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"She said what now?" Nina questions me, tossing the ball back to me.

The ball hits smack in the middle of my glove, and I close it, pulling the glove to my chest as I close my eyes briefly, remembering the conversation I overheard this morning.

I open my eyes and then take my stance at the mound and prepare to pitch another ball to Nina, the sound of the rest of the team practicing echoes over to us behind the dugout, where Nina and I are working my arm. There is an important game next week and I can't let distractions like Phoebe and Dean get to me.

"Yeah, can you believe it? Well I mean I guess you can, but still. The bitch had the nerve to ask him to dance with her." I grunt and then wind up my arm and pitch another fast ball to Nina. A faint echo comes from the glove when the ball hits, but not as loud as I would like it. I need to bring more heat.

Nina chuckles sarcastically. "Oh you bet your ass I can believe it. I can't believe the nosey broad was listening to our conversation about prom. Like really? Do you not have anything better to do with your life?" Nina scoffs. "So, what was Dean's reaction to hearing about you going to prom with Brandon?"

I shrug my shoulders because I really don't know how he felt. He didn't say anything to me, not that I would have stayed behind to listen though. But still, it's just Brandon, it isn't a big deal.

"Well, I think you two just really need to sit down and talk. It's either always you or him that scurries off, while the other just lingers." Nina calls me out and then throws the ball back to me and signals to throw a curve.

"I get both sides though, I do. I mean, I get why his mother and him kept it secretive for her business, but on the other hand, he did tell you soon after he found out how you two have this unfortunate thing in your lives in common."

I can't help but roll my eyes and mope to the pitching mound. "By unfortunate thing, you mean his father killing my parents." I bark. I don't mean to be snappy, it's just a sensitive subject, you know?

Nina squats and prepares for a pitch to be thrown, her glove stretched outward and opened. "You know what I mean. Don't get all snappy with me missy, it isn't my fault nor is it his, you and I both know that." I want to roll my eyes, but don't. Besides, who am I kidding, I do know she's right. "Besides, I said I agree with both sides. I get why you are hurt. You lost your parents, which is the most traumatizing thing that has happened to you and then literally right after you give up your virginity to the guy you love, he shows up to school with his ex bimbo girlfriend on his arm and dumps you. That wasn't right and he was a shit for doing it, but, he only did that to protect you."

I kick at the dirt, letting her words course through me and I take a deep breath before winding my arm, pushing myself off of the mound and pitch the ball, only it doesn't go in Nina's glove. I watch as the ball releases from my hand and goes straight in the air. A fucking rookie move. I shake my frustration and jog over to retrieve the ball, dismissing Nina from getting it.

"Look, I wasn't trying to upset you. Just take a breather okay. So we still on for dress shopping tomorrow after school?"

I gaze at her for a moment, amazed at how fast she can change subjects but then I am grateful for it. This is a busy week. School, practice, English paper due on Friday, and then prom Saturday. Today is already Wednesday, so to say we waited last minute to go dress shopping, is an understatement. Not wanting to, but knowing we should, I agree. 

"Okay...what about.....this one!" Nina exclaims as she steps out of the dressing rooms.

This must be her tenth dress that she has tried on. I glance up and down at the red dress that stops just above the knee. All nonchalant like, I shrug my shoulders and give Nina a small smile.

"It's pretty. Though, I really liked dress number four, the black one. It is either between that one or the one you already have at home that you chose two months ago." I admit with a small chuckle.

Nina looks down at her dress and then rolls her eyes before grunting. "Oh fine. I'll go put it back on to make sure it's the right one. And you missy, stop being a Debbie downer!" She points at me and smiles mischievously before walking back into the dressing room.

I stay seated, crossing my legs and hold the dress that I chose off of the rack to my chest. Moments later, Nina emerges from the dressing room once again, this time she is dressed in the ankle length black dress. It's sleeveless, the fitting dress hangs over her shoulders with the two black straps. The dark sequins makes it glimmer under the lights as she turns. I watch as Nina picks up the sides of the dress and checks her reflection in the mirror, doing a full turn to get a good look. The smile that grows on her face tells me she likes it too.

"Alright, I love it, I admit it." She chuckles and I join her. She gestures her thumb back to the dressing room. "Let me change real quick and then it's your turn!" She exclaims.

I shake my head at her excitement. I would be more excited if I was going with whom I really wanted to be with....but it's my fault that I'm not going with Dean. So why sulk over my mistake?

Nina steps out of the dressing room, back into her white capris and blue tank top, the black dress draped over her arm. She looks at me and smiles and gestures to the now vacant dressing room.

"Well, get your cute butt in there. It isn't going to try itself on."

I shake my head again and laugh. Whether the laugh was real or not, I am not sure. Geeze, Nina is right, I have been a Debbie downer lately. I stand from the ugly yet comfortable, tan leather chair and enter the dressing room, locking the door behind me.

I remove my converse, jeans and yellow and white baseball shirt, placing them on the small bench that is in the dressing room. Why do they put these in dressing rooms anyway? I remove the hanger from the champagne colored dress, placing it on the hook and put my legs in, pulling the dress all the way up.

I take the halter like dress and fasten it behind my neck and then turn around to look at myself in the mirror. The dress looks elegant yet sexy at the same time, and is more comfortable than I thought it would be. The champagne colored dress has a plunging V line in front, exposing my cleavage and even my small birthmark on my left breast. The right side looks as though the dress is wrapped in a knot and rests on my hip, leaving the slit to show off my long legs. There is a small train, but barely and the back is completely uncovered, exposing my entire back. It feels light and silky on my skin, and I instantly feel like I am wearing my robe.

I take a deep breath, unlock the door and step out for my best friend to see, and whether or not she approves. Nina is texting away on her phone and doesn't see me so I clear my throat to get her attention. When I do, she looks up from her phone and her mouth falls open as she stands up, still holding her phone with both hands.

"O...M...G. Scarlett, you looking fucking amazing. I love, love, looooove that dress on you." She chimes and her approval makes me smile.

"You think? It's not too much? I am exposing more skin than...well than ever." I ask, doing a quick circle so she can see what I mean by all the skin flashing.

Nina puts her phone in her pocket and then approaches me, resting her hands on my shoulders. "You, my gorgeous best friend, are going to knock em' dead. And you will be the second most beautiful girl there." She wiggles her brow as I cock my head, smiling. "I mean, Caleb always tells me I'm the most beautiful." She jokes but I do admire the adorableness that Caleb and Nina possess in their relationship.

" you think...?" I start.

"Yes. Absolutely, no questions asked, yes." Nina answers me before I even finish my sentence. I don't know how she does that. Her big brown eyes look softly into mine, "Dean will love it."

After Nina and I purchase our dresses, which were more affordable than I presumed, we headed home. Nina kept joking about how she has two dresses at home she will have to choose from now. Either way, Caleb will love her in whatever she chooses to wear and she will look beautiful. I wonder if Dean will look at me that way in my dress. Will he even be there?

I shake the thoughts from my head as I pull up into the driveway, turning my key to kill the engine of my Volkswagen bug. I reach in the back seat and grab the long clear plastic bag that contains my dress and hop out of the car, shutting the door behind me. I walk up the small pavement walkway and open the door, the only light emitting from the television screen reveals Seth laid out on the couch. I close the door softly, assuming that Valerie must be asleep, the small click catches my brother's attention.

"Hey sis, you find a dress?" He asks in a hushed voice. I nod and smile, making my way to sit beside him on the couch.

Seth pulls his legs in so that he can sit up right, giving me some room to sit on the couch. "Is that it?" Seth asks, pointing to the dress draped over my arms. I look down and nod. "Well, let's see it then." He demands.

I feel like I should be more excited, but I just feel...empty. I stand from the couch, and remove the dress from the bag, hanging it up so that Seth can see the entire thing. Seth reaches out and rubs the material of the dress between his thumb, index and middle finger.

"Wow that is super nice. I like the silk material. Very pretty sis, you will look stunning." Seth says. I turn the dress around and his eyes go wide. "And what in the hell is that?"

"It's open back. It has a slit in the front too."

Seth pinches the bridge of his nose and then shakes his head. "Scar, no. If you wear something like that, I am going to end up having to be the damn chauffer and having to beat some boy's asses for gawking at you all night."

Before I have a chance to defend my dress, Valerie steps in, turning the light on. "Oh, you leave her alone Seth. That dress is absolutely gorgeous, and she's 18 now, so technically she can wear what she wants." She smirks, waddling into the living room and taking a seat on the sofa and rubbing her belly.

Seth groans and then smiles. "Alright, alright. Wear the dress, you will look beautiful. But, if there is any issues, you better call me." He threatens sarcastically and we all laugh.

"Oof." Valerie whines, holding her belly.

"What's wrong baby?" Seth asks, concern laced in his voice as he jumps off the couch immediately to rest his knees on the floor beside her, placing his palm over her belly.

"I...I don't know." Valerie looks at Seth and then moves her hand over her swollen belly. "Seth....I think I am having the baby."

"What? Now? Oh my...what do I do?" Seth asks frantically, looking between Valerie and me. When Valerie's eyes widen with fear, Seth stands up. "Never mind, I know what to do, I got this." Seth looks at me, both hands folded together at his chest. "Okay Scar, I need you to help Valerie get to the car and turn it on. I will get her a pair of clothes and the diaper bag."

I nod and stand up, running over to Valerie, swinging her arm over me so that I can help her off of the sofa and assist her to the car. After some struggling, I manage to get Valerie in the car, making sure to not bump her swollen belly, and get in the back seat. I watch as my brother comes outside, locking the door behind him and runs to the car, the headlights beaming on him with his hands full of stuff.

Who knows, I may have a niece or nephew tonight.

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