Pt.8 Dreaming of you pt.1

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???? P.O.V

HE is back...HE could DeStRoY everything! Yet Ink trusts HIM!?

Errors P.O.V

I felt like someone was watching Ink and I..Then something hit me in the back. I wasn't prepared to be attacked. Was Ink planning this or something?

Inks P.O.V

"DREAM WHAT THE ACTUAL FUNK" wait a sec...funk? That only"Yo Inky watch da lingo brosethf.(idk is how to do Fresh okay.. xD) Why me.."WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" I heard Error yell. He must hate him more than I do.

Errors P.O.V

WHY IS HE HERE! OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE THAT COULD HAVE BEEN HERE IT HAD TO BE FRESH!! "Hey dude you should probably calm the diggity dang down bro..." Fresh said to me. Why does my brother have to be so annoying!(ahh yes for all you Momma Cq lovers. I love that thing lol) "Shut up Fresh.." I said weakly remembering his problem with having feelings.

Freshs P.O.V

'Error has always hated me and he's hated me even more ever since Genos....d-death, he thinks I don't care bout it at all but he's totes wrong' Fresh thought to himself. I walk up to Error, I hug him but I don't want to its like I'm being controlled by someone. I'm pretty sure Error is confused like I  am. Error surprisingly hugs back, I pull away from the hug and look at Error he seems like hes on the verge of crying. "Bro, it's gonna be okay" I loose my lingo and talk to him like a normal person would and he looks at my glasses as I'm sure they have changed words by now.

Errors P.O.V

I look at Fresh's glasses and see that it says "it's ok-ay" Hm so he does ca- what am I thinking he's a parasite he can't feel feelings..can he? Er no! I walk over to Ink but before I get more closer to him Dream stops me. "Don't you get anymore closer to him Error... How are you even here? I thought you die-." I cut him off by pushing him aside and going near Ink and kissing him to show him we were together.

He stared at us speechless for what just happened. He is Inks best friend right? Doesn't he understand that Ink loves me and trusts me? Hm guess not, what a terrible friend.

I walk up to Dream and say. "He can trust me so why can't you?" Then with that I walk off into i supposeis Inks bedroom since there's alota paintings. I flop onto the bed and close my eyes.

Dreams P.O.V

I watch as Error walks off then after he turns the corner I stare at Ink. Did Ink really trust that abomination? I guess so, Ink walked to where Error was heading I'm guessing he's going to comfort the destroyer. I look at Blue and Fell whom are standing in a corner looking at me, Blue runs up to me and, hugs me? But why? I hug back then let go, I turn around and look for Fresh.

Where is Fresh? Did he leave? Most likely. Eh I guess I'll have to go to. I teleport to Outertale and walk over to the cliff, I sit down and look up at the stars. I soon fall asleep dreaming of Cross, the one I love the one whom is my secret crush.

OKAY SO I WORKED HARD ON THIS AND I REALLY HOPE YALL LIKE IT! But anyways DERP OUT Y'ALL!!! Oh btw the pictures above will tell which ship will be main for the chapters xD

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