Pt. 6 Why should I?

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Inks P.O.V

"No i don't remember.."

"Hm odd..does your head hurt? I saw ya feel the back of your head. You seem like you don wanna do dat again" Fell said worry in his voice.

"Naw im good..just some cracks. But I could bansage them so i don't really care to much." I say pretty calmly.

"While you were um passed out I saw some stuff on your arm" Fell looked at my arm, his smile faded away like he cared bout me or somthin.

"Uhhhhh...." It was all I could say...they found out I was...hurting myself..i pulled a fake smile. Not the best one though.

"Cut the crap and fuckin tell us why, Blue is worried as fuck because of you, he already lost Error he doesn't need to loose you too. He use to love Error as well so your not the only one who's fucking sad.!" Fell snapped...I didn't expect it. I jumped..i looked at Blue. Tears formed in my eye sockets..they started to fall...I still smiled. I didn't know he loved him also....Im a horrible person for not relizing sooner than later...

" sorry Blue..I..I didn't well" I said falling tk my knees, tears dripped onto the wood floor.

"Ink it's okay! I have Fell now so im fine! But you, your not hurt yourself! You didn't even sleep. Some AUS are falling apart as we speak!! My AU is falling apart..dusts...(I don't ship Dustberry sorry heh, jk jk I ship alot of peeps with Blue xD)..." Blue use to date Dust..they even had a child named Sprinkle, but he past away due to Killer and Nightmare..

"Dust...yea..I keep an eye socket on his AU heh heh.."

Fells P.O.V

Dust? Who's Dust? Is it Blues friend? Hm I want to meet em.."who the fu- heck is Dust?" I try not swearing in front of Blue. "OH..HES MY UHH...EX!!!" Blue yells..all I think is..his replayes over and over again. Im Not mad nor jealous. It's not my thing to be jealous. I look at him and smile and say, "I learn new things every day don't I? Ehehe" I chuckle just a little bit..I see blue look down nearly crying."!! BLUE! A-are you o-okay..?" I say kinda sad he looks sad. Heh weird ain't it. Couple things. Well at least I think it is..heh

Blues P.O.V

I show Fell the picture of me and my happy well use to he happy family I had with Dust...he got it right away...he hugged me. He said he loved me. He said hed never let there child die if we ever had one.. I don't know how he knew it but he just did. I sobbed into his fluffy coat. Ink was up in his room, I heard some pained

Inks P.O.V

I went up to my room locked the door and went to my dresser, grabbed the raser and lifted up my arm. I cut myself over and over again, my arm covered in blood. The cuts were deep and big. Blue came knocking at my door, did he hear my pained whimpers? They were so silent though...ugh..

Fells P.O.V

Blue ran up the stairs for what reason? I don't know..i heard him banging on the door yelling for Ink. Why thouhg? I teleported next to Blue. Held his hand and teleported us into Inks room. He was cutting. His arm covered in blood. Some cuts spelt stuff like ErRoR he made  it look weird and crap. I grabbed what he was using and broke I and threw it out the window. You asshole asshole is what I wanted to say. "STOP DOING THIS TO YOURSELF"Was what came out of my mouth. It was odd. I was odd we were all odd. He broke down into tears. "I-I I'm sorry...."

Was all he said...till he passed out yet again.

Welp I hope y'all liked this DERP OUT FAM!!

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