Chapter Eight: Inkbrush Nouveau

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When Robin saw Skye on the floor, the rapier still in her body, there was no sound. And then a scream. People said it came from her, but she didn't know. All she knew was that the woman she loved was dead, on the floor.

Robin turned around. She saw Skye's parents, still shellshocked about how they had accidentally killed their daughter. Then she snapped. Lunged at Skye's parents. The guests had to hold her back. She screamed at them to let her free. She had to avenge her wife.

But then she calmed down. And then she realized. What better punishment, then to let them live? Knowing that they killed their daughter. The police took them away. Robin ran over to Skye's bloodied body. She was still warm. God, she was still beautiful, even like this.
"Oh, Skye. How could you leave me like this."

That was when Robin realized, that Skye was still breathing.

She screamed this news to everyone that was there. The ambulance came and took them to the hospital. The longest hours of Robin's life started then. The hospital fixed her up, but she was still unconscious and no one knew if she'd survive.

Skye finally woke up that night. Robin didn't sleep. The moment Skye woke up, Robin was by her side.
Skye coughed and smiled.
"This isn't how I expected our first day as a married couple to go."
"Princess, Never do that again. You're a ray of sunshine in this world and you make the world better. The world is darker without you."
"Robin, you're worth more than me. You see injustice and you fight it. You could change the world. I love you."
"Yes homo right?"
"We literally just got married of course yes homo"
"Just checking. Also I should probably be carrying you over the threshold of your old house, seeing as how it goes to you now that your parents are in jail."
"I'm sorry, what?! How much did I miss while I was dead?!"
"Princess, it is too early to joke about that. I was just sitting over your unconscious body sobbing."
"Okay sorry but my parents were arrested?!"
"Oh yeah, squidslaughter cause they killed you accidentally."
"But... I'm not dead..."
"Well, now it's attempted murder. And you can get them on the verbal abuse and the fact that they kicked you out when you were 16"
"Well, guess we're cool now."
"Try not to die for a few weeks, Princess."
"No promises"
Then they kissed and lived happily ever after while her parents rotted in jail for the rest of their lives.

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