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I am almost to my point of release when I hear my mother call out. "Dean! Your friends are here!"

Fuck. "Be right there." I grumble.

I hastily exit out of the internet on my phone, and stand up from my bed, pulling up my shorts. I hear a light knock at the door and I panic as I quickly put the lotion and my cloth in the nightstand drawer. I hear the door knob turning and I don't know who it is but right now is not a good time.

Rummaging through the sheets to find my pillow, I sit back on the bed and put the pillow over my lap. Covering the boner that is completely visible with the thin material of the basketball shorts. I lean back and cross my arms across my chest as Dex walks in.

"What's up dude?" He greets.

I nod my head. "Sup. What are you doing here?"

"We came to see if you wanted to come to the movies with all of us. Scarlett said she text you but hasn't heard back." He says while fiddling with my paperwork on my desk.

Shit. I didn't know she had text me. Annoyed, I drag my hand over my face, pulling down my lip.

"Sorry I was busy, I didn't see her text. What time's the movie? I will get ready real quick."

Dex still stands over my desk, lifting one of the many papers that are scattered and he begins to read it.

"What are all of these college applications? I thought you decided on staying close to home." He inquires, still not looking at me.

I glide my hand under the pillow and feel that my hard on has gone soft. Dex is definitely the boner killer today. I stand up from the bed once again and walk over to my dresser, pulling out a black and white baseball tee shirt and jeans to change in to.

"I was just looking at my options. If Scarlett gets into a college for softball it can be anywhere. I want to be close to her. Now what time's the movie?"

Dex continues reading, furrowing his brows. I hold my clothes in one hand while the other rubs my temple. I am already aggravated with my blue balls here.

"Hello! Earth to Dex."

Dex finally looks up at me and realizes he hasn't answered. "Shit sorry bro. Movie starts in about an hour."

I huff as I walk into the bathroom to change into my clothes and fix my hair.

"So what were you up to today before I came in? You seem all pissy." Dex says through the door while I pull up my jeans.

"Well, for your information, I was trying to relieve myself of these fucking blue balls, but you know. You walking in is pretty much a boner killer for me." I chuckle.

I don't hear him laugh so I think he took it to heart. I turn the door knob and walk out of the bathroom while saying, "Dude I was just kidding..." I stop and feel myself flush when I realize now why Dex didn't say anything.

He has been joined by Nina, Caleb, and Scarlett. Scarlett sits on my bed, holding the very pillow I was holding only moments ago, over her face to cover her laughter. When she removes it, I see her whole face has turned red.

"Dammit." I mutter as everyone begins to laugh. 

"Popcorn?" I whisper to Scarlett.

She is so focused on the movie it is adorable. I love that she gets like this, so into things that it consumes her. I lightly tap her elbow with mine and she pry's her eyes away from the screen momentarily to look at me.

Even in this dark ass theatre, I can still see her dazzling hazel eyes looking back at me. The strap of her tank top has fallen down to her arm, so I glide my forefinger up her arm and scoop it under the strap, pulling it gently back over her shoulder.

She bites her lip and smiles, the blushing evident in this dimly lit room. "What did you say?" She asks quietly.

I hold out the bucket of the warm, salty, and buttery popcorn, offering her some. She arches her brow and shakes her head, but takes the bucket out of my hands.

"Want to know the secret to making the perfect popcorn?" She smiles while looking at me before bending down and grabbing something from her purse.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I notice the wrapper of a chocolate bar in her hand.

She starts breaking up the pieces and starts putting it in the popcorn, gently shaking the bucket so it mixes. Nina leans forward and looks at me, pointing to Scarlett's weird creation but I just shrug my shoulders and lightly laugh. I have no clue what she is doing but I do know that she is ruining a perfectly good bucket of popcorn.

"Try some." She holds out the bucket.

I look down and see the chocolate is melting a little with the heat from the popcorn. I shake my head and pinch my nose. "Gross, no."

"Come on. Chocolatey sweetness mixed with the buttery saltiness of popcorn is delicious!" She enthuses. "Go on, try it."

I exhale loudly knowing I am going to try it only because she is asking. The things I would do for her I swear. I scrunch my nose as I grab a couple pieces, popping them into my mouth.

I don't want to admit it, but it is good. I look over and Scarlett is just leaning on one elbow on the armrest, holding up her chin, waiting eagerly for my response.

"Well?" She asks.

I look away before I start to giggle at her cuteness. "It's probably as bad as this movie." I lie. Well, not about the movie. This film sucks.

She drops her jaw and rips the bucket out of my hands and begins to eat the popcorn. I lean closer and sneak my hand in for more when she is focused on the movie again. Nina notices and laughs quietly. 

After the movie we all went to my mom's diner and had a burger. Nina and Caleb took Dex home and Scarlett came home with me to hang out for a little more.

"So are you ready for the first day of practice tomorrow?" I ask.

Scarlett is laying down next to me on the bed, facing me. We have been talking for over an hour about just random shit.

She was telling me how excited she is about her being an auntie soon and how she was dreading wearing the bridesmaid dress for her brother's wedding, but now that she is the maid of honor, she gets a different dress, and apparently it is to her liking.

She shuffles her position so that now her head is resting on her hands. "I am actually looking forward to it. I feel like I am ready. Like really, really ready now." She pauses and looks down before looking back at me. "I guess I have you to thank for that." She whispers with the sweetest smile.

"No need to thank me. I am looking forward to seeing you get back out there. I would like to be able to cheer on the hottest girl out there you know?" I tease and she shakes her head, giggling.

She stops and I see something flash in her eyes. Something is on her mind. "What is it?" I ask.

"Hmm? Oh, no it's nothing." She lies, breaking her eye contact with me.

I study her as she pouts. Her long and silky hair lays flat over her shoulder and her sexy smelling perfume is radiating off of her glowing skin. She looks back at me and I give her the just-tell-me-now look and she rolls her eyes. She shifts again, this time rising up so that she is sitting up, leaning against my headboard. I sit up with her, not sure where this conversation is going.

"Fine." She mumbles. She exhales, leaning her head back so that she is looking at my ceiling now.

I do the same, my anticipation getting the best of me. Damn, I need to clean my room. Even my fan blades have dust on them. I cringe and look back down, hoping she isn't turned off by my not so tidy self. She is fidgeting and messing with her fingers. She looks uncomfortable. Is it something bad?

"Earlier, when we got here, were you umm...were you, you know?" She gulps.

I feel my eyes widen. This conversation just got extremely awkward. She's really asking me if I was rubbing one out earlier. I am the one shifting now, clearing my throat in the process.

Play stupid Dean. "Was I what?" I am an idiot.

"You know." She brings her head down and is looking at me once again. "Were you umm, masturbating?" She asks in the quietest tone I have heard her use yet.

She turns a crimson red at the word, as do I. The burning sensation I feel is proof of that enough for me to not even have to look in a mirror.

I run my fingers through my hair, bringing both of my hands over my head so that I grip the headboard. I clear my throat once more. "Y-yeah." I admit.

"Why?" She asks and then quickly shakes her head. "I mean, not why. I guess I get why but, actually no. Why? What were you watching?"

God, I feel like I am being interrogated in the most uncomfortable interview ever. How do I even answer that? I fold my arms over my chest and shrug my shoulders.

"It is a natural thing Scar. It isn't like I do it very often. In fact, I haven't done it since you thought all that shit with Phoebe was true." I say. "And, I was watching just some random video on my phone." I can't believe I am telling her this. It's not like I even got any satisfaction out of it. I didn't even get to finish.

"Oh." She simply states. " weren't like looking at pictures of her or anything?"

What in the actual fuck? "You are kidding right?" She shakes her head. "No. I wouldn't use photos of her for something like that." I have thought about Scarlett a few times before when doing that but I refuse to tell her that. That is just too weird.

"So when I am ready, are you going to be comparing me to those girls?"

"Where is this all coming from?" I can't help but ask.

"I don't know. I just am worried when I decide that I am ready that you won't be as turned on by me or won't be as happy with my in bed because I will have no clue what in the hell I am doing at that point. It is terrifying. I have only done stuff with you and I just don't want to be compared to these bimbos you watch." She admits, looking away from me.

I place my finger under her soft chin, gently turning that beautiful face back to me. "You, Scarlett Isabelle Montgomery, always turn me on. Just one look at you and it gets me going. And when that time does happen, the only girl that will be on my mind is you and you only. These girls are just fake and it is something I do sometimes to just relieve myself after a shitty day or when I don't have you. I have only been with one girl anyways, so it isn't like I am some sex expert and I never cared for her the way I do you. If I didn't care for you so much, I probably would have had sex with you when you were ready and we were close. I only stopped you because I want to make sure it is special for you and that you are really ready. You only lose your virginity once and you can't get it back. It is like you give a piece of yourself to that person, and I want to make sure you want me to have that. Trust me, I want you. Fuck do I want you, but not so fast. If I get that piece of you, I want you to know, I won't ever want to share another piece with another man Scar." A lonely tear falls from her eyes and I gently rub it off of her plump cheek with my thumb. I kiss her forehead and she smiles.

After a while, Scar falls asleep on my chest. I move the hair out of her face, swiping it behind her ear. Gazing at this beautiful young woman who is now sleeping on me, this beautiful girl that only a while ago was worried I would compare her to someone else. I shake my head at the thought. It's occurred to me, something I think I have known for a while now, I love this girl. This silly, smart, insecure yet confident, athletic, talented and stunning young woman. I love Scarlett Montgomery. I kiss her cheek before letting my heavy eyelids win by closing them and fall asleep holding her.


Aww! Our poor Dean LOL! Embarrassing! 

How do you guys think he handled it? Do you think what he had to say to her is a true statement? 

Practice starts tomorrow! Find out how it goes, next Inning!

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