Pt.9 Dreaming of you Pt.2

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No one's P.O.V

It has been 3 days since Dream had tried attacking Error so "save" Ink. Error and Ink are now roommates with each other, Blue and Fell still haven't told there brothers of there newly formed relationship between them, Fell has met Blues brother Carrot (idk) and Carrot isn't to fond of Fell, but Fells bro Edge is fine with Blue, in fact they think he is going to be fine if they are dating.

Ink has been going back to what he normally does witch is creating or fixing AUs, Error destroys some of the AUs so Fell and Blue aren't sure if there a real couple yet

Ink has created a new AU called Brokentale

(Made this on my own hehe)

Brokentale is well basically broken, Papyrus is out of the picture since he had died due to selfharm and Sans was pretty depressed because of that, the human became a melted one just like the others and she does have cuts just hidden more, and just like Geno, Broken Sans also has a white sweater and Papyruses scarf. Broken Sans nickname is Broken of course. Chara is also melted as well as Asriel.(I drew these two on different papers, if you want ta see them then you can go to my new book called Undertale AU drawings) Ink is still working on the AU well hes more of helping one of the creators named GenoSans406.(lol) Ink is currently giving her (yea im a late? Okie) with ideas on how to make them.

Error is as usual is destroying some AUs

Fell and Blue are at Blues house since well Fell isn't aloud back at his house for a bit for..reasons.

Inks P.O.V

"Okay well GenoSans406 I hafta go I hope this helped ya figure out what you want in your soon to be fully complete AU. Welp bye" I said as I walked into my portal. The AU was interesting but other then that it wasn't the best but eh. I walked into my room and found Error walking through his portal coming back from an AU he most likely destroyed, I'll have to fix it later but for now I can tell Error of the new AU that's being made.

(A few hours later. Brought to you by your author GenoSans406)

Error and I were headed off to bed, he went to the 3rd room near mine and I of course went to mine, I climbed into my bed and turned the lamp off next to me, I closed my eye sockets and drifted off to sleep.

I ran around the grass plain with Error as we held hands, it was just turning night as we layed down on the dark green grass, the stars were coming out as we layed down. A few minutes last and the sky was a dark blue and purple, the stars shining bright lighting up the dark sky, the air became cold as a drift of wind started.

Me and Error stare up at the star filled sky, I looked for the Little Dipper while Error looked for the Big Dipper, instead of seeing what I wanted I found a heart shaped out by the stars, i pointed to it then said. "I wonder how that made a heart.." Error only chuckled and held my hand tighter, we stood like this until I started closing my eye sockets drifting off to a deep slumber.

Huh? It was only a dream? Erm...*sigh* I get out of bed remembering the amazing dream I had, had. I go downstairs and make some eggs and bacon.

Errors P.O.V

I wake up remembering the dream I had, it was of Blue,Ink,me we all went to this plain but blue had to go since his brother was over protective and he left Ink and I alone. We star gazed and it was peaceful, after a bit of star gazing Ink said. "I wonder how that made a heart..." I only chuckled as I looked at the stars that had formed a heart, then we stayed like that for a bit longer till Ink disappeared, I searched for him for a bit but then I gave up and then I woke up.

I saw Ink in the kitchen making breakfast, I smiled and sat on the coach and turned on the T.V and watched some of the AUs mostly the genocide runs though. Ink came in with two plates of eggs and bacon after a bit and handed one of them to me, after I ate I went to and AU that's still being created called Brokentale, Ink told me about this one so I decided to look around, it was blank so far, looks like they didn't decide on how to make the world like, the normal AU world was only here but I did see some blood on the houses, looks like this is a genocide type of AU, after searching for a bit I saw the creator of the AU putting in some dust on the ground. "Is this a genocide type of AU?" I asked her, she spun around and took a long look at me, she then nodded then disappeared, I walked around a bit more looking at the now being created ruins, there was alot allot of dust around the ruins so I guess this Toriel kills? I don't know. I then went out and went to Outertale.

I looked at the stars then since it was calm and quit I fell asleep.

Welp there you all have it, a second Dreaming Of you chapter thing, this will go on for a bit but I was going to try and do the Ink and Error Dreaming of you chapter last but then I got this idea and I had ta wright it down, and yes I really am trying to make an AU and it will be a type of genocide but it can be pacifist lol. I'll put more info on Brokentale next time, but for now you got this and i hope ya liked it.oh and also like Underfell Brokentale also has this thing Kill Or Be Killed lol. Really in that AU they take Kill Or Be Killed seriously...welp lol

Btw the new book called Undertale AU Drawings just saying for if you forgot try checking it out if ya want


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