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You know that saying that pretty much every mother says? You know the one; when you have a child, you find a love you have never felt before. Well, after five long excruciating hours of labor, I got to experience this type of love too, even though I'm not the new mommy here. My brother tried to send me to school but there was no way I was going to miss this. I mean, they made me wait this entire time to even find out the sex, so of course I stayed.

Though, I seen more of Valerie than I ever thought I would in my life, it was beautiful. The pain that we women endure to deliver a baby, to bring another life into this world, it's amazing really. We women truly are a strong gender. As for my brother, Seth is doing okay now. He got a bit lightheaded and almost passed out but he hung in there.

At exactly 10:49 AM on this beautiful Thursday morning, my beautiful niece came into this world only weighing five pounds. Once Valerie gave birth, she was the only one able to hold the baby for a few minutes before the nurses took her so they could clean her up. Now I sit in the waiting room with Seth, who has his fingers intertwined with an exhausted Valerie, passed out in her gown on the bed.

Seth's grin has remained the same, ear to ear, ever since he saw the baby and he can't take his glossy brown eyes off of his now baby mama.

"It truly makes me so happy to see you like this Seth." I fight back my own tears, happy tears of course.

Seth wipes at the corner of his eyes and brings his other hand to my hand, his grin still present. "Thank you so much for being a part of this. For being here." He says genuinely. He looks back at Valerie and continues, "I can't believe I'm a daddy now, Scar."

My smile grows and I feel my tear ducts emitting more drops. "Well, if you're anything like our dad, then this kid is pretty damn lucky." Seth grins even larger, I didn't think it was possible, and then engulfs me in a hug.

A light knock at the door interrupts us, and two female nurses enter the room, dressed in their lilac scrubs and stethoscopes hanging around their necks. One of the nurses walks over to Valerie to check her vital signs and the very annoying beeping monitor, while the other walks towards Seth and me, pushing a bassinet in front of her.

"Would you like to hold your baby?" The nurse asks with a smile.

Seth gasps and stands up excitedly, nodding his head. He rushes over to the sink and washes his hands off and gently picks up his precious newborn, all bundled up in her pink blanket. Seth sits down and just stares at her, adoringly and proudly. My heart can't take this much cuteness. I grab my cellphone and stand up to capture the moment. My big brother, a dad. 

Hope you guys can see this. He is going to do great, just like you dad.

I look up and think to myself, another tear falls out simultaneously.

"Would you like to hold your niece, Scar?" Seth asks me.

I put my phone in my pocket. "Of course, I do!" I exclaim. Seth chuckles and gestures towards the sink for me to wash my hands.

I quickly pace over to the sink, turning on the warm water and wash my hands thoroughly, my hands shaking from the nervousness growing in me. I dry my hands and then turn on my heel to sit next to Seth.

I take a seat and exhale, intimidated by how gently Seth is. "Seth, I am scared." I admit. "She is just so tiny, I have never held a baby before, let alone one that was just literally born." I whisper and Seth just arches his brow.

"You'll be fine. Besides, you're going to need practice now, Auntie Scar." My heart flutters at the thought of her saying that one day. "Scar, meet your niece, Elaine Isabelle Montgomery." Seth says as he places her tiny body in my arms.

I cradle her to my chest and watch in adoration as Elaine moves her extremely small hands over her eyes, opening them to look at me. Her soft brown eyes, thin lips, and the barely there brown hair, resembles my brother. I gently stroke my index finger over her chubby cheek and she yawns, the smallest, yet adorable yawn I have ever seen in my entire life.

Giggling, I say, "She looks like you."

Seth nods and chuckles lightly, as does Valerie whom just woke up. "That she does. Though, I hope she is like her mother. She can look like me, but I hope she is this warm, sweet, and genuine girl, just like her momma." Seth says and stands up to kiss Valerie on the lips. "I love you." He whispers to her.

She can look like him, but be her mother. My brother's words fill my thoughts.

If she can, so can he. My subconscious likes to point out. I want to tell her to shut it, but she's right. Dean may look like his dad, but he is like his mother through and through.

"Seth," I announce, standing up from the chair, "I have something I need to do."

Seth nods and stands up, opening his arms so that I can give him Elaine. I kiss my adorable niece on the forehead, and hand her to Seth. "I can't believe you're a dad either." I admit. "But it suits you. Congratulations guys, I love you both."

Seth smiles and says, "She is named after two of my favorite women, mom and you. She's got big shoes to fill, just as I do."

I kiss Seth on the cheek and give Valerie a hug before leaving.

Once I get to school, it's now fourth hour, last class of the day. I get into math and take my seat when I see Dex walk in. His eyes about bulge out of his skull when he spots me. I wave at him as he walks towards me, filling the empty chair next to me.

"Where were you?" He asks in a hushed tone.

I grin at the exciting news and share the recent events with him. "Wow that's rad. Well, congrats then Auntie." He congratulates and I chuckle at his new nickname for me.

"Is he here today?" I ask Dex. I know by the look he gives me that he knows who I am talking about, even though I didn't mention Dean by name.

Dex rubs the back of his neck and looks away. "Yeah, he's here today."

"What's wrong?" I ask.

Dex shrugs his shoulders and grabs his pencil from his back pack as the teacher walks in.

"Dex, are you mad at me?" I ask just loud enough for him to hear me.

He looks over to me and shakes his head. "No."

"Then what is it?"

Dex exhales and says quietly, "You're breaking my best friend's heart, Scarlett. Are you only asking if he's here today to avoid him?" I look at Dex and hold his gaze, shaking my head slowly to answer his question. "He loves you; you know that don't you? And, I have known the guy since we were just two little shits still shitting in our diapers. His dad was never the greatest guy, but he's not anything like..."

"I know." I cut Dex off and he looks stunned. "I know he's different. I came to school today to talk to him. I love him, Dex."

Dex giggles like a little school girl. He is such a goof, I swear. "I knew it." He states and I shake my head laughing. "We will go find him after class together, deal?"



"Phoebe, look, what we had is done. I told you this, over and over. Please stop making me be a dick to you and just leave me alone." I groan as I shove my books in my locker, grabbing only my notebook to take home with me.

I am so glad that I finished all of my other work so that I can take tonight to write my paper for English today.

I shut my locker and lean my forehead against the locker, the coolness of the steel slowly putting out the fire burning within. Praying that Phoebe left, I look down and see her damn tan heels. I grunt as I fold my arms over my chest, my hand still holding onto my notebook.

"What do I need to do to make you go away? To leave me alone?" I beg. I have had enough, and at this point I am willing to do just about anything to get her to finally let me be.

Phoebe looks around and then smirks before looking back to me. "Kiss me." She states.

I immediately uncross my arms. When I said I was willing to do anything, I didn't consider that. Am I willing to do that, to kiss the snake to get her to leave?

"Kiss me right here, right now and then I am gone."

I look at her small lips and instantly feel ill. I really, really don't want to do this, and in public, really? I know Scarlett isn't here today so at least she won't see this. Besides, she is going to prom with Brandon, what does she care anymore. She legit hates me.

"Fine, I'll kiss you and then you leave me alone, Phoebe." I demand and she nods, all the while smirking as if she knows something that I don't.

My desperation of finally being rid of Phoebe blinds me from seeing my surroundings, from whom was around me. My lips touch Phoebe's and she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me into her. My stomach turns at the sickening taste of her lips. It's not that her lips are horrible, it's just not the person I want to be kissing. Phoebe keeps tugging me into her, as if trying to fuck me against the lockers and I bring my hands up to pull her arms down and gently push her away from me. Her lips pink and eyes hungry as she cackles.

"What's so fucking funny Phoebe? You got what you wanted, so now leave."

"Oh, I'll leave." She bellows then leans in to whisper in my ear. "I don't want you anyways. Kind of bored of that flavor. I just wanted her to see it." She points her finger towards Dex and Scarlett mere feet away from me and walks off.

Scarlett's face is completely pale, except for her cheeks, which look crimson red with anger. She looks at Dex and then storms off.

"Scarlett, wait!" I call out with no such luck.

"Dude, what the fuck? I thought you loved Scarlett and wanted to work things out with her." Dex says with anger as he approaches me.

"I do."

"Then why the fuck were you kissing Phoebe?" He asks, confusion laced in his angry tone.

"I thought she wasn't here today." I say quietly as I look towards the door where Scarlett left. I look at Dex and he furrows his brows, no doubt waiting for an answer. "I asked Phoebe what I needed to do for her to leave me alone and she said to kiss her." I admit and Dex's eyes widen in disappointment. "I was desperate, Dex. She wouldn't leave me the hell alone. Calls, texts, nagging me every time she sees me at school about prom. I have had enough of her, so I thought, fuck it. Kiss her and it's all over with."

Dex pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes shut before opening them back up. "Dean, she only came to school today to see you, to talk to you. She wanted you back man. But you might have just messed that up."

My heart stills. "She wants me back?" I croak. I feel like I am having a hard time believing that considering everything that has happened recently. Dex nods and I feel my insides turn.

She wanted me back and then when she is on her way to tell me, I foolishly kiss her nemesis to rid of her. Ugh, just my fucking luck. Good fucking job Dean.

"What should I do?"

"Honestly, I think you need to just tell her the truth."

I take a moment to think about what I would even say, how if the truth will even be enough for her to scrub that image from her memory and forgive me. This is Scarlett we're talking about here, so she deserves the truth, and that's what she will get.

After about an hour and a half into practice, Coach announces he is ending practice early today, which couldn't work any better for me. I run to the dugout and put my glove and cap in my duffel bag, zip it up and swing it over my shoulder.

"Hey, want to go get a burger or something?" Dex asks as he wipes the sweat from his forehead.

"Can't, sorry. I have something I need to do." I say as I start walking out.

"Like what?" Dex asks loudly.

I turn around and walk backwards as I look at Dex. "I've got to go get my girl back." I announce and he grins.

I think he already knew before he asked. Smug shit. I chuckle and head towards my jeep, throwing my stuff in the back seat, and turn my engine and drive off to get her back. To get my Scar back.

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