:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 4] //A Vampire Romance//

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Yay! I was nice and put spaces in :) I was seriously considering being lazy and not doing it. But I did anyways haha. Chapter four. Nothing to say. Comment, vote, and enjoy ;)


"Maddie!" Dustin cried and I heard the screeching of breaks. I closed my eyes, preparing for the impact...

That never came.

Instead of hearing a sickening crack or anything, I heard the sounds of a car door opening then shutting and footsteps. The soft tapping noises they made stopped next to my head.

"Man," I heard a familiar voice sigh. "You wanted to see me so much that you decided to jump in front of my car?"

I looked up, still frozen, only to see Ayden staring down at me. I opened my mouth then shut it, surprised. He grinned.

"I feel flattered."

"T-that's not it!" I cried before scrambling to stand up. The momentary shock of the situation escaped me. I was impressed with my ability to deal with such accidents. "I slipped! Well more like fell actually... but that's besides the point!"

"Oh?" Ayden replied smiling. "You'd better be more careful... I suggest that you stop running on curbs, if you know what's best for you. People without awesome reflexes like me won't have time to hit the breaks. They will just simply run you over." He clapped his hands together while making a squishing noise.

"Gotcha," I nodded quickly grimacing at his example of what would happen to me if I ever got hit. I didn't like being scolded, or told what to do. And what reflexes did he have that other people didn't? Ayden continued to grin at me as I examined my hands.

Dustin walked over to me and looked at him. "Who are you?"

Ayden smiled at him for a second before winking at me and heading back to his car. "See you at school, Maddie."

I frowned as he got in and started forward. What did he mean, "see you at school"? I looked through the window and saw Damian's eyes gaze into my own as the car passed me. He smirked and I felt my face heat up as the car continued on its way down the road.

"Who was that?" Dustin muttered kicking at a rock while pulling me back onto the sidewalk. "He totally ignored me!"

I opened my mouth to tell him that he was one of the new next-door neighbors. But then I thought he didn't know about the new neighbors. I tried not to smile. This was going to be a big surprise to him. I shrugged my shoulders.

"He knew your name!" Dustin pointed out irritated. He studied my face. I kept it blank, with a hint of confusion. Boy I could be a good actor.

"That is weird," I mused still looking confused. I shrugged. "Well anyways, look! The school!"

Dustin turned and looked at the school building, which loomed ahead. He then hung his head. After a few moments he suddenly looked up with a giant grin on his face. "Time to meet some new hot chicks!"

I rolled my eyes before entering the high school with him.

"Hey," I greeted a few of my friends when they nearly shouted their hellos over the noisy classroom. All around me people prattled on about their summers and what they did. I took a deep whiff of the scent I would be spending the next ten months in. A couple of Dustin's friends came over and began talking to him while I mingled with my other friends.

"I'm going to go to my homeroom now," Dustin informed me after a short while. I paused in mid-sentence to say goodbye. He waved before leaving. I waved and felt someone tap on my shoulder as I did so. I turned to see my friend Kristen.

"Do you know who the homeroom teacher is?" she asked me after quickly greeting me. Her face was in a small pout. She didn't like being uninformed. I gave her a confused look as the bell rang.

"Isn't it the same as last year? Mr. Ritt?" I asked, my brow furrowing. Why wouldn't it be the same as last year, and the year before that? Kristen shook her head drawing my attention to her again.

"No," she started, "the new teachers going to be our homeroom teacher. Mr. Ritt took the other L-Q home room this year."

"Huh..." I replied. That explained why Dustin wasn't in my homeroom. "Well whoever he is, he's late." I sighed. Kristen nodded and sat down at a desk that we were both standing near. I took a seat next to he. The whole classroom was now almost filled. There was one empty seat beside me.

I looked at all the faces in the room. Ben, Sarah, Avery, Justin... I paused staring at Justin Devine. D... that was nowhere near L-Q. I quickly swept my eyes over the room and saw other people whose last names didn't belong in our category. I was confused.

"What's the new teacher's name?" I asked Kristen. She thought for a second before opening her mouth. But as she did, the door to the classroom opened. Everyone turned towards the door, including me.


"Ayden Weiss!" I nearly shouted, pointing at the umber haired man who came through the door. Everybody in class turned to look at me and I shrank back into my seat while looking at the ground. How embarrassing.

"Yo," Ayden grinned. And I looked back up at him, my eyes wide. "And it's Mr. Weiss to you."

"M-Mr. Weiss?" I stuttered from my seat. I shook my head. "No way..."

"Yes way," a monotone voice came from behind him. I looked as Ayden moved out of the way and saw Damian rubbing his face tiredly. A surge of excitement swept through me. I bit my lip to keep from smiling. His eyes lit up in amusement. Had he noticed? He half smiled at me before his face returned to a grimace. I watched as he made his way over and took the desk next to me.

"He's hot," a voice from behind me whispered.

I shot a look at Damian. He was scowling at the top of his desk as others murmured their agreements. I didn't know if they were talking about Ayden or Damian. I turned to look at Ayden who was almost literally glowing.

"Well, welcome to the your first year of high school!" Ayden greeted, calling attention to the class while he took a seat on his desk.

I was still processing the fact that he was the teacher.

"My name is Ayden Weiss, but you'll call me Mr. Weiss, if you know what's good for you," he paused and a few people chuckled. He smiled. "You know, it's a very fun time, high School... With this and that," he murmured, apparently reminiscing about his high school days.

"It's our third year, Mr. Weiss," a boy in the back of class informed him. He looked confused for a moment. I couldn't help but smile while the class laughed again.

"Is that so?" Ayden said scratching his chin and grinning. "Well, in any case we have a lot of stuff to go over and bring home to your parents. So, if most of you haven't yet noticed, we will have an extended home room this morning."

"I have a question," a girl spoke up politely from the back. I turned to see it was a girl I knew, Rachel, the stuck up pretty girl. "Are you and the boy in front related?"

What a dumb question, I thought. It was obvious to me. I suppressed a smile. Okay, maybe it wasn't that obvious to me at first.

"Yes," Ayden replied smiling and Damian glared at him.

"Then how is he in this homeroom?" Rachel asked with a confused look.

Ayden smiled for a few seconds and a few girls giggled, but otherwise he completely ignored the question. "Well then, I will start passing out nurse forms."

I smiled at this. I took a quick look at Damian, who was still scowling at the desk. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but didn't have the courage. After a few moments of encouragement from myself I decided to ask him.

"Er, Damian?" I asked hesitantly. He definetly was in a bad mood and I didn't really want to anger him. I would hate to see his angry side, if he had one, on the first day of school. Especially since it was still the morning.

"What?" he asked sharply.

"Never mind," I replied with the same sharpness.

If he wasn't planning on being nice, neither was I. He glared at me and I turned away, staring determinedly at the board. I bit my lip again trying not to look back at him. What was his problem? I just wanted to see what was wrong and he had to be all jerk-ish. My mood dropped considerably after that accident. Maybe when I had first met Damian he had been acting. I frowned at the black board.

After about twenty minutes of papers and rules, the homeroom bell finally rung. I grabbed all of the loose papers we had received and stowed them in my bag. I could sort them out later. I stood up, without looking at Damian, and stalked off towards the exit of the room.

"Maddie?" Damian's velvet voice called out to me and I debated stopping or not. I knew I would anyways, so I turned to look at him.


"I'm sorry," he apologized offering me a mysterious smile while showing his teeth. I stared at him while I was trying to form coherent words. "You know. For my attitude."

"Uh, yeah. Um, sure," I agreed bemused. The change of his attitude had confused me. His smile was also very distracting. I never thought anybody had a perfect smile... until now.

"I'm..." Damian trailed off. I waited for a second. But the empty classroom startled me. I didn't want to be late anywhere on the first day. Damian noticed too.

"We should go."

"Have fun today, Damian!" Ayden chirped brightly. Damian was right behind me and he turned around and flipped Ayden off. I blinked, surprised, and looked at Ayden, who shrugged.

I headed towards my next class, Algebra 2. It wasn't too far from my homeroom so I decided to seek out my locker. The halls were congested with students coming and going from class to class. I dodged a few people who were almost sprinting down the hall. I looked at the locker in front of me, 1035. My locker was number 1016 so I started walking down the rows of lockers until I came to 1017. I smiled and took a step to the right and landed in front of my own locker, getting whacked in the face by the door of the locker next to mine as I did so. My hand flew up to my face as I cried out in pain.

"Oh dang," I heard a voice next to me gasp. "I'm sorry!"

"Ow..." I rubbed my nose. "It's okay. I'm okay."

I opened my eyes to see a hazel haired girl giving me a sheepish grin. She was the same height as me. Her skin was very pale, but that made her bright green eyes stand out. The girl grinned again. "I am really sorry about that."

"It's alright." I smiled at her. I knocked on my forehead, wincing a little. Maybe it hit me a little harder then I had thought. "No brain damage done... I think."

The girl laughed and held out her hand. "My name is Callie."

"Maddie, nice to meet you," I said taking it and shaking it. After a second we let go and I brushed a piece of hair away from my face.

"Well, Maddie, I'd hate to hit and run," she paused to chuckle. "But if I don't I will be late to my next class."

I laughed too. "I'll be late too, probably. So, in that case, I'll see you around."

"Yup. Bye-bye," she replied and shut her locker then headed down the hall.

I turned my attention to my locker which I tried opening. The combination was easy to remember: 36-26-6. And for the first time ever, I got it open on the first try.

After I opened and closed it a few times I deposited my coat into it and decided to go to my math class. Mr. Black, a young teacher who had came halfway through the year last year and received a lot of valentines from students, was telling everyone where to sit. He had the seats organized alphabetically. I asked him where I sat, and he sent me to the back of the classroom. Yay.

Damian came in almost right after me. I turned and walked backwards to my seat so I could watch him. He was glaring at Mr. Black and for some reason looked furious. Mr. Black, on the other hand, looked pleased and was smirking. I stared confused for a moment and paused beside my seat. What was up with them?

"Maddie!" a voice sang out my name, surprising me. I tore my attention away from the two, reluctantly, and saw a familiar blonde haired girl walking towards me.

"Kim!" I cried as a smile crept onto my face. She threw her arms around me. "Wow, it's been awhile!"

"More like all summer," she noted punching me in the shoulder. "Why didn't you call?"

"Me call? Why didn't you call me?" I replied punching her back. She punched me again, and I brought my arm back to punch her back.

"If you could stop fighting for a few seconds," a familiar voice said from behind me, "I would like to get to my seat."

I turned to see Damian glaring down at me. My smile faltered under his gaze. I looked down. Did this have something to do about the conversation he had just had with Mr. Black? I couldn't understand. Damian was a new student here, so he shouldn't of known him. And yet he was angry again. "Yes, sir." I replied when I noticed he was still waiting to pass. The phrase bi-polar crept into my mind again.

Damian rolled his eyes and waited for me to move before he slid by. I wanted to ask why he was, again, in a bad mood but couldn't. I frowned at my lack of courage and glanced at him. He sat diagonally across from my right.

"You know him?" Kim asked me when Damian began to shuffle through his bag.

"Sort of," I replied shrugging and then sitting down. Damian must have noticed we were talking about him because he paused in his movements.

"He's cute."

I felt my face flush. God I wished I could stop that. But luckily before I could answer Kim Mr. Black called the class to attention. Kim raised an eyebrow at me before running off to her seat.

Mr. Black went through the year outline while I doodled on a piece of paper. When I was done I looked at my masterpiece. It looked like a glob of circles. I grinned, and decided to add other shapes to it. A few moments later I totally lost interest and began staring blankly at the board until a piece of paper landed on my desk. It read, 'Taking notes already?' I looked to my left to see some guy from my homeroom making marks on the top desk with the tip of his pencil. He looked up at me and grinned. I smiled back quickly, and then looked at Damian who was smirking at me. I scowled and grabbed my pencil and scribbled on the note, 'No. I'm just doodling.' I was about to throw the note back at him when Mr. Black came by and put a piece of paper on my desk.

"Alright," he started, "this test is to remind of what you've learned over the last two years. No talking."

I sighed and placed the note down before looking at the first problem: 3(x + 4) + 5 = 10. I smiled. Review. It was a very easy equation. I did it quickly and scribbled the answer (-2 1/3) down before chucking the note Damian had given me at his face. He was focused intently on his test and apparently was very focused because he jumped when it hit his face.

"Hey," he cried angrily grabbing the piece of paper and glaring at me. I shrugged and turned my face back to my paper just as Mr. Black looked over at Damian.

"Are you cheating on the test? Or is there something you'd like to share with the class, Mr. Weiss? Perhaps something you want to say after class?" He mockingly asked coldly. I looked at Mr. Black shocked. I liked him, but what was his problem with Damian?

"Nothing," Damian replied with a straight face then he turned to me. "Nothing at all."

When the bell rang I picked up my bag and then walked up to Mr. Black's desk and handed him my test along with Kim. He gave of both quick smiles before putting our tests into a big pile of papers on his desk. Kim and I then headed for the hall together, but a cold hand stopped me as we reached the door of the classroom. "Let me accompany you to your locker."

"I'll see you around," Kim said grinning at me then staring at Damian for a few seconds before leaving. I gave her a half-hearted smile then made a happy face as I turned to Damian. His hand felt unnaturally cold on my shoulder. Even through my clothes. He pulled his hand away after a second.

"Yes?" I asked Damian as I continued to my locker, pushing past several ninth graders, all of who were looking utterly lost. I glanced at Damian and shrugged to myself, even if he was a bit moody today it might work out well in the long run if I was still nice to him. But I could also act clueless. As I debated this in my mind, I knew that I was going to give in and be nice to him in a matter of seconds anyways. But I could try.

"You know what," he said stepping around a ninth grader that almost ran into him.

"No, I don't," I replied casually to him while smiling slightly. "Tell me."

A moment went by before he spoke. "Never mind then," he said coolly then paused, the corners of his mouth twitched a little as if someone had said something funny that only he could hear. "That's fine."

He began walking faster and brushed past me only to stop short in front of my locker. I ran into his back and I could've sworn my jaw broke. I rubbed it as he reached for it and began spinning the lock.

"What are you doing?" I asked him rhetorically.

"Opening my locker, what does it look like?" he replied giving me a "are you stupid?" look.

"I think you have the wrong locker," I suggested, checking the number engraved above it. It clearly stated 1016. "That's my locker."

He lifted his finger up on the lock and the door swung open and he turned to me with a small smile. "I believe it is you who is mistaken."

I stared at the locker, then Damian, and then back at the locker. Then I remembered that my coat was in my locker. I saw it hanging off one of the hooks that were attached to all the lockers. "Look."

"What?" Damian turned and looked into the locker. He put his hand in it and pulled out my coat. He frowned. "How did your coat get in my locker?"

"I told you that's my locker! How did you get my combo?" I cried angrily grabbing my coat from him and pushing it back into my locker before slamming the door shut. I stood in front of it and reached into my pocket, pulling out my schedule. I held it in front of his face to prove that this was indeed my locker. "Look!"

Damian scanned my schedule, made a face, and searched his pockets until he pulled out his own schedule he held it out to me. "Look."

I took it and looked down it. I noticed two things. One, that we had Science, Art, History, Spanish, Math and Study Hall together, that was basically all of our classes! And two, that he had my locker number on his schedule. With my combo.

"What is this supposed to mean?" I asked handing him back his schedule and he took it and shoved it back into his pocket.

"Well," he started with a tight smile. "It means we have a lot of classes together and that we have to share a locker."

I groaned, but a little part of me was excited. He opened the locker again and put his jacket on the hook hanging opposite from the one my coat was on.

"Whoa, wait," I told him and he paused looking at me. "I never said I wanted to share my locker." Even if it was Damian, I still didn't want to share my locker.

Damian shrugged before shutting again. "It's not up to you. Remember? It's my locker too."

"Geez," I mumbled and turned, smacking right into a locker door. "Ow!"

"Maddie!" I heard Callie's voice cry. "Not again!"

"Again, Callie?" Damian asked amused as I rubbed my nose while glowering angrily at him.

"Damian?" Callie asked sounding surprised, looking between him and me.

"You know each other?" Now it was my turn to sound surprised. I gave them both a confused look. In return both looked at me like I was crazy.

"Uh..." I started but didn't have time to continue as they interrupted me.

"We're siblings."

"Oh!" I cried loudly pointing at them. A few people in the halls turned to look at us, one boy even pointed at me and smirked. I felt heat flood to my face and mentally slapped myself.

But of course they were siblings! How had I not known it before? They have the same color hair and a few facial features that matched! Before I could say anything to them however, the people around us started muttering.

"Wow, she's cute."

"Are they both new here?"

"They are hanging out with Maddie!"


"I wonder what grade they are in!"

"Oh man..."

I looked at all the people staring and my lip twitched a little. "I-I think you guys have some fans..."

"I noticed," they both replied together. Damian sounded angry but Callie sounded excited. I waved at a few people staring at me with a forced smile. They waved back and quickly walked away. I wanted to get away from Damian and Callie before more curious people came to see.

"I'd better go to my next class," I informed Callie She nodded and I began to walk away quickly to get out of there as fast as possible.

"Wait," Damian called out and I stopped, turning to look at him. "I'll come with you."

"Bye-bye!" Callie called as Damian caught up to me and together we headed to our next class.

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