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Tuesday Morning. Dean's Birthday and it was also Superhero/Villain Day of Spirit Week. Luckily, I still had my Halloween costume from last year that I could wear. I rolled out of bed and laid out the costume on my bed while I showered. Usually I wear light makeup but today I am being a little extra for my outfit, so I paint my face white, add light pink face paint on my cheeks for blush, apply heavy eyeliner with mascara, and then finally apply my deep red lipstick to my pouty lips. I then slip on the red and black Harley Quinn bodysuit which covers from head to toe. I pull over the top of my suit over my head, tucking my hair in, so that the jester hat sits on top. I don't have the red and black shippers she wears but I do have black, flat, ankle boots that go perfect with the outfit. Finally, I put on the last part, the black mask over my eyes.

Knock! Knock! I hear the front door and open it, welcoming in Nina. She is wearing a Captain Marvel outfit and she looks awesome! Her hair is slightly curled on the ends and her eyeshadow is a bright red with her shiny lip gloss, and to complete the look, her red boots. "Nina I love your outfit!" I say as I hug her lightly, not wanting to mess up either of our outfits.

"Me? Are you kidding? You look amazeballs! I am loving this....this entire look. And thank gosh you chose the original Harley Quinn costume."

"Thanks love. I swear I was so angry that they changed her outfit for that movie." I say as I grab my keys. "You ready to go?" Nina nods. Jake dropped her off so we take my car to school.

"Just letting you know, your bubble butt is a lot more noticeable in this costume of yours." She chuckles. "I wish I had some of your butt. I only got boobs."

Once we get to school, the bell is already ringing and we wave each other off, running to our classes so that we are not late, earning a few glances on the way. As soon as I stepped into English, I couldn't see anything else besides the guy dressed as Superman sitting in the desk that sits in front of my desk. Dean looks fucking hot, no sexy. Before I snap out of it and head to my desk, I catch him with his mouth open completely staring at me...good or bad I am not sure yet. "Damn." He said under his breath as I pass him to take a seat at my desk. I couldn't contain my chuckle or the burning in my cheeks.

"Of course, you're Superman." I whisper to him. I begin to open my book when I look up and Dean is staring at me again.

"Scarlett...I have to be completely honest with you and I don't mean to come off as sleezy or whatever but god damn. You look fucking good in that outfit." He says while looking straight into my eyes. My face crimsoned and I dropped my book on the ground.

As I leaned over to pick it up, Dean leaned over as well, touching my hand on the book in an attempt to retrieve it for me. He grabs the book and hands it to me, with his electric blue eyes boring into mine. There it goes again, my cheeks burning and the goosebumps slowly rising on my arms from his brief touch. "Th...thanks Dean" I nearly choke. "Oh and Happy Birthday. You're legally an adult now." I chuckle quietly, changing the subject.

Dean chuckles lightly and then replies, "Thank you, young lady," with that side smirk he does.

"Hey" I chuckle. "I am almost an adult too!" He chuckles and nods at me before saying, "I know."

About twenty minutes into class, the door opens and in walks Phoebe in a Cat woman costume. Almost the entire class whistles and cheers at her appearance. She has her blonde hair in tight curls that dangle past her shoulders, dark eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, red lipstick, and painted on whiskers. Her cat ears are black and fluffy, and the outfit is leather and is clinging to her body, showing all of her curves. With all of that and her knee high boots, I hate to admit it but she looks good. Phoebe flicks her hair and I can't help but notice her black pointy acrylic nails that she must have just gotten done for this outfit. When she sits down she glances back to Dean and gives him a quick smile and looks at him as if waiting for his compliment. I think, besides me, Dean was the only other student not hollering for Phoebe.

"And what the hell are you supposed to be? A joke?" Phoebe scoffs and is deliberately staring at me with a smug smile on her face.

I look down at my outfit and then back to Phoebe. "Hmm. Close, but this is the Harley Quinn outfit. I do like your Cat woman outfit." Kill her with kindness Scar. Just be the bigger person, I tell myself.

She gives me another smirk before rolling her eyes and turning her face away from me. Mr. Edwards starts his lesson for the day and while he's in mid lecture, Dean looks over his shoulder at me and winks with his side smile. Stop distracting me Dean, I need to pass this class. His captivating smile isn't helping me.

P.E. has been pretty easy this week. Since it is spirit week, Mr. Benson was pretty cool on not making everyone change out of their outfits for the week, so for those who participated got to sit in the gym on the bleachers catching up on homework.

For the students that didn't participate, they had to run suicides in the gym. Needless to say, there was hardly anyone running. I am pretty sure half of the class only dressed for spirit week so they wouldn't have to run suicides, and I don't blame them; I mean who wants to run when you can totally avoid it just by dressing up?

During P.E. today I was able to do the outline of the math project that is due Friday. Dex was my partner and the project for math is that we were to create a picture using parent functions and their transformations along with domains and ranges. Thankfully I had Dex as a partner because that was like Spanish to me when the teacher told us about the project.

Dex let me choose the picture and I chose a Penguin since they are my favorite. I was able to use my graphing calculator to at least get the outline done today. We have had two weeks to do this and we barely started actually working on it yesterday. Procrastination has always been a part of my relationship with math, because it is always so miserable so I literally put it off till last minute.

After P.E. ends I head to my math class and sit with Dex to show him the outline.

"So what do you think?" I ask him, holding up the poster board of the graph with the penguin. Mind you, I can't draw to save my life either but I was pretty proud of how the penguin turned out. It looks like a penguin to me so it works.

Dex chuckles lightly as he looks at the poster board. "Looks like a penguin to me. I just need to work on the product sheet for the graph and then write up the equations for the sketch."

I arch my eyebrow at him and he chuckles knowing that I did not understand anything that he just said. When we were assigned the project, I let him know right away that I was horrible at math so he volunteered to do the hard part of the project if I did the sketch. Sounded like a deal to me. "Uhh...sure? This was just a practice sketch, but it turned out decent enough so I don't want to chance it on attempting to draw another and it not looking like a penguin so is it alright if we stick with this one?" I asked Dex and he nodded his head. "Is there anything I can help you with? I mean to help you with your part? I feel sort of bad, all I had to do was draw a graph with a penguin."

"Well not really, this part is pretty simple. I do need another poster board though, a smaller one so I can draw the product sheet. If I write down all of the information can you just transfer it to the board? Your writing is much more legible than mine." He chuckles while grabbing his paper showing me his hand writing.

"Okay yeah I can do that. Do you want to go to the store after school to grab another board real quick today or tomorrow?"

"Well actually, if you can take me to the store today after school we can pick up the board and that way I can also pick up the cake for Deans party. You are going aren't you?" Dex asks me.

I nod, "Yeah. That works. Marie having you pick it up for her?"

"Yeah she text me last hour and said that she's going to be busy cooking and preparing the rest of the stuff for the party so she asked if could get it. I think she forgets sometimes that I don't have a car. I was just going to ask my mom to get me but if you don't mind..."

"No, of course not." The bell rings and we grab our stuff and walk out of class together. Dex walks with me to my locker so I can put my stuff away and we catch up with Nina who says she is getting picked up by Caleb and will meet us at the party, so it will just be Dex and me. I unlock my car and Dex hops in the front passenger seat. Before I get in, I remove my mask and pull down the hat part of my costume, letting my hair fall out. That is when I catch Dean staring at me while sitting in his jeep on his phone. I didn't even notice that he parked behind me or that he was in the jeep. He looks dumbfounded and keeps looking from my car to me. I wave to him with a friendly smile and he reaches over his steering wheel with one hand giving me a small wave while still talking on the phone, annoyance written over his perfect face.

As we are driving I tell Dex that I wanted to drive home real quick and change out of my costume first before going to the store. Dex didn't change out for spirit week today, so we only needed to make two stops. Marie was going to make Dean run a few errands before coming home so I needed to hurry. Dex sat on the stool by the breakfast bar while I rushed to get changed. I threw my hair up in a messy bun, and washed my face, removing all of the makeup and paint that was on it. I put on some light eyeliner and mascara and then changed into my denim shorts, a white and black baseball cotton shirt, and my black converse. I wanted to look nicer for Dean's party but I really didn't have the time to doll myself up so this will have to do.

We get to the store and Dex goes to the bakery to pick up the birthday cake that Marie ordered while I run into the art supplies aisle to grab a poster board. When I find the aisle, Ryker is standing there holding a couple different colored poster boards pondering over them before he looks up and notices me standing there awkwardly. "Hi." He said to me. What else is there to say really?

I give him a small grin trying to not show the discomfort I am feeling right now being the only two people in the aisle before saying anything. "Hi. I uh, just need to grab a poster board real quick." I say looking at the boards that he is standing directly in front of.

He looks over his shoulder briefly, and then places one of the boards back in its holder stepping aside with the other. "Sorry." He says quietly and I don't know if it is for simply just being in the way or if he is apologizing for other reasons again. I nod and grab a poster board out of the rack quickly, not paying attention to what size of board I am grabbing, and turn on my heel to walk away as fast as I can and not run. I just felt so damn uncomfortable. "I really am sorry Scarlett." I hear him say before I get out of the aisle. I stop in my tracks and turn to face him, and his eyes widen probably in shock that I even stopped.

"If you were so sorry, why hook up with someone else not even days after what you did?" I scoff. "Low blow. Especially the fact that you not only hooked up with someone else right away, but the fact that you did it with someone who was dating one of your best friends. But don't worry, I can tell that you are really sorry." I say with complete sarcasm in my voice.

I roll my eyes and chuckle is disbelief as I turn and walk away from the aisle. Leaving Ryker standing there with his head hanging low and his hand buried deep in his pocket, sulking.

Dex shows me how to get to Dean's house and we park in the back with the other cars so that Dean won't see them when he gets back from doing errands. I don't spot his jeep yet, so least we beat him to the house, to make it in time for the surprise. I follow Dex through the gate of the backyard and into the sliding door of the house, Dex caring the cake and me carrying the small gift I picked up for Dean. When we walked inside of the house, we were standing in the kitchen with Marie, Nina, Caleb, Jake, and some other people that I didn't recognize. Marie greets us with a smile and thanks us for bringing the cake. Dex goes to set the cake down on the table when I make my way over to where Nina is standing.

"Hey girl! You were pushing it. Dean will be here any minute." She says with anxiousness. I can tell she loves things like this.

"Sorry. We tried to hurry. I had to change and then while we were picking up the cake I ran into Ryker at the store. He tried apologizing again, and I kind of went off on him." I tell her just quiet enough for only to hear.

Nina looks at me with curiosity in her eyes. "What did you say to him?"

Before I get the chance to tell her, Marie shouts, "He's here." Everyone scrambles around to get in one spot and someone shuts off the light, making it pitch black in the house. The door creaks open and Dean walks in mumbling, "Why the hell is it so dark in here? Mom are you home....?" He turns on the light, revealing all of us standing in the living room.

"SURPRISE!!!!" Everyone shouts.

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