!REQUEST! FTO Nightmares of the Past

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AngelBeeAKAFloria- idea! What if FTO Inmo was to have a nightmare about his past (like maybe there's a darker reason as to why Inmo hid his golden eye) and goes to the garden to try and calm down, where someone (your choice as to who) finds him and comforts him.

Inmo's golden eye you say... >=)  Ask and you shall receive :) Hope its not too dark though! Cuz if you don't like it i will totally make a lighter for all ages version! Please enjoy and thanks for the request Uwu



It was dark and freezing cold, nothing unusual in his home. Inmo's mom and dad didn't have a lot of money for their home, it was all going towards the clan of 'The Monster of the Night'. His Mom and Dad always say that this clan will bring this world's true rulers to the surface to reward the believers and destroy the bad. This was just his life, stay in his empty room and do as his parents wanted, nothing more nothing less. But little did he know, his life was going to change tonight.

Outside his room, Sandra and Leon talked to the cult leader about the ritual tonight. "We thank you for your sacrifice Sandra, the pain it must have been to raise it." Sandra only chuckled and said, "As much as it hurt to birth it, it is worth it to see our dear god receive the power she deserves, isn't that right honey." Leon smiled darkly and said, "Oh yes dear, it was a lot of work to keep it pure and untouched by today's filth but what an honor it was to be given this task."

"Well said my brother and sister, but now it is time for it to start. Please bring the sacrifice to the clan's hideout and we shall begin. I hope you don't mind having to do the dirty work again." The leader said with a smile so sweet it would give you cavities. "Of course not! It is a great honor to be depended on so much. We shall show you our loyalty tonight." Leon said as the leader started to walk away. "For the Monster of the Night. See you soon my family."

Sandra walked into Inmo's barren room and said, "Get up Inmo, it is time for your destiny." Inmo woke up easily, his parents taught him from a young age that if he didn't, the punishment would be severe. "Of course mother." He said while getting up and walking to her. "Good, now come." With that order, Inmo did exactly as she said, following her out of the house and into the nearby forest.

They neared the underground bunker that was located deep in the forest. They went down the stairs and into a pure black room, a weird circle in the middle of the room. The circle had a multitude of different shapes and weird squiggles inside, the cross design that Mom and Dad wear as an earring in the middle of it all.

"Lay in the middle," Sandra ordered with a cold tone. Inmo once again followed her instructions and laid down. Leo and Sandra each pulled out their own item, Leo a knife and Sandra a staff with a sharp end. Before Inmo could react, Leo used his metal manipulation to chain him down. 

Sandra began to chant in a weird language while Leo was getting ready to plunge his knife down. Inmo began to struggle as tears fell from his eyes, not wanting to die. "Your time has come Inmo, your blood and soul will bring forth a portal that connects our world to hers. This is your destiny" Leo whispered to him as he stabbed Inmo in the abdomen.

Once Inmo's blood met the circle it started to glow a deep, dark red. Inmo's screams rang throughout the room, he was suffering as he felt the knife dig deeper into his body. Sandra finished her chant and brought the sharp end of the staff down onto Inmo's right eye. 

The candles all around the room blow out and the black walls, which could now be identified as one-way glass, shattered and there were multiple people in black robes on the other side. Overpowering magical energy filled the room as Inmo's binding broke and he was lifted up into the air. A portal opened up and a woman with long red and purple hair, yellow cat-like eyes, demon wings, a tail, and a pair of purple horns emerged from the portal.

Inmo fell into her arms, bleeding and slowly dying as everyone else in the room began to bow. "SHE IS HERE, THE BRINGER OF DARKNESS! ALL HAIL THE MONSTER OF THE NIGHT!" The leader said as he went in front of the being, kneeling in front of her. "My god, we are here to serve you. We hope that you enjoyed the sacrifice, we made sure its soul was pure."

The woman darkly chuckled and replied, "You disappoint me, killing such a small child. For these horrid crimes, I shall now take your 'family' from you and damn them to eternal punishment." She snapped and all the people around then, including Sandra and Leo, began to die in horrific ways. 

Some of them had their heads were slowly and painfully pulled from their bodies, other's blood was squeezed from their bodies from all open orifices, there was even some who's flesh melted off and all that was left was their bones. 

All while this happened the woman went back through the portal with Inmo in her arms, leaving the leader to watch his followers die horrifically. The portal brought then to a demonic castle and then closed. She placed Inmo down on the ground and put her hand over his abdomen, the wound closing.

"You poor soul, almost having your short life being taken away for their selfish wants." The woman said as she pets his head, looking at his mutilated eye. An idea popped into her head as she smirked, "As an apology for being the direct cause of this event I will give you something of mine."

She positioned Inmo's head on her lap and put one hand over Inmo's right eye and the other on her own right eye. "I, Lilith, gift you a part of my own body, giving you a portion of my power. You, Inmo, are now a part of my c#%@, and so you have gained the power of explosions. #*@&*$(# demon ####(*$U4#@R%@^@&#. Good luck in the world little Inmo."

Inmo woke up in an instant, falling out of his bed and he tried to get the blankets off his body. He panted as he put a hand over his right eye, feeling phantom pains in both his abdomen and right eye. "N-no, I'm safe now, I-I am a-alive." Inmo's body shook and he decided to head off to garden in an attempt to calm himself.

Inmo leaned against the fountain trying to calm his breathing as tears fell down his face. He could hold it in anymore, he started to sob and curled up in a ball. The phantom pain hurts a lot, he remembered his parents, he remembered her. It was too much at one time. 

His crying must have been heard because he heard someone ask, "Hey? Who's crying? Do you need some help." Inmo panicked as said, "N-no! No help needed!" The person walked closer as they said, "You're crying, I really doubt your ok... Inmo?" Inmo looked up and saw the silly fire dragon, Bryan. 

"J-just go away," Inmo said as he hid his face in his legs. Bryan was quiet for a moment before sitting next to Inmo. "Want to talk about it?" Bryan asked quietly. Inmo just kept quiet, not looking at Bryan. Bryan sighed and said, "I get it, we really didn't get off on the right foot. How about I tell you my sob story? Would that help?" 

Inmo looked at Bryan for a moment, making eye contact for a few seconds before nodding slightly. Bryan smiled slightly and started to explain his past. "When I was younger I didn't have a lot of true friends, they just liked me for my money. That's around the time where I found the dragon that taught me magic. Every day after school I spent time with him and I learned my magic. One day after school, I went to go see the dragon but he wasn't there so I went home. That's when I saw my home on fire, I tried to eat the flames but it was too much for me and that's how my family died."

Inmo looked at Bryan and said, "That is quite the tragic backstory." Bryan hummed and said, "Yeah, but we all have some kind of tragic backstory, it's what tests us and makes us stronger. Inmo wiped away his tears and said, "You think so?"  Bryan chuckled and said, "I know so, are you feeling better?" Inmo nodded and said, "Yeah, thanks. You didn't have to though, you were probably doing other things."

Bryan sighed and wrapped his arms around Inmo's shoulders, pulling him into a side hug. "You're right, I didn't have to, I wanted to." Inmo leaned into the side hug, finally feeling calm and slowly falling into a peaceful slumber. Bryan smiled and ruffled his hair a bit, glad that his rival was feeling better.

Bjorn then walked up to the pair and quietly said, "Thank you for caring about him, I'll take it from here." Bryan nodded letting him take the sleeping Inmo into his arms. "Do you know why he was crying though? He never said why he was crying." Bryan asked curiously with a hint of worry. Bjorn shook his head and said, "No, but that isn't our place to ask. He will reveal his past when he is ready, for now comforting is all we can do. Now go rest up squirt, us Divinus Magia will take it from here." Bjorn then left Bryan in the garden, bringing Inmo to his house for a much needed rest.

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