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Samuel Seabury scanned his card and entered the private confinement unit, closing the door carefully behind him and approaching the officer that was on duty.

"Shift's up Officer Eaker," he greeted with half a smile and a nod.
"I thought Dolley had the night shift?" Jacob questioned, standing from his post to leave anyway.

"Officer Payne called in sick," Seabury spoke with a frown. "Jefferson gave me her shift," he sighed, "has he said anything?" Seabury added, nodding towards Levi's cell. Jacob shook his head, sighing with relief.
"The freak hasn't spoken to anyone but Jefferson since he arrived," Jacob muttered, just loud enough for Seabury to catch.

"Well, thank you Officer Eaker, have a safe trip home," Seabury smiled weakly, replacing Jacob at his post across from Levi's cell door.
"Thank you, good night Officer," Jacob nodded curtly, making his way out and letting the door slowly swing shut behind him.
Seabury embraced the silence, peering into Levi's cell. Unlike solitary confinement where prisoners are hidden away, these cells had a wall of thick glass, making sure Levi couldn't do anything behind the officer's backs. Levi sat on the floor, his back against the wall and his head hung low, his dirty hair acting as a curtain to hide his face.

"Weeks," Seabury spoke firmly, not earning a single flinch from Levi. He just continued to sit motionless against the wall, Seabury sighing with frustration. "Levi Weeks," he ordered again, a bit more forcefully. Levi lifted his head a tad and glared at Samuel with hollow eyes, his whole face dark under the shadow of his hair.
"What." He spat aggressively, Samuel flinching a little but trying to hide it from Levi, regaining a dominant posture.

Samuel opened his mouth, preparing to ask about Levi's talk with Jefferson, but he was interrupted by his radio buzzing.
"Officer Seabury, come in," Jefferson's voice crackled. Seabury's eyes widened and he quickly slipped the machine out of his belt and lifted it to his mouth.
"Officer Seabury reporting, over," he spoke clearly, his eyes never breaking contact with Levi.

"Officer Seabury, we need to talk, please call me on your mobile, over," Jefferson answered sharply. Seabury didn't bother answering. He broke his eye contact with Levi to reach into his back pocket and retrieve his phone. He wasn't permitted to have it on him during work but night shifts were an exception, as approved by Jefferson and Washington before him.

Seabury unlocked his phone swiftly and clicked his contacts, finding Jefferson's number and calling him just as he had been ordered. It only took one ring for Jefferson to pick up, his voice at a dangerously low octave that sent shivers sparking down Seabury's spine.
"Samuel," he addressed.
"Governor Jefferson," Seabury greeted in response. "How can I be of assistance,"
"I would like you to release Levi Weeks from his cell, providing him with your key card." Jefferson ordered hastily. Seabury's stomach dropped to his toes, his whole body shaking a little.

"Excuse me?" He exclaimed wildly, nervously fidgeting shifting his other hand from his pocket, down to his side, to his hip, and then back to his side, unable to stand still.
"You heard me," Jefferson answered in a sarcastic chuckle that worried Seabury even more. Seabury glanced at Levi who was now grinning in an insane manner, his eyes still trained on Samuel. He gulped and turned back to the phone, the decision making process for his answer hardly a feat.

"No." Seabury replied sharply. He knew he had dug his own grave when the line hung in deadly silence, Jefferson's breathing echoing softly on the other end. Seabury bit the inside of his cheek nervously.

"What did you say to me?" Jefferson's voice finally rang through from the other end.
"I said no Thomas," Seabury confirmed, his voice wavering a little. He swallowed, waiting for Jefferson to say something, anything, but the line was practically dead.
"I am your boss and I am ordering you to release Levi Weeks, now." Thomas reiterated harshly.
"Weren't you the one who burned half his face off?" Seabury spat accusingly. "You're the head of the prison, you need to be doing the right thing. Why are you teaming up with Levi now, after he broke your loyalty?" Seabury explained into the phone, Levi narrowing his eyes at him menacingly through the glass.
"Weeks fixed my loyalty with bandages of cash. Now you will release him or your career here is finished." Jefferson hissed into the phone. Seabury's eyes widened and he glanced at Levi who was biting his lip giggling. Seabury squinted at Levi menacingly and his grin fell.

"I would rather loose my job that see someone as kind hearted as John be assaulted by Levi again for absolutely no reason besides Levi's possessive nature. It's a sacrifice you should be willing to make too."  Seabury growled into the phone. "If I get another order like this I will be reporting you, good night Governor," Seabury finished, preparing to hang up the phone before Thomas quickly added something that made him shudder with fear.
"Don't cross the top dog."


Peggy dropped her toothbrush in a cup and wiped her mouth on a towel, turning back to her bathroom mirror and beginning to fix her hair into a plait. She had only just began when her phone exploded with music. She jumped in shock, dropping all her hair and swivelling around in a battle stance. She dropped her hands and sighed, holding a hand to her chest when her brain registered the sound as her ringtone. She ran into her bedroom, sliding in like an ice skater thanks to her fuzzy knee-high socks, and collapsed on her bed, snatching up her phone.

Samuel Seabury's name flashed up and she looked at the phone with surprise followed by panic, why was he calling this late at night? He was on night duty, had something bad happened? She quickly answered it and held the phone to her ear with an expression of concern.
"Sam- Officer Seabury," she quickly corrected herself, taking on her professional work place aura. "Is everything okay at the prison?"

"Y-yes, everything is fine, I'm just calling with a word of warning," Seabury muttered anxiously on the other end. Peggy sat up and pushed her hair back behind her ear.
"Warning? Seabury what's going on? Do I need to come do-" Peggy began to panic a little.
"NO! No, just, listen," He sighed. "Don't believe anything Jefferson tells you about me."

"What's that supposed to mean? Officer you need to be more clear," she spoke firmly, confusion sweeping across her face as she stared blankly at her bedroom wall.
"Just trust me, okay? Please. Anything he says or does, you can't believe him, please," Seabury pleaded worriedly. Peggy bit her lip and glanced out her window, unsure of what to say.
"O-okay, I'll see you at work tomorrow, yes?" Peggy asked cautiously.
"I... I can't answer that," he muttered timidly, followed by static from the phone being shuffled between his hands on the other end. Peggy's skin crawled with anxiousness now. "One other thing-" he added hurriedly before Peggy could cut in.
"Levi does not leave his cell. No matter what happens. I don't care if the prison's on fire, something is brewing and he needs to be watched like a hawk." Seabury warned, his voice low and serious, a tone Peggy had never heard from her usually cheerful and optimistic coworker. Peggy nodded her head, quickly realising Seabury couldn't see her and slapping her forehead.
"O-okay," she muttered, straightening up and trying to sound professional and in control. "We will be discussing this further tomorrow, good night Officer," She spoke calmly. "Samuel, be safe," she added with a frown.

"Thank you Vice Governor Schuyler," Seabury sighed with relief.
"Peggy," She corrected quietly.
"Thank you Peggy," he sighed quietly. "Goodnight," she finished, hanging up the phone.


"Hello, yes this is Thomas Jefferson, Governor at King's Correctional Facility, I would like to request an immediate premises audit, I have reason to believe both prisoners and staff are harbouring and exchanging contraband in the prison, yes as soon as possible. My regards, I will have my approval papers faxed to you right now, good night to you too sir."

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