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A/N we just hit 5k reads and there's 5 chapters left coincidence I think NOT. Also, new cover! Thoughts? <3

Hercules stepped through the prison entrance, his hands cuffed tight in front of him. He was so excited to see Lafayette after so long, he couldn't imagine his life without his best friend and literal partner in crime. Dolley Payne took the lead and guided Hercules through reception. A fair amount of paper work did have to be filled out before he was allowed back into general.

"It's lunch time in 10 minutes so you can hang here and then make your way to the cafeteria." Dolley informed him with a gentle smile.
"Thank you," Hercules said fairly gruffly but accompanied by a kind smile.
Not only did he want to see Lafayette, but he wanted to know what the hell actually happened. The last thing he remembered was walking into the showers with Lafayette. Jefferson told him he was attacked by a prisoner hungry for top dog, and he was fair game to believe that. It made sense. But he knew he was skipping out on information, why? Hercules wanted to know even more.

When his 10 minutes was up he excitedly made his way through the halls with Dolley on his tail opening all the doors with her ID card. They reached the cafeteria and Hercules burst inside enthusiastically. He looked to his usual table and his smile grew.
"HERCULES!" John and Alex yelled, leaping out of their seats and jogging over to him. They all embraced gently, careful of the bandages wrapped tight around Herc's torso.
"H-Hey guys!" Hercules laughed, scruffing up Alex's hair. "Where's Laf?" He asked, smile still wide.

John and Alex sent each other nervous glances and Hercules' smile fell.
"Guys," Hercules repeated while the boys made silent contact through facial expression.
"He's... in solitary confinement." Alex spoke, cringing a little. Hercules' expression was one of pure disappointment, but then it swept to confusion.

"Wha- why? Don't tell me he got into trouble without me," Hercules laughed half-heartedly, trying to keep the mood light.
"He uh, had a go at Jefferson," John muttered with a sheepish shrug.
"What why? Jefferson monitored my recovery like a hawk to make sure everything went smoothly, why would Laf attack him?" Hercules asked, his voice just above a whisper now.

"Hercules, Jefferson is the reason you were in hospital." Alex stated firmly. Hercules' expression bounced between surprise and anger. "He hired Conway to beat Top Dog out of you, we heard them discussing it in the laundry," he added. A low growl rumbled at the back of Herc's throat and he glared at the blank space behind the boys.
"When is he getting out?" Hercules asked, trying his best to keep his cool.
"Not for a while, he was caught on drugs," John sighed.
"On dru- again? I swear. We agreed after those extra years were put on our sentences never to touch that shit again." Hercules groaned, raking his hands down his face. "I need to see him, I need to talk to him." Hercules finalised, his head whipping around.

"H-hey woah Herc the whole point of solitary confinement is the prisoner has no contact with any other inmates. You can't just waltz right in there and give him a hug." Alex reasoned logically, shifting uncomfortably.
"But it's for his mental health, the guy has just gotten himself addicted all over again, and now he's locked up and he's probably confused a-and scared," Hercules began to stress, gripping the hem of his shirt anxiously.
"Hey hey I'm sure he's seeing the psychologist, I trust Angelica," Alex smiled softly, placing a supportive hand on Hercules' shoulder. Hercules relaxed a little but kept his gaze downcast.
"Can we at least ask?" Hercules muttered with desperate eyes. Alex and John gave in with a sigh and turned back to their table.

"Seabury you can have my dessert," John called out, waving his hand. Seabury's eyes lit up and he dove for the slice of apple pie on John's tray, Paine and Lee squabbling over who got a mouthful. John laughed lightly at their antics before the three boys turned to make their way to the staff offices. It was a short trip and when they arrived Peggy was out at the front desk clicking away at a computer.
"Oh hey guys, Herc you were just here," she grinned in a friendly manner before her smile fell. "Is something wrong?"

From inside the office Jefferson could see Hercules approach with John and Alex and made an immediate advance out the door, speed walking to stand beside Peggy.
"Yeah we were just wondering if there was any way Hercules could see Lafayette," Alex spoke politely, crossing his arms on the bench top in front of them that separated them from Peggy. Peggy opened her mouth to respond when Jefferson cut over her.
"My apologies but no such action will be taken, Mr Lafayette is in solitary confinement, he is not to have any contact with other inmates for the rest of the week, and will be going into trial for a sentence extension after we found his stash." Jefferson addressed formally, suppressing a giggle at the end.

"A week?" Alex snapped.
"Sentence extension?" Hercules muttered, hiding his mouth behind his knuckles.
"Jefferson that is abuse of his basic human rights," Alex said matter-of-factly, leaning over the bench.
"The decision has been made," Jefferson said smugly, leaning back a little and crossing his arms.
"Have you received approval from the psychologist?" Peggy piped up, her gaze shifting between all four boys.

"Of course," Jefferson spoke firmly. "Now good day boys," he finished, swivelling around and marching back into his office with immaculate posture.
"I'm really sorry guys," Peggy sighed, leaning on the desk in defeat.
"It's fine, thanks for trying though," John muttered with a weak smile as their little group turned around and began to make their way back to the cafeteria.
"That fucking asshole I am going to-" Hercules began to mumble before John cut in over him.
"We all want to bash him, but look at what happened when Lafayette did, it's not worth it." John sighed, placing a supportive hand on his shoulder and squeezing lightly.
"It would be so worth it." Hercules said with a sadistic chuckle, digging his nails into his palms and clenching his teeth.

As they walked Alex spotted Conway sneaking around the corner of the other end of the hall very suspiciously, his hands holding something in his pockets, he turned to John and Hercules and decided to go alone.
"You guys go ahead without me, I'll see you soon," Alex muttered with a small nod, turning to make his way down the hall.
"Where are you going?" John asked anxiously.
"Bathroom," Alex said quickly. John considered coming but ended up deciding against it and turning to Hercules.
"Okay we'll be in the cafeteria." John spoke with a facade of cheerfulness as the two of them continued down the hall.

Alex ran stealthily down the hall, going all James Bond and pressing himself up against the hallway wall. He peered around the corner and Conway was actually walking into the bathroom, humming a light tune. He followed casually and waltzed in, Conway had locked himself in a stall, still humming. Alex closed the door carefully trying not to make any sound and he tip toed into the stall beside him, closing the door ever so carefully. He cringed as he pushed the lid down and climbed on top of it, steadying himself on the stall walls.
The crinkle and snap of a plastic zip lock bag snapped the atmosphere right as Alex popped his head over the top of the stall. When he saw what Conway was doing his eyes widened and a lump formed in his throat.

Conway stood, emptying the contents of a plastic bag, drugs, down the toilet carefully. 2 other bags were on the floor beside him, one with white pills and one with small blue disks. Alex squinted at the scene and almost slipped off the toilet seat when a shrill ring echoed through the bathroom. Conway snatched a flip-phone out of his pocket and swiped it open, bringing it to his ear hastily.

"Yes I'm getting rid of them now!" He growled into the phone, holding it up with his shoulder and continuing to empty the bag. "Oh it was easy," He laughed as he finished the bag, scrunching it up and flushing the toilet.
What was easy?
"I didn't even have to sneak it in, he was a mess he willingly bought it from Adams, he thought it was weed, sike." Conway chuckled again, switching shoulders with the phone. "Well he was already distraught after we fucked up his mate and- yeah Jefferson gave me shit about him getting stabbed! I know!" He hissed with a slight growl. Lafayette. He had bought his drugs off Adams?

Alex decided he had heard enough. He swiftly stepped down from the toilet seat while Conway was still on the phone. He opened the door but the click of the lock was extremely loud. Conway stopped talking and snapped the phone shut. Alex froze and held his breath.
"Who's there." Conway boomed.
"Hamilton." Alex muttered, deciding lying would just create a whole new shit storm.
Conway stood up in the stall and threw the door open, marching out of the cubicle. Alex made a start towards the bathroom door and successfully made it out, sprinting into the hall, but he didn't get far before the hood of his jacket was jerked backwards. He was pulled into Conway's grasp and he wrapped his arms around Alex, his lips hovering beside his ear.

"What did you see?" Conway growled in a low octave, his disgusting breath hot against Alex's neck.
"N-nothing," Alex wheezed as he was squeezed tighter. "I swear I only just walked in!" He felt like his ribs were about to snap. Conway released Alex for a second before grabbing him again and throwing him into the wall. Alex's head smashed into the wall with a hard slap and he groaned, Conway grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pushing him up against the wall.
"I will crack your skull like an egg with my bare hands," He spat, his face centimetres from Alex's who was squeezing his eyes shut and leaning away as hard as he could. "Levi is coming, and once he is freed you won't be able to do anything to protect your little boyfriend," he chuckled sadistically. Alex's eyes shot open and he squinted at Conway menacingly.
"What." Alex snapped.
"I said Levi-" Conway began to repeat before Alex leaned up and spat in his face. Conway yelped in disgust and dropped Alex, glaring at him as he wiped the spit off his cheek.

"You, and Levi, and Jefferson, are going to stay the fuck away from John." Alex hissed, leaning against the wall and holding his throbbing head.
"What the fuck are you gonna' do about it midget?" Conway grinned, balling up his fists. Alex stood dead still before swinging up his fist and smashing it across Conway's face. Conway groaned a little before smiling again, cracking his neck from side to side in preparation. Alex was intimidated for sure, but wasn't backing down. Conway lunged at him but he dodged out of the way, letting him ram straight into the wall with a satisfying thud. Alex lifted his foot and kicked him hard in the gut, but Conway caught his leg and tugged it forward, slamming him into the ground and pouncing on top of him, holding him down.
"Night night, have sweet dreams of Levi finally getting his way with your little boyfriend." Conway grinned while Alex screamed and thrashed under his grip. Conway lifted his fist for a smash directly to Alex's face when he yelped and his whole body started shaking. He flinched and fidgeted, falling to the ground beside Alex.

Peggy stood with the other end of a taser, her expression dark and posture menacing.
"Time out," She said firmly as the taser retracted back and she pushed it into her belt. Alex's breathing was sharp and uneven and he scrambled away from Conway's limp body.
"Peggy thank god-" Alex began to praise before she cut in over him.
"Solitary. Both of you."

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