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I lay in my bed, wide awake and stare at the ceiling. Smiling to myself, reminiscing over the events from last night. I lightly bite my lip while running my hands over my stomach and inner thighs, remembering the way Dean touched me and how gentle he was. Though as gentle as he was, I am still extremely sore. I sit up, grab my phone from the charger on the nightstand and tap my finger on the texting icon.

I can't stop thinking about last night. You have no clue how much you mean to me Dean Michael Connors. Thanks for making my first time more special than I could have ever imagined. I love you.

Before getting out of bed completely, I send out one more message. One to my best friend, whom would certainly want to know everything that had occurred and dying to know every detail. Well, maybe not every detail. I chuckle as I text Nina.

Come over! I have lots to tell you my friend ;)

As I stand from the bed, my phone dings with a message.

OMG! Girl you already know I am on my way. Jammies and all. Haha.

I laugh at Nina's quick response and make my way out to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Before even entering the kitchen, the smell of bacon fills my nostrils, and my mouth instantly waters at the delicious smell.

"It smells amazing in here." I say as I see Seth standing by the stove top, and Valerie sitting at the breakfast bar admiring her fiancé.

"Hope you are hungry. Ham and cheese omelets with avocado and bacon." Seth announces as he starts to put the food on the plates.

I take a seat next to Valerie and she gives me a smile before looking away and then almost breaking her neck to get a second glance at me.

"My, my, my. Why Scarlett, you are absolutely glowing this morning." She chimes and I giggle quietly, trying to hide my now burning cheeks.

Seth places our plates in front of us with his brow arched. "And why is it that you are glowing if I may ask?"

I shrug my shoulders. "What are you talking about? Valerie glows all the time and we don't make her flush about it every morning." I smile, trying to act as subtle as I possibly can.

"Yeah silly but I am pregnant....oh my gosh, Wait! Are you pregnant?" Valerie screams with excitement.

I don't know why she would sound excited. As much as I would love to have a kid one day, now is not that day.

"No I am not pregnant Valerie." I dismiss her right away, laughing as I bring the fork to my mouth with a piece of the cheesy omelet.

"Exactly. Besides, you would have to have sex to get pregnant, and Scarlett here isn't having sex. Isn't that right?" Seth asks me.

I watch his face drain as I cough, almost choking on my food at his intrusiveness. I grab Valerie's glass of orange juice and chug half of it.

" When did you have sex with him? Scar, please tell me you two used protection." Seth pleads but I can tell he is trying to be as strong about this as he can. "Do you love him?"

I look into my brother's eyes and nod. "I love him Seth. I never knew I could feel like this about someone." I admit. "He is the only person that has been able to make my heart feel like it may burst out of my chest at any moment by the way it beats when I am around him. I can't control it."

Knock! Knock! "That is probably Nina." I tell Seth.

He nods and then sits down with his food as I start walking away to get the door. "Okay, but we are talking about this later, you hear me?" I nod. I knew I wasn't going to get out of this that easily.

"Ahh! So how do you feel now? I told you he loved you! You can just see it by the way he looks at you." Nina squeals after I tell her everything about last night as we sit on my bed. "And oh man! I swear, you always see in movies how people bang and stuff in their vehicles, but it's just like a quickie and done. Your story, is romantic. Envious almost. With the rain and stuff. Wow." Nina folds her hands and bats her lashes. I love this friend of mine and her love of dramatics.

We both giggle before I answer with, "Well I am still really sore. But I don't know how to explain how I really feel. I just love him so much and when we were, well you the jeep, I felt like we were more connected than we have ever been." I wrap my arms around myself, struggling to contain my blushing and a smile that reaches ear to ear. "I know we are young and all, but when he said that he loved me, I knew in that moment that his words were true. They weren't just words being tossed to get in my pants with no ulterior motive."

I wish I could tell my mom about this. All of it. She was that type of mom that you feel comfortable talking about things like this and she would probably even have taken me to get on birth control. Birth control...I should probably do that soon. I giggle silently as I can imagine my dad's reaction to finding out I'm getting on birth control. He probably would have lost his head and would dig through his dresser drawers for his pistol.

Looking down at my necklace and then back to Nina, I say, "You know, he asked about my parent's and if they would have liked him. Truth is, they would have loved him and you too for that matter."

I exhale, looking back to my necklace and glide my thumb over it before continuing, "It kills me, Nina, to know my mom and dad won't be here ever again. My mom won't be able to help me get ready for my graduation day, or my first day of college, or even my own wedding. My dad won't be able to walk me down the aisle one day or be able to be a grandpa, teaching his grandkid how to play softball, just as he taught me. They won't be here to see Seth's baby or his wedding. They won't be here to meet my new friends, my best friend or the man that has completely stolen my heart."

I choke as a tear falls down my cheek. I make a strangled noise as I tilt my head back and look up. Hoping the flowing of tears will stop.

Nina reaches over, placing her hand over mine. "Hey, don't think that way alright. They may not be here physically, but they are watching over you every day." I bring my head back down to look at Nina now and watch as her face goes from a serious to a more relaxed look.

She smiles at me and continues, "They're probably smiling at the fact that you have such an awesome best friend and boyfriend that is by your side. Through anything. And heck, your dad is probably up there scolding you about your sexual activities last night." Nina exclaims, making me giggle.

I wipe away the last of my tears and give her a small smile. "The things I would do just to hear their voices once more. Even if it was my dad scolding me." I chuckle at the thought.

"They are here love. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't here. They are walking by your side for everything. Including when you get to play softball for a college team and even walk down the aisle with Dean one day, with your best friend as your maid of honor of course." She half jokes, but her words mean more to me than she will ever know. I just smile and hug my best friend. Thankful for everything she has done for me.

"I love you girl. I am so incredibly lucky to have a friend like you." I say while still hugging her.

She gently rubs my back in our embrace and somehow I know she is smiling too. "I love you too. But correction, I am your best friend bitch." She says sarcastically, pulling away from our hug, causing both of us to laugh at her bluntness. She hops off of the bed and claps her hands, "Okay, so what are you going to wear tomorrow at school? You might as well use this glow you got going on right now from your sex-capades."

She wiggles her brows and starts rummaging through my closet. As she does so, I look at my phone and check to see if Dean has text me back at all yet. It is now 4:00 PM and I still haven't heard from him. His phone must be dead or something, or maybe he got stuck at work? I text him once more before joining Nina with her search.

Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Love you. I add the penguin emoji for effect and press send.

As I grab my books for first hour, I hear someone sarcastically clear their throat. I roll my eyes and smile, knowing exactly who it is before I peek around my locker door.

"Good morning Nina." I say while shutting my locker door to reveal none other than my best friend.

"Morning." She smiles and then I watch as her big brown eyes scan my outfit. Here we go. "What happened to the outfit I chose for you? It was adorable."

I tug at the hem of my black and white baseball shirt. I matched it with my black converse, blue denim shorts, and light makeup. At least I did my hair today, to escape the wrath of Nina. My hair falls over my shoulders in big waves. Valerie has a knack at making this nest on my head look good.

I shrug my shoulders and grin at Nina. "I just wasn't in the mood to wear tight skinny jeans, heels, and a fancy top today." I admit, telling only part of the reason. I lean in closer and whisper, "I am still sore today so I kind of just want to be comfortable."

Nina's mouth parts a little bit as she gasps, nodding in understandment. "Ooooh, got it." She giggles and touches the ends of my waves with her fingers. "Well you still look cute. Your hair looks awesome, kinda like a lioness, ready to take the halls of this hellhole. Dean will love it." I roll my eyes and we both grow into a fit of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Dex asks, walking up besides us.

"Oh nothing. Just tampon talk." I arch my brow and look back at Nina, biting my tongue to stifle a laugh. The shit she comes up with, I swear.

Dex makes a disgusted face, scrunching his nose. "Eww. Sorry I asked. Although, how in the hell can tampon talk be funny?"

He shakes his head, dismissing his own question, not wanting an answer I am sure. "Anyways, please, let's change the subject. Have you talked to Dean yet?"

I think back to my text I received from him earlier this morning.

'We need to talk today. Just know, I am sorry.'

His text worried me but I replied with just an 'okay' and have been trying not to think negatively all morning. I mean this is Dean we are talking about here. What could he have to be sorry about?

"No I haven't. Why do you ask?" Does Dex know something I don't?

Dex rubs the back of his neck and looks at Nina, acknowledging her presence before looking back to me. "Uh, it's no big deal. I just talked to him for a little bit yesterday and he seemed kind of, upset? I don't know really, but he wouldn't answer his phone this morning."

"Why would he be upset?" Nina asks.

I am unable to speak as my attention has gone towards the blonde walking through the double door entrance with none other than my boyfriend. I feel myself gasp, the air leaving my lungs involuntarily.

Nina and Dex stop talking and follow my gaze to see what the hell I was gawking at and I hear Nina mutter, "What the fuck?" beside me as they watch Phoebe strut down the hallway with Dean.

Phoebe stops at her locker and Dean continues walking towards me, his head hanging low and his hands buried deep in his pockets.

Maybe they only coincidentally walked in at the same time?

"Morning." I say quietly, leaning in to kiss him, but he turns his head so my lips land on his cheek. I immediately feel the heavy embarrassment of rejection and flush. Nina's eyes go wide at his reaction and I don't even dare look at Dex. I feel like he knew something like this was going to happen. I'm not sure what he knows really.

"You guys mind if we talk alone a minute?" Dean asks Nina and Dex.

Nina looks at me for assurance and I nod. She rolls her eyes at Dean and walks off, but Dex stays back, staring at Dean. "Dean, don't do this man. I told you, you can just tell-,"

"Give me a minute with her." He demands through gritted teeth, cutting Dex off.

Dex shakes his head slowly in what looks like, disappointment?

"I will go, but as your best friend, I am obligated to tell you that you are about to make a fucking mistake and you will regret what you are about to do." His words rattle me and I watch Dex walk away.

My heart stops, when I hear Dean sigh next to me. What is it he's going to do?

I look back to Dean and my heart sinks even lower as I take a better look at his appearance. His hair is all disheveled like, not done. He is wearing dark gray sweat pants and a black tank top that looks wrinkly as all get out, as if it hadn't been washed since the last use. His electric blue eyes look dull and red, and the dark under bags are puffy. And not once does he look back at me.

"What is going on Dean?" I finally ask, scared shitless of what he may say.

Still staring blankly at the floor and avoiding any eye contact with me, he mutters, "I want to break up."


"What did you say?" I ask, not really wanting him to repeat it. Once was enough.

Please just say you didn't mean that.

Finally, he looks up at me and the ache I feel rattles my entire body as I look at the boy I love, completely in despair.

"I...I want to break up. I need space Scar." He stutters.

"What do you mean? Af-after what we just did, after what we said to one another? Do those words not mean anything to you? Do I not mean anything to you?" I choke, the very words burning my throat.

I am so confused right now. Why is he doing this? The hall falls silent and nosy students now gather around, standing by their lockers, looking at us. Looking at the girl getting her heart ripped out and not doing anything about it.

"No, you don't." Dean lies. I can tell he is lying as the evidence rolls down his now crimson colored cheeks.

I feel my face get hot with the warm tears pouring from my eyes. I don't care that I am sobbing now, all I want is an answer. A truthful one.

"Why Dean? Why are you doing this to me? You are literally breaking my heart and tearing my guts out right now." I struggle to say through my sobs, in a tone quiet enough for only him to hear.

Dean wipes at his tears but they continue to fall. "I'm...I'm sorry." He says and turns on his heel, walking away from me.

"You're a coward!" I yell. Not caring that the nosy students heard my pathetic excuse at firing back after being dumped.

He stops in his tracks and for a second I think he may turn back around. To tell me that he didn't mean any of it and that he loves me.

But instead, I watch as the love of my life, who just publicly broke me, walk aside Phoebe as they head towards English.

No way in hell am I going to class and facing them. I shudder at the thought of sitting in my seat behind him, his words repeating over and over.

I don't mean anything to him.

My blood runs cold and I lean my forehead against my locker, looking away from everyone who stands idly watching me break, more and more for their entertainment. I keep hoping this is just a nightmare. Wake the fuck up Scarlett.

The cool feeling of the steel locker against my forehead remind me that I am still in school. That Dean Connors just shattered everything we built together.

I about crumble to the floor, giving into my weak knees, until I am pulled into a tight hug.

"I am so, so, soooo sorry. I don't understand what in the hell that was." Nina sobs.

"Neither do I." I say honestly. I remain still as I hear another voice.

"He is just going through some shit. He will regret this Scarlett. He loves you." Dex says and I bring myself to look at my boyfriends, well ex-boyfriend's best friend, to look at him and his face seems serene and honest. But Dean's words replay again, and I shake my head as more tears spill over.

"H..he doesn't. He said I don't mean anything to him and then I had to watch him walk away with fucking Phoebe." I sob.

Dex's mouth goes into a straight line and his jaw clenches and his fists close at his sides, knuckles turning white. Dex may be pissed at his best friend but he knows that I am right. I still want to know what he knows. He must know more than he is leading on.

"I could punch him and that blonde skank. Or better yet, I will punch him and then throw a bag of dick confetti over them both." Nina states and I almost laugh at the idea.

"He is your friend too, Nina, you can't do that." I mutter. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and after making a split decision of my next move I say, "I'm not going to class for the rest of the day. Want to join?"

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