!REQUEST! OoO Stress and Friendship

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Here you go Ashl0390!

Inmo recently had another weird dream about this cool place in the clouds. He didn't know if he wanted to tell anyone though seeing as he didn't really want to talk to anyone. But he did owe Bryan a favor after their fun little prank and he really didn't want to bring any of the other people who embarrassed him.

 It's decided, Inmo would tell Bryan about this cool place and see if he wanted to go. It would be one of the better options seeing as he had wings and so could fly to the clouds with Inmo instead of having Banjo carry two people like with Mitch and his weird chalice.

Inmo put on his cloak of invisibility and set off to go find Bryan, and maybe/hopefully jumpscare him a bit. It is his thing after all, eavesdropping and popping up out of nowhere was just to fun to resist. And so Inmo searched the whole camp, top to bottom to find Bryan and find him he did.

Bryan had actually been with Jakey, both seemed to be flirting back and forth with each other. Inmo pouted as he got his toolkit out and readied his banish spell as he planned to use it on Jakey and escape with Bryan. He would have to be quick seeing as Jakey might not like being randomly teleported away to who knows where. 

He quietly crept up on the two and used banish on Jakey as he grabbed Bryan's arm and ran off. "Ehh! Who???? Inmo??? Please explain!" Bryan exclaimed as they got a safe distance away from jakey. Inmo took off his cloak and waved at him, Bryan only sighing and patting Inmo's head.

"I have so many questions and so many worries about how this is going to end. It's nice to see you but did you have to teleport Jakey away and run off with me without notifying me of your presence?" Inmo only stared into Bryan's eyes and nodded, a mischevious look in his eyes.

Bryan snorted and responded, "Yeah, I thought so. I don't even know why I asked. So what did you need me for? I feel like you would have done this if you didn't need me." Inmo chuckled and started to explain his dream to Bryan, also adding in how usually he aways gets something from theses dreams and how if he brought someone they usually got something too.

"Hmmm, that's very interesting! I don't see why not, let us go then!" Bryan answered as Inmo silently cheered. "Are you going to tell your brothers about where you're going?" Bryan asked curiously. Inmo waved it off saying, "I left a note in my cabin saying me and you were going on a quest." Bryan snickered and said, "Told them I was going with you even before I agreed aye?" Inmo giggled and replied, "Though you had a choice hmm?" 

The two demigods started to have a giggle fit, having to take a minute to catch their breath. "So, shall we head off?" Inmo nodded, about to head off to the stables to get Banjo before Bryan went in front of him and put him on his back, flying into the sky. 

Inmo screeched and held on to Bryan's shoulders for dear life. "What the heck was that for?!?!" Inmo yelled as Bryan started to slowly deaccelerate. "That was for your little prank earlier~" Bryan playfully answered as he started to position Inmo more comfortably on his back and was finally able to get a hold of Inmo legs. 

"I hate you and piggyback rides," Inmo said while pouting, hiding his face in the crook of Bryan's neck. Bryan giggled and said, "Sure you do." The rest of the flight to the patch of clouds Inmo saw was in comforting silence, neither finding a reason to break it. This felt like true friendship to Inmo, being able to just be together in silence and not having that awkward feeling like someone had to talk. Just enjoying each other's presence with no strings attached.

They finally made it the place and both were stunned at its beauty. The clouds were white with a hint of blue, the sun was starting to set and the lights reflected on the clouds. There were trees with clouds instead of leaves, a small river going through the area, and there was a giant tree in the middle of the cloud patch that gave off a magical aura.

"Wow... this place is beautiful." Bryan said in awe, Inmo only being able to nod in response. Inmo had to remember where this place was located for sure now! It would be his new relaxation spot~ No one would find him here! 

It was then that Bryan pulled at Inmo's sleeve, trying to get Inmo's attention. "Hmm? What is i-...t?" Inmo asked before seeing what Bryan was trying to tell him about. There was a big next in front of the magical tree, a nest that had two different dragons inside it, watching the two demigods closely. 

The dragons looked as if they were both curious about the demigods, probably because no one else had made it here but them. They both got out of their nest and circled around them. 

(Inmo's dragon)

(Bryan's dragon)

"Hey there, aren't you guys beautiful," Bryan said while holding one of his hands out. Inmo sent caution to the wind and went up to the light purple one, sitting down on the ground as he started to pet her, the dragon purred and leaned into his hand like a cat. Bryan giggled at what he saw before feeling smooth scales on his hand.

He looked back and saw the dark purple dragon rubbing his head against Bryan's hand. "Awww, aren't you a cutie! May I call you Ariea?" The dragon, now named Ariea nodded happily as he wrapped his tail around Bryan's leg.

He looked back at Inmo only to see that the dragon had curled around him, laying her head on his lap as Inmo softly pet her head. "Amara?" Inmo asked the dragon, Amara, purring happily at her new name and friend.

Bryan giggled once more and said, "Should we head back to the camp now? I feel like your brothers, my sisters, and Jakey are very worried about us by now." Inmo snickered and said, "Sure, wanna come with us Amara and Ariea?" Both dragons happily cooed, Amara getting up to invite Inmo to ride on her while Ariea looked at Bryan expectantly.

Both got on their dragon friend and the dragons swiftly flew into the air before diving down through the clouds. Both demigods held on for dear life as the dragons flew, laughing in merriment as neared the camp. 

Both dragons made it to the camp, where everyone Bryan mentioned about being worried was gathered together and looking up. Both dragons laned in front of the group and the two demigods hopped off their backs, hair wild from the windy ride.

The two Hermes brother ran to Inmo and hugged his as Ritchie sid, "Inmo! We were so worried when you said in the note you were going on a quest with Bryan. You should have brought us too!" Colin also added, "Are you hurt? What's with the dragons? Do you need to rest?" Bryan saw that Inmo was beginning to get overwhelmed as Jakey hugged him. 

"Hi Jakey-poo, I know you might be confused but let me explain to everyone what happened ok?" Jakey sighed and said, "Go ahead, I'm just happy you're back safe and sound." Bryan smiled and pecked Jakey on the lips. "Thanks, honey."

Bryan then explained to everyone what happened as Amara got in between Inmo and his brothers, nuzzling into Inmo while giving Ritchie and Colin a look that said, 'back up and calm yourself'. Ritchie and Colin sighed, apologizing to Inmo for getting too worked up. Inmo smiled and said, "It's ok."  

(~~~Time Skip~~~)

Bryan sighed as Ariea turned invisible again after hearing a tree rustle in the wind. He didn't understand why he was so nervous about everything, though Bryan did feel grateful that he didn't run off while invisible. Bryan decided to go to Inmo to see how he and Amara were doing.

Inmo seemed to be having trouble too, although he looked more confused then tired. Amara just seemed sad and looked less put together than when they first met. "You're having trouble too huh." Inmo sighed and nodded, "I don't understand what's wrong. She seems to like to be clean but I don't think I'm doing it right." Bryan then admitted, "Yeah, Ariea seems to be nervous about everything, turning invisible whenever he gets scared. Wanna work together?"  "Please."

They started with Ariea, who was still invisible and began to think. "Have you tried to calm him down with music? That's what helps me calm down." Bryan tilted his head in confusion and asked, "You think that will help?" Inmo nodded and said, "Its calming to a lot of people so it's worth a try. Here, I got you." 

Inmo pulled out his banjo and started to strum, seeming to make up a song as he went on. Both dragons, Ariea becoming visible once again, went up to Inmo and sat down, happily listening to the happy toon. Amara closed her eyes while Ariea seemed to happily sway along to the melody. Bryan smiled as he watched Inmo play with a happy smile, happy to see that Ariea was happy. 

After the song, Ariea happily circled Bryan as Inmo smirked. "Tada, the magic of music~" Inmo joked with a laugh. Bryan also laughed and said, "The magic of music is strong within you. Now its Amara turn~" Amara happily purred and went to Bryan who bent down to check her out. Ariea had gone to Inmo and laid down next to him, Inmo bending down to softly pet him.

Bryan looked at her and said, "Ok ok, it seems like she needs a nice spa day. You probably don't have the best skincare routine, not trying to throw shade." Inmo snorts and says, "No, its the truth." Bryan snickers and says, "Allow me to help you with that~ Come come every one, let us relax."

(~~~Time skip because I am like Inmo and know nothing about a good skincare routine XD~~~)

After the little spa day, Amara seemed so much happier and her scales seemed to glow. Bryan had also taken the time to explain to what to do and gave him all the necessary products for both Amaria and himself. 

"Why did you give me this stuff for me too?" Inmo asked confused. "Huehuehue, don't think I didn't see the way you look Daveed." Inmo blushed and started to stutter out some excuses as Amara, Ariea, and Bryan laughed. "Don't worry, we won't tell your protection squad~" 

Inmo looked confused and asked, "What protection squad? Who is in it??? What?????" Bryan snickered and said, "Oh, I've said too much, I must go before I'm caught." And with that Bryan flew off with Ariea behind him. "Come back! Tell me who made it!!!" Inmo yelled at Bryan. Amara seemed to laugh and invited Inmo to fly on her. 

A chase ensued for the rest of the afternoon, overall a very fun afternoon for Bryan and the dragons. Maybe not for Inmo though, who still wanted to know about his so-called Inmo Protection Squad. It was real though, and had quite a few members, both animal and demigod!

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