FTO:Lost and Found: Part 2

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(8 months later)

Inmo was in E.Brandon’s, who he called Brandeen, room. He waited patiently for the love of his life, gently rubbing his expectant belly. It was a surprise when he went into heat and actually got pregnant during said heat but a happy accident! Inmo was extremely happy to be able to have a baby with Brandeen and was excited to be a mom. 

Brandeen was usually gentle with him, although once and a while he would just get so angry for no reason and start yelling. But right afterward he would always sigh and say sorry, he would never get violent with Inmo. Brandeen loves him too much to hurt him on purpose! And Brandeen would always call him the perfect wife when Inmo helped Josh make dinner.

The other people on the Garden were mostly ok, Josh was one of his best friends while Mitch was a little harsh but kind none the less. R.Ritchie, Rian being his actual name, was pretty ok while Eden and Johnathan were kinda creepy. 

Josh, since the moment Inmo arrived at the Garden, was kind and friendly and he was just a great friend. And sir Eden, who is usually very controlling with Josh, was ok with their friendship! Of course, that might be because Rian and Brandeen convinced him that their friendship wouldn’t mess with Josh’s and would actually be beneficial for him.

Mitch seemed to take the role of a big brother towards both Josh and Inmo almost out of instinct. He even took Inmo to see his doctorish friend to make sure the pregnancy was going well. He had said the reason was not important but the girl who looked over him said it was because of a past experience. 

Inmo was about to get lost in his memories before he heard the bedroom door open. In walked Brandeen who had his usual insane glint in his eyes. Brandeen looked at the smaller male who was sitting on the and smiled. “Awww, my perfect little wife is so good at following directions.” He said as he walked to Inmo, sitting on the bed and putting Inmo on his lap. He purred as he placed his hand upon Inmo’s belly, leaning down and nipping at Inmo neck. 


It was the next morning, Inmo and Josh were making breakfast as Mitch watched the while he drank some poison. Eden, Brandeen, and Rian walked into the kitchen as Eden and Brandeen verbally fought with each other. “Josh is so much better, he can actually fight and is useful. What good does Inmo do other than have the ability to produce children.” Eden said with an air of entitlement. Brandeen growled and said with insanity clear in his voice, “At least I know Inmo actually likes me. He is my perfect wife.” 

Josh looked extremely uncomfortable while Inmo just looked down in sorrow, the words of Eden hitting him in his insecurities. Rian groaned while Eden gasped and said, “Excuse you! Josh -does- indeed love me, I saved him from himself. You -do- love me right Josh?” When he asked Josh, he had a look of ‘you better answer correctly’ that made Josh flinch.

“O-Of course I love you, you’re the best thing t-that ever h-happened to me,” Josh replied as he almost dropped the frying pan he was making pancakes with. Eden purred happily and said, “Very good.” Brandeen just rested his head against Inmo’s neck and attempted to make him feel better. The attempt didn’t really help but Inmo made it look like it did pretty successfully as this wasn’t the first time Eden had done this.

Mitch growled under his breath as he finished his poison and walked out of the room. He couldn’t take it anymore! Those two had become his younger brothers after he had to betray his other brothers, an attempt to fill the hole in his heart. Sure he wasn’t able to fill it but it gave him comfort none the less and he wasn’t going to sit around and let his secretly adopted brothers be hurt by the stupid Eden.

Mitch took out a disposable communication and put in Silver’s number, having memorized it for emergencies. He sent a message that said, “Inmo has been on the Garden for 8 months and Josh is here out of fear. Get them if you actually care.” He then attached a pic of them both and sent the message.


Silver was at a meeting with the other guild leaders, talking about how they plan to fight the Garden of Eden. He felt his communication go off and quickly excuses himself to see if it was one of his few members. Yes, they were kinda(really) stupid at times but as their guild leader, it was his responsibility to make sure they didn’t die.

He was surprised to see it was an unknown contact, extremely reluctant to read the message. That was until he saw the picture of the missing Inmo and his own old guild member Josh. He quickly read the message and rushed into the room, exclaiming “The Garden has Inmo!”

Ritchie and Brandon stood up in an instant as Ritchie asked, “How do you know? Are you sure?” while Brandon said, “Looks like the Garden is going to fall very soon.” Micheal and Bri also stood up and looked towards Austin as he explained the cryptic message and picture. All the guild leaders share a look and had the same thought, the Garden was going to face the Adlantide Guilds.

Divinus Magia, GrimShade, and Silver were gong onto the Island to fight while the Protectors would act as back up if need be, the other members of the Wandering Coins going to stay with the Protectors per Silver’s request. It was clear that both Divinus Magia, GrimShade, and Silver had a bone to pick. Since the members of Protectors didn’t have any immediately needed revenge they chose to let the others have their fun as she helped her guild and the Wandering Coin members train a bit and help if needed.

Ritchie and Brandon rushed back to their guild and burst into the hall, startling most of the other members with their elated faces. “We know where Inmo is!” Ritchie exclaimed with an excited face. Bjorn stood up as he asked, “Where is he!?!?” Boat looked at Brandon with eyes full of hope, both now having the chance to apologize to Inmo and get him back.

Brandon, boat, and Bjorn be getting war paint on while the rest of the guilds got ready for a fight. They all agreed upon the guild leaders going in and fighting E.Ritchie, E.Brandon, and Eden while the rest of the members would rain chaos upon the rest of the island and any other mages with Eden. 


The raid had started and the guild leaders with Bjorn found their targets with ease. E.Brandon insanely giggled as he said, “Looky here! I think they want a fight~ Let’s kill them all Brother!” E.Ritchie smirked and said, “That is a wonderful idea brother! Mitch, you should go make sure they don’t hurt Inmo as the rest of us will be quite busy~” Mitch growled at that but put Inmo behind him, making sure to back away from the area of battle.

It was then that the chaos started first with Bjorn, Brandon, and Boat going to fight Evil Ritchie while Silver, Ritchie, and Micheal took on Eden. It was then that Eden ordered Josh to take care of Silver, Josh hitting him with a blast of water.


The chaos began to settle as E.Ritchie, E.Brandon, and Eden were beaten to a pulp, knocked out on the floor. The only reason Josh was still standing being that Silver didn’t want to hurt him badly and took it easy on Josh. Although he now regretted his decision as Josh didn’t hold back himself and hit Silver pretty hard. 

Mitch knew this was a losing battle and told Josh to come to him, josh putting Silver in a bubble so he could retreat back to Mitch and Inmo. Bjorn walked a little closer to the 3, only stopping when he saw Inmo flinch and attempt to hide from him more.

“Its ok Inmo, we’re here to save you and Josh from the Garden,” Bjorn said in a calming voice, trying desperately not to scare the boy he had been missing for 8 months. Inmo gave Bjorn a glare that held both fear and utter disdain as he said, “You’re the b-bad guys here, go a-away!” The divinus Magia members that were in the room all had sad and disbelieving looks in their eyes, taken aback by what Inmo said.

Josh panted as he leaned against Mitch slightly, tired since he depleted his ethernano fighting Silver. So Mitch was the only one who had the ability to fight at full strength at the moment. Buy then Mitch did something that surprised everyone in the room. He pulled out 2 syringes and quickly used them on Inmo and Josh, catching them when they quickly succumbing to the sleeping drugs.

He gently gave them to the other guilds and said, “Take care of them will you, it annoying to see them act so helpless towards Eden.” Silver then has a look of realization as he says, “You sent the message, didn’t you? I should have known, only you would know my number.” Mitch rolled his eyes and began to walk away, having completed what he wanted to do.

But Micheal got in the way of that plan, having caught up to Mitch and hugged him to his chest. “Eh! What the heck Micheal! Let me g-” Mitch began before Micheal knocked him out. He position Mitch into a more comfortable bridle style and the guild leaders rounded up their members with the information that the mission was successful.


It had been a few hours since the raid on the Garden and the old members were brought back. Micheal, Brandon, Silver, Boat, and Bjorn were the only ones in the Divinus Magia infirmary as they didn’ want to overload them with so many people. Ritchie chose to tell Bri what happened in the Garden and check up on all the other members just in case they got hurt.

Mitch began to slowly wake up as he heard quiet voices talking above him. He felt a hand start to caress his cheek, a warm hand that smelt like a mix of lavender, blood, and shadows. The warmth and smell of the hand, as well as the comforting rubbing of his cheek almost put him back to sleep. That was until his brain started to recognize the smell and identify the person the hand belonged too.

Mitch swiftly slapped the hand away and growled at Micheal, glaring at him with distrust in his eyes. Micheal sat at the end of the bed, sighing as he received the glare. “Look, I am sorry I had to knock you out but I don’t regret it. I’m not going to let you ruin your life by being with the Garden. We GrimShade members aren’t saints but we don’t kill for no reason. Please just stay with us, stay with your family.”

Mitch looked away, hugging his legs to his chest as he said a quiet “fine”. Micheal gave Mitch a gentle smile, moving up to the head of the bed and running his hands through Mitch’s hair. Mitch quietly purred and decided that it was time to explain what happened in the Garden.


Everyone in the room was surprised to hear that Grandmaster Johnathan was working with the Garden, but everything stopped the moment Mitch said Inmo was 8 months pregnant. None of them had really noticed, silly as it sounds. The guild member they had lost for 8 months had finally been found and was said to be kidnapped by E.Brandon. The relief they felt overpowered their brains and didn’t let them connect the dots.

Brandon, Boat, and Bjorn all had murderous auras around them, probably wanting to go finish the job they started with E.Brandon. Silver pulled over 3 chairs, placing 2 by Inmo’s bed and placing 1 at Josh’s. Bjorn goes outside the room to both take guard and tell Bri and Ritchie what they were just told if they came by.

About another hour later Josh woke up with a jolt, panicky looking around the room only to see that they got captured. More panic began to well up in Josh, stuttering about how he failed and Eden would be mad. The room went into utter chaos as they tried to calm the panicking Josh only for the noise to wake up Inmo, sending him into his own panic attack.

Now that they knew Inmo was very pregnant, they knew that this wouldn’t be good for Inmo or the baby. Brandon goes to get a syringe while Boat holds both Inmo’s hands into his own to both attempt to calm him down a bit and to make sure he didn’t hurt himself. Brandon found the needle and quickly injected it into Inmo gently as to not hurt the poor, panicking Inmo.

While this happened with Inmo, Silver was slowly but successfully calming Josh down with kind words and patience. Silver hugged Josh to his chest as he kept whispering about how Josh was safe now, how Eden could get as mad as he wanted but he wouldn’t get him back. Josh relaxed into Silver’s chest as he continued to whisper calming things and reassurances. Neither moved, even after Josh had finally calmed down, just enjoying each other’s presence.

Inmo sort of woke up another hour later, out of it because of the drugs still in his system. It seemed like the drugs were affecting the mind magic E.Brandon has used on Inmo to alter his memories. Brandon and Boat were laying next to Inmo, their scents reminding him of something he couldn’t put his finger on. Inmo cuddled into them out of instinct, Brandon and Boat smiling at each other, finally having their chance to fix their mistakes.

They would help Inmo through thick and thin, even if he doesn’t return their feeling in the end. 


Guuyyyyssss, i finally finished what i planned out! It took a bit but i finished! Now here is the real question >=3 Would you like me to post my outline for both parts 1 and 2? It was made at like 1am but i followed most of it to the T! Just a warning if you guys DO want me to post that: it isn't written in my usual style, its more like I was drunk of no sleep and my mind went into dum dum mode. I hope you enjoyed it though and were surprised about how it went! Bye my lovely children!

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