Valentine's Day Special: OoO

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I am so sorry this came out a day late >~< On Valentine’s Day I was in an 11-hour drive to visit some family friends for a week. So just a warning, updates will be slowed for about a week. I hope you enjoy this Valentine’s Day special though!


Inmo pouted as he looked around, everyone was all lovey-dovey with each other! There were couples everywhere, in the lounge, the library, being extremely loud in their cabins, and just being over affectionate with their lovers in plain sight. The Aphrodite children were even planning a Valentine’s day ball! 

Inmo had been running around all day to find a quiet spot to hang out with his animal friends but everywhere in the camp was taken! There were even people looking for him!! Ritchie and Colin had almost found him as he snuck around the camp in his cloak, calling out his name and asking for his help.

Inmo isn’t the biggest fan of this holiday so he didn’t plan on helping, no matter who asked. It was annoying to see all the couples flaunt their love around while the single people’s only job was to congratulate them on their relationship. Yeah, Inmo was a little jealous of all the other couple because he didn’t have a boyfriend but still!

Colin was giving Seek the loving look of ‘This is my dork’ as Seek joked around, Ritchie and Micheal were romantically cuddling by a tree, Xylo and Mitch were playing with the dolphins in the sea, and the boyfriends of the Aphrodite siblings were helping their partners set up for the ball.

Inmo had brought Banjo to the Aether, by his request, to let him talk to the other Banjos and maybe make some friends with some of his own kind. So Inmo didn’t have a way of air travel and didn’t want to walk all the way to his special forest as it was quite a distance. Inmo just planned to always keep moving until he found a secluded spot in the camp, as impossible as it seemed.


Inmo finally made it to a spot he deemed both secluded and quiet, a really pretty lake in the middle of a secret clearing in the trees. He had found it after a few hours of looking very closely so hopefully, no one else knew about this spot yet. Inmo unpacked his traveling camping set and called out Whistle, playing around with each other as the day went on.


Daveed was at the Valentine’s day ball, watching the other couples be annoyingly cute with each other as he stood by the punch bowl. He had hoped to come here with his crush, to maybe make some mischief before Daveed confessed. Daveed could be romantic if he wanted to be, and what better day to confess than Valentine’s Day!

Who was this crush Daveed was talking you may wonder? Well, that person was the wonderfully unique mute thief who goes by the name Inmo. He was just so adorable and mischevious, he was perfect in Daveed’s eyes. 

Daveed should have known Inmo wouldn’t want to come to the party, the bean wasn’t the most social of the campers. He already spiked the punch bowl with some tomb juice so it was best if he dipped now to not be caught. Daveed escaped the ball and just wandered around the camp to entertain himself.

He was just walking in a random area of the camp when he heard the faint playing of a banjo. Daveed lit up when he heard the song, following where the music was coming from and went into a clearing. 

Inside the clearing was Inmo next to a small campfire with his giant spider next to him, listening to Inmo’s song. Daveed leaned against a tree as he watched Inmo as he played his beautiful song, although the song could not surpass Inmo’s own beauty in Daveed’s eyes.

When the song ended Daveed started to clap while he walked towards Inmo as he said, “Nice song ghost eyes, you’ve been getting much better I see.” Inmo squeaked and put on his cloak, making Daveed chuckle. 

He walked over to the spot Inmo was previously sitting, near the crystal blue lake that seemed to glow in the moonlit night. “Awwww, come on out ghost eyes~ Your song was beautiful!” Daveed teased as he looked for any movement on the dirt.

It was then that he felt a push that sent him into the lake, but not before he grabbed the hand that pushed him and pull him in too. Both of them fell into the lake with a splash, Daveed hugging Inmo close to his chest as the hood of Inmo’s cloak fell off, revealing him.

They looked at each other, both soaked and dripping wet as they were still in the lake. Inmo snorted and started to have a giggle fit, Daveed joining in with his own laughter. “Ahhh, your little prank backfired you little mischief-maker. But you know what? You are a very good thief as you have stolen something very important to me.”

Inmo tilts his head in confusion as he asks quietly, “What did I steal?” Daveed smiled as he leaned in closer to Inmo’s lips, stopping when he was only an inch away. He then answered with “My heart,” before closing the gap between them, kissing Inmo.

Inmo immediately melted into the kiss, kissing back as he wrapped his arms around Daveed’s neck. The kiss lasted a few more seconds until both pulled back, air being necessary for both to live. Inmo giggled before saying, “You cheesy dork.” Daveed chuckled and said, “Yeah, your cheesy dork. Happy Valentine’s day love.”

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