Chapter Seven: Luna Blaster

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Skye and Robin were excited for their wedding day. The day finally came.

The ceremony started at around midday. Everyone was there to see the wedding. Callie, Marie, Pearl, and Marina even showed up! To see Agents 4 and 8 of course.
They said their vows,
"Hey you're so pretty and cool and I love you so much Robin"
"No u"
"Skye Inkbrush, do you take Robin Nouveau to be your wife, through Ink Storms and Splashdowns forevermore?"
"I do."
"Robin Nouveau, do you take Skye Inkbrush to be your wife, through Booyah Bombs and Bubble Blowers forevermore?"
"Hell yeah."
"Robin no"
"Robin yes"
"Then by the power vested in me by this Luna Blaster, I pronounce you joined for life.
And then he fired the Luna blaster on them and everyone's happy.

They sit at their table and chill and eat cake and stuff.

And then Skye's parents walk in.

"I knew this was too good to be true." Skye whispered to Robin.

Skye gets up from her seat, and folds her hands over her dress.

"Mother, Father. What are you doing here?" Skye said, no tremor in her voice even as she was shaking internally.
"Step aside, dear. We're not here for you. We're here for Robin." Skye's mother calmly said, as she and Skye's father walked up to Robin.

Skye knew something was wrong. She splatted the floor and swam over to Robin. She stayed in squid form under the table.

What Skye had forgotten, was that her parents kept an ancient sword collection. Skye's mother drew an old Rapier and


Skye jumped up and took the hit. The force of the blow threw her into Robin and knocked them both over. Skye turned back into human form and laid still, in the middle of her own wedding.

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