:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 3] //A Vampire Romance//

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Have I ever mentioned how I hate putting spaces in this? It's so annoying and it takes forever. But I hate when there aren't spaces. Hm, quite the dilemma lol. Anyways. Chapter three. Woop! This site is pretty easy to work (cept the space thing) and I am getting the hang of it :D Second day!

Enjoy! Comment! Vote!


I turned and opened the door to my house and entered. I kicked off my shoes before walking down the hall. "Will?"

No reply.

I hobbled into the living room and saw him intently focused on the television. A basketball game was on. The players on screen ran back and forth across the gym floor, the ball passing in between players, and being caught by an opponent. Will's eyes followed the ball the way a small child's eyes would follow candy.

"Will," I repeated hovering over him. The winning team scored a point.

"Three pointer!" Will shouted suddenly shooting up his arm, punching me in the face. "Ah! Maddie! Sorry!"

"Ow," I replied rubbing my chin. "You seem rather excited."

"I am," was his reply as he turned his attention back to the television. "Did you give them the cookies?"

"Will," I said flatly, "didn't you realize I haven't been here for the last few hours?"

"So that's why..." Will muttered, as if he didn't want me to hear, then he looked up at me. "Of course I knew you weren't here!"

Yeah, I thought, sure you did. I smiled and nodded anyways, keeping my rude comments to myself.

"Now that you are here, would you mind making me something to eat?" he asked, returning his eyes to the television.

"Hm... let me think," I drawled. "Nope."

And without another word I turned and headed towards the stairs and escaped up into my room. I heard him mutter something about kids these days before I shut the door to my room. I kicked off my shoes and fell on my bed.

My sleep was full of different dreams. It started off as Dustin and I lounging together at the beach, which he tried forcing me to go to many times, and then Dustin turned into Damian. The beach had turned into the sinister looking woods next door and Damian was nowhere to be seen. Ayden suddenly appeared, guffawing. The laughter in the pure silence in the woods unsettled me. Then it converged again. Damian and I were standing at my porch again, though something was different. He was leaning down, his face nearing mine. My own face reached up towards his, almost touching now...

I suddenly jolted from my sleep as if an electric shock ran through me. I groaned frustrated at my sudden awaking, right at the good part of the dream. I shoved my face into my pillow.

It was strange, remembering the dream, and yet I really wanted it to continue. When have I ever wanted a dream like that to continue?

Since you saw Damian, a voice in my head taunted me.

I cringed and shoved that thought aside. I barely even knew him! But, another part of me thought, I want to know him. I agreed to that. I did indeed want to know him.

I scooted myself to the edge of the bed and placed my feet onto the cold, wood floor. I stood up slowly before making my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine. After I finished up I sauntered down the stairs leisurely and into the kitchen, where Will was reading the paper and sipping coffee with a plate of eggs and toast in front of him.

"Morning," he greeted me.

"'Lo," I replied yawning. I sat down at the table and pulled his food towards me and started eating it. He frowned but didn't protest.

"What're you doing today?"

"Not sure," I told him, buttering my toast.

"This is your last day of freedom before school," he informed me, looking up from his paper.

"Ugh. I don't want to go..." My voice faltered. School? How old was Damian? Would he being going to my school? A bubble of excitement rose inside me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Maddie?" Will asked me. "What're you thinking about?"

"Um, what I should wear," I lied quickly, pulling myself from my thoughts. Will nodded.

"That's important to a girl, huh?"

"Very," I told him as I quickly swallowed down the rest of my meal. Perhaps I could go visit Damian today... but then again, they could be unpacking the rest of the house. If it wasn't all brand new already, like the kitchen and hallway.

"Hmm..." Will started and I looked up at him. "Shouldn't Dustin been here by now?"

"Dustin." I think this was the first time I've ever been disappointed upon hearing his name. Guilt began to stir in my gut. Why would I want to see someone I barely know more then my best friend? I didn't, I told myself. Today I would hang out with Dustin no matter what.

The doorbell rang and I jumped up and scurried towards the door.

"Speak of the devil." Will's voice floated after me. I opened the door and received a giant embrace.

"Maddie!" Dustin cried as he pulled me to him. "I missed you!"

"I wish I could say the same thing," I muttered, trying to pull my face away from his chest. Dustin was a very friendly guy... a little too friendly sometimes. But, I put up with it anyway cause he was worth it.

"Don't be so mean," he complained as he pulled away. "I brought you a present!"

"I hope it's not breakable," I smiled remembering the last time he had bought me something breakable. I got it... but it was already broken.

"No, silly," he teased rustling around in his jean pockets. "It's better!"

It took a few seconds but he finally retrieved what he was looking for. It was an ordinary brown package. Nothing looked special about it.

"Well Dustin," I told him as he handed it to me. "I've always wanted a brown package."

"Open it."

I did as he told and raised my eyebrows. "A bracelet?"

"What do you think?"

"It's beautiful," I breathed as I pulled it out of the package.

"Oh," my brother's voice drifted to the front door. "Did you finally ask her to marry you?"

"Funny," Dustin shouted back. "And what if I did?"

"I'd kill you," Will remarked jokingly and I heard his footsteps coming to the door.

I stared at the bracelet in my hand. It was a gold chain bracelet. The front of the bracelet had four beautiful blue sapphires, spaced by a golden link, spelling out "Maddie." My name.

"Dustin, this is too much," I told him, attempting to give him back the bracelet. He shoved his hands in his pocket and grinned.

"My mom was the one that found it. And it was on sale."

"It must have cost an arm and a leg!" I protested as he pushed it back into my hand.

"Our money is doubled in Barbados. It only cost me fifty-dollars. Totally worth it just to see your expression." He grinned. "Make sure to thank my mom."

I nodded, knowing that I couldn't win against him, and clasped the bracelet onto my wrist. I can't say this was an uncommon thing. Dustin came from a... well off family. I guess my family was well off too... but Will was cheap and never gave me any money. Except my monthly allowance but that was directly from my mom. I was glad I had gotten a job.

"Nice bracelet," Will whistled when he saw it on my wrist. "Expensive?"

"Nah," Dustin grinned. "Are we going to stand here all day, or will you let me in?"

"Come right in," Will replied, moving away from the doorway.

Dustin made to go around me but I caught him in a hug. Something I rarely did.

"Thank you very much," I mumbled pulling away and setting myself straight. I mock punched his shoulder. "Suck up."

"You know it," he replied winking. He then turned me around and pushed me through the door.

"So how was Barbados?" I asked him as we all sat down back at the table.

"Felt the same as here to me," he replied shrugging.

"You know no value," Will commented shaking his head. Dustin shrugged while grinning.

"Did you swim?"

"Sort of." I raised my eyebrow and he continued, "I only went surfing, but when I fell off I had to swim."

"Ah," my brother and I sighed at the same time. Will grinned and Dustin sighed.

Dustin had accumulated a fair tan over the six days. I was amazed. I couldn't tan at all... unless you counted sunburn. Which I didn't think quite qualified into that category.

"I'm so ready for school," Dustin informed us, leaning back in his chair. "I got a tan, my clothes picked out, and all my summer homework done... oh. I might want to wash my clothes though." He scratched his head.

Will snorted before laughing. I laughed too, more to Will's snorting then to Dustin's ignorance.

The rest of the day passed rather quickly. Dustin wanted me to go to the lake and swim. Of course. The one thing he wanted to do after being gone for so long was the one thing I couldn't do. And he knew it too. He got rather moody at my refusal and decided he didn't want to do anything outside, so we ended up just lounging around watching television. Night came quickly and before I knew it Dustin was leaving.

"I'm tired," Dustin muttered yawning. He was sprawled out on the couch, nearly on Will's lap, which was a few inches from his head. Some boy's relationships made me wonder sometimes.

"You should be," Will muttered reproachfully checking the clock. "You are going to have a tough time getting up in the morning. It's time for you to leave, and for Maddie to go to sleep."

"Ugh," Dustin and I groaned simultaneously. He stood up and stretched. I yawned and looked at the clock too. It was eleven.

"I guess I'll go then." Dustin yawned and stumbled his way out of my living room as Will waved.

"Night," I called after him. Will pulled me off the couch and ushered me off to my room. I grumbled as I walked. I got cranky when I was tired.

"Sleep tight," Will said when we reached my room and kissed my forehead.

"Night," I replied as he continued onto his room. I entered my own room and it was pitch black. I groped around for the light switch and switched it on. Light filled the room for a split second before I heard a crack and it went off again. I groaned. Well, I thought, at least I was planning on going to bed.

I carefully made my way over to my bed and hopped in, not bothering to change into pajamas because it was too dark to see. I rolled on to my side and pulled the covers up, staring at the house next door. The thought of its inhabinants entered my mind, but I didn't have any time to ponder about them before I fell into a dreamless sleep.

A loud beeping noise jolted me from my peaceful sleep. I groaned and pushed my head forwards and knocked it right into the headboard. "Ow..."

I rubbed my head and then slammed my hand down on the alarm clock. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed I stood up and blinked. It was still dark outside. "Why did I get up so early?"

Before I had the chance to answer my self the door flew open and I stood up very quickly, watching the door, then heading towards it.

"School!" Dustin's voice came from the door. His face appeared a moment later. I gave him a blank look as he continued chanting, "school, school, school, school! Scho-"

I slammed the door and locked it frowning.

"Aww, come on! I wanted to wake you up for the first day of school!" Dustin's voice complained from out side the door.

"You don't randomly open the door to a lady's room, pervert!" I replied angrily, walking to my dresser and pulling out clothes that I had planned to wear last night.

"What is this talk about perverts?" I heard Will's voice ask from the other side of the door.

"That's my day job," Dustin replied.

"Go get ready for school," Will told Dustin and I could imagine Will rolling his eyes as I started for the bathroom connected to my room.

"I am ready," came Dustin's muttered reply.

"You were wearing those clothes yesterday," was the last thing I heard before closing the bathroom door.

I stripped down and stepped into the shower letting the water rush over my body. I got out my favorite shampoo and conditioner and scrubbed it into my hair, and washed my body with soap. After a few minutes I washed the conditioner out of my hair and rinsed off my body. Sighing, I turned off the hot water and got out, drying myself quickly and throwing my clothes on. I did my hair in the mirror and brushed my teeth before going downstairs.

"Time for breakfast!" Will said cheerily shoving a bagel into my hands as I entered the kitchen. "Now get going before you are late."

"Late?" I questioned looking at the clock. It read; 7: 10. I gawked at it. If I didn't rush, I would be late for the first day of school.

"Better get going," Will laughed patting me on the head. "You're going to be late!"

"Give me a ride!" I begged giving him my puppy eyed look. "Please, please!"

Will shook his head. "I would, but I have to leave for work. So I must bid you adieu! " He then grabbed his coat and put it on, holding the door open. "After you."

I scowled at him and rushed out. "Where's Dustin?"

"Here," a voice announced, I turned to see Dustin, backpack in hand. "Let's go, Maddie!"


I waved goodbye to Will and began walking on the sidewalk that lead to the school. Since the school wasn't too far away Dustin and I have been walking to school since the beginning of high school and still do. It usually took about fifteen minutes and school started at 7: 35 so it was fine by us. Well, until this year. Now it wasn't fine by me. I didn't want to walk anymore.

"I need a car," I complained glowering at the cars that passed by on the street. "I have my license..."

"Hey. I need a car too," Dustin muttered while scratching the back of his head. I gave him a blank stare. Then glowered. He once had a car, and crashed it the day he got it. Our school only let's students who are seventeen or older drive to school alone. I thought it was unfair because while I was turning seventeen in February, Dustin was turning seventeen in November, so he had had his license quite awhile before me.

"Don't give me that look," Dustin muttered rolling his eyes. "It wasn't my fault."

"Yes it was," I replied stepping onto the grey curb and balancing on it as I walked. I noticed that it was slowly decaying, here and there were pieces missing from it. They should replace it, I thought. Dustin muttered something under his breath and I gave him a look from the corner of my eye. He smiled back forcefully.

"Careful, you might lose your balance and get hit," he joked kicking a rock at me. I glared at him as a car passed. A cloud from the sky covered what little of the sun was showing.

"I wouldn't. I'm not that dumb," I replied picking up my pace. "I'm good a balanc-ah!" My eyes widened as I slipped on the curb, which had cracked and fallen off as I stepped onto it. I toppled on it for a few seconds, trying to regain my balance before I fell off and into the street. I failed. Crying out, I brought my hands up a second too late to cushion my head. It hit the road with a painful impact and I had accidentally scraped my hands in the process of trying to protect it. I opened my eyes to see a car, not that far away.

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