OoO: Hurt feeling and beatings

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Another finished product for the lovely AngelBeeAKAFloria!


Inmo was just walking around with his invisibility cloak on, watching the other campers’ conversations and interactions. Some might call it eavesdropping but Inmo liked to refer to it as hearing the latest gossip without the other's knowledge. Since Inmo didn't talk much he never really knew what was going on at the camp. And after the whole Bryan incident, Inmo decided to actually pay attention to the other camp residents’ conversations, even if it didn't seem too important.

That’s when he heard someone say his name but not like they knew he was there, it was as if they were talking about him. Inmo, out of curiosity, snuck over to see who was talking about him only to see that it was Xylo. Mitch was also there, sitting in Xylo’s lap as he watched some fish swim in the nearby body of water.

“So you’ve known him for that long huh?” Xylo asked as he hugged Mitch to his chest. Mitch smiled softly and said, “Yeah, we go way back. He was my first friend on land and one of my best friends.” Xylo hummed and then asked, “Does he act like a good friend? He is a thief so I feel like he would be hard to befriend because he might take that friendship as a sign that it’s ok to steal from you.”

Mitch gave Xylo a ‘WTF’ look, Xylo not noticing the look continued with his thought. “I mean like, are conversations with his awkward and too silent since he is mute? It must be really strange to have him as a friend.” Mitch gasped and exclaimed, “XYLO!” Xylo looked startled as he looked down at Mitch with a confused look as if he didn’t fully understand what he said was bad. 

“I-Is that what you really t-think o-of me?” A quiet voice asked, making both demigods freeze in horror. There stood a teary-eyed Inmo, face filled with sadness and disbelief. Before either could speak, Inmo ran off, tears streaming down his face as he dropped his talking board. He wasn’t wearing his cloak, not thinking straight he didn’t put it on. 

He ran past Colin and Ritchie, who both went into overprotective brother mode when they saw tears in their brother’s eyes. They ran after him and easily caught up to him in only a few seconds. Ritchie quickly ran in front of Inmo to make him run into his chest, hugging him close when his plan worked. 

“What happened brother!?!? Who made you cry?? Did they hurt you?!” Ritchie questioned in a panic as Colin began to attempt to wipe away the ever-flowing tears. Inmo just looked at the ground as he continued to cry silently, not wanting to talk.

It was then that a frantic Mitch ran up to the brothers and exclaimed, "Inmo!" The 2 older brothers gave Mitch a warning glare, as to tell the demigod to go away as they planned on handling it. Mitch surprisingly glared back at them, challenging them to stop him. 

All three's eyes softened as they heard a barely audible whimper from the sad bean. Mitch took out the dropped talking board and began to write something before handing it to Inmo. He read it before looking at Mitch with eyes filled with both tears and a hint of hope. He then quietly asked, "R-Really?" Mitch nodded, taking Inmo's hand into his own while saying, "Really."

Ritchie looked over Inmo's shoulder and instantly began to harbor a dark aura. The board read, "I'm sorry for what Xylo said, he doesn't know when to shut up sometimes. Neither of us thinks that you are a bad friend, he was just being stupid and asking dumb questions. You are my first and best friend and I'd never ask for anyone else." 

Ritchie signaled Colin to read it as well and Colin had the same reaction. Ritchie handed Inmo over to Mitch while Colin said, "We'll be right back brother! We just have some… business to take care of. Take care of him while we're gone Mitch or e l s e." With that, both brothers went off in the direction Mitch and Inmo came from.

Inmo looked confused at his brothers' actions, a few stray tears falling from his eyes. Mitch sighed and said, "Looks like I have to play nurse soon. Eh, I'll wait till tomorrow, he needs some punishment anyways." Mitch then wiped away the tears on Inmo's face and said, "Let's not worry about them. How about we go to the stables and hang out with Banjo for a bit?" Inmo's face brightened up a bit in excitement and nodded.

Colin and Ritchie came back with so small flicks of blood here and there on their clothes, not their blood of course. Mitch hung out with the Hermes brothers for the rest of the day, befriending the older 2 brothers as they pampered Inmo. 

Mitch did have to leave when it became dark, asking for Xylo's location to make sure his boyfriend wasn't dead so he could apologize in person to Inmo. 

Let's just say that it wasn't until a week that Inmo received said apology, still wearing bandages and a cast over most of his pain-stricken body. He was a walking example as to what would happen if you messed with the Hermes brothers and everyone knew it. 

No one would dare try anything in the future hopefully unless they want 2 angry Hermes brothers on their tail.


Ahhhhh, I'm sorry if this is short >~< I promise I have a longer oneshot coming up soon! Well, hope you liked it my friends!

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