OoO: Musical Friends and Jealousy

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Here ya go friend @Staubfe =D


After the great tomb juice raid, Austin was curious about the quiet thief who helped them get the tomb juice successfully. Inmo was the son of Hermes, just like his dad so Austin only felt it necessary to learn more about his uncle. Now, to find Inmo’s cabin or Inmo himself and convince (force) him to hang out!

Austin didn’t think this through and was paying the price now. How does one find a tiny, usually mute thief who is almost always invisible? “You don’t” seemed to be the answer to this riddle, but if sleeping through Micheal’s strategy classes taught him anything (It barely did), it was that being smart about this was the key.

Inmo couldn’t be invisible all the time, so all Austin needed to know is where or when he wouldn’t be. That or attempt to lure Inmo out with chocolate milkshakes and cute animals, since he got Ritchie to rant about how adorable Inmo is. Dad didn’t notice Austin taking note, but mom gave him a look of what Austin defined as “What are you planning now?”

Austin just smiled innocently at Micheal and continued with his notes. Sure, he could ask Micheal about where Inmo’s cabin was but Micheal might not trust him around Inmo and well, Austin feels like it would mean more if Astin tried to find him on his own. Gotta show that he is willing to put in the work to be friends!

And that’s how he found himself at the stables, talking to the big green bird that was Inmo’s companion. The bird was actually pretty nice to him, he listened to Austin ramble about how hard it was to find Inmo but how excited he was to finally talk to him again. The bird nodded along to what Austin said and cooed every time Inmo’s name was mentioned, showing that he was listening to Austin.

After a few minutes of quiet rambling Inmo walked into the stables and jumped when he saw Austin there with Banjo. He squeaked and hid behind the stable door, looking at Austin with both curiosity and apprehension. Austin lit up like a lightbulb and stood up swiftly, staying in his spot as to not scare off his new friend.

“Hey, Inmo! I’ve been looking all over camp for you! You are verrrrryyyy good at staying hidden!” Austin said with a bright smile, Inmo blushing and trying to hide behind the door some more. “But anyway, I really wanted to get to know you better! You are my dad’s brother so that makes me your nephew! And family has to stick together! So what do you say, wanna hang out?” 

Inmo was blushing brightly as he peeked out from behind the door, looking from Austin to Banjo. He though for a few more seconds before sighing and coming out from behind the door, a light blush still on his face as he nodded slightly. Austin lit up and started to run towards Inmo, intending to give him a hug when he was picked up by his shirt. 

Banjo grabbed him before he could get closer to Inmo as Inmo squeaked, hiding behind the door again as he stuttered, “N-No hugs u-until you reach l-level 5 of our f-friendship.” Banjo placed him back on the ground before Austin busted out in laughter, making Inmo giggle a bit himself. “So what level am I at right now?” Austin asked as he slowly began to calm down. “L-Level 2,” Inmo said quietly as the 2 walked out with Banjo by their sides.


Ritchie and Colin were looking for their brother, not for any reason other then they missed him. They couldn’t find him all week and just really wanted to have some brother hang out time, like watching a nice movie and cuddles. Cuddles with the little brothers are the best in Ritchie’s eyes.

They were just wandering around the camp when they heard 2 clear voices that sounded so familiar yet different at the same time. It was coming from a small grove in the camp, invisible to probably everyone who isn’t closely looking for a place to hide. Otherwise known as Inmo hiding spot(TM).

They snuck into the bushes soundlessly and looked at the scene in front of them. Austin and Inmo were joking around as Austin behind Inmo, his hands were over Inmo’s own finger that was hovering over his banjo. “Ok ok ok! This is the right cord! You softly hold down these strings on the neck and then strum. That’s the last cord of the song! You are a fast learner Uncle Ghost eyes!” Austin said as Inmo giggled.

“I can’t lie to you and say you learn fast too, but you are trying really hard and I can respect that,” Inmo said as he giggles, Austin playfully pouting. “Heeeeyyyyyy, I think I am doing pretty well in those stamina and speed classes! I’m at the jogging stage where I can last about 3 minutes until I begin to get out of breath and lose speed.” Austin said with pride. Inmo giggles and stood up and patted the taller one’s head. “Yes, and you did a very good job.”

Both brothers were beginning to get jealous of Austin. Inmo had never talked to them like that and they were around him more than Austin! What did Austin have that they didn’t? They were about to walk off when they heard Austin speak.

“I bet your brothers will love this!” Austin said with an excited tone. Inmo blushed and asked, “You think so?” Austin giggled and hugged the blushing Inmo to his chest, “Of course! I don’t really know Colin all that well but he seems to really care about you. And Papa bear literally spent an hour ranting about how amazing you and colin are. They are gonna love it.” Ritchie and Colin looked at each other and left the scene, planning on talking about what happened. 


When the sun began to dip below the horizon Austin ran up to both Colin and Ritchie with an excited smile on his face. “Hey! I need you to come with me, no questions asked!” He said as he grabbed both of their hands and led them to the hiding place. He pushed them in and there inside was Inmo with his banjo placed on his lap.

Ritchie and Colin slowly got up and Inmo greeted them with an excited smile of his own. He quickly handed his brothers a note that read, “Hi brothers! I’ve always wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you but my speaking abilities aren’t good enough for that. So I wanted to sing you a song to show it, but self-learning how to play the music and memorizing the lyrics are hard to do alone. That’s when Austin found me and we began to get close. He taught me how to play a lot of the cords I didn’t know and I began to help him train in speed and endurance. Sorry if you were looking for me. But now I want to show you the song I learned!” 

Colin and Ritchie blushed slightly as Colin said, “You learned a song for us? That’s so sweet! Of course, we’d love to hear it brother.” Inmo nodded with a small, but very adorable smile. He takes a breath in as he readies his fingers on the strings, closing his eyes when he started to sing. 

When we were young we were the ones

The kings and queens oh yeah, we ruled the world

We smoked cigarettes man no regrets

Wish I could relive every single word

We've taken different paths

And traveled different roads

I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old

And when you're in the trenches

And you're under fire I will cover you

If I was dying on my knees

You would be the one to rescue me

And if you were drowned at sea

I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe

I've got you brother-er-er-er

I've got you brother-er-er-er

I've got you brother-er-er-er

I've got you brother-er-er-er

Oh brother, we'll go deeper than the ink

Beneath the skin of our tattoos

Though we don't share the same blood

You're my brother and I love you that's the truth

We're living different lives

Heaven only knows

If we'll make it back With all our fingers and our toes

5 years, 20 years, come back

It will always be the same

If I was dying on my knees

You would be the one to rescue me

And if you were drowned at sea

I would give you my lungs so you could breathe

I've got you brother-er-er-er

I've got you brother-er-er-er

And if we hit on troubled water

I'll be the one to keep you warm and safe

And we'll be carrying each other

Until we say goodbye on our dying day

Because I've got you brother-er-er-er

I've got you brother-er-er-er

I've got you brother-er-er-er

I've got you brother-er-er-er

If I was dying on my knees

You would be the one to rescue me

And if you were drowned at sea

I would give you my lungs so you could breathe

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

I've got you brother-er-er-er

I've got you brother-er-er-er

By the end of the song, both Ritchie and Colin were silently bawling their eyes out, the song really hitting them in the feels. Inmo opened his eyes to see both his brothers crying nonstop and started to panic. “W-Was it t-t-that bad!?! I’m s-so s-sorry!” Inmo stuttered out as he began to get tears in his own eyes.

Colin and Ritchie both shook their head rapidly as Ritchie pulled both of his brothers into his chest. “No! That was a beautiful song! We loved it so much that we couldn’t hold back our tears. Thank you, brother.” Ritchie explained as Colin wiped the tears from Inmo’s eyes. “You are so talented, brother!” Colin said with a loving smile.

Inmo blushed and smiled in relief, happy to hear that the song was a success. He giggled as he cuddled into Ritchie’s arms, resting his head on Colin’s shoulder before dozing off peacefully. Colin wrapped his own arm around Inmo’s shoulders and laid his head against Ritchie’s chest, happily dozing off with his brother. Ritchie smiled down at his sleeping brothers, positioning them on his lap before slightly tightening his arms around their waists.

And that’s how Austin found the Hermes brothers, all cuddled up together as they slept peacefully. He smiled at the scene before him, not noticing Micheal coming up behind him to see what he was looking at. Micheal also saw the scene and connected the dots in his head before quietly saying, “You had a part in this, didn’t you.” Austin jumped and looked back to see his Mama bear looking at his with soft eyes.

Austin smiled and nodded his head, “Inmo asked for help with this little project when we started to hang out and I was happy to help.” Micheal giggled a bit before saying, “So that’s why you were taking notes when Ritchie was ranting, to get some info on Inmo. I bet you couldn’t find him at first, no one usually can.” Austin giggled himself and replied, “You are right as usual Mama bear.”

Austin looked back at the brothers and asked, “Papa bear really cares for his brothers huh.” Micheal smiled softly, placing a hand on his so- Austin before saying, “He cares about all of his family.” Austin’s smile brightened and hugged Micheal, Micheal chuckling and patting him on the back before asking, “Want to head over to my cabin and have ourself a nice hang out.” Austin nodded rapidly and asked, “Can you tell me stories about Papa bear?” Micheal smirked and said, “Of course, I have a -lot- of stories about him”

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