Fto: A Viking's Care

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I have completed it! Sorry if its really short >~< Miss_Gummy_Bear14


It was one of those rare days, those very rare days that Inmo hated so dearly. Today he was sick and he hated everything. His immune system was usually pretty good but there is always a downside. Because he rarely got sick, when he does eventually get sick it’s either really horrible and lasts for a few days or its mild but his magic goes haywire.

But who cares about that now? All that matters is that Inmo was sick, Boss was planning on training today, and he felt horrible. Inmo groaned in discomfort as he attempts to get out of bed only to feel nauseous when he succeeded and ran to the bathroom. He didn’t have anything to throw up so he just sat by the toilet, suffering as nausea hit him like a truck.

Inmo thought about trying to hide his illness on march forward and show this illness who is stronger. Boss doesn’t seem to stop training because he is sick, although Inmo has never seen him sick. But he couldn’t even bring himself to move an inch so training with Boss wouldn’t work out and it would probably disappoint Boss. Boss would probably be disappointed in him anyway for letting this stupid sickness get the best of him.

Tears started to flow out of Inmo’s eyes as he thought of Boss’ disappointment in him. He wanted to make him proud, he didn’t want to fail him, he wanted Boss to stay. He began whimper painfully as he cried, not noticing Boss enter the bathroom. 

Bjorn was very worried about the child he regarded as his son. Inmo didn’t show up to early morning training so Bjorn decided to check up on him, having a bad feeling. He walked into the house and heard frantic footsteps heading towards what he believed to be the bathroom. He heard gags and soon heard soft sobs.

Bjorn went into protective dad mode and ran up the stairs and to the bathroom only to see a sickly pale Inmo gagging and crying at the toilet. Bjorn walked into the room and kneeled next to the poor boy and said, “Its ok squirt, it’s ok, I’m here now. Please tell me what’s wrong, I want to help.”

Inmo looked at Bjorn with surprised and suffering eyes, whimpering out a quit “sick”. Bjorn’s eyes widen and he began to gently rub Inmo’s back as he began to whimper. “S-sorry,” Inmo said as his tears continued to fall silently, the nausea beginning to go away. Bjorn hummed as he rubbed circles on Inmo’s back, “It’s fine, everyone gets sick and needs a break. Are you still nauseous or would you like me to bring you back to bed?”

Inmo shook his head and said, “Not nauseous anymore.” Bjorn gave Inmo a gentle smile as he carefully picked up the ill explosion mage, bringing him to his bed. “I’m going to be right back, I need to get you some medicine to help you get better,” Bjorn said as he felt Inmo forehead. Inmo whined and weakly grabbed Bjorn’s hand, whimpering out, “Please… stay.”

Bjorn gave Inmo a soft look and nodded, sitting down on the bed as Inmo weakly sat up to lay his head on Bjorn’s lap. Bjorn smiled at Inmo and with one hand began to run it through Inmo’s hair while he takes out his communication lacrima with the other. He contacted Brandon and asked if he could go to the shops and pick up some nausea, pain, and fever-reducing medicine because Inmo is really sick.

Brandon responded in seconds with an “Of course, but may I ask how bad it is?” Bjorn replied, “Thanks and it seems really bad. He seemed to be in a lot of pain when I found him and his body wanted to throw up even if he probably didn’t eat anything.” Brandon sent a sad face emoji and stopped replying.


About 10-20 minutes later, Brandon walked into Inmo's room only to find both of them asleep. Bjorn was sitting up against the head of the bed, Inmo sleeping peacefully on his lap while resting his head on Bjorn's chest. Brandon chuckled at the duo as he set the medicine in the bedside table for when they woke up later.

He quickly snapped a quick picture to share with some of the people in the protection squad and left them alone. It was too adorable to even accidentally wake them up. The Viking family was always adorable to watch.

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