Chapter 1: Beginning

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A\N: Edited.

However if you saw any mistakes such as grammar errors, plot errors, wrong spellings etc. feel free to correct the author. It'll help a lot once the story is finish, not just for you but for future readers too.


Third Person's POV

Rintis Island, home of the best superhero children there is.






Has been suffering days of constant rain, and today is no different. It was a night full of swirling winds and treacherous lighting and thunder. It wasn't considered a storm however it is indeed a strong one. Fortunately enough, almost everyone in Rintis Island are at the comforts of their warm home, enjoying the warmth it provided. Well almost everyone...

For a man was still figting the horrible weather on his way home. The man was inside a forest, he had just gone off from work. Driving the vehicle with caution, he maintains the slow progress of his driving as to not cause any form of accident considering it is not safe driving in a fast pace on a muddy trail road.

"Come on... " grunt the man as he was getting impatient to get home. Stress has been his common visitor and hunger was next. No one can blame an empty stomach.

Then suddenly, adding to his frustration, his tire had just pop, letting some of the air to escape it's prison. He let out a sigh, expressing a look of annoyance at his unfortunate situation. Without any kind of protection from the rain, he shiver in the cold while looking at his flat tire. He check at the back of his car to see if there's any spare tire left but he saw none. He got inside of his useless car and start the engine. It's better to just drive with a flat tire than be stuck on the road. His progress remain slow but it was better this way.

A few moments have pass, still he is no where near his street. The thunderous clouds began to let out lightning, followed by the monstrous noise of thunder which cause the man to flinch at the volume it created. The man continued to be patient with his car even though his face clearly shows a look of desperation to be at his home.

While staring at the road, his peripheral vision had caught something when another lightning strike. The light provided from the lightning illuminates the thing that had caught his attention; a mansion.

The man stared baffled at the huge mansion ahead. He never saw this mansion before, in fact, it was actually the very first time he laid eyes on it. The man was sure enough that the huge building wasn't there before. Just this morning, he never saw the mansion when he pass by this area. The matter remain a mystery to the man as he observed the details of the enormous house.

The mansion was beautifully well designed. Somehow, it's structure reminds you of those elegant british mansion from famous movies. But that was not the case, for the mansion somehow look frightening. Despite it's breathtaking beauty, the mansion looks abandoned too because of it's rotten, broken, rusty gates. The man can tell that the mansion gave of a dark and frightening vide from just the look of it. He was hesitating if he'll enter the said mansion or stay on his useless car. But then again, he needed some warmth through his system, some nice shelter and maybe some help if possible. Despite the nagging fright, he chooses to be a man and approach the mansion. He left his car then immediately rush towards the porch area, shielding him from the raging weather. Then he approach the white mahogany doors, knocking it when he was near enough.


He knock again just in case if no one heard him but again, no one responded. The only response he got was a creaking sound of the door opening in the creepiest manner, but what really gave him the fright was the fact that no one was there to open it. The man was having goosebumps, not from the cold but from the thoughts of having to encounter super natural beings from this mysterious mansion.

"Hello?" he called. His words echoed throughout the walls to halls. Surprisingly, the inside has a good number of sumptuous items that rich people could afford. It's interior designs were elegant and magnificent. It's like the mansion was balance between both traditional and modern british style. But despite the magnificent things, these place was completely covered by pitch-black darkness, sending chills on the man's spine. The man was having second thoughts, however he fought down his trepidation then enter the said place. Once he step inside, the door immediately shut close, creating a loud bang that echoed to all corners of the living room, successfully flinching the man.


He place his hand over his beating heart and tried to calm the growing nervousness inside him. Heavy breaths emits from his lungs as he close his eyes to relieve himself. It took a few seconds before he opened his eyes once again. And came face to face with a floating dark silhouette with glowing empty eyes.

"Please leave the premises." The voice, which seemingly belongs to a young female, spoke. Too frighten by the sudden appearance of the figure in front of him, he stumble on his feet before dashing away from the dark figure and into the halls to escape the unknown figure of the dark.

He set his foot on the stairs, dash with accelerated speed and rush to another set of halls. He entered a random room to hide his self from the unknown figure. The man was panting really hard from his earlier run and sigh in relief when he realized he's safe, for now. He set his gaze at the room, two words immediately took place on his mind at the sight of the room he was in.

Cute and Girly.

Inside the room was filled with numerous teddy bears and dolls which varies in sizes. A cute well designed floral bed, a small kitchen set, a living room and another pair of doors on the side. His thoughts crumble when he heard the doorknob twisting from behind him. Startled at the noise, he turn around to face the white door, beads of sweats were falling from his face as he stared at the door in fright. The doorknob was twisting violently, whoever was behind it was desperate to get inside to the point it began knocking the door with force.

Each knock successfully gave chills to the man as he began backing away from the door, his eyes darted from left to right for something that might protect him from the unknown being.

"Hello... " came a different voice next to his ear, it's voice were rather husky and chilly for a child's one. Gulping in nervousness, he turned around only to be face with another body.

A headless body.


He rush out of the closet, opened the door then went back to where the entrance. However the mansion was a big maze itself as he continues to roam inside. Feeling more stress out than usual, he opened another door to which it lead to the dinning area.

Strangely enough, he saw a long dinning table with a complete set of plates and tableware, like it was being prepared for a big feast. Feeling restless, he decided to take a small break from all the running he had done for the day. He sat on the floor for a couple of while until he suddenly heard that voice again.

"Please leave the premises" the bone chilling voice from before had return. Suddenly the long rectangular table began shaking violently along with the plates and utensils. Feeling all the adrenaline from earlier, with his scaredy cat instinct, he rush out of  the dinning hall then continue to run aimlessly.

"Please leave the premises"

This continues on for a few more minutes and the voice still continues to hunt him. As he was about to give up since he's body became heavier than before due to fatigue, he saw the familiar hall that leads to the entrance of this mansion. Relieve of finally getting out of this place, he's speed and adrenaline increase. Then suddenly he saw a dagger pass by him, just a second he was about to open the door. He turned around, much to his fright, a floating sword and spear was hurling on his direction.

His eyes dilated as he began banging the door to open. Desperate to rescue himself, He took a step back then launch himself in the door, successfully opening the entrance as he rush outside despite the heavy rain. He went to his car then started the engine, even though his tire hasn't been fixed yet, he rush in the highest speed that his car can handle as he could.

He took a glance on his side view mirror, there he saw a pair of mysterious cold eyes watching him from the darkness then they suddenly vanish into the darkness, like it was never been there before.

He vow to never return to that place again, ever again.


~ Few Months Later ~

"Boboiboy!" Tok Aba said as he shake Boboiboy from his sleep. The said boy grunt on his sleep as he rub his eyes then stared at the awaiting Tok Aba on his side. "You're gonna miss school! Hurry up before you're late" he said then left Boboiboy on his own to prepare his meal.

Normally Boboiboy would wake up earlier then he intended however yesterday Adu Du and Probe was wrecking the city, again. So he and his fellow heroes came and defeated his evil scheme, again.

Boboiboy got up from his bed to prepare himself for the day. He remove his pajamas then took his towel and his shower cap then march  to his bathroom for his morning routines.

When he was finish, he went downstairs then dash towards the kitchen. Greeting his Ato a pleasant morning, he proceed to devour his meal in a rather rush manner since he's going to be late. Once he consume all the nutritious breakfast his Ato had serve, he took his bag then bid his Ato farewell as he proceed to rush on his destination.

~ School ~

In Boboiboy's homeroom class, students were happily chatting along with their circle of friends, including a certain group of superheroes.

"Hey! Have you heard?" ask a girl named Hanna. Hanna is one of Boboiboy's circle of friends.

"About what?" Ying said. Ying is another part of Boboiboy's friends. Ying is a chinese young girl with black hair, light skin, and light blue eyes. Among all of her friends, she's pretty much close to Hanna.

"You know? About a transfer student?"

"Oh yeah! I hope we can get along with him" said Gopal. Gopal is a young Indian man, he commonly wears a green upper cloth inside his yellow vest with red highlights. He also wears green pants that comes along with his belt and green sneakers.

"Idiot! Who said it's a boy?" a boy named Fang said. Fang is a young humanoid alien with raven hair in a messy sort of style. He usually wears his full-frame purple glasses all the time.

"Eh he's not?"

"The teacher said she's a transfer student all the way from Korea. I heard that the new kid just move in here since summer break."

"Oohh! Korea!"

"Everyone! the teacher's coming." said another student that goes by the name Suzy. Every one of then went to their respective seats then greeted their teacher.

"Good morning everyone. Please take your seat." the students does as they were told.

"As you all know, there's going to be a transfer student here. She came from another country so let me explain this to all of you first before introducing her." she said.

"First since our new student is from overseas. I would like you to behave in your very best. Treat her with kindness and respect. Second due to our different culture please try to respect her way, line of speech and especially her way of dressing. Understood?" she ask to which everyone respond with a 'yes ma'am'.

"Alright! Please come in sweetie" As if on cue, everyone was waiting for the door to be swung open by the new kid. Curious of what the new student would look like, they waited and waited however never once did they heard the door handle twist open. "I think the new student's shy" said Hanna. The teacher then went outside only to see no one. "Uh oh"

"Kids you stay here. Seems like the student just now got lost. For now please open your English textbook then turn to page 35, answer the following questions. Hanna I'll leave you in charge."

"Yes ma'am!"

"Bye kids" When the teacher was gone, all the students obediently took out their textbook to do their work.

"Man I'm really looking forward to meet this new kid." Gopal said.

"It's ok. We'll meet her when they find her. So... start answering or I will write your names" Hanna threaten to which they all salute in fear of having their names written.

~ Track Field ~

Probe's POV

Hello Boboiboy fans! I am A.R. Probe but you can just call me Probe for short. You all knew me as the amazing robot sidekick of Mr. Boss!. Currently I am under cover as a Janitor (Computer did the research on how to act like a Janitor for me) of Boboiboy's school to spy on him.

Mr. Boss wants me to find his weakness, lately he's becoming more and more desperate to defeat Boboiboy so as his loyal sidekick here I am keeping a close eye on those kids.

But for now...

Time to buy some red carrot donut!

You see this food is famous here in Rintis Island Primary School and since they mistook me for a real janitor for a few weeks, they gave me my salary. MY VERY FIRST SALARY!.

When I bought these famous donuts I will give these to Mr. Boss to make him happy. Yes I'm just a good sidekick. Now back to where I was. From where I am, I can see Boboiboy and his friends on the window of their classroom doing something serious. And to be honest, I have no idea.

While I was spying, I can feel this feeling...

That... I'm being watch over...

I turned around from left to right but I saw no one. When I averted my sight back to Boboiboy, there it is again, that feeling where something is watching your very robot back. I turn around from left to right again. I cast my sight up high then down low?... A kid?

S-she's staring at me.

Have I been expose? Ohh Mr. Boss will be angry at me for sure.

Now that I think about it. I've never seen this kid before. Her uniform is quite different from the other pupils, instead she... um... I don't know how to describe it because I'm an alien robot so human fashion doesn't make sense to me. And her physical traits are far from what I normally see from the people around here. What really stand out about her the most is her quite pale skin, normally people here have tan skin and her big (E/C) eyes that seems to be staring at my donuts.

Staring at my donuts...





She's really staring intently.










I sense a hungry kid here.

"H-here... " I said as I hand her my bag of donuts. That was suppose to be for my boss! The kid took my donuts then started eating it. Seems like she's definitely hungry. While she's eating to her heart's content I went back to my previous job.


My main job was to spy Boboiboy but I'm also a janitor here. So sweep! sweep! sweep! and watch! watch! watch!

I left the kid alone and skillfully but carefully advance towards near their homeroom while successfully hiding myself. Hmm... their still doing their thing. I don't understand this kind of system they have in this place. I heard some soft, muffled crackling sound that caused by the movement of dry leaves. I turned around and saw the kid earlier. Starting at me again. Seems like she just finish her 6 donuts in just a couple of minutes. Despite her small figure she had quite a large stomach. I try to move a little farther away from her but then she move closer to me.

Again I move much further away but still the kid was persistent, she keep on following me! Ok Probe don't mind her. She's just a normal human being staring at an awesome robot like me. Focus on the job.

Sweep! Sweep! Watch! Watch!


Sweep! Sweep! Watch! Watch!


Sweep... Sweep... Watch....

"You know Mister... I can clearly tell that you're not human at all."

That's it! I can't take it anymore! Mission abort! Mission abort! I remove my clothes to reveal my true form then flew out of here. I don't care if someone saw me as long as that creepy (but she's pretty cute though) kid stays away from me! Her stares are bone chilling.

Although I don't have a bone.


A\N: Please . . .





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