Chapter 2: Meeting Her

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Probe's POV

~ Adu Du's Lair ~

"Mr. Boss!" I shout when I saw Mr. Boss on his chair, with a serious look on his face, seemingly improvising another evil plan to defeat Boboiboy.

"What Probe?! Can't you see I'm concentrating?"

"For what Mr. Boss?"

"The usual. Evil schemes on how to eliminate Boboiboy out of the picture." he said then started to close his eyes to focus on his plan.

"Since when did we have a picture of Boboiboy Mr. Boss?" I ask. My master facepalm.

"Probe move a little further will you?"

"Oh sure Mr. Boss!" I happily oblige to what my master had order. I flew a few centimeters away from Mr. Boss and waited for his next command.

Mr. Boss throw his mug at me. I whine in pain, yes, a robot like me can feel emotions just like humans do.

"Fool! Stop disturbing me or you'll seriously get it!" he threaten. I can even imagine his invisible vein marks on his head. I left Mr. Boss on his own before another mug might smash unto my face.

I went outside for some fresh air. "Aaahhh!~" This place is so dirty, who even recommend to put our hideout  here... Oh yeah I was the reason, Silly me.


Wait who's there?! I look right to left but I saw no one. Back to my relaxation.


There it is again! I look from my right to left but I saw no one. This is getting me irritated!


That's it! I had enough of this hide and seek game! I transform into my Super Probe then started to shot rackets and missiles from all over this place. My attacks completely damage all this junk and garbage. Yeah I'm cool.


"Ouch! Mr. Boss... " Unknowingly I was again hit by another one of Mr. Boss' mugs. "What's with all the noise?! If you're going to create trouble then go to the city!"

"Yes Mr. Boss... "

"It's dangerous to shot shinny things Mister… " a soft voice said in front of me which kinda shock me at first. Since I'm quite big and tall when I'm in my Super Probe, I cast my sight downwards only to see a little girl.

Small figure...

Pale Complexion...

Emotionless face...

"You're that girl from before?" I said then return to my original shape and size. "I am?" she ask. We only just met a couple of moments ago and now she already forgotten about me? How rude! I even remember her.

"Yes. The one I gave those Red carrot donuts. Have you been following all this time?" Is it ok for a child to be away from school at this hour?.

"Oh yeah" she said then start staring at me again. For a kid, she really likes staring at robots.

"…" -Probe.


"…" -Probe.


"And for that I want to express my gratitude to you dear sir. I haven't got the chance to properly give you a greeting nor a proper introduction when we cross paths so... " After saying that she bow her head in front of me like a polite little lady then spread her arms in front of her. Since I don't know what's the meaning behind it, I was rather confuse about what kind of a gesture is that created by humans.

"Um... "

"Don't you like hugs?" she ask. Did she just say hugs?!. "Of course I do!" I said then immediately flew into her warm embrace of affection. Now that I have a closer look upon her. She is quite a cutie even though she's mostly expressionless. I really regret calling her creepy. Though I'm quite worried about her skin complexion though. I broke the hug between us.

"I'm Probe what's your name?"

"I'm... "

"Probe! What's going on?! And what is with that noise?!" I heard some tiny footsteps coming closer to our direction. Uh oh, if Mr. Boss finds out about this he'll kill me.

"Go hide!"

"No... "

"Don't be stuborn now"

"I refuse to acknowledge your command."

"Please... " I pleaded. Not only will I be dead, he'll definitely freak out when he'll see me with a human.

" ...Fine. Since you ask so kindly I'll do as you wish... " she said then went rather slowly to the other side of our lair, which is a dirty rag tent.

"Probe!" I saw master in sight. Good thing that child's gone from our sight. "Didn't I tell you to stop making more noises?! Can't you even do a simple order such as that?" he ask. "But Mr. Boss I-i was just... I was... " I don't even know what reason I'll use to make him convince me. I'm screwed!

"You wha--?!" suddenly Mr. Boss and I heard strange noises from our tent. "What was that?" he ask, he started walking towards the inside of our lair, only to find out of that little girl from earlier, messing with his stuffs.

"What do you think you're doing here you filthy human?!" he ask in his mad tone, his eyes was furious to see the child in our hideout. The child ignore Mr. Boss as she continues to mess and scan all the scattered blueprints on the floor. "Probe do something!" he command, well he is my master.

"Come here little one" I said as I tried to take her with my 'hands'. When she saw me approaching her, she didn't move a muscle instead her gaze averted at something behind me. It looks like she's staring at Mr. Boss, she really need to stop staring at everyone intently.

"Eh? What are you staring at?" he ask annoyed at this girl. "Does my sight seem to be looking at Probe? Doesn't it tell that my direct eye contact with you is enough to say that I'm looking at you instead of him?" she ask. Man, this child rarely speaks but sure uses a lot of words when speaking.

"This kid... " I think my Boss is at my limit. The unknown child was still staring at my boss and so is Mr. Boss.

What a staring contest, is it me or is the air being tension and all. The kid remain stoic while Boss is having a hard time staring at the child.

Suddenly the little girl, who's name remains unknown to me, started walking directly towards Mr. Boss, her thoughts are hard to read when she doesn't have any kind of emotion on her. Mr. Boss seems to be freaking out the moment she approach him without hesitation.

"Huh Fool, you wanna fight? Even though I'm tiny I can take you down in a minute" should I stop them?


"You dare take one more step I'll... "


Now, the child was standing in front of Mr. Boss, making sure to not break their eye contact with one another. Mr. Boss seems to be sweating a lot from her gaze.

"You're cute... " she said. Then suddenly both me and Mr. Boss were shock when she suddenly did this.

She bend down then wrap her arms around Mr. Boss' tiny body making my boss' green square headed face into red square headed face. She turn towards me then said "Can I keep him?… " now that I notice it, her voice is quite monotonous and plain but soft too.

"Huh? What do you think I am? a pet?" he ask angrily but the child remain unfazed by his anger.

"No. I thought of you as a talking toy..."

"What?! I am Adu du! The most evil super villain. Do not underestimate my power you brat!" again with his short temper...

"Adu Du? Hmm... Ugly"

"Wha-- What did you say?!"

"Ugly. I don't like your name"

"If you have a problem with my name then blame my mother! You stupid brat!"

"I think I'll call you Shikakui* because you have a square head like Spongebod. Literally  Gurīnsukueaheddo*. Or I can just call Frogie since you're green like a frog."

"Those names are ever more worst than mine! And stop hugging me already!"

"For such a doll you spill too much bad words... Let's fix that" she said then started to walk away from our lair. Oh my gosh what's happening?

"H-hey wait!" I said then started following them. That girl's iron grip seems to suffocate Mr. Boss. He kept on struggling but his attempt were futile as the girl still hugs him very, very tightly. "Come now little girl. Give him back to Mr. Probe" I baby talk her.


"Come on~"

"Don't do that! Your overly pathetic sweet voice is making my stomach puke!" Mr. Boss said. Does my voice really sounded that bad?

"Please refrain from speaking such foul language. Apologize this instant" she said.

"You can't make me... " Mr. Boss said.

"Ohh yes I can..." She said. This is beyond my expectation! She suddenly strangled Mr. Boss' throat. I can't believe my eyes. This girl looks like she can't even harm a fly, maybe i was fooled by her innocent look but I guess this kid is dark.

"This is what we normally call Manual strangulation. This type of strangling consist with the hands, fingers, or other extremities and sometimes also with blunt objects, such as batons. Depending on how the strangling is performed, it may compress the airway, interfere with the flow of blood in the neck, or work as a combination of the two. Consequently, manual strangulation may damage the larynx, and fracture the hyoid or other bones in the neck. In cases of airway compression, manual strangling leads to the frightening sensation of air hunger and may induce violent struggling. You don't want that now, right?" she said. Oh no what should i do? Her once innocent stoic look become dark as she tightens her grip on his throat. "Alright! Alright! I-I'll apologize... P-p-probe I'm sorry" he said. The girl then loosen her grip, but didn't let go of him just yet. Instead she hug him on her chest gently this time, her normal innocent look return.

"Now that wasn't hard now, was it?" she ask then turn her back against me then walk away. "Probe help me!"

"What should I do Mr. Boss?" I ask.

"Your normal thing! What else!"

"But Mr. Boss. She's a defenseless girl" I protest.

"Even better. Now do it!" He said.

"But you're sti-- "

"I don't care finish her off!" He said. Man my Boss can be such a heartless guy. But oh well... time to finish my job. I transform into Super Probe then aim my lasers at the child. The child seem to notice me as she stop walking and face me. I sense no fear in her although I can sense fear in Mr. Boss.

The kid's still staring at me with no signs off running away, it's like she's not even afraid that I might finish her off. But to be honest I don't plan on shooting her, I'm hesitating because she's an innocent child and she's super cute too. I can't help my robot conscious to destroy such a pure thing. "But Mr. Boss I can't do that!" I said and disarmed my weapons.

"Just think of her as Boboiboy who's trying to harm me. Shoot her now or so help me I'll... "

"But she's a girl... It should be Boboigirl right?" I ask.


"Ok ok" I said. I prepare my missile launcher and aim at the girl in front of me. Although Mr. Boss is on her arms, I gotta do what I'm ordered to do. Ok Probe, you can do it.... you can do it.... just close your eyes....




And Fire!

I, without hesitation this time, am able to launch my missiles. I hope Mr. Boss survive this time. I'm sorry dear child!


Dusty smoke of dirt were all over the place. A big one indeed. When the dirty atmosphere was gone, I didn't see the child anymore. Instead I saw an unconscious Mr. Boss on the ground, being dirty and all.

"Mr. Boss!" I rush to his side to check if he's ok or not. Of course he's not ok Probe! Stupid me!

"Trying to scare a little girl... eh Adu Du?" An overly familiar voice from above said. I avert my eyes upwards there I saw a familiar boy with his famous blue cap and clothes. An elementer you can manipulate the wind.

"Boboiboy Cyclone!" His on his blue hoverboard and on his arms, he's carrying the little girl, not to mention bridal style. He's even smirking! No wonder she's no where to be found earlier. I'm relief that she's safe but I'm a little worried about what's going to happen to me and Mr. Boss not that he's here.

Boboiboy Cyclone flew down and there I saw Boboiboy Thunderstorm and Boboiboy Quake running towards him. Boboiboy didn't put her on the ground just yet, instead he keep her on his arms. Is it just me or Boboiboy Cyclone is a little sneaky.

"Let's finish this Probe!" Boboiboy Thunderstorm said.

"Lightning speed!" he said then he disappear from my trace.

"Quake Fist!" Boboiboy Quake said then started punching me simultaneously. His last punch threw me up in air above. From up here Boboiboy's Thunderstorm appeared.

"Thunder Blade!" And he slash me with his attack. I was suppose to fall down but Boboiboy Cyclone suddenly appeared next to me. Still in his arms were the girl, seems like she's ok. I'm glad.

"Cyclone Drill!" That was it. My conscious started to fade but nevertheless I'm still happy that the kid wasn't hurt.


Third Person's POV

"Are you ok Miss?" Boboiboy Quake ask when Boboiboy Cyclone settle her down on the group. "I'm fine... " she said.

Boboiboy Thunderstorm and Boboiboy Cyclone merge back to Boboiboy Quake revealing the real Boboiboy in front of her. "What were they trying to do to you?" he ask.

"Um.. Who are you?" She ask.

"I'm Boboiboy. I'm the one who save you earlier"

"No you're not. The one who 'save' me were three little boys that shockingly have identical faces as your's. With different theme colors that separate them from one another" she said.

"But they were me. You even witness them merging back to me." Boboiboy said. "If you insist then I'll believe whatever floats your boat" she said.

"It's true"

"And furthermore... They or rather 'you' didn't really save me at all since the three of us were just playing together."

"You call that playing? They might've done something awful to you" he said. "Boboiboy, correct?" she ask which Boboiboy nod.

"Listen attentively." she said. Although her face doesn't seem to say it but Boboiboy's pretty sure she meant business. She then lean on the boy's ear to whisper her words.

"I wouldn't be playing with such 'dangerous people' if I didn't know how to defend myself. And because of your meddling I need to find another suitable 'toy' to play with" for some reasons Boboiboy shiver in fright by her words. Something about this kid seems dark and evil.

She back away from Boboiboy then started walking away from him. Boboiboy who seem paralyzed called out to her again.

"Wait! What's your name?." he ask. The girl stop on her tracks, she didn't turn around to face him but she respond.

"Is it necessary for you to know my given name?"

"I gave you my name."

"Correction. You didn't gave me your name... you said it" she said. Making Boboiboy sweatdrop.

"But I did introduce myself, it's only fair if you tell me your name it return." he insist.

"Fair point."

"My name is.... "












"(Y/N)... "


A\N: Finally the protagonist has finally introduce herself, briefly that is.... also I don't know if you notice but in this chapter I didn't use the word 'kill' to eliminate someone (which is (Y/N) when Probe shot her) since this is a cartoon show for kids but I'm pretty sure teens and adults are reading this too so. However I did add up a dark scene which is not suitable for kids.

Kids don't do Manual Strangling! If you want to discipline someone... just kill them with love.


Shikakui- square in Japanese

Gurīnsukueaheddo - green square head in Japanese

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