!REQUEST! Fto: Successful Date

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mainshipper098 Hope you like it friend!


Brandon had made sure he told his brother he was busy today with something private while Inmo had made sure that David and Boss knew he wasn't available that day. Today was supposed to be a very fun and special day for the both of them, their third date since getting together.

Both had sneaked off, heading to the marketplace in Atlantide separately before meeting each other. Both had dressed up a little to hide their defining features in an attempt to not be recognized as both had agreed to keep this relationship a secret until they both felt ready to tell.

You see, this was a new thing for both of them as neither were ever in a past relationship. Brandon too busy trying to take care of the guild and redeeming himself while no one wanted to chance going near Inmo, scared he was going to blow them up. They do love each other but they want to take this relationship slowly, as to not majorly mess up.

Inmo had decided to wear an oversized sweater as it would be able to fir his tail in it comfortably. Brandon had also given him colored contacts for his eyes to hide his demonic one. Brandon himself just put on a blue hoodie and some teal colored glasses. All in all, they were disguised pretty well and would probably blend in with the crowd.

But as much as they tried to hide their new relationship, their other members of the guild saw how they acted differently towards each other and wanted to figure out why. That's why this secret thing that both needed to do on the same day was perfect. David had told Ritchie about how Inmo was going to be off the island today and Ritchie told David about how his brother was also going off-island today.

That information spread like wildfire and soon everyone but Inmo and Brandon, who didn't know everyone else knew, learned about the outing. And that's why the whole guild followed the both of them into the market place. They split into 2 groups, David, Bjorn, and Mario followed Inmo while Ritchie, Boat, and Kit followed Brandon. The bigger people followed Inmo because he probably wouldn't notice them while the smaller and stronger ones followed Brandon because they could stay out of sight and conceal their magic.

Inmo and Brandon walked into a cute cafe by the name Atlantic Cafe and were sat down in some seats near the counter. A magenta haired girl with a height slightly below average came up to them and said, "Hello there, welcome to the Atlantic Cafe! I am Ana and I will be your server today. What can I get you today?"

Brandon gave the server a small smile and said, "Could I get a regular coffee and a slice of the strawberry shortcake?" The server nodded and turned to Inmo as he said, "Could I get the... fruity explosion parfait?" Brandon laughed under his breath at Inmo's order as Inmo looked genuinely excited about the parfait. Ana saluted at the two and walked behind the counter, giving the dark purple haired barista Brandon's coffee order.

"Fruity explosion hmm?" Brandon asked Inmo with a teasing tone. Inmo giggled and replied, "I like fruit, I like explosions, and I like ice cream. It's perfect in my eyes." Brandon gave Inmo a small peck on the lips and said, "Of course dear, but not nearly as perfect as you~" Inmo blushed, his face a dark red as he stuttered out a, "N-no, bad B-Brandon, b-bad."

Bandon laughed and said, "You are adorable." Inmo pouted and said, "If I'm adorable you must be cute!" Brandon chuckled and said, "Nope, you are the innocent and adorable boyfriend. I'm a handsome and smart boyfriend." Inmo's blush got darker as he asked, "How am I innocent?!?!" Brandon raised his eyebrow with a smirk and asked, "Ok then, what is sex?" Inmo thought for a moment before answering, "The gender you are born with?" Brandon shook his head and Inmo tried again with, "The gender you like???" Brandon snorts and says, "No, that's sexuality, honey.

It was then that the server returned with the barista, their food in hand. Ana was holding the parfait and the slice of cake while the barista was holding the coffee and a small note. Ana gave both of them their sweets while the barista handed the coffee and the note over to Brandon silently before walking back to her station. "Here you go! Please call us over again if you need anything. Oh and please read the note." With that, she left them in confusion at the note.

Brandon quickly read the note and sighed angerly before handing the note to Inmo. He read it and ist said 'Heya lovebirds! I just want to inform you that there is a group of six people is currently watching you. Would you like us to bring them to you, leave them alone, or kick them out?' Inmo paled and said, "Please don't tell me..." Brandon sighed and said, "A group of six people, very rare for a group that big to be watching two strangers."

Brandon circle the 'bring them to us' option and called Ana over. She winked at the couple and said, "Your wish is my command!" She whistled and a girl with short purple hair and a cat-eared headband walked in with a spiked ball and chain that seemed to be radiating electricity. She walked in with six very familiar people in front of her. "Six stalkers just for you wifey~" The girl flirted with Ana. Ana rolled her eyes and said, "Yes, thank you for doing your job Yang. Now let's see here, do you know these people?" Brandon sighed and answered, "Yes, I do sadly know them. What are you lot doing here?"

David awkwardly laughed and asked, "You wouldn't accept the excuse of we were just in the neighborhood would you?" Both Inmo and Brandon shook their heads. Bjorn the bluntly said, "You two were being very suspicious so we investigated the situation." Ritchie then spoke up, "Yeah, why didn't you tell me you were dating brother?"

Brandon sighed as said, "We didn't feel ready to do so yet brother." Ritchie looked downwards and said, "Sorry for intruding." Bjorn then said, "Treat Inmo with respect Brandon. I know you probably will but I warn you now, you will feel the wrath of the Viking King Bjorn." Inmo blushed and whined, "Bossss." Bjorn only smirked and said, "You are a Neo Viking now Inmo, you are family now."

Ana snickered and said, "As sweet as this is, who out of the six of you will be paying for this lovely couple's meal?" "Ehhhh?!? Why do we need to pay??" David whined/asked. "Because you did kinda ruin their date~ And the rules of this cafe states that if a date is ruined then the one who ruined it must pay." The six people looked at each other and five of the six all said, "David."

David screeched, "Why me!?!?!?" "Because this was your idea in the first place," Ritchie said as the rest left, heading back to the guild. "Have fun with that bill David." Mario and Boat teased as Kit giggled. David sighed and took the bill from Ana's hand, paying the necessary amount of money and left.

Inmo and Brandon looked at each other before breaking out into laughter. "I guess we don't have to worry about telling them then huh?" Inmo joked. "Yeah, we don't even have to worry about the bill either now." Brandon joked back. Inmo gave Brandon a bright smile and kissed him, Brandon kissing back with love filling his eyes.

This was a pretty good date!

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