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A/N gets a little hot at the start warning??

After a week Alex was able to return to his cell, John happy to have him back. He had been sleeping in Alex's cell instead of his own each night as being in his own cell just brought back too many bad memories. Now, finally he had Alex back and they were able to spend some time together. As the cell door hissed shut for the night Alex made his way slowly to his bed, John already lying there. He crawled over John, straddling him and leaning down slowly, letting their lips brush against each other. John giggled quietly as Alex's hands slowly ran up his sides, finishing at his face and caressing his jaw.

They fell into a slow, deep kiss, John's hands tangling in Alex's hair as Alex rocked his body against John's. Alex ran his tongue along John's lip, asking for permission. John obliged, parting his lips slowly and letting Alex's tongue roam his mouth.
Alex began to stray his lips from John's slowly kissing down his jaw to his neck. John moaned quietly, riling Alex up even more. John arched his back, his hands brushing and grasping at Alex's hair. John was lost in lust until he felt Alex's hand slip up his shirt, passing under three layers of shirts. John shivered uncomfortably and tried to gently pull Alex's hand out but Alex refused to move, nipping at John's neck a little rougher and slowly lifting John's clothes.

"A-Alex," John tried to protest but Alex pushed his lips back against John's shutting him up. John turned his head away, trying to speak. "I don't want-" He tried again but Alex grabbed his jaw roughly and pulled his face back to face forwards. John tried to push Alex off but he scooped John's hands up and pinned them above his head violently, biting down on John's lip.

John yelped a little and Alex began lifting off John's first shirt, sliding it up over his face and leaving it twisted around his wrists. John was shaking now, horrible memories relapsing in his mind.
"Alex stop," John pleaded but Alex persisted, pulling away his under shirts. "Alex!"

"Two times! Two times I have tried to claim what is rightfully mine and I will not be stopped a third!" Alex spat, digging his nails into John's skin. John gasped and he felt tears stab at his eyes, his stomach twisting and knotting tighter than the shirt constricting his fists.
"Alex please," John pleaded weakly, tilting his head back and squirming under Alex's hold.
"You heard me, I'm just in for the sex," Alex muttered with sinister eyes.
"No, no no please Alex,"

"John?" Alex asked worriedly, panic rising in his voice.
John's eyes shot open and he scuttled backwards, throwing the bedsheets around, his body glazed with sweat and shivering. "Hey are you oka-" Alex began to ask, reaching for John, but John slapped his hand away, slipping out of bed and falling onto the floor. "John!" Alex yelped as he hit the floor. Holding his own hand he peered down at the frightened boy on the floor with worry.

"G-get away from me!" John warned, moving backwards and cornering himself against Alex's desk.
"Jesus christ John, did you have a nightmare or-" Alex began to reason but John cut over him.
"GET AWAY!" He yelled, his whole body shaking. Alex shut up and watched John with wide, scared eyes, his lips pressing together in a thin line of concern.
"John, listen you're safe. Levi is gone and I'll make sure nothing and nobody hurts you," Alex assured him, swinging his legs over the side of the bed slowly. John looked up at Alex with terrified eyes, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"What if you're the one who hurts me," John muttered, his voice raspy and strained. Alex was taken aback by John's words, a lump forming in his throat.
"John, why would you-"
"Alex, please, leave me alone," John pleaded, pressing his spine back into the wall.

Alex watched John with worried eyes, not even flinching.
"No." He replied sternly, slipping off the bed and sitting on the floor across from John. He watched John carefully, his heart breaking as he realised something he never wanted to see. John was scared of him.

Alex shuffled forward, John whimpering a little, making Alex feel like he had been shot in the heart not the side.
"John, you're locked in here for the rest of the night can we just sort this out now, I can't bear to see you like this," Alex pleaded, tilting his head to the side a little. "What's going on-" Alex began to ask before John cut him off aggressively.

"I'm scared you're gonna pressure me into doing stuff I don't want to! Th-there! Happy? N-now, now leave me alone." John spat, burying is head back in his arms. John jolted when he felt Alex's arms wrap around him. He tried to push Alex off weakly but to no avail. He sat with Alex holding him until he felt Alex's body shake a little, then a small gasp escape Alex's lips.

"A-Alex," John muttered, trying to pry him away but Alex only held him tighter, his body shaking with sobs. He was crying. John was drowning in guilt now. He had just gotten the man imprisoned, shot, and now broken his heart? "Alex I'm sorry I-" John croaked.
"Shut up," Alex spat, clutching John's shirt in his fists. "Don't apologise, you don't need to apologise," Alex sniffled, sitting up and wiping his eyes.
"Yeah I do," John spoke quietly.
"No you don-"
"Yes Alexander, I do," John said firmly.

Alex shot John a confused glance and John looked down at the floor with sad eyes.
"Alex, everything is my fault," John muttered, his voice hoarse. Alex opened his mouth to speak up but John cut in.

"You're in prison because of me, yep that's right, I'm the 'anonymous witness'!" John laughed sarcastically, tears dripping down his cheeks. Alex shut up and studied John's face, more worried about his mental health than why he was in prison. "And if I had just told the court you were innocent, then you would've been free, and you wouldn't have been shot, and you wouldn't be crying right now-" John began to list, his voice rising in volume and growing frantic.
"John," Alex spoke sharply. He raised his hand and John cowered, expecting a blow to strike him, but instead Alex's hand caressed his cheek gently. Alex began to cry harder seeing John react so scared towards his affections.

"I'm in prison because I shot my cousin, and I don't give a shit about being shot because it meant protecting you, and if you had said I was innocent I would be crying right now because I wouldn't be able to lie in your arms every night," Alex spoke quietly, his whole face distraught with pain. John coughed up a sob and smiled, falling into Alex's arms. They held each other tightly, crying freely into each other.

"I'm sorry-" John began to apologise before Alex cut him off once more.
"Shut up."


The next morning Alex, John, Hercules and Lafayette sat at their usual table in the cafeteria for breakfast, wolfing down pancakes. Lafayette and Hercules were discussing how Hercules was going to handle punishments since he didn't approve of the ironing table, but John and Alex were consumed in their own little bubble. Each took turns feeding each other mouthfuls of pancake, laughing when Alex got sticky maple syrup fingers.

Their bubble was popped, however, when Governor Washington entered the cafeteria, standing along the entrance among a wall of officers.
"Prisoners of King's Correctional Facility," he addressed formally, capturing everyone's attention. "I regret to inform you I am stepping down from my position as your Governor," he announced.

"I'm sorry what?" Alex muttered, being heard by John, Lafayette and Hercules.
"I would like to introduce to you your new prison governor," Washington announced. All heads turned to the cafeteria doors and a loud gasp echoed through the room.

"What'd I miss?"

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