Pt.7 A Second Chance?

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Errors P.O.V

I felt myself being recreated but not by Ink, by the creators. The voices all started getting either mad at them or thanking them for bringing me back to this miserable world thing. I opened my eyes to see...back. I sat up looking around. I saw someone, they looked familiar, it was Ink..."I-I-Ink?" I shuddered alot.

"Whos...there...?" Ink said, I saw cuts on his arm.

'Hey there's the love of your life!' 'You should kiss em' the voices started talking.

"SHUT UP AND LET ME TALK TO INK WITHOUT Y'ALL SPEAKING FOR JUST ONCE!!!" I said, Ink turned around to look at who his yeller was, I saw tears in his eyes, did he really miss me?

Inks P.O.V

I turned around to see Error standing there staring blankly at me, i held in my tears as I ran over to Error.

"Please say this isn't another dream!" I said crying into Errors chest. Man why do u have tk be so smol compared to Error?

"Heh" Error punches my arm kinda hard sending pain through it.

"HEY WHAT WAS THAT FO- ooo...this means..." I look up at Errors face, I see a yellow hue on Errors face. Is he blushing? Heh cute. I feel my face heat up. I press my teeth into his. My face heats up even more. He doesn't seem to mind the kiss we're having he holds me closer to him making the kiss deeper. He pulls back.

Errors P.O.V

I pulled back, as I did so i heard a small whimper from Ink, heh wow.."Ay Ink uhh can ya uhh let go of me, I'm still somewhat weak from uhh last time...heh" I wasn't lying I was hurting a lil bit..Ink let's go and he keeps saying sorry repeatedly.

Inks P.O.V

:imsrryimsrryimsrryimssryimsrryimsrryimsrry" I keep saying sorry over and over again then Error pushes his fingers up to my mouth shushing me. I look at his eyes, then his chest where I had stabbed him with the bone. I can see s scar on his chest, his jacket was off and well his shirt? I don't know where that thing went...I blushed as he said. "Gee why don't cha just take a picture so it'll last longer. Hahahs" I hide my face in my scarf as I blush alot. Error just makes a portal to my house, I thought I passed out though? Huh odd.... My body wasn't there and Fell and Blue were searching for me till they heard the portal open.

Blues P.O.V

I heard a glitch sound, it sounded familiar so i turned to where it was then I saw him....Error....i though he was dead!! I see Ink beside him. "How....I thought he was...dead" I saw tears falling from my eye sockets. It felt like lava going down my face.

"I was recreated by the creators, I guess they just wanted Ink happy and made me as a surprise gift for him...I honestly don't know.." Error said chuckling at the  end.

"I was pretty sad and most of the creators saw it...they asked if I wanted Error back every single day. I suppose it was hard to get him bsck since well he had no creator but they somehow managed to get past the hard parts and recreate him into his original look. Since he died most the AUS he destroyed were put back to normal for what I heard.." Ink said explaining how he was back. "Plus hes importent even if he does destroy stuff..."

"I'm important?" Error thought to himself...

Hoi peeps I hope yall liked this chapter. Sorry if it's crappy but im tired it's like 6:32 Am as I tyoe this. Btw 633 words not counting these onse and the numbers xD

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