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John lay on Alex's chest, his fingertips tracing tiny circles along his collar bone, his head rising and falling with every slow breath Alex took. It was a comfortable silence, an escape from all the drama outside Alex's cell. John was thinking of every moment he had spent with Alex leading up to right now, every word, every kiss, every tragedy. That's when he remembered.

He groaned, clutching his stomach and thigh with bloody hands. He looked up at John with sad eyes, whispering something that John wasn't able to catch. His eyes darted to Levi as he rubbed his jaw and spat out a chunk of blood, regaining his posture.

"Hey Lex," John muttered, shifting his head upwards a little and freezing his hand for the time being.
"Yeah?" Alex replied quietly, looking down at him with a gentle smile.
"Can I ask you a question?" John asked, shifting his gaze back to the wall he was facing in Alex's bed.
"That depends, if it's about anything besides us try again in an hour," Alex laughed, brushing a hand through John's hair. John chuckled lightly, lifting his head off Alex's chest and propping himself up beside him on one elbow, his hand still resting on Alex's chest.

"Can you remember what you said to me when... when Levi shot you? Y-you said something, but I didn't catch it, and it's been buzzing in the back of my mind but I just ca-"
"I love you." Alex spoke over him firmly, no hesitation.
"Wha- wait," John stammered, looking Alex directly in the eye.
"I said I love you." Alex repeated with a completely straight face.

"You had just been shot in the stomach, bleeding to death on the floor, and the first thing that came to your mind was 'I love you'?" John questioned in disbelief, tilting his head a little. Was he making this up to be romantic?
"I'm not making this up. I said I love you." Alex protested with a small pout. "Seriously!" He exclaimed when John raised his eye brows. A small smile lifted on John's lips and his hand slid up from Alex's chest to caress his jaw, leaning down and connecting their lips gently.

John attempted to pull away but Alex slipped a hand behind his neck and pulled him back down, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling his body closer.
"I do, I really love you," Alex spoke against his lips, his eyes closed and breathing sharp.

"I know," John muttered in response, his lips hovering just Alex's. "Because I love you too," he chuckled, leaving another kiss on Alex's lips.
"Hmm well I love you more," Alex smirked, pecking John back.
"No no I love you more," John protested, kissing him again.
"No I love you more," Alex responded firmly, kissing him quickly. "Do you need proof?" He smirked, tracing his fingertips down John's chest teasingly.

"I sure don't." A firm voice laughed bitterly from the doorway. John shot up and Alex popped up beside him, surprise swept across their faces.
"What is it Seabury? We're a little busy." John muttered boredly with a small laugh, earning one from Alex too. Seabury smirked before a frown set on his features.
"I can see that, but I think this should wait, Lafayette really needs you guys right now, you're the closest friends he's got without Hercules." Seabury sighed, nodding his head into the hallway.

Alex and John shared a sad glance before turning back to Seabury.
"Where is he?" Alex asked with concern.
"Last I saw of him he was planning to 'have a word' with Jefferson, and he seemed pretty distraught." Seabury frowned, crossing his arms. John swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, pulling Alex with him.
"Thanks for letting us know, Sam," John thanked him softly. "We'll go check on him now."

And with that they parted ways, Seabury making his way to the yard and the boys beginning their hunt for Lafayette.
"Where would he be?" John thought out loud, racking his brain.
"He's looking for Jefferson, our safest bet would be main offices," Alex responded, his gaze dead set forward as they walked. John nodded and they began making their way there without wasting any more time.

When they arrived, John and Alex shared a worried glance. Lafayette was screaming in french, flailing his fists around wildly.
"I demand to see Jefferson now!" He got out in english.
"The governor is preoccupied, book an appointment-" an officer tried to protest but Lafayette cut over him.
"I don't care! Jefferson! Get the fuck out here!" He yelled, John and Alex coming up behind him and grabbing his shoulders. Lafayette tensed and tried to rip away from them before realising who it was and relaxing. Alex and John's eyes widened when they saw Lafayette's face.

His cheeks were streaked with tears and his eyes were a hazy red.
"Laf," John hissed. "Are you high?"
Lafayette pushed both of them away and his expression returned to anger.
"NON!" He yelled, wiping his tears away and stumbling a little.
"Isn't it meant to relax you?" Alex muttered to John worriedly, his eyes still trained on Lafayette.
"Then it must not be weed," John sighed.
"You know I'm s-standing right here!" Lafayette yelled matter of factly, his voice wavering.

"And so am I, you asked to see me?" Jefferson grinned as he emerged from the offices, followed by Officer Eaker.
Lafayette swivelled around and stormed right up to Jefferson. Eaker advanced to step in the way but Jefferson raised an arm to stop him in his tracks.
"Where the fuck is Hercules?" Lafayette growled, squinting.
"Are you under the influence of drugs Mr Lafayette?" Jefferson asked with fake concern.
"Answer my question asshole." Lafayette roared, bunching the front of his coat up in his fist.

"He is at the hospital and is perfectly fine," Jefferson deadpanned, unfazed by Lafayette's advances.
"If he's perfectly fine why isn't he here?" Lafayette responded, shaking Jefferson in his fist.
Jefferson didn't respond, he simply stared ahead blankly.

Lafayette raised his fist and smashed it across Jefferson's face. He fell to the floor with a groan, clutching his cheek. Eaker jumped into action and tried to seize Lafayette but he spun around and ducked out of the way. Eaker's hand fell to his belt to grab his taser but Lafayette punched him in the nose, hearing a delightful crack upon the impact.

He turned to Jefferson, his eyes dark and head held high. He pulled his foot back and sent a heavy kick straight to his gut. Jefferson gasped and choked, clutching his stomach as he regained his breath. Lafayette leaned down and let his lips hang just over Jefferson's ear.
"You stay the fuck away from Hercules, comprendre?" He spat, tilting his head a little. He didn't get a response because he was grabbed from behind by two other officers.
"Slot him." Jefferson growled as he slowly picked himself up, wiping blood off his lip. Lafayette yelled incoherent sentences and thrashed in the officer's grip as he was dragged away to solitary confinement. A small clang was heard and Lafayette's eyes widened, a red and gold lighter falling out of his pocket and onto the ground ahead.
"Non non Alex! John!" He tried to call out but Eaker got to it first, snatching it up and leaving Lafayette to yell even louder as he was dragged around the corner.

As officers helped Jefferson to his feet he kept his eyes on John and Alex, squinting menacingly. Eaker passed him the lighter and he slipped it in his pocket. Not another word was said as he was escorted away, but his gaze never shifted, not once, sending shivers down the boy's spines.

"Get to lunch," one of the officers spat at them. Alex was still frozen but John nodded hurriedly, grabbing Alex's arm and pulling him away, down to the cafeteria.


"I'd like a word with Mr Weeks," Jefferson addressed Officer Payne, she nodded and stepped to the side. "Privately," he added.
"I'm not permitted to-" she began to protest, squinting at him before he cut in over her.
"I'm the governor." Jefferson deadpanned in a low growl. Dolley's eyes widened and she nodded her head, removing herself from the room and letting Jefferson in.

He pulled up a seat and sat across from the glass wall of his cell, crossing his legs with a smug smirk.
"How's your stay in private containment been?" He chuckled lightly, raising his eye brows.
"It's not exactly 5 star," Levi growled, shifting his gaze up to meet Jefferson's. "How long until I can get this plan into action?"

Jefferson scoffed, leaning forward a little in his chair.
"Patience, I'm still waiting for that transfer," He responded softly.
"You'll get your money, I nee- what happened to your face?" Levi asked, squinting his eyes when he noticed the splotchy bruise that had formed along Jefferson's cheek bone.
"Your target's french friend had a go at me, not important," Jefferson muttered, his expression growing dark. Levi grinned and flicked his hair out of his eyes, revealing the unflattering bags that hung underneath them.
"How is my Johnny boy?" He chuckled sinisterly, sending Jefferson on edge a little.

"He's grown very close with that Hamilton, the one you shot." Jefferson spat, clearly annoyed at Levi's decision.
"What the fuck else was I meant to do? I fuckin' warned him," Levi growled in frustration, shaking his fist.
"I know I know, it was just a shit-load of paper work for me." Jefferson sighed, earning a sarcastic laugh from Levi.

"Anyway, Hamilton huh? Well I'll make sure he's there when the plan goes into action," Levi grinned, his nails digging into his palms, little dents from where he had spent hours doing so already forming on his skin.
"I'm sure he will be, they're joined at the hip." Jefferson replied with a hint of false disgust, standing from his seat. "Nonetheless, I think this is what you were looking for." Jefferson shrugged nonchalantly, retrieving Lafayette's lighter from his pocket.

Levi grinned maliciously and nodded his head slowly.
Jefferson opened the drop box beside Levi's cell door and dropped the lighter in, closing it again. Levi crawled over to the box in an animalistic fashion, making Jefferson uneasy as he backed away slowly.
"Perfect," he whispered, pulling the lighter out of his side of the box and examining it with wide eyes, crouching beside the box. He snapped the lighter cap off and flicked it on.

"Not yet," Jefferson shot in, shaking his head a little.
"No." Levi responded sharply. "Not yet. Let Johnny enjoy his time with Alex more and more, so that when I do burn him alive it will hurt just that little bit more," Levi smirked, his eyes wide with excitement.
Jefferson gulped and took a wary step back as Levi watched the flames dance in his palm.

"Right, well hide that lighter, a-and I need my money. G-good day Mr Weeks." Jefferson finished, not waiting for Levi's response before making his way out of the room and almost running straight into Dolley on his way out.

What was he doing?

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