Chapter 12: Class Time

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Third Person's POV

"Hi (F/N)!" Ying wave at the (E/C) eyed emotionless female who was busy reading a book on her seat. The female stop processing the words of her book to raise her head, seeing the black haired time manipulater going towards her seat. The young female's blank orbs meet with energetic blue as she, without any hint of expression, wave at the approaching girl.

"Hi... " Ying smiled at (F/N) as she took a seat besides her own. "I saw you with Hanna earlier. Where is she?" the (E/C) eyed female ask as she focuses her sight at the book she's reading.

"Duty calls. Hanna left earlier to list some late students. She'll be back once she's finish." She responded.

"Is she like... the president of this class?"

"You could say that. She's also the president of all clubs, pretty cool huh?" She said, making the (H/C) haired girl to hum in understatement. Although her attention is mostly focus on her book, she was still listening intently at every word Ying spoke. Stopping once in a while to give a decent respond.

It was still early so the girl with black haired twin tails decided to have some chit chat with her new friend. "What are you reading (F/N)?" she ask, trying to look over the tittle of the book but the time manipulating female failed to read it's words, noticing the different letters of foreign words on it's front. Somehow, this successfully took (F/N)'s attention as she face the black haired superhero.

"Oh this? It's famous novel called 'A Hero Of Time' by Mikhail Lermontov. It's a pretty interest story. Wanna read it?" she ask, showing the page she's currently reading. Grabbing the book, Ying's blue orbs scan over the words, as quick as lightning, a frown immediately took place at her facade.

"You read this? No. Do you even understand it?" she ask in disbelief, showing the page full of unidentified letters that she couldn't comprehend. The female just raise one of her brow at her reaction before she spoke once again. "... Yes?" Her words came out like a question rather than an answer but it was enough to amaze the glasses wearing female.

"That's so cool! What language is this?"

She pause for a moment before answering her question. "It's Russian. It's one of the best novels there is." She said while adjusting her glasses.

"When it comes to novels, Russia's considered one of the best countries who provides best selling novels during the time of both World War 1 and 2. Russia rivals most, if not, all countries when it's come to fine literature. I've read a lot of novels and I'm quite impress."

"You speak Russian?" Ask Ying to which the (E/C) eyed female nod.

"You could say... I love learning a lot of things, including languages. Whenever we move to another country, I always prepare myself. I spend days reading and learning other country's culture, traditions, languages. That's why I can fluently speak your Bahasa Melayu with ease."

To be honest, the black haired time manipulater never thought of (F/N) as the transfer student. The first time she laid her blue eyes on her figure, she thought she's just a kid who's passing by. In her point of view, she doesn't look Korean at all, and for a fact that she speaks their language so fluently makes it difficult to think that she's a Korean transfer student at all. "No wonder... "

"... --ver got the chance to explore the island. So when I do, I might gonna aim for the book store first. I heard Malaysian literature are great and I can't wait to read one... especially Tan Twan Eng's both The Gift of Rain and The Garden of Evening Mists or The Rice Mother by Rani Manicka." In the midst of talking, Ying observe the way her eyes sparkle in excitement at the given topics. Somehow it makes her more attractive than she use to be. "Just talking about it... makes me excited." She said while gazing upon the book she's holding. Ying saw the tiny smile that was adoring her features.

Ying always notice she never smile or even grin during the past week, but when Boboiboy pat her head yesterday, it's like magic when her usual straight lips raise up to form one pure smile. It was so genuine. Seeing her smiling was entirely new but Ying wishes to see more of it. And she's sure a certain boy hero will too.

"You really like reading don't you?" Ying ask. Facing the glasses wearing female beside her, her smile was immediately replace with her usual straight ones. "Is it boring?" she ask. The question took Ying by surprise, bewildered she ask her back. "No, what makes you say that?"

"Normally people find books dull and uninteresting. I find their opinions offensive... It makes me angry." However, instead of showing frustration or annoyed emotions like normal people, the female with (E/C) hair continues to express no emotion at all, but her eyes tells a different story. For a moment, the twin tailed female saw a glimpse of dark and emptiness through her optics but it was gone the moment (F/N) blink her eyes.

Ying definitely understand her feelings. She too, finds it annoying when people don't value books anymore and continue to disregard them as unimportant. "What? But I find books interesting! I'm not as passionate as you are but me and Yaya both love books."

"Really?… " she ask.

"Mm. Really!" she nod her head.

"Wait, speaking of Hanna… " Ying move her head to look over the window, checking if her girl best friend was still busy on her duty at the front gates. The female confirm her thoughts when she saw Yaya guarding the entrance.

But that's not all what she saw.

Her peripheral vision caught a glimpse of a certain boy hero staring at Ying's direction, more specifically, staring the person beside Ying. Noticing he had been caught, Boboiboy immediately avert his eyes at the written text on his book, pretending to read the words of his English textbook. Knowing the meaning behind his stare, Ying's lips form into a small smirk as she face the (E/C) eyed female beside her.

"Hey (F/N)!" she said. She made sure to increase the volume of her voice, loud enough for Boboiboy to hear their conversation.

"Hm?… "

"Ever had a crush before?" she ask. For a second, the female pondered at the given question at hand. She face front and place her hand at her chin in a thinking manner. "Hm... crush, a strong feeling of romantic love or fondness for someone that is usually not expressed and does not last a long time also known as infatuation... " Facing the black haired time manipulater, she shook her head no.

"Nope. Never had one."

Ying's smirk flatten at her answer, she raise a bow then ask "How come?". (F/N) only shook her, "The possibility of me having crushes to the opposite gender is down to 0.9% or lower because I... " she pause for a moment, searching for the right word without revealing her real reason to complete her sentence. "… I... I'm not really interested." she said.

'Oh no.' Ying took a glance at Boboiboy's direction only to see him hanging his head down, trying to focus the book however Ying immediately took notice the downcast look on Boboiboy's face. Crestfallen or downhearted, Ying couldn't predict the right word for Boboiboy's current facial expression, but she's certainly sure he's dejected about what (F/N) just said.

'He really do likes (F/N).'

"Ok… but is there a slight chance of you liking someone?" She ask again. The female pondered for a moment before opening her mouth to speak. "I… " (F/N) was quickly cut off when she heard the earsplitting noise from the school bell, indicating the whole school for class.

Just in time, five figures emerge inside the classroom and went to their respective seats. (F/N) was unfamiliar with the other two, but she instantly recognize Gopal, Fang and Hanna together with them. "Everyone the teacher's here!" Hanna announce, very one of them sat quietly at their seats while waiting patiently for their teacher.


At the peaceful hall of Rintis Island Primary School, a figure of a man was happily humming to an addicting song while walking towards his destination.

"Hit you with that Ddu-Du Ddu-Du Du~" During his walk, he tried to imitate the hand gesture of the four swag female dancing on the video he saw from YouTube but failed miserably and just made up his owns steps.

"#Cookie Jar! Oh oh oh~
Put your hand in the cookie jar~ " Passing by some classroom, the man continues to dance weirdly while walking, some students sweat drop at his silly behavior but nonetheless he still continues to dance, not minding the looks burning from behind him.

"Neko ya neko ya neko ya (superstar!)~" (naekkeoya naekkeoya naekkeoya (superstar!))

Approaching the familiar doors of his classroom, he did one last pose of his little dance before straightening his self and entering the room of his first subject. Seeing the figure approaching his desk, Hanna raise from her seat and said, "Everyone, stand up!" All of them did as they were told.

"Morning Teacher... of the Truth!" Hanna said while performing his teacher's signature hand pose whenever the said man entered the room. The students all raise up and imitate their president, all except one. The (H/C) haired female was confuse at their greeting to the older man as she hesitantly stand up and copy their gestures. "Good morning my students! Have a seat!" he said, all the students oblige to his request and sat comfortably on their chairs. Out of the sudden, Gopal raise his hand to get his teacher's attention; "Yes Gopal?" the man ask.

"Teacher Papa where have you been the all this time? You were gone for the a whole week."

"Yeah! We didn't see you at Tok Aba's shop either." Ying said.

"And your house was lock too." Hanna said.

Chuckling, the man settle his things at his table and face his students. "My young students... Justice went on a vacation with Mama Zila!" he said.

"It was our anniversary last week!, so I decided to take a week off and spend my time with her to a far away place!"

"Ohh~ So where did you went Teacher?" Suzy ask. Papa Zola pose one of his dramatic pose before speaking, "Where else? Justice went TOOOOOOOO....

KOREA!" (F/N) covers her ears because of her teacher's unusual booming voice. 'Is he normally this loud?'

"Eh Korea? Isn't that (F/N)'s home country?" whispered one of the students beside him. "I'm impress to see wonderful things in that place, there's lots of food, attraction and there's a lot of handsome men on TV too... but not as handsome as Justice of course!" The students sweat drop at his smug behaviour while facepalming. "Ah, by the way let me sing you these songs I heard, Fake Lo---!" Before the students can suffer from his earsplitting voice, Hanna stop the man from continuing his song by raising her hand, successfully getting Teacher Papa's attention. "Ahh, yes Hanna?"

"Teacher! There's a new student with us!" she said while pointing her pointy finger on the (H/C) haired girl from behind. "A new student you say?" he drift his sight at the direction Hanna's been pointing and set his eyes at the unfamiliar young girl at the very back of the classroom. The man examine the emotionless female first before setting a welcoming smile directed on the girl. "Ahh!, Will please kindly introduce yourself in front of the class?" He said, gesturing his hand on the front. (F/N) at first hesitate but she eventually raise from her seat and walk towards the front. Facing her classmates, she introduce herself once again, "Hi... My name is (F/N) and... I'm 10 years old and... I'm a girl."

'That's so obvious!' Everyone including Papa Zola thought.

"Any hobbies?" Teacher Papa ask.


"Anything else?"




"Eh? You consider studying as your hobby?" he ask, dumbfounded. Well it what strange for a young child to consider studying as their hobby, most would prefer dancing, singing, eating or sometimes collecting Barbie doll collections but (F/N)... she's definitely a big definition of different.

She said, "Well I love studying sir... "

"My... That's a good one. Students should really set you as a good example! A role model to be exact...  Usually my students never listen to me." His whispers the last part, low enough for the emotionless girl to hear. "Anything else besides studying?" he ask again. The (H/C) haired student pondered on the question for a few seconds before speaking, "I love cooking... baking... and cleaning... I guess "

"Now that really reminded me of my perfect wife... " the man mutters.

"So (F/N), from now on, I will be your teacher in Mathematics and Physical Education. I am Papa Zola, but you can called me Teacher Papa or just Papa Zola... OF THE TRUTH!" His once booming voice return once again, resulting in the stoic girl to flinch in respond.

"If that is what you wish... Teacher Papa... " she said.

"You may now take your seat." The latter oblige at his request and calmly walk to her designated seat. "Sooo... back to our topic! Let me sing you this awesome some!"

"What is Lov!-- "

"Teacher!!!" the students, excluding (F/N), shouted angrily before they can hear another one of his ear wrenching voice.

While the students glared intensely at the nervous wretch Papa Zola, the man just sheepishly laugh at their reactions to somehow ease the tension. "E-hehe~… Ah… Let's start that lesson now, shall we? Hehehe… " he said.

A\N: Light appeared in Episode 23, then Solar appeared in Episode 24. Boboiboy... Monsta... are you trying kill to us? 😂😂😂 We fangirls couldn't help the excitement, ya' know? So am I the only obsessive fangirl that notice Boboiboy Light/Solar acts so serious (he's more serious than Lightning and scarier than Fire but still sexy as fudge, in my opinion) in the episode rather than cool and swag like in the fan fiction on Wattpad? When I started this story, Of course I need some background check on each characters that's why I search about Solar on Wikia, it said that...

"According to Nizam Razak, each of the two BoBoiBoy Forms will be polar opposites: BoBoiBoy Thunderstorm as aggressive and fierce while BoBoiBoy Cyclone as cheerful and happy; BoBoiBoy Fire as hot-tempered while BoBoiBoy Water as calm. Since BoBoiBoy Thorn is naïve and takes things literally, it is likely that BoBoiBoy Solar is smart and wise."

And another...

So when I started reading some boboiboyxreader... most of Solar's part were like cool and the selfie-type of guy which totally confuse me, even in fan arts he's always holding a phone and looks like the type of guy that is lighthearted (pun not intended). I freaking don't know him yet, he could be a combination of cool (in wattpad) and smart (according to Wikipedia), it is possible though. He still remains a mystery though, among the Boboiboy Elements he's the most mysterious type of element. Monsta even confirmed Light/Solar as the 'strongest' form of Boboiboy... like what? And here I thought Lightning/Thunderstorm was the strongest... but then again according to Boboiboy Magazine, Boboiboy considers Lightning/Thunderstorm as his 'most furious form' so Light/Solar is the strongest? Arrgggg! I'm confuse!

Once season 2 will air on youtube, I'm soooo gonna stalk that calculative Light!

Sorry if I take things so seriously, I'm just confuse about his character cuz' I need this for the story, but I can't deny that I'm lovin' him already. 😂😂😂 By the way, have you seen that guy in Episode 24 with blonde noodle hair? 😂😂😂 I can't stop looking at his hair!

So... Season 1 is now over... what to do with my life? Edit this book? Guess so, so... HELP ME PLEASE! Just point them out and I'll correct that stupid grammar of mine. I can correct my own grammar, just point them out and we'll be friends lol.

Anyways, this is the last chapter for the month of June (which is late). And while you're at it, I'm going to write a "Q and A" chapter. In this chapter, I'm going to answer your questions regarding the book or questions you have for me. So all ya' gotta do is comment your questions. You can ask 1,3, or even 5 questions and I'll happily answer them. EXPECT this question: When's the next update? or something similar to that question.

If you haven't guess my schedule in updating chapters then... observe. It's actually pretty obvious if you ask me. Just observe, and you'll immediately notice it. I guarantee you, you'll never ask about it ever again.

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Twitter: @Boboiboy

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