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Hercules sat across from Lafayette in the yard, a snakes and ladders board between them. They were right in the middle of a very heated game, bets placed and game faces on. Hercules rolled the dice, getting a six and laughing at Lafayette's horrified expression. Hercules smirked smugly, moving his counter six places and sliding up a ladder.

"Merde! That's not fair!" Lafayette yelped, snatching up the dice.
"It's just a board game Laf," Hercules chuckled, watching him shake the dice in his fist erratically.
"Just a board game I bet $10 I could beat you at," Lafayette mumbled, throwing down the dice. He got two, leading to a snake.

"Rigged! What did you do to this dice?" Lafayette yelled, shoving an accusing finger in Hercules' chest. He snatched up the dice and threw it at Hercules. Hercules laughed at his sore loser of a friend until their attention was snapped elsewhere.

Near the centre of the yard, inmates began to crowd around a metal table.
Hercules and Lafayette glanced at each other, shrugging and turning their attention to the commotion.

The yard fell silent as George Frederick climbed up on top of the table. Hercules rolled his eyes in a bored manner and Lafayette nodded with a small chuckle.
"My fellow inmates," he began to address in a thick British accent. "You have been gathered he-" he continued until a random inmate interrupted him from the ground.
"Shut it British bastard, nobody wants you in charge!"

A few laughs and hoots echoed around the yard as George's eye line fell to that particular inmate.
"I will tear you into pieces if yo-" George began to threaten with wide eyes until he was interrupted yet again.
"George," Burr yelled from the back of the yard. Heads turned as he slowly made his way over.

"You." George hissed, glaring at Aaron as he approached the table, inmates parting like the red sea to let him through.
"I think it's time for a bit of change in the way this prison yard is run," Burr announced, turning away from George and facing the inmates. "Starting with choosing who's in charge."

A few murmurs passed through the yard when Burr swivelled around and clapped his hands. George opened his mouth to interject but was cut off by Aaron immediately.
"In previous times not everyone had a say in who they wanted in power, as those who had the upper hand physically took charge using force and fear." He lectured, meeting the gazes of confused inmates.

"I propose a vote take place," With that inmates began to chatter, shoving each other and arguing. "Tomorrow-" Burr yelled, catching everyone attention. "Lunch time, the vote shall commence."

With that Burr left the yard, leaving inmates dumb-founded at what had just happened. It was all so sudden, but sounded like a fair approach.
"Should we just vote then? I mean, maybe we can get someone decent in charge, finally," Hercules shrugged, fiddling with the dice.
"Oui, Burr could be onto something, but we are in prison, he cannot expect these criminals not to turn this into a lunch-time smack down." Lafayette sighed, shaking his head. Hercules hummed in agreement. He opened his mouth to say something else but a familiar voice cut in.

"Hey, what was that all about?" John asked, walking up to the two boys and standing over the game board.
"Ah, just the others planning a vote for top dog," Hercules muttered with a small laugh. John was intrigued by this vote as during his entire time in prison Jefferson had been in charge. Now that he was gone things had started falling to shit. He paused before speaking again. "Where were you anyway? That was an awful long meeting with Washington,"

"I saw Alex," John beamed, catching Lafayette and Hercules interested gazes.
"How is he?" Lafayette cut in quickly.
"He's fine, he'll be back here in about 4 days, if I remember correctly." John smiled, relief washing over the other two boys.
"Things have been too quiet without him," Hercules laughed, earning a chuckle of agreement from Laf and John.

John prepared to sit down with his friends when a shout echoed behind him. He swivelled around and saw inmates sprinting to the fence, throwing themselves against it, climbing it, everyone trying to get a peek of what was going on.

Lafayette and Hercules stood and the three of them bolted to the fence. When they reached the end of the fence John's stomach dropped to his toes.

Levi Weeks was being escorted out of the prison, inmates throwing their food at him and screaming derogatory terms as he passed. Levi kept his eyes downcast, a dangerous scowl painted onto his face. He glanced up, just in time to see John against the fence. As he passed Levi thrashed out of the guards grip and ran pull pelt at the fence, grabbing the collar of John's shirt through the fence and pulling him up against it. The side of John's face slammed into the fence and Levi leaned up to his ear.

"You haven't seen the last of me, Laurens," Levi growled, licking John's cheek before he was snatched away by the guards. John stumbled backwards from the fence, Hercules catching him, as Levi cackled in an insane sense on his way out the prison gates. John wiped his cheek on his sleeve, cringing at the disgusting feeling crawling along his face like a disease.

"What did he say?" Lafayette asked quietly, squeezing John's shoulder.

"I don't think we're getting rid of Levi that easy,"

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