

She ran off to join the group of people on the dance floor who were standing around, waiting for the music to stop playing. I briskly made my way over to the DJ stand and stared the music again, watching as the people on the dance floor began to dance in a tangled mess once more.

I sifted through the music, looking for something good for dancing to play next. After a few minutes I found a song and dragged it into a play list. It would be easier to make a play list rather than chose a song every time one ended.

When I was finished with the list I was startled to realize I had been creating it for the past forty-five minutes. My eyes scanned the dance floor for Maddie who was supposed to have returned by now. As I scrutinized the crowd, I came to the conclusion that she had not returned yet.

That's when the foreboding returned. That's when I heard an owl hoot in the distance. That's when I heard the shrill, agonizing scream pierce the air. That's when I realized an owl's hooting presages death.

In my sudden panic, I accidentally hit the stop button on the laptop. The music was cut off and everyone on the dance floor looked up at me. But my eyes were searching, landing on Ayden, who was already by the door.

Callie appeared at my side moments later. She pushed me gently from the DJ booth.

"Go," she ordered, starting the music again. "I'll keep the party going."

I didn't need to be told twice. I didn't even care as I sprinted towards that door that if anyone caught a glimpse of me, they might catch onto something. Ayden opened the door as I drew nearer so I didn't have to stop and together we set off down the dark driveway.

It only took a matter of seconds to make it to Maddie's house. I saw a dark figure standing in the grass, still as settled water. I snarled, slowly walking towards whoever it was, preparing to attack.

Who it was caught me off guard. It was Dustin. But something was wrong. As I took in his appearance I made a startling discovery. He had fangs.

"What?" I questioned out loud, staring at the creature in front of me. Was that right? I couldn't call him human anymore, could I?

Dustin growled at me and lunged. I grabbed his arms and swung him to the side with little effort. To my surprise he was back to me in a matter of seconds, aiming for my neck. I grabbed his arm and twisted it back and kicked his feet out from under him.

He scowled at me and snarled.

"Dustin, what's going on here?" I demanded, pinning him down as he struggled to release himself. "Where's Maddie?"

Dustin didn't reply, he only snarled and struggled. I stared down at him curiously and slightly worried. What had happened?

"Oh, so you did come," an amused voice commented from behind me.

Ayden was by my side in an instant, and I turned to see who was talking. Another shock ran through me. "Reilly?"

Reilly grinned at me. "Fancy meeting you here."

"What have you done to Dustin?" I growled at him, still pinning Dustin down.

"Oh, nothing much. I only turned him into a vampire, but I'm planning to kill him, so that will save you the trouble."

"Trouble? Why would I kill Dustin?" I responded, narrowing my eyes at Reilly.

He cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "You haven't noticed yet?"

"Noticed what?"

"Damian," Ayden said in a low, unsteady voice.

Something dropped into my gut. I had a very bad feeling as I turned towards him. He was looking at something on the ground. My eyes followed his gaze at an agonizingly slow speed.

"Oh. Oh, no," I moaned when my eyes rested on a small figure lying motionlessly on the ground. "No!"

Reilly chuckled. "Oh yes. You're little friend Dustin did that to her."

"Maddie!" I cried, letting go of Dustin and appearing by her side. "Maddie!"

I gently placed my hands under her body and picked her up. I placed my hand on her wrist, feeling for a pulse. I couldn't find one. When my eyes caught sight of her neck, I thought I was going to be sick. It looked as though her throat had been torn from her.

A growl erupted from my lips as I gently lowered Maddie back to the ground again. I turned on my heel and strode back to where Ayden was, standing in an offensive position in front of Reilly. Dustin was with him now as I stood by Ayden.

"You did this, didn't you?" I growled at Reilly, my eyes narrowing in hatred.

"Well technically, Dustin did," he corrected me, patting Dustin on the shoulder. "Don't you just want to tear out his throat?"

"I want to tear out your throat! It was your fault he attacked her! What did you do?" I shouted at him, my fist clenched, my skin glowing paler than usual in the sudden moonlight.

"Damian, calm down," Ayden instructed quietly.

"Calm down? He killed her! He killed Maddie, Ayden!" I whispered back, my hand shaking with anger. I was losing it.

I had never felt like this before. It was an awful feeling. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I just wanted to tear of Reilly's head. A part of me wanted to do the same to Dustin, but there was no way he would have done this of his own will. What would killing him do? Only bring sorrow to Maddie. But she was dead now, so what did it matter? I could just kill them both and then-

"Damian!" Ayden said sharply and I pulled myself from my insane thoughts.

"Sorry," I muttered, shaking my head.

"We can still help Maddie, remember?" Ayden told me, turning to look at me.

"What if she wasn't ready?" I responded, frowning. "She wasn't so willing when we talked about it."

"What choice do we have?" Ayden asked with a small smile. "It's that or death."

Death was definitely not an option. Even if I was being selfish, there was no way I was going to let Maddie die.

"I'll take care of Reilly while you take care of Maddie."

"I want to kill the bastard who did this to Maddie," I argued, my eyes piercing into Ayden's.

"You're not ready to have murder on your hands. And you need to take care of Maddie as soon as possible. Leave Reilly to me."

I frowned at him for a split second. Maddie was more important. "Fine."

You have to be quick and precise. Do you know what you're doing?" Ayden asked, his eyes flickering between Reilly and myself.

I nodded. "Yes."

"Get to it then," Ayden ordered, turning to face Reilly.

I heard Ayden snarl as I rushed back to Maddie's side. I gently traced her maimed neck before adding my own infliction. I released the poison, and let it enter her body. After a few minutes I pulled away, wiping blood from my mouth.

Sounds of fighting in the background filled my ears and I was tempted for a moment to go help but I remembered I only had one shot at this. Maddie's body began to convulse and I held her down, using all my strength to hold her still. After a few moments the convulsions stopped and I pulled away from her. Now the poison just needed to start the change. Everything seemed to be okay for now.

I stood up and turned just in time to see Ayden ripping Reilly's head off. I watched slightly impressed. That was a quick battle. I jogged over to him as he brushed off his hands.

"That was quick work," I commented, nodding in approval.

Ayden nodded. "He wasn't strong at all but..."


"What do we do about him?" Ayden questioned, pointing to a motionless body on the ground.

"Did you kill him?" I asked, panic rising in me. "Maddie will hate us-"

"Calm down," Ayden interrupted me. "He's only unconscious."

"Oh," I responded in a relieved voice. "Okay."

Ayden frowned. "Well I guess for now we should get Madison back to our house. We should bring Dustin along too. There might be some way to help him."

I nodded in agreement. "Alright, sounds like a plan."

I went back over to Maddie and picked her unconscious body up bridal style and began walking towards the house. Ayden appeared next to me moments later, Dustin slung over his shoulder.

"Tomorrow's going to be a tough day," Ayden commented soberly.

"Indubitable so," I responded, looking down at Maddie's face.

She was so cut up and bruised. Her hair was a mess, and just the sight of her throat would be enough to make anyone gag. I brushed her bangs away from her face and kissed her gently.

"Don't worry, Maddie. Everything will be okay now," I whispered as we came up to my house. "I'll fix everything."


Hmm... I should probably change somethings in this, but I'm too lazy too lol. ;D

Originally I wanted Maddie to die because that would be the most unexpected thing ever, wouldn't it? But I decided not to because it's really hard to kill of a character.

How could J.K Rowling do it to all those poor characters whose names I won't mention in case you haven't read the books Dx I mean really! It would kill /me/ to kill some characters she killed after what we know about them. I mean the whole baby thing T_T Anyways... I'll stop ranting.

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