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I am rummaging through my locker, looking for...well nothing really. I am stalling. I am nervous, to say the least, about practice today. It doesn't help either that after this morning's little 'cat fight ', I have been getting these strange looks from everyone while walking these gosh forsaken halls. Even when I walked into the cafeteria today, it fell completely silent, like I was the new girl all over again.

The halls filled with nothing but whispers as people walked by me. I wish I could fit into this locker and hide. Come to think of it, our lockers are awfully small.

Instantly I feel something glide into my back pocket, making me almost jump out of my skin. I turn around and it is Dean with a huge ass grin on his face. "Got ya." He chuckles.

I scrunch my nose and stick my tongue out before joining him with laughter. He grabs my face with both hands and leans down to kiss me. His lips leaving their soft touch on mine before he rubs the tip of his nose to mine. I love that he has no issue with showing his affection when people are around. It doesn't faze him at all and I can't help but feel special that this amazing guy does this in front of everyone. Basically, I get to kiss the best guy in this school and show him off as my boyfriend.

"Ready for practice?" He asks me, leaning his back against the lockers, arms folded, and his back pack hanging from his left shoulder.

"As ready as I can be, I suppose." I groan and then shut my locker.

Dean lightly chuckles. "You are going to do great Scar. Just do what you have been doing with me and you will be perfectly fine. You're a badass babe, own it."

"I don't know. I just hope the team will accept me too. I mean, these girls have been at this school the last few years, busting their butts on the field and I don't want to step on any toes or anything being the new senior that takes the pitching position."

"You are kidding right?" I shake my head slowly and look away. "Scar-" Dean puts a finger under my chin, lifting my head up and then moves the finger to my cheek to make my head turn towards him, "you are going to help this team. They have been in dire need of a good pitcher for a long time. Anna can just be your relief pitcher."

Anna. Did I forget to mention who their pitcher was for Douglas? That's right, one of Phoebe's minions that is always on her hip. Lovely.

Nina walks up, popping her gum. " time."

I kiss Dean and wish him luck on his tryouts as well, even though we both know he has his spot.

"Scarlett Montgomery. I am glad to see you have changed your mind about playing for Douglas."

"Thank you, Mrs. Tanners. I am glad to be here." I had a brain fart and forgot momentarily she was not only the principal, but the varsity softball coach as well.

"Alright girls. I will assign certain positions for everyone and we will do a play and take turns and see where you fit on the field. While I choose these positions, warm up and run a lap around the field." Coach yells.

I haven't heard Mrs. Tanner's voice get any higher than the normal, polite greeting voice. I hear a girl loudly mumble, 'I hate running' and I laugh to myself. You are not in the right sport then sweetie.

"Julie! These are tryouts, wait for your crying later!" Coach yells even higher and it is almost scary.

After we do our warm ups and run, Coach has us go to our spots. At the pitcher's mound it is only Anna, myself and a girl named Monica who is a freshman this year. Nina is at the catcher's position and is ready to go. It is only her and a sophomore that Nina had said is her 'young grasshopper' learning her techniques. Granted, I couldn't help but laugh at the accent she used saying that.

"Anna go ahead and start pitching. Everyone else, start fielding. Get comfortable." Coach says again.

Anna begins pitching as I sit on the side waiting for my turn. I close my eyes to drown out all of the awkward whispers and wait for the sound of that pitch hitting the glove.

It doesn't come.

I open my eyes again and see that Anna had pitched the ball way over the catcher's head. Coach tells her again, and this time the ball hits right into the glove, making that sound that I love. She throws about six more pitches and I think I have most of her pitches down.

I hate to say it, because she is Phoebe's minion and all, but she's actually not bad. She is pretty good actually.

"Alright, Anna, Scarlett, switch."

"Nice job Anna." I say as she comes to the sidelines.

"Uh huh." Is all she manages to say.

I roll my eyes and roll her sarcastic reply off my shoulder. Focus Scar. Focus.

I walk to the mound and wipe off the dirt on the white slab with my cleat. Securing my pony tail, I then slide on my glove, and pick up a softball out of the basket that Coach has sitting to the side of the mound.

I look down at my cleats, standing on the white rubber and relax myself. Feeling the familiar texture of the ball stitching's, I then look to Nina and she signals for me to throw a fast ball. I wind my arm, push myself off of the mound, but when I bring my wrist out to flick the ball, I hit my thigh, causing the ball to drop at my feet.

Snickering and whispers. That is all that I hear from the sidelines. Anna, but of course. I stare down at the ground before taking the mound again, exhaling my frustration away. I need to stop letting them get to me. I can do this. I grab the ball that I had dropped and stand up, my attention going from the dirt to the glove on my hand.

"Shithead, life will always throw curves at you. Be the player who isn't afraid of that dirt, and handle any curve ball that's thrown."

I read the words on my glove. The glove my parents had made for my birthday so that I can have it for college. They shared my dream in this. My dream of being the best ball player I can be. I fell in love with everything in this game. The ball, the smells, the team, and the power I felt when I pitch a strike. I fell in love with each inning, each point that was added to the board.

They shared this dream with me, before they were taken from me. That doesn't mean it stops though. I believe they are still watching and supporting me. I run my finger over my necklace and kiss it. I look up at Nina and she nods, almost as if she knows it is game time now.

I bend down, rub my fingers in the dirt and get in my pitching stance. The snickering and light giggles still continuing, but I drown it out, and pitch my curve.

The sharp sound that it echoes once it hits right smack in the middle of Nina's glove, silences all of the noise from the sidelines. Instead it is switched with gasps. I repeat the same thing over ten times, different pitches. My curve almost feels like it is going faster and harder than before.

"Great job everyone! Tryouts are the same time rest of the week. Scarlett can you come here a moment?"

Everyone looks at me and then starts heading towards the locker rooms.

"Y-yeah coach?" Déjà vu starts to fill my mind, but then I push it away with her next words.

"Do you realize you were pitching about 81 miles per hour today on your curve?"

What? "I thought it felt like I was pitching a little harder today but I didn't realize." I rotate my arm in a circular motion. "My arm feels great too. Not sore at all."

Coach Tanners smiles. "Good, because we are going to need that during the games. I will make sure to get your number 18 jersey for you." She smiles and waves me off.

"What did coach want?" Nina asks me quietly so only I can hear.

I remove my sweaty top and pull over my tank. I refuse to shower in these public restrooms, I will just wait 'til I get home.

"She said she is going to get my number 18 jersey for me." I try not to sound too excited, otherwise I know that I will only hear her say...

"I told ya so!" Precisely.

The rest of the week fly's by and finally it is Friday. The list should be posted on the window today for who made the team. I know Coach told me already but there was still just that feeling of seeing your name on that piece of paper. Satisfaction from your hard work.

I go straight to the board on the side of the principal's office and wait in the line of girls that are awaiting to see if they have been cut or not. I look around and see that Anna is two people in front of me. The line moves quick, and we approach the board. Anna scans it and then steps to the side, her head down. Finally, it is my turn.

I bring my finger to the board and glide down to the M section, and locate my name. 'Scarlett Montgomery. Senior. Starting Pitcher.'

The smile on my face grows when I read the results. My heart quickens and I step away so that the next girl can go. I exhale, walking away, when I notice that Anna is now walking by me.

"Scarlett." She speaks up after about ten steps next to me.

"Yes?" I am treading lightly when it comes to the minion.

"I just...I just wanted to tell you nice job. I am your relief pitcher. I was pissed off about it at first, but as much as Phoebe doesn't like you, you don't seem to bad." She exhales and then pinches her bottom lip with her thumb and index finger. "I am okay with being a relief pitcher for someone that can actually pitch. Hate to admit it, but your damn good."

When she finishes, I don't quite know what to say. I feel her words are genuine, but then again, this could be a plan of Phoebe's.

"Thanks Anna." I say and mean it.

She smiles and then walks away, her hands in her pocket. Maybe Phoebe hasn't damaged all of her minions.

Suddenly I feel hands grip my waist and I know it is Dean. He loops his finger in my belt loop, making me spin around. Once I am facing him, his eyes hold my attention.

"Well, did my girl make the team?" I shake my head and try to put the biggest, most fake frown I could pull. His eyes widen and his jaw clenches. "What? How can that be?" He goes straight to the board, stepping in front of everyone and scans the bulletin.

I am guessing by the look he gives me, he found out I was joking.

"You little liar." He smiles.

He jogs back to me and picks me up, making me laugh, my goosebumps rising everywhere with his touch and close proximity.

"I wouldn't lie to you. Never."

"Never." He says, bringing me down slowly, planting a soft kiss on my lips.


This chapter is dedicated to my friend Maheen2003. Thanks for helping me find the perfect song for this chapter! ❤❤

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