OoO: True Lineage

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This was quite an interesting one to make! I hope you like it =D AngelBeeAKAFloria


Inmo was confused, darkness surrounding his body as he floated around the place. There was no ground to walk on yet he could still move as if he was flying. It was just an empty, black place he wished he knew how to get out of.

There then was a shining white light in front of him, almost blinding him as he had to cover his eyes. Out of the light came 2 people, a very familiar man, and an unfamiliar woman. Hermes looked at his son with both sorrow and worry, the woman only having regret on her own face.

The lady was beautiful, pale skin and white hair, almost like his own, and a bow slung onto her back. It was then that his father decided to speak up as he said, “My dear son, I must regretfully tell you a secret about your lineage. A secret I wished to keep hidden but must now come into the light.”

Inmo looked confused, a secret about his lineage? Was his mom actually a pixie? Inmo then studdered out, “I-Is my mom different? Am I not half-human?” Hermes shook his head and said, “You are indeed half-human and Half god, but you are correct about your mother being different. Actually, lets just dumb it down to the fact that your birth Mother and Father aren’t who you believe it to be.”

Inmo looked shocked when he heard those words, his birth father wasn’t Hermes? Then who was his godly parent, and who was this woman- … Inmo connected the dots and the woman’s presence now made sense, she was his true godly parent. The woman looked down with guilt and began to talk.

“Hello there my child, I am the goddess Artemis, the goddess of the Moon, the hunt, and a few other things. I am your true godly parent, your birth mother. I apologize that I never made contact with you and in turn putting my responsibilities on Hermes. Please let us explain how this came to be before you ask any questions.” Inmo just silently nodded, not able to come up with any response anyways.

Hermes sighed before Artemis began her explanation, “When I had you I left you with your father as if he was still alive and in good health. But then his health started to deteriorate during the year he cared for you and only a few days after your first birthday, he died. Because of the timing of his sickness and death, none of his remaining family wanted to care for you at all.”

“I didn’t know where to put you since the orphanage didn’t want you there. I had gotten one of my most loyal nymphs to stay in the human world to care for you so you’d get some human interaction so future social interactions wouldn’t be hard. Your father had problems with being social actually so I didn’t want you to go through the same struggles.”

“But that only lasted 2 years until the humans around the place you were living began to believe that she wasn’t a normal human. It was at this time that I was incredibly busy in Olympus, so busy that I couldn’t find anyone else to watch you at that moment. I and Hermes are close friends and I knew he had a few children of his own so I asked him for advice or where I should place you.”

“I was extremely stressed, I wasn’t used to having to worry about my own child and I couldn’t even bring you to Olympus to care for you myself. Hermes, my dearest friend, saw how this was affecting me and was ready to help. Hermes told me that if I won’t put you in an orphanage I should get some mythological being to watch you in their own lands.”

‘’The nymphs were unable to watch him again for private reasons and I broke down when I heard. They were the only ones I trusted to watch you and they couldn’t, I felt as if I was failing you. It was then that Hermes told me he could get the pixies to watch you in their forest if he said you were one of his kids.”

“We talked about it and decided we would co-parent you Olympus style. You were placed with the pixies while we both watched you. Since the pixies didn’t know you were my child by birth they told you that you were a child of Hermes.”

“Neither of us were bothered by this as I felt I didn’t deserve to be called your parent as I barely gave you anything good when I was responsible for you while Hermes did think of you as one of his own sons. It soon became a bit worrying when Ritchie pointed out those differences in looks and it was then that we decided it would be best to tell you soon.”

“And here we are, I must apologize for not being there for you. I want to be a true godly parent to you if you’d accept me. And even if you don’t, I wish to give you 2 gifts as an apology.” Artemis finished as Inmo looked shell shocked. 

Inmo began to process the given information, everything he thought he knew being proved wrong. “S-So, I am n-not a child of Hermes?” Inmo asks, a few stray tears falling from his eyes. Both Artemis and Hermes bounded over to Inmo, Artemis wiping away the tears while Hermes ran his fingers through Inmo’s hair.

“I might not be your father by blood, but I still think of you as if I was. We are connected by more than blood and the same goes for your brothers. Nothing much has changed between us other than your mother revealing herself. You are now kinda like a child of Hermes AND Artemis now.” Hermes said as Artemis nodded, caressing his cheek gently.

Inmo nodded and looked at Artemis, saying, “W-We can g-give if a s-shot if you want.” Artemis’ face brightened and she hugged Inmo tightly, a smile glued to her face. “I am so happy! I will make sure to do my best as a godly parent! Oh, and I have those 2 gifts for you.”

Artemis let go of Inmo and took out two pieces of jewelry, a moonstone pendant, and a vine designed arm cuff. She put both on Inmo and touched the beautiful stone on the pendant which summoned a beautiful bow out of it. 

“As I and my twin are known for our bow skills I found it only fitting to give you a bow. I’m sure your cousin would be happy yo teach you how to use one if you don’t know how and wish to learn. And the arm cuff summons the same nymph that took care of you for 2 years. She consented to this and was even excited to be able to see you again.” She touched the stone again and the bow disappeared

Inmo stared at the cuff and looked at Artemis for permission to summon the nymph and she nodded with a sweet smile, Hermes looking on with a loving smile. Inmo excitedly touched the cuff and a bright light came out of the cuff, forming into a humanoid figure. When the light disappeared a woman who was about an inch taller then Inmo stood there, a look of fascination when she saw Inmo.

“Is that you Inmo? Oh my Zeus! You have grown up so much! You are so adorable still, good to see that didn’t change.” The nymph exclaimed as she took Inmo’s hands into her own. Inmo blushed and squeaked at the words, embarrassed. 

“Ahhhh, you still are shy too huh. I knew that your shyness wouldn’t go away with age, see Mistress Artemis, I was right.” The nymph said as she looked at Artemis. Inmo’s blush brightened and he slipped his hands out of her grip, covering his face with his hands.

Artemis chuckled and said, “Oh Diane, stop teasing the poor boy.” Diane giggled a bit before turning back to Inmo, gently prying his hand off his face. “You can call for me whenever you want, whether it be for emotional help or fighting help.” Inmo nodded and quietly thanked Diane before she returned to the cuff.

Hermes ruffled Inmo’s hair before saying, “Its time for you to return to the world of the waking. Please, tell your brothers and the ones closest to you of this secret, they deserve to know.” Inmo looked anxious about that but before anything else could be said, Inmo disappeared out of the void. 

Artemis looked at Hermes and asked, “Do you think we eased his worries about telling them?” Hermes sighed and shook his head, “I doubt we did. He knows we don’t care but he doesn’t know for sure that they won’t react negatively. He will probably hideaway for a bit before his brothers take initiative and get him to tell them what’s wrong.”

Artemis sighed and asked, “I’m sorry for this, I feel like I just ruined a lot of things.” Hermes shook his head and said, “No, I have a feeling this will end in a happy way.”


Inmo awoke in his bed with both gifts still on him, the sky showing it was early in the morning. He got out of his bed and stared at the wall for a few minutes, wondering how his brothers would react, how his boyfriend would react, hell even how Austin would react to being cousins.

Inmo wouldn’t admit it out loud but… he was scared to tell them. His brothers weren’t his brothers by blood, his godly parent being different than what he’s told everyone else. What if they thought he knew all along and just lied to get more things? What if his brothers didn’t want to deal with him anymore because he wasn’t their brother.

What if no one actually liked him and this reveal would give them the reason to say it out loud because it would seem like he lied to them? What if his brothers only put up with him because they thought they all were brothers? 

Inmo hid under his covers, tears pouring out of his eyes as his thoughts continued on. He didn't want to tell them, he just couldn't risk it. He didn't want anything to change and he wouldn't let it, even if it meant hiding a bit more.


Inmo had been avoiding EVERYONE for about a week, his invisibility cloak on him almost 24/7. To say that his friends and family were worried was an understatement. Every time they kicked his Cabin door open he just wasn’t in there and the next time they came by it was blocked up again, not to mention that Banjo just wasn’t in the stables anymore. 

Ritchie and Colin were going crazy looking for Inmo, their partners getting very worried for their well being as they looked as if they haven’t slept for days. Daveed had been growling at anyone who came near him or even whispered Inmo’s name. Everyone who was close to Inmo was a confused mess, not knowing what was wrong with him that he would hide from everyone. And with the way things were going now, something was going to happen very soon. 


Inmo was currently holed up in his Cabin, Banjo and Whistle attempting to comfort the anxious bean. Inmo was curled up in a ball, just repeating the same thing over and over again. “Do they hate me? Will they hate me?” It frankly broke Banjo and Whistle’s heart to see their best friend so scared.

They had heard about the whole situation, Inmo having cried to them about the whole situation. They both knew Inmo needed someone to talk to that could talk back and give advice, someone who wasn’t one of the campers.

Banjo moved Inmo’s hand to the arm cuff and just like before, a bright light came out and Diane was standing in the cabin. Diane immediately sprang into action, sitting next to Inmo and pulling him into her side. She took off his hat and undid his extremely messy ponytail, beginning to run her hands through his hair calmingly.

“What’s wrong child? Do you need some emotional help and advice?” Diane asks in a quiet yet calming voice. Inmo whimpered and said, “I don’t want them to hate me.” Diane looked confused and asked, “Who would hate you and why?”

Inmo began to shakily explain why he was scared, why he thinks his friends and family would hate him, and what he had been doing for the whole week. Diane listened closely, nodding to silently tell Inmo she was hearing him.

Once he was done she told him, “I haven’t met them personally but I have heard a lot about your friends and family. Do you really think they would hate you or think of you any different than before?” She got up and peeked through the blinds to see Inmo’s brothers and boyfriend heading to the cabin.

“Looks like they reached their breaking point. They are storming towards the cabin now so I’d suggest you either put on your cloak or be ready for many hugs and more tears. This is the perfect time to test your beliefs and your bonds. Call me back out when you either resolve the problem or you need a shoulder to cry on.” Diane said before disappearing back into the cuff, leaving Inmo too shocked to quickly put on his cloak in time.

Ritchie kicked the door open and saw Inmo just standing there shocked, tears still flowing out of his eyes. Ritchie shot forwards, tackling Inmo to the ground as his own tears started to fall. Both Colin and Daveed ran into the cabin right after Ritchie, crowding around the crying duo.


Once all 4 were calm and not crying, Inmo explained why he had avoided everything and everyone while he sat it Daveed’s lap. Ritchie and Colin looked shocked and only a bit surprised while Daveed looked relieved to have Inmo with him.

Daveed nuzzled into Inmo’s hair after he finished explaining and said, “You are stupid to think we would hate you, we love you for you Ghost eyes and I think I can speak for your brothers too when I saw I’d love you even if you were a demon.” Both Colin and Ritchie growled at Daveed and took Inmo away from him while placing Inmo between them.

“We fully agree but no one gets to call our brother stupid! Or have him sit on your lap without the shovel talk!” Ritchie said while Colin hugged Inmo to his side. Inmo looked at his brothers and asked, “You still think of me as your brother? Even though we don’t share the same parents?”

“Of course brother! As Daveed said, we love you no matter what!” Colin said as he squeezed Inmo a bit. Inmo began to tear up again while his brothers start to coo over him, Daveed smiling at the scene in front of him, sure that things would begin to get better with the problem being remedied.

Although Inmo for the next few weeks was bombarded with different campers coddling him and never giving him any alone time. Inmo found it fair though, he did avoid them all for a whole week without any warning. He would actually talk about his problems next time he had anxiety over a situation so this wouldn’t happen again, his alone time was an important thing he wished to keep. 

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