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"What'd I miss?"
Jefferson sauntered into the cafeteria, a chorus of gasps echoing through the large room.
Washington scowled, clearly displeased with the board's decision about the new Governor, but his face brightened when he remembered his next line.

"I would also like to introduce to you, your new prison Vice Governor," Washington smiled. "Miss Peggy Schuyler,"

A young girl in a uniform similar to Washington and Jefferson's entered, her hair thrown up in a messy ponytail. She was busty and fairly short, but looks were deceiving, the boys could tell by the way she walked she was a force to be reckoned with.

One prisoner let a short wolf whistle rip, earning a hum of chuckles to travel through the cafeteria. Peggy slipped her gun out of it's holster and lazily aimed it at the prisoner who had the audacity to whistle.
"Disrespect me again and you'll be living in solitary confinement," she growled, clearly establishing who was in charge. Alex, John, Lafayette and Hercules liked her already.

"I have enjoyed my years serving this prison immensely and I wish our new staff and all of you the best of luck for years to come," Washington smiled, giving a curt nod before being escorted out of the cafeteria, talking to Peggy and Jefferson trailing behind, sending a sly wink to his table of former followers.


"You're kidding," Alex spat, pacing back and forth in their cell block common area. "How is he even Governor?"
"Alex, he was actually Governor before Washington," Hercules piped up sheepishly, earning looks of utter disbelief from Alex and John.
"Bullshit." John muttered, but Lafayette shook his head.
"Jefferson was arrested when it was discovered he was bringing drugs into the prison and selling them to prisoners." Lafayette explained, his voice low and accent thick.

"He shouldn't be allowed his job back then- right?" Alex argued, throwing his hands on his hips in a sassy manner.
"He shouldn't- I- we never saw this coming, I think that's why the position of Vice has been filled after years of it staying empty, Jefferson needs to be monitored." Hercules sighed. "Imagine all the things he's going to pull now that he's in charge,"

Alex collapsed backwards onto the couch beside John with a defeated sigh. The inmates sat in silence for a while until Seabury came down the hall with a trolley of boxes. He left two by the cell block bars and looked up at the boys with sad eyes.
"Laurens, Hamilton, you're being moved to new cell blocks," Seabury frowned. Alex and John shared a scared glance, eyes growing wide with worry.
At least we're together, right?

"You're being separated, pack up your belongings, Alex to C Block and John to G Block."
With that Seabury continued to the next block with his cart. John surged forward and wrapped his arms around Alex, who was still stunned. He slowly snaked his arms around John and buried his face into his shirt, feeling the couch dip as Hercules and Lafayette sat beside them.
"This is not happening." John spat in frustration, releasing Alex. He felt Herc's hand on his back and fell against the back of the couch limply.
"Do you want us to pack up your cells?" Lafayette offered kindly with a sympathetic smile. John nodded weakly and Alex whispered a small 'thank you'.

John tilted and his head fell into Alex's lap lazily. Alex brushed a hand through John's frizzy ponytail soothingly, tracing his fingertips along the back of John's neck.
"When am I gonna see you?" Alex asked, a hint of fear creeping in the back of his throat.
"Breakfast, lunch and dinner?" John questioned, cringing.
"Not good enough," Alex muttered, pulling John up to sit beside him.
"I mean, it can't get much worse than this, right?" John laughed half-heartedly, grabbing Alex's hand and squeezing it assuringly.
"Y-yeah," Alex sighed, squeezing John's hand in return.

Once the boy's cells were packed up Lafayette and Hercules bid them farewell, letting them walk to their new cells together. Alex insisted on walking John to his cell, eager to see who John's new cell mates would be, and fairly worried too.

They didn't say much on the trip to Cell Block G, approaching the bars with caution. As soon as they stepped up to the bars though, John groaned with defeat and fell against them, his whole body caving in. Inside the cell block stood George Frederick and Charles Lee.

"This is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever seen," John growled, stepping inside the cell block with Alex on his tail.
"Hey! New cell-block-buddy!" Charles cheered sarcastically, his eyes unmoving from the tv screen mounted into the wall.
"Yeah woo," John mumbled, advancing towards one of two empty cells, the closest to the cell block exit.
"Uh wait- John," Charles called out after him before he and Alex had the chance to step inside. "That cell's taken,"
"It doesn't look taken to me I-" John began to snap back before Charles cut over him again.
"That's Levi's cell."

"Alright nope nope nOpe, we're out," Alex yelled, grabbing John by the shoulder with his spare hand and leading him out of the cell block forcefully. John was frozen with fear, letting Alex drag him around like a rag doll.

"John you can calm down I'm sure Charles meant that was his old cell," Alex sighed as he walked alongside John down the hallways. John shook his head, a lump forming in his throat.
"N-no, Alex he warned me, h-he said he'd be back," John spluttered nervously, gripping his box of belongings with white knuckles and strained muscles.
"John, he was just trying to scare y-"
"Alex! Jefferson is governor!" John yelled with defeat, dropping his box. Alex's eyes widened as he watched John's belongings scatter along the floor, John's scared eyes boring holes into Alex's skull.

"How about we go talk to the new Vice about it? I think she'd be willing to help." Alex suggested just above a whisper, reaching forward and taking John's shaking hand in his supportively. John closed his eyes and nodded weakly, bending down to collect his belongings from the floor.

Alex put his own box aside and helped him return everything to his box before standing again and walking with him to the staff offices. They approached Seabury, who was standing at his station smiling like an excited toddler as usual.
"Hey, would we be able to speak with the Gov-ah Vice Governor?" Alex asked for John, watching Seabury with pleading eyes.

"My apologies but Vice Governor Schuyler is in a meeting with Governor Jefferson," Seabury sighed.
"Leviiscomingback," John blurted, his voice frantic. Seabury's eyes widened in understanding and his mouth formed a slight 'o' shape.
"Uh, you'll need to make it quick, but I'll pop in there," Seabury grinned, becoming jittery with Levi's name being mentioned too.

Alex noticed John begin to go off on a tangent in his head, probably struggling between flashbacks or imagining what might happen if he returned. He pressed his hand on the small of John's back and gazed at him with supportive eyes. John looked back at him, initially with surprise, but his eyes softening.
"Thank you," he mouthed before the Governor's door swung open.

"Hamilton, Laurens, my boys! Come in, make it snappy." Jefferson ordered playfully, stepping to the side. Alex and John hurried into the room, standing off to the side. Vice Governor Schuyler sat on the Governor's desk which surprised the boys at first, her ankles crossed and a clipboard and silver pen in hand. Seabury stood beside the desk at ease, watching on carefully.
Peggy's eyes darted up upon the boys' entry and she relaxed her clipboard, watching them patiently.

"Do you like the changes I made to the cell blocks?" Jefferson asked casually, closing the door and moving to stand across from the boys.
"Actually, we need to discuss those, you have John in the same cell block as Levi?" Alex shot angrily, John placing a hand on his shoulder and pulling him back slowly.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but if this is about some petty feud between you prisoners, it can wait, we're trying to deal with the transfer of a new prisoner and-" Peggy attempted to interrupt in a sophisticated fashion, but Alex cut back in.
"I apologise for interrupting Vice Governor but this is not some petty feud. That man attempted to rape John 3 times and shot me in the abdomen. Isn't it against some code of conduct he is even allowed in general population?" Alex yelled, John tugging him back sharply for blowing up. Peggy's eyes widened and he turned back to Jefferson and Seabury with dark eyes.

"Is this the same prisoner we're transferring here?" Peggy spat. Jefferson didn't respond but Seabury nodded furiously.
"So why doesn't it say anywhere in his files he shot someone? In prison? How did he even get a gun?" She questioned, anger rising in her voice. Seabury noticeably tensed, but Peggy missed it. "Did he actually shoot you?"

Alex lifted his shirt where bandages were still plastered to his skin around the bullet wound.
"Jefferson! Why isn't this recorded somewhere?" Peggy accused, fire burning in her eyes. "Day one on the job and you're already screwing up, I swear if the board knew-"
"The board doesn't need to know. Just add it in and we'll discuss the cell block arrangements later." Thomas replied in a monotone voice, glaring daggers at Alex. 

Peggy noticed the boys discomfort at being dissed, Alex opening his mouth to argue again but John grabbing his hand, pleading for him to give it a rest.
"What are your names?" Peggy asked quickly, slipping off the desk and approaching the boys carefully.
"John Laurens," John muttered, feeling Alex squeeze his hand.
"Alexander Hamilton," Alex replied with a curt nod.

"Laurens, Hamilton, I will see to it that Mr Weeks is not allowed in general population upon his arrival, we can work from there to make sure all the prisoners are kept safe. I deeply apologise for the ignorance of your Governor, he has a lot of learning to do, starting with how to do his fucking job." Peggy finished, turning to Jefferson and scowling at him. Jefferson glared at Peggy, holding his head high and moving behind his desk.

"Thank you so much Vice Governor Schuyler," John sighed with relief, his hand leaving Alex's and clutching Alex's sleeve.
"You're welcome," Peggy said with a quick nod.
"By the way," Alex cut in before they left. "You wouldn't happen to know Eliza?"

"Angelica and Eliza are my older sisters, yes, ah! Are you the Alex she was friends with?" Peggy asked, tilting her head. Alex nodded and Peggy raised her hand, keeping things professional.
"It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance," she grinned as he shook her hand. "You've got a Schuyler on your side," she whispered with a wink before ushering the boys out of the office.

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