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A/N slight gore warning at the end? Idk it's really not bad

John sat in Alex's new bed, in his new cell, in his new cell block. It made him uncomfortable but being with Alex made it better. Alex was seated on the bed in front of him, reading a book while John braided his hair delicately. It was moments like these John enjoyed, the peace and serenity.

They were in prison for fuck's sake that wasn't going to last. As if on que Thomas Paine skidded into the doorway, slamming against the door frame and hissing a little. In John's opinion Alex was lucky, his new cellmates were Paine and some other new guy named Thomas Conway, he didn't have to deal with George's obnoxious singing and giggling every five seconds.

Alex and John's heads shot up upon Thomas' dramatic entry, concern sweeping across their faces as he caught his breath.
"Guys," He panted, face red and hands shaking. "You need to come to the medical ward," he muttered. Alex opened his mouth to ask what it was but Thomas cut over him, already knowing what he was going to ask. "Hercules,"


Hercules and Lafayette made their way to the bathroom chatting casually about their day, towels and pyjamas in hand.
"You should've seen Aaron's face! It was just a brain freeze and he was so convinced he was dying," Hercules chuckled, pushing the bathroom door open and holding it for Laf. Other inmates swarmed the bathroom, now being the prime time right after dinner for night-showers and brushing teeth.
"Pshh, Americans," Lafayette scoffed, earning a playful punch to the shoulder from Hercules.
"No, just Burr," Hercules corrected, making his way over to the end stall.

His attention was pulled to the front door though as it was violently crashed open. In the doorway stood Charles Lee, James Reynolds, George Frederick and the newest addition to the prison, Thomas Conway.
"Everybody scram." Conway yelled, marching inside with Lee and Reynolds on his tail, George pushing the security camera away before waiting outside by the door to make sure they weren't disturbed.

Lafayette and Hercules turned to leave but Conway stepped in the way.
"NOT you," he bellowed, his large frame meeting Lafayette's height but with more muscle.
Lafayette stood taller, Hercules straightening up too.

"So you're the newest edition, welcome to King's," Hercules greeted smartly, but Lafayette knew better. He was ready to fight back at the first hint of aggression.
"I've already been welcomed," Conway spoke sharply, his voice deep and menacing. "Jefferson invited me in," he added, his mouth cocking up into a sinister smirk.

"Did he now," Hercules questioned, glancing over at Lafayette and raising his eye brows.
"Jefferson transferred me in so he could have a top dog he could rely on, now we can do this the hard way, or the hard way," Conway threatened, taking a menacing step towards the boys.

"What's the hard way?" Hercules sassed with false-confusion, Lafayette choking on a giggle beside him.

"Listen, you don't need to play coy with me, I know what you and the french fry are in this shit-hole for and it's cute, it really is," Conway began to explain, his expression darkening. "But Jefferson wants me in control and he's put a fantastic price on the position, don't stand in my way," he finished, Reynolds and Lee sizing up behind him.

"What if we were to, hmm what is it, stand in your way?" Lafayette questioned, raising his brow. With that said Conway gave a small hand gesture and Reynolds retrieved a kitchen knife from the back of his belt, holding the handle with a handkerchief. Lafayette didn't back down, he stood tall beside Hercules, but Hercules wasn't liking the direction this table was turning.

"You can have it, Top Dog, but I'll warn you now, just because Jefferson says you should do something does not mean you should do it," Hercules spoke smoothly, grabbing Lafayette's arm and preparing to tug him out of the bathroom. "If he told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it?"

"If the price was right." Reynolds chirped up, his eyes trained on Lafayette. Hercules shook his head and began dragging Lafayette out of the bathroom when Conway stepped up again.
"It's not that easy boys," he growled, clenching his fists.
"Oh it really is," Hercules replied, glaring at him with dark eyes.
"The inmates aren't going to believe you just handed over the position of Top Dog to me, they chose you for a reason," Conway spoke with a smirk, raising his brow. "I'd need to beat the position out of you,"

"You really don't want to do that," Hercules growled, dropping Laf's arm and tightening his bandana. "You said yourself Conway, you know what we're capable of,"
"And it's cute," Conway cut in, raising his fist over his shoulder.

Conway brought it down but Hercules caught it in his hand, grabbing Conway's head with his free hand and smashing it into his knee. With that the others jumped into action. Conway and Hercules fought hand-to-hand in the middle of the bathroom while Lee and Reynolds pounced on Lafayette.

Lafayette managed to duck Reynolds' first swing with the knife, cutting a few locks of hair off.
"You did not just-" Lafayette growled, throwing his fist forward and smashing it into Reynolds' gut. Lee snatched the knife from him while he stumbled backwards, the handkerchief slipping off of it. He backed Lafayette up into one of the showers and right at the knife was dangerously close to his neck Lafayette burst out laughing.

"Wha-what's so funny? I'm the one with the knife!" Lee roared but Lafayette grinned.
"Americans," he smirked, reaching up and flipping the shower nozzle, turning it on with his other hand and spraying freezing cold water directly at Lee's face.

Lee yelped and stumbled backwards, spluttering. He stepped on the handkerchief and slipped, slamming onto the bathroom floor. The knife clashed to the tiles beside him and Lafayette dove to grab it, but Reynolds was there with him. He got to the knife first and pointed it at Lafayette menacingly.
"Stay down," he growled.
"Ooh kinky," Lafayette winked, kicking his leg up and knocking the knife out of Reynolds' grasp.

Reynolds gave a small shout and Lafayette spun onto his stomach, crawling forward and grabbing the knife. He turned to see Hercules locked in battle with Conway.

Their fight was a flurry of punches and dodging, their feet barely leaving the floor. Hercules had the upper hand until Conway found a gap in his blocks and swung a mighty uppercut, knocking Hercules backwards to the floor.
"Chienne!" Lafayette screamed, leaping to his feet and running at Conway. He ducked under Lafayette's swing and jabbed a kick at his legs, knocking him to the floor as well.

Lafayette landed with a firm thud, the knife staying tight in his grasp.
Conway turned to face Lafayette and Hercules yelled out from the floor behind him.
"Laf!" He called out, Lafayette's eyes darting to him. Lafayette slid the knife across the floor, between Conway's legs over to Hercules. Herc snatched up the knife and jumped up, pouncing at Conway's back from behind. He had the knife held up at the ready but Conway ducked down, pulling Hercules over his head and slamming him into the bathroom floor in front on Lafayette. Hercules' hands swung down with the impact and he drove the knife straight into his own stomach, screaming at the injury.

Lafayette jumped up in panic, scrambling to Hercules' side.
"Hercules!" He exclaimed, his voice cracking as he clutched his hand in his. He began muttering incoherent sentences in French along the lines of 'merde merde merde merde' and 'i can't loose you'.

"My work here is done," Conway grinned, spitting a clump of blood on the bathroom tiles and turning away, Reynolds and Lee slowly following.
"VA TE FAIRE FOURTRE, ENCULÉ!" Lafayette yelled, tears pooling in his eyes and fogging up his vision. "Morceau de merde,"

Conway simply laughed on his way out, patting George's shoulder and pulling him along down the hall.

Out in the hall Jefferson and Peggy were making their way through, Peggy under the impression they were just checking on the security camera room but Jefferson was hoping to see Conway and make sure his plan had gone through. Sure enough Conway and his crew exited the bathroom right as Jefferson turned into the hall with Peggy barely keeping up beside him, her short legs and heels no match for Jefferson's long strides.

Conway sent Jefferson a nod and Jefferson smirked, but his expression fell when Peggy piped up.
"Jesus what happened to you lot," she gasped, inspecting the splotchy bruises beginning to form along the side of Conway's face.
"Just mucking around miss," Conway laughed casually, playfully punching Lee in the shoulder. The other boys nodded enthusiastically but Peggy wasn't buying it. The boys hurried off down the hall before she could say anything else and she turned to Thomas with a frown.

"They're up to something," she muttered.
"They're criminals, you can't question them beating each other up for fun," Jefferson cut in with a chilling laugh.
"They came out of the bathroom didn't they..." Peggy trailed off, slowly approaching the door. Jefferson grabbed her arm to stop her.

"That's the men's bathroom," Jefferson warned. "Besides, if anything bad did happen, there's a panic button in there." He shrugged nonchalantly. Peggy glared at him, squinting accusingly.
"As if anyone actually uses that, they'll get bashed, I know how prisons work Jefferson," she spat, advancing towards the door again.
"I'll check then," he cut in again, pulling Peggy back harshly. She ripped her arm out of his grasp with a glare that if looks could kill, Thomas's brains would be splattered on the wall.

Peggy stepped back and let Thomas peer into the bathroom, his whole body stiffened as soon as he did. Loud sobbing echoed as the door was pulled open before a shout snapped through the air.
"Cherchez un docteur, morceau de MERDE," a hoarse french accent bellowed.

Peggy surged forward and threw the door open, gasping in horror at the bloody scene ahead.
"What are you waiting for Thomas get the fucking doctor!"

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