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"Responsible?" I ask. I don't want to pry, but I can't deny that I'm not the least bit curious. 

She sighs as she looks to the roof of my jeep and folds her hands over her stomach. "I never told you this before, but it was a drunk driver that killed them. A drunk driver that took everything away from Seth and I."

A drunk driver? Her words rip through my ears as my body goes rigid. "So you think that you are ready to learn the truth about it all?"

She nods and answers me, "Yeah, or at least I think I am? I need closure I guess." She shrugs and continues. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

Scarlett turns back on her side to face me again, propping her hand on her soft cheek to hold her head up. "Well, your father. When was the last time you talked to him? Like do you know where he lives now?"

My father. The horrific memory of his actions play through my mind. "Uh, I think he is in another town or something." I lie. I hate lying to her, but I need to get answers from my mother before I can say much of anything else.

Please God.

Please let this just be some fucked up coincidence, I beg silently.

I watch as Scarlett looks down to her fingers fidgeting with the fuzz on the blanket and exhales a tiny cloud-like breath into the cold. It is fucking freezing in here now, with just our naked bodies lying on the blanket I brought from my bed. I look at her ample breasts, her nipples hard from the cold. I bring my lips to her left breast, placing a small kiss on her small birthmark. Hating the fact I am about to ruin this moment.

"We should get going. I don't want you out too late. I am trying to stay in your brothers good graces you know?"

I hastily put my clothes back on and jump in the front bucket seat, placing the key in the ignition and turn it, bringing the engine to life with a low roar. Minutes later, Scarlett follows me up front with silence. I don't look at her, instead I put my foot on the gas pedal and drive to her house.

"Dean are you mad at me?" She asks quietly, removing her seat belt.

"No." I answer too quickly. "I mean no. I just have to get home. I told my mom I would be home to help her with some stuff." I lie. I seem to be doing a lot of that tonight and it isn't fair to her.

"Okay." She simply states. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her head facing me, probably waiting for me to say something or to stop being such an arrogant jerk and look at her.

But I don't.

"Well I guess I will see you tomorrow." She mutters, pulling the handle and swings her door open, leaving my jeep.

I turn my head and watch as she ascends the walkway to the front door.

I grip my steering wheel so tightly, that my knuckles turn white, hitting my forehead on it a few times.

Dammit Dean! Can you be any more of a prick?

The voice inside my head asks, mockingly.

Before I even give myself another second to argue with myself, I find myself jogging up to catch Scarlett. I wrap my fingers around her small wrist and stop her before she walks into the house. I turn her around so that she is facing me and see how upset I have made her. Her hazel eyes now red as a tear rolls down her cheek. I am like a puddle in her hands when I see this girl cry. It completely kills me and even more so, knowing I am the cause this time.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't trying to be a dick." I say, holding both of her hands and intertwining our fingers.

She sniffles and then bows her head. "Was I not okay? It was my first time, Dean, I will get better." She says under her breath.

I feel my mouth drop open and my heart stops. What the fuck? Does she really think that is what I thought? I let go of her hands and immediately cup her face, making her look at me.

"That is not at all what is wrong. Fuck no. I told you, it felt amazing to me Scar. You were amazing. It's just-," I close my eyes and bring my forehead to hers, "It's just that I just had the most amazing time in my life. One that will be embedded on my heart for the rest of my life I am sure, and I did not want to ruin that moment of making love to you by talking about my piece of shit father."

"So, you aren't thinking about changing your mind about us?"

I shake my head quickly, dismissing her. "No. I can't even believe you would think that." I scoff. "I love you, Scarlett. I want you in my future, always if you will have me. And it makes me so incredibly happy that you feel strong enough to talk about your parents, but I am not there yet. Truth is, I am ashamed of my father." I admit.

Dropping my hands, I am the one to bow my head now, biting the inside of my cheek, in hopes that the tears don't spill from my eyes. Dammit Dean, grow a fucking pair would ya? Pussy.

I feel her soft and gentle hands on both of my cheeks, lifting my head up. Her hazel eyes gleaming as I look into them. She brings her head closer, rubbing her nose to mine.

"I love you too, Dean. Always." Her angelic voice says while her thumb brushes soft, comforting strokes against my cheeks. "I am here for you when you are ready to talk about it. I'm not going anywhere." She assures me.

I put on a small grin and bring my lips to hers, gripping her waist with both of my hands. As I watch her walk away, she opens the door and looks at me. Blowing me a kiss with a silent goodnight.

Fuck, is she beautiful. I shiver, the fear I have right now reminds me I need to get home, and fast. 


"Mom?" I call out when I enter my quiet home. I flick the living room light on. "Mom?" Nothing but silence follows my calls. I walk down the hall, "Mom?" I call out one more time.

I stop dead in my tracks when I hear sobbing coming from the guest bathroom. I know she always taught me that it was extremely rude to eavesdrop, but at this point, I don't care. I press my ear against the door and hear more sobs. My mother's. I lightly tap on the door.

"Mom, are you okay in there?" I ask, keeping my ear to the door. I am still cold from being outside, but I can feel the sweat building on my forehead. I hear shuffling behind the door before she speaks.

Clearing her throat she says, "Y-yeah honey. I will be right out."

I pace up and down the hallway, my tramping leaving marks in the soft carpet. I run my hands through my hair several times before resting them on the nape of my neck, intertwining my own fingers. Finally, after what seems like hours, I hear the click of the lock and I watch as the brass colored door knob turns slowly. My mother steps out, her eyes red and puffy as she tries to look collective, unconvincingly.

I cock my eyebrow. "Mom what is wrong?" I ask, wrapping my arms over my chest and tap my foot. Okay, so maybe that was a little dramatic. But what can I say? I am a momma's boy.

She lets out a soft giggle before turning the light off and heading toward the living room and waving a dismissive hand. "Nothing, nothing. Tell me, how was your evening with Scarlett? Did she say yes to your promposal?"

She sits down on the couch, folding her hands in her lap. I follow suit, sitting down beside her. I know what she is trying to do, trying to distract me of the situation at hand by bringing up my girl. I admit, I usually do get completely distracted by her, but I haven't seen my mother like this since the day my father was arrested. But I will play along by giving her the answer before getting the truth out of her.

I rub the top of my thighs and exhale. "It was incredible mom. She said yes by the way, and loved the whole snow globe thing." I chime, remembering the way her eyes sparkled looking at the little flakes fall over our pictures.

"You love her, don't you?" My mother asks.

My heart races as I think about the way it felt having all of her, being inside of her. Her small frame underneath my naked body, the touch of her hand over my heart. I have hers and she mine.

"Yes." I exhale, letting out a breath I didn't realize I was even holding. "I love her so much mom. I have never felt this way before. My heart feels like it will burst with the way it pounds against my chest when she is near me. It's hard to explain really. She is just so....incredible." I say in one breath.

My mother chuckles, bringing her hand over mine. "It is any mother's wish to hear how happy a woman makes her son. I remember feeling like that at one point in my life. Trust me, it doesn't come around often. Some people only experience that once in their entire lifetime so make sure, no matter what happens, you don't let that go."

I nod. I know damn well I am not letting her go. Unless one day she won't want me anymore. Will she? The horrifying thought sends an unwanted chill up my spine.

I clear my throat before changing the subject. "Mom, tell me why you were crying? What's wrong?"

My mom's eyes look sorrowful as she removes her hands from mine, bringing them back to her lap. A single tear spills out from her eye and as I watch it fall, I feel myself break. The two women in my life that mean the world tonight have cried and I feel like my guts could be torn out at the sight. I scoot closer to my mother, putting my arm around her, and one hand over her two.

"Remember I told you about the man I seen at court? The son of the couple?" She starts. I nod my head for her to continue. How could I forget him? My mother explained how heartbreaking it was to see his face during the trial. "I haven't seen him since then, that is, until a few days ago when he came into the restaurant."

I gasp, "He did? Did he say anything to you?"

My mom nods and I feel my pulse quicken. Was he mean to her? But before my mind concocts more thoughts, she answers, "Yes. In fact he was introduced to me by his sister." She pauses, as more tears flow out of her eyes, she looks over at me and I see her lips move but I couldn't hear her over the loud drumming of my heart.

I shake my head, "What?" I ask. Begging silently for her to clarify that she didn't say what I have been fearing since the moment Scarlett told me tonight about her parent's drunk driving accident.

"It was Scarlett's parent's honey that were killed in that terrible accident. Scarlett and her brother Seth." She chokes.

All I remember after that is the sharp breath I took before driving my fist through the door of my bedroom. Leaving havoc throughout the entire room.

My father, Michael Connors, is the reason for Scarlett losing everything.

And now, he is the reason I am about to lose one of the very two women in this world I can't live without. 

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